
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
HATE is an evil emotion, an irrational emotion, but also an incredibly STUPID emotion.

HATE closes to your mind to different points of view, which stunts intellectual growth and just an overall better understanding of how things and the world work.


HATE makes you DUMBER.

Evil and stupid go hand in hand.

Now, multiply that effect by 1000x when all your irrational HATE is focused on and obsessed with ONE MAN 24/7. 🤡

Imagine how low your IQ would have to be then...

Then imagine how easy it would be for anyone to lead you down the garden path..

Think about it..

Nov 11, 2007
HATE is an evil emotion, an irrational emotion, but also an incredibly STUPID emotion.

HATE closes to your mind to different points of view, which stunts intellectual growth and just an overall better understanding of how things and the world work.


HATE makes you DUMBER.

Evil and stupid go hand in hand.

Now, multiply that effect by 1000x when all your irrational HATE is focused on and obsessed with ONE MAN 24/7.

Imagine how low your IQ would have to be then...

Think about it..
Aside from your standard weak begging the question and poisoning the well, conversely, you cannot tell us why you LOVE Trump

nor can you contest or offer any evidence why even one of the 91 indictments against him is not true!!

And as usual, your inference/nonsequitur/illogic about how hate has any relation to one's IQ simply tells me

once again what an incredibly weak debater you are and you should have someone a lot brighter than you proofread

what you post before posting it!!

Nov 11, 2007
HATE is an evil emotion, an irrational emotion, but also an incredibly STUPID emotion.

HATE closes to your mind to different points of view, which stunts intellectual growth and just an overall better understanding of how things and the world work.


HATE makes you DUMBER.

Evil and stupid go hand in hand.

Now, multiply that effect by 1000x when all your irrational HATE is focused on and obsessed with ONE MAN 24/7. 🤡

Imagine how low your IQ would have to be then...

Then imagine how easy it would be for anyone to lead you down the garden path..

Think about it..
In addition to what I just posted, you also avoid all discussion of the real issue here such as Trump's guilt because imo you have

nothing to defend him, but rather try to divert attention to such matters as Trump's devolutions since you have been predicting

on almost daily basis since January of 2021 when Biden was indicted.

And worse, you obviously have no response to what I posted to you twice in the last 24 hours how flimsy, contradictory,

inconsistent, illogically and paradoxical your narrative about Trump being the acting CIC since January of 2021 and doing

zero/zilch, nada to prove it, while at the same time inferring that he is NOT the acting CIC but continuing to claim he is

going to be devolutioned!!

Perhaps you should examine your own IQ and just as importantly your inability to debate and the REAL reason why you

allegedly have me on ignore-it doesn't take a genius to figure out why!!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
HATE is an evil emotion, an irrational emotion, but also an incredibly STUPID emotion.

HATE closes to your mind to different points of view, which stunts intellectual growth and just an overall better understanding of how things and the world work.


HATE makes you DUMBER.

Evil and stupid go hand in hand.

Now, multiply that effect by 1000x when all your irrational HATE is focused on and obsessed with ONE MAN 24/7. 🤡

Imagine how low your IQ would have to be then...

Then imagine how easy it would be for anyone to lead you down the garden path..

Think about it..
Well put.

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed it.

You have it all ultra low iqanons.

Send the orange encrusted buffoon more money.

Of course you could send it to your dentist.


Soon,real soon.

Get ready for the return.

The stupid! It burns!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Nov 11, 2007
In case you missed it.

You have it all ultra low iqanons.

Send the orange encrusted buffoon more money.

Of course you could send it to your dentist.


Soon,real soon.

Get ready for the return.

The stupid! It burns!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
But yet while on the one hand sheriff joe claims we hate Trump, on the other hand, he won't tell us why he LOVES and DEIFIES

Trump, giving him a 100% pass/tacit approval on anything he says or does no matter how criminal, socially unacceptable and immoral it


Simply predicting over and over again that Trump is going to be devolutioned without any kind of justification for Trump's

criminality and his overall manner of conducting himself, simply tells me that sheriff joe is "not exactly" objective

in his opinion of Trump!!

His overall modus is one of a VERY disturbed individual who is barking up the wrong tree in order to get whatever

is left of his life on track!!

