
Nov 11, 2007
Why can’t these communist democrats win on their own merit? Seems as if they always need a little “help”.
You should fuc king talk supporting a neo-Nazi fascist who tried to forcibly try to overturn the results of the 2020

Election and citing and insurrection to do so on January 6th of 2021!!

Is that what you call "legal??"

Nov 11, 2007
Sav works for China :) he's smarter than this crap he believes, Knock! I'd never sale my soul to the devil but that's me!!!
No actually I work for Phil Steele and Northcoast, and my bashing and exposing them for all of these years is all "part of the

plan" for Phil Steele to be devolututoned as the next POTUS!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I will leave it to you to decide what it says about someone who draws conclusions from what a convicted felon says!!

Pretty soon this will apply to Trump also!!

Yet you and the borderline retard are now interested in what Michael Cohen has to say .

Nov 11, 2007
So far today what I see in the posts are simply more examples of desperation, denial, fear, worry and attempts to change the

subject from Trump back to casting doubts and pointing fingers at the alleged and imagined fraud for the 2020 Election!!

This is actually quite understandable for anyone who has been around life for a while and understands human nature and who thus

realizes that just about all of us at one time in our lives have been confronted with nasty situations in our own

lives which at the beginning are just too painful to admit that it really happening !!

Our first reaction is to simply deny it and/or if that doesn't get the job done, then to try on both a conscious and conscious

level to change the topic in our minds to something that is a bit more pleasant to think about for a while and push

the sinister news to the background!!

Eventually though as reality sets in, we realize that what we have done is essentially nothing more than putting a few small items

in front of homes and hoping that it will prevent the effects and damage of a hurricane with torrential rains and 150

miles and hour winds that are about to hit is head-on!!

This is exactly how I perceive the REAL sentiments, fear and worry in this thread as it regards Trump for the last few weeks,

and is increasing in intensity each day commensurate with his date with destiny approaches which is now getting closer and

closer with no way to avoid it!!

Back sometime after the market opens!!

Nov 11, 2007
Eric Trump’s argument is “just so absurd,” O’Brien told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. “Eric Trump does not have callouses on his hand. Eric Trump has never labored in the hot sun on a highway making sure it’s smooth, the driveway going to Bedminister or wherever else he’s talking about.”

It “sort of highlights the fact that in a family full of people who dissemble and are profoundly unsophisticated and ignorant, Eric Trump is unusually ignorant and unusually unsophisticated,” O’Brien added.

O’Brien further noted the former president didn’t attend court during the testimony of either of his sons. His daughter Ivanka Trump will take the stand next week.

“Good job, dad,” O’Brien snarked. “You’ve led your children through life teaching them that they can try to get by on spin and they can try to get by on falsehoods but at the end of the day you’re going to be left alone like everyone around Donald Trump is because loyalty is a one-way street in the Trump universe and he’s even leaving his son hanging here.”

Eric Trump was “the worst witness you could ever have,” said O’Brien. “Even among his siblings [he] was routinely derided as being incapable and a bit of a doofus.”

Something tells me that if it was possible, Trump would have asked God for a replacement son for Eric because he is so stupid and

because he just is incapable of and doesn't fit in well with the overall "fine tradition" that Trump and the other family members

do things!! lol
Aug 17, 2019
HATE is an evil emotion, an irrational emotion, but also an incredibly STUPID emotion.

HATE closes to your mind to different points of view, which stunts intellectual growth and just an overall better understanding of how things and the world work.


HATE makes you DUMBER.

Evil and stupid go hand in hand.

Now, multiply that effect by 1000x when all your irrational HATE is focused on and obsessed with ONE MAN 24/7. 🤡

Imagine how low your IQ would have to be then...

Then imagine how easy it would be for anyone to lead you down the garden path..

Think about it..

Tards continue to get dumber by the day!

Stupid is at an all-time low!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
But, but, but, but...

