
Nov 11, 2007
Have you found that trump lost????

91 felonies.





Soon, real soon.

Lost by 8 million votes.

Lost by 8 million votes.

Lost by 8 million votes.

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
People like Lenny who have tunnel vision and have perennially 24/7/365 rose-colored blinkers on when evaluating

Trump sure as hell are not in a position to cast stones at others because he considers a minor slip-up in polling

data in the same league!!

I would equate this in its importance/significance relatively speaking to someone who once a year forgets what day it is to someone

who has full-blown dementia and who is lucky if he knows his name let alone what day or year it is!!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
The studies and proof is coming out the Covid vaccines cause damage to the heart. Litigation lawsuits looming.

New research out of Germany observing rat and human heart cells shows that within 48 hours of vaccination, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines form spike proteins.


Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
This is an abstract of a peer reviewed study and is fully accepted. The information comes out prior to editing due to the nature of importance of getting this out. Look for resignations from both Pfizer and Moderna soon. May lead to possible criminal prosecution.

Conclusions and Implications​

Here we demonstrated for the first time, that in isolated cardiomyocytes, both mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 induce specific dysfunctions that correlate pathophysiologically to cardiomyopathy. Both RyR2 impairment and sustained PKA activation may significantly increase the risk of acute cardiac events.

Sep 12, 2022
Not sure why this isn’t getting much traction. Mainstream may still be under the spell of say nothing and you don’t get sued intimidation.

The FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market and big pharma can now be sued for vaccine damages. The vaccine was adulterated and wasn’t disclosed to the regulatory authorities. This is a major violation! The FDA will now have to come up with some kind of coverup lie to abstain from liability but that may be difficult since a document trail between Pfizer and Moderna to the FDA exists that may show they knew.

With everything going on in the world just keep this in the back of your minds in the coming days.

This is interesting. The Tards who took the jab should immediately sue for damages since it obviously caused them to experience mental illness.
Sep 12, 2022
As we prepare to call it a night and lay down to sleep, we do so with comfort, knowing that we have moved one day closer to TRUMP IN 2024!!!!


Nothing can stop what is coming.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You really have to wonder about the IQ level of weak submissive males whose earning power doesn't exceed $8/hr. Day after day they wilfully bang their heads against the wall believing the Fake News.

They have no idea how deep the manipulation, infiltration and indoctrination goes.

Fooled by "Russian Collusion"
Fooled by Trump's taxes
Fooled by "Climate Change"
Fooled by the Keebler Elf and his scamdemic
Fooled by "81 million votes"
Fooled by "Chinese balloons"
Fooled by fake wars
Fooled by Dick in Drag's SteeringWheelGate
Fooled by a fake president and CIC Trump's devolution
Fooled by fake indictments

The list goes on and on...

When Pete Townshend of The Who wrote "Won't Get Fooled Again" he definitely did not have our pitiful trolls and tards in mind.

Who wants to tell them nobody will ever spoonfeed them the truth?


Lions, not sheep!

Nov 11, 2007
What a bunch of fu king wimps/sissies in this thread that are scared of everything because someone says something about the vaccine or

anything else.

I am older than anyone in this thread and at the top or close to it in the entire forum!!

Back to the main point.

I have heard this conspiratorial bullshit and dire predictions in one form or another other for my entire life including as a kid, with the best

example being those Jehovah's Witnesses who came knocking on my home back then and still continue to do so!!

My scholarly and well-educated mom made mincemeat out of their arguments that the end was near(and still allegedly is)

and one had better repent now or they would be lost!!

After several visits of letting them in the home, she got bored with hearing the same shit over and over again and politely told them not

to come back!!

Much of what is posted in this thread is the same garbage most notably Trump's devolution is imminent which we have heard from sbd

and sheriff joe on a daily basis since January of 2021 when Biden was inaugurated!!

Back to the main point, all I can say is that if you are scared that you will die if you et the Covid Vaccine and/or want to play Paul

Revere, go right ahead!!

I assure you that when people make their decision whether or not to get the Vaccine or the booster, they are not going to make it

based on what some insignificant posted in a chat forum says based on what he heard from someone else!!

The best advice I can offer to these folks is not only not to get vaccinated, but don't leave your homes where you might

breathe something, that will cause you to die, or get killed in a car crash, perish when a plane crashes,

don't eat in any restaurant because the people who cook or serve it might have some kind of highly

contagious disease and/or that the cook or chef might be a mass murderer who might try to poison you!!

I strongly suggest that these folks crawl under their bed and hide for their entire day and certainly never to

leave their homes for any conditions because of what I alluded to above and a lot more!!

Nov 11, 2007
You really have to wonder about the IQ level of weak submissive males whose earning power doesn't exceed $8/hr. Day after day they wilfully bang their heads against the wall believing the Fake News.