Feb 9, 2019
Lol, I'm not reading all that crap :) I give a rats ass what you believe forgive my language....I told you how I feel and who I'm voting....You believe in the left, don't waste my time with your brainwashed beliefs.......Again, you should be ashamed at your age but maybe stuck in a democratic city all your life :) I suggest going to get you a ar15 and prevent any democratic thugs from coming in your house.....your government is corrupt and you're just another follower savy :) again, I give a rats ass what your washed ass believes....You sound ignorant so you must be on the China payroll savy...................Debate, Lol......Trump gets my vote so move your ass to Canada when he wins and get out of our Country!!!! Your boy the mayor in NY offering 1 way tickets out, to where???? Your neighborhood or are you stuck in the city!!!! TRUMP 24!!!! Tempted to take your little $1000 on trump but see you're chicken shit to take Biden so tells me you believe nothing you print.....Why bet you, dems don't pay!!!! Save :) you're a aged out joke, go fishing this weekend :) relax that brainwashed mind :) what bone will they feed you next???? You couldn't pick games so turned to politics, a game you can't win in your corrupt administration.....what state were you raised in???? California???? Lol, just messing man......Ever tried weed or anything to make you chill or just load up on them government boosters :) let me go take another hit :) i figure we're about the same age :) I'm going to play poker all night I think but keep sweating Trump your next President :) damn life is Good :) Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
This profound post that I just alluded and which follows is just one example of too many too count that Sheriff joe wants no

part of me and has PRETENDED to put me on ignore as his EXCUSE not to respond.

Here you go:

"Once again you show your abject stupidity and inconsistency by posting non-sensical shit like this!!

On the one hand you keep telling us over and over again that Trump is the acting CIC and has been since Biden was inaugurated

in January of 2021 and as a backup that his devolution has been/is imminent one every day since Inauguration Day!!

But yet even with all that, there is a need to impeach Biden!!

Why the fu ck is this necessary??

I mean have to believe that some of those Republican lawmakers have to know!!

If this is not the case, can we assume that you are one of the very few insiders who are privy for reasons unknown

for that your claim is true and if so, why were you and for that matter sbd chosen to know this when virtually no one else does!!

In essence, all you are is a collector from Twitter who reads bs and random thoughts from QAnon and other attention-seeking

nothings and then simply posts them over here without considering the fact that by doing what you do and drawing

conclusions, but with no consideration of the fact that you have created nothing but a jigsaw puzzle where not even one

piece of the puzzle fits with another one, in the eyes of anyone just reasonably intelligent, you have corroborated what a dunce

you are!!

That's it for tonight!!

ps Please try to be a little more challenging from time because even though I derive pleasure in destroying you as I just

did, I much prefer posts from folks who unlike you offer a bit more than skin-deep responses which are in totality a

He has sense enough to not waste on another puppet :) Knock!

Nov 11, 2007
Lol, I'm not reading all that crap :) I give a rats ass what you believe forgive my language....I told you how I feel and who I'm voting....You believe in the left, don't waste my time with your brainwashed beliefs.......Again, you should be ashamed at your age but maybe stuck in a democratic city all your life :) I suggest going to get you a ar15 and prevent any democratic thugs from coming in your house.....your government is corrupt and you're just another follower savy :) again, I give a rats ass what your washed ass believes....You sound ignorant so you must be on the China payroll savy...................Debate, Lol......Trump gets my vote so move your ass to Canada when he wins and get out of our Country!!!! Your boy the mayor in NY offering 1 way tickets out, to where???? Your neighborhood or are you stuck in the city!!!! TRUMP 24!!!! Tempted to take your little $1000 on trump but see you're chicken shit to take Biden so tells me you believe nothing you print.....Why bet you, dems don't pay!!!! Save :) you're a aged out joke, go fishing this weekend :) relax that brainwashed mind :) what bone will they feed you next???? You couldn't pick games so turned to politics, a game you can't win in your corrupt administration.....what state were you raised in???? California???? Lol, just messing man......Ever tried weed or anything to make you chill or just load up on them government boosters :) let me go take another hit :) i figure we're about the same age :) I'm going to play poker all night I think but keep sweating Trump your next President :) damn life is Good :) Knock!
On my way out the door, you can rant and believe as you want.

As is the case with sheriff joe and sbd, begging the question and poisoning the well as your limited means of debating show

what you are and the perfect example of a lowlife Trump diehard supporter!!

Projecting your hopes, wishes and desires as to Trump's winning in 2024 and coming out of all of the indictments

and smelling like a rose are typical of the typical skin-deep level of thought of those of your ilk!!

I challenged you to a bet and you didn't take it-that's all you need to know!!

See you, LOSER!!

ps Say hi way to Wayne if you are in contact with him.

You two make a great pair!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Valet key and a few other "excellent controls in place" :cool:

Feb 9, 2019
Speaking of HATE..

Soros LAWFARE has no place in America!

TREASON! 👇 👇 👇

Hey Queen Letitia!