The Fake News told us it's a "horse pill" 🤡

After President Trump publicly announced he was taking it, the Deep State Big Pharma industrial complex went BALLISTIC and didn't know how respond.

When this Operation is over and much is revealed, I have a strong feeling ALL media outlets are going under. Either sued under, shut down or rendered completely irrelevant and obsolete as the people will have nothing but contempt for them... how badly they were lied to on...EVERYTHING.

Remember Elon Musk has all but said this will happen.

Nov 11, 2007
But, but, but, but...

The Fake News told us it's a "horse pill" 🤡

After President Trump publicly announced he was taking it, the Deep State Big Pharma industrial complex went BALLISTIC and didn't know how respond.

When this Operation is over and much is revealed, I have a strong feeling ALL media outlets are going under. Either sued under, shut down or rendered completely irrelevant and obsolete as the people will have nothing but contempt for them... how badly they were lied to on...EVERYTHING.

Remember Elon Musk has all but said this will happen.
The FACT is that Trump pumped the COVID vaccine, received them himself, and bragged about getting it to

the public in "warp speed" as a HUGE part of his 2020 campaign!

He also advocated initially that everyone become vaccinated before trying to weasel his way out of it for political purposes!!

Perhaps you should consult a physician, joey, to ensure that you are not in the early stages of dementia!!

Nov 11, 2007
And speaking of going under..

Rasmussen poll: A stunning 42% of Americans would likely join a class action lawsuit against COVID vax makers if it was permitted by law
Speaking of polls, last I checked 2/3 of the people polled stated that they don't believe that your perceived deity Donald Trump should

be a candidate for POTUS!!

Nov 11, 2007

I wonder if Daddy suggested to her that if she offered to "put out" for whoever makes the decision on the appeals court,

she might get a more favorable ver"dick" ruling on her behalf!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You'll never guess who was working behind the scenes to craft Biden's woke executive order on AI. Just kidding, you already guessed it.

You'll never guess who has been running the show in the Biden White House and who, essentially, wrote the woke executive order on AI regulation this week.

It's none other than former President Barack Hussein Obama!


You mean to tell me that Joe Biden didn't write that entire pro-diversity, woke, anti-racist AI regulation himself? Are you telling me Joe Biden doesn't have the mental capacity to do that himself?

For the ONLY time during Joe Biden's presidency, the former two-term President has gotten involved in policy. He's NEVER done this before.

Obama has been working for five months with tech people and the White House, essentially running the entire show when it comes to the AI issue, and it was Obama who came up with the woke plan to regulate AI.
It's the first time Biden has tapped his former boss to help shape a key policy initiative, aides said, and he did it because Obama shares his views on the issue and brings a certain heft that could help move the process along quickly.
"You have to move fast here, not at normal government pace or normal private-sector pace, because the technology is moving so fast," White House chief of staff Jeff Zients recalled Biden saying. "We have to move as fast, or ideally faster. And we need to pull every lever we can."
Right. Right. Right.

This is the FIRST time Biden has asked Obama for help.​


The AI industry leaders were reluctant to support this sort of regulation, but Obama came in and put the squeeze on them.
Obama was particularly helpful in laying the groundwork for tech companies to voluntarily sign on to have their AI models pressure-tested before they're released to the public, Biden and Obama aides said. Part of his approach was to urge industry leaders to consider risks beyond national security, including information integrity, bias and discrimination.
The tech companies weren't about to go against the anointed one, Barack Obama. They could have said no to Biden, but that Obama magic really worked on them.

Of course, this is an NBC story so, out of absolutely nowhere, in the middle of the story, they stick this in:
The White House is particularly worried about the role AI could play in amplifying misinformation around key elections.
Already, former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner in the 2024 presidential race, is amplifying baseless conspiracy theories that imply Obama is somehow secretly still in power, for which there is no evidence.
"We need to regulate AI because of the election! Also, Trump is LYING about Obama being involved in the White House."

Literally stuck that in the middle of a story about Obama running the show.

Yeah, sure NBC, we believe you.

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