They have no idea how deep the manipulation, infiltration and indoctrination goes.

Fooled by "Russian Collusion"
Fooled by Trump's taxes
Fooled by "Climate Change"
Fooled by the Keebler Elf and his scamdemic
Fooled by "81 million votes"
Fooled by "Chinese balloons"
Fooled by fake wars
Fooled by Dick in Drag's SteeringWheelGate
Fooled by a fake president and CIC Trump's devolution
Fooled by fake indictments

The list goes on and on...

When Pete Townshend of The Who wrote "Won't Get Fooled Again" he definitely did not have our pitiful trolls and tards in mind.

Who wants to tell them nobody will ever spoonfeed them the truth?

View attachment 76830
Lions, not sheep!
I just responded to this before I read this-no need to repeat and especially to Captain Queeg aka sheriff joe also referred to

as paranoid sheriff joe!!


Nov 11, 2007
Good take. They would clearly have a case. I volunteer my help in being a witness to their mental incapacitation.
If anything the vaccine caused it acute mental awareness and an increased ability to destroy clueless folks like yourself in

this thread!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
🤡"The Dollar Is Strong" 🤡 Update

The Dollar has lost 17% of its purchasing power in the last 3 years

And that is if you believe the CPI is accurate. Most people know they are intentionally underreporting inflation. So the loss in purchasing power is actually far greater than 17%.

Is your salary up 25% in the past 3 years? If not, you are probably poorer, thanks to our unconstitional, corrupt, fake money printing financial system.


Stupid people post stupid things.

Listening to them not only will make you dumber and more ignorant, eventually it will cost you $$$.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Can you even imagine how brainwashed one has to be to see their "cost of living" bills continue to go up and up , their bank accounts to get lower and lower

YET , at the same time can STILL repeat that "Dollar is Strong" propaganda

"we cant eat, but but but Tv say dolla strong"

Nov 11, 2007
Before I retire for the evening, I decided to go back in time once again and find a song that fits the occasion, in this case

the paranoid and psychotic ravings of sheriff joe that the boogieman is out there, in facts lots of boogiemen out ther, whose

sole intent is to destroy our personal lives if not kill us!!

In honor of sheriff joe, I dedicate this song to him, as a pioneer in this thread as well as sbd who started warning us three and a half

years ago that bad things were/are imminent and to take extreme caution and if necessary to shoot first and ask questions later!!

Here you go:


Nov 11, 2007
Can you even imagine how brainwashed one has to be to see their "cost of living" bills continue to go up and up , their bank accounts to get lower and lower

YET , at the same time can STILL repeat that "Dollar is Strong" propaganda

"we cant eat, but but but Tv say dolla strong"
And yet lots of these people are the same who bitch and complain that they can't make ends meet because of the high

costs somehow find a way to piss away many hundreds of millions or even billions in lottery tickets!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
BoxCutterGate 👇 👇 👇

Remember, middle eastern men used "box cutters" - "BOX CUTTERS!! Not guns, $5 utility knives! - to hijack multiple airplanes and not a single passenger stopped them! Not even Patriot MAGA types. Everyone just meekly sat in their seats like frightened little lambs and let the terrorists do their thing!

From there, the story gets even loopier...


After all the recently exposed government lies, who still believes this nonsense? Any if it!

If the world had social media back in 2001, this lemon never would have worked. And Anons and digital soldiers would have called it, "BoxCutterGate"
Aug 17, 2019
BoxCutterGate 👇 👇 👇

Remember, middle eastern men used "box cutters" - "BOX CUTTERS!! Not guns, $5 utility knives! - to hijack multiple airplanes and not a single passenger stopped them! Not even Patriot MAGA types. Everyone just meekly sat in their seats like frightened little lambs and let the terrorists do their thing!

From there, the story gets even loopier...

View attachment 76839

After all the recently exposed government lies, who still believes this nonsense? Any if it!

If the world had social media back in 2001, this lemon never would have worked. And Anons and digital soldiers would have called it, "BoxCutterGate"

Safe to say that tards still do!

After all, they STILL believe ballots are votes.

They saved humanity by standing in line for the shots and boosters.

And that Chauvin killed George Floyd.

Nov 11, 2007

All I can say is that if you read nothing else I or for that matter posts today, read this if you want the best description of who and

what Trump is that is right up there with the best I have ever read.

Along the same lines, if you are fairly new to the thread and/or not familiar with the psyche of sbd, sheriff joe and their flunky

doctor flunky as well as Lenny Lenbo as well as the newcomers when it comes to white supremacy, racism and their neo-Nazi,

fascist views of how our country should be run, all you need to do is read this article because everything said in the article

about Trump applies to them also!!

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