Enjoy your brief stay at Hotel Gitmo, compliments of Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall who can't wait to meet you.

Dems back these racist idiots.....Who fought to keep,slavery??? Who created abortion and the kkk??? Actually, all hate groups in America....The democratic party but now it's worst.... it's a cultural revolution, do your research......Trump is the only one who can stop it!!!! These idiots on the left can't figure why media and government hates Trump!!!! He's the only one I've seen for the people but most haven't a clue what that is.......We better be Thankful for the 2nd democrats want to take away.....It's the only reason we're a free country now but the left all of a sudden worships people like al Sharpton.....Biggest threat to America!!!! Democrats, not the White Man media and government says daily and America trust and eats it up...I can't find any videos of white terrorists like the preach, AL damn sharpton!!!! Why waste time on a worthless democrat???? Don't you love messing with the left :) makes me laugh Watching them protest in the cities :) Knock!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump mentions THE PAUSE again!

Translation - The Operation to Save the World was PUT ON PAUSE, a 4 YEAR PAUSE ("Biden")….

To show how bad the Deep State is, in order to win over the hearts and minds of citizens to avert a civil war and take down the Deep State Cabal.

People were simply not ready for "What Had to be Done!"

We’re ready NOW!

Read between the lines.

Once you know all the Laws and Orders, CIC Trump's comms are a breeze.

Sep 12, 2022
HATE is an evil emotion, an irrational emotion, but also an incredibly STUPID emotion.

HATE closes to your mind to different points of view, which stunts intellectual growth and just an overall better understanding of how things and the world work.


HATE makes you DUMBER.

Evil and stupid go hand in hand.

Now, multiply that effect by 1000x when all your irrational HATE is focused on and obsessed with ONE MAN 24/7. 🤡

Imagine how low your IQ would have to be then...

Then imagine how easy it would be for anyone to lead you down the garden path..

Think about it..
Wow. That earlier meme described Salvage and the Tards perfectly and SO DOES THIS. They aren't motivated by truth at all, but purely from hate. Amazingly accurate.

Nov 11, 2007
He has sense enough to not waste on another puppet :) Knock!
Your posts read like that of an alcoholic and/or illiterate, ie one scattered and random thought, and then

another which has zero relationship to what you posted in the sentence before.

In short, you are no challenge the same as sbd and sheriff to whom I am what kryptonite is to Superman!!

ps Do you agree with what sbd and sheriff joe have been predicting since Biden's Inauguration in January of 2021

on a daily basis that Trump's devolution is IMMINENT or are you smart to believe that absolute delusional bullshit!!

You can always do what Lenny Lenbo does when I ask them the question, namely refuse to answer it and/or run a
Trump mentions THE PAUSE again!

Translation - The Operation to Save the World was PUT ON PAUSE, a 4 YEAR PAUSE ("Biden")….

To show how bad the Deep State is, in order to win over the hearts and minds of citizens to avert a civil war and take down the Deep State Cabal.

People were simply not ready for "What Had to be Done!"

We’re ready NOW!

Read between the lines.

Once you know all the Laws and Orders, CIC Trump's comms are a breeze.

Trump mentions THE PAUSE again!

Translation - The Operation to Save the World was PUT ON PAUSE, a 4 YEAR PAUSE ("Biden")….

To show how bad the Deep State is, in order to win over the hearts and minds of citizens to avert a civil war and take down the Deep State Cabal.

People were simply not ready for "What Had to be Done!"

We’re ready NOW!

Read between the lines.

Once you know all the Laws and Orders, CIC Trump's comms are a breeze.

Oh I get it-the latest way you have figured out to get away with your lies, delusions and the other bullshit you post is to introduce

the new term/twist "four-year pause" in order to try to move the goalposts out again rather than admit that your statements

and predictions have failed miserably rather than admit they are composed of incoherent, inconsistent, contradictory

and paradoxical pieces of non-fitting pieces of puzzle of bullshit!!

As is the case with sbd, whose thread you have usurped, I strongly advise you that if you are ever start a thread of your own

and/or decide to enter an already existing thread you check and see who your potential adversaries are unless

you truly want to get beaten to a pulp by folks like yours truly!!

Nov 11, 2007
Speaking of HATE..

Soros LAWFARE has no place in America!

TREASON! 👇 👇 👇

Hey Queen Letitia!

Enjoy your brief stay at El Hotel Gitmo, compliments of Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall who can't wait to meet you.

Sorry "friend," you can't pick in George Soros because according to sbd and you, he was executed at GITMO two or three

years ago!!

Neex please!! lol

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