
Nov 11, 2007
This provides a perfect explanation for the behavior of Salvage and the Tards. If they were truly interested in communicating the truth, they would do so in their own threads. That they have tried and failed, receiving no views, no replies, and no likes, is proof that they were never interested in pursuing the truth to begin with.

Had their threads contained even a semblance of truth, they would have been popular instead of failures. The reason why this particular thread is the most popular one in the entire history of this forum is because it began with the OP posting truth and was followed by other Patriots also posting the truth. Readers want truth, which is why they come here.

With Salvage and the Tards it's about drawing attention to themselves, not telling the truth - both of which are very feminine traits. They want people to ooh and ahh, but fail miserably because nothing they post has an ounce of truth to it.

Therefore, when their own threads failed, as they should have, they saw that this was the most popular forum thread and immediately jumped over and began posting, again to draw attention to themselves. Their efforts have backfired, however, because everyone here has put them on Ignore so nobody reads anything they post.

This is very feminine behavior on their part, borderline homosexual. They want attention, but they are incapable of recognizing or communicating truth. Hence, their feminine desire for drama and attention will never be satisfied.

This also explains why they are so jealous of President Trump. He demands the attention they so desperately seek for themselves. He represents the ultra-masculine male. They represent feminized males.

Poor, jealous Tards will go to their graves feeling miserable, having never once satisfied their feminine cravings for attention.
I see the Jack-in-the-Box posted something right after I posted something about him, and yet he claims that

he has me on ignore and has right along-ok right if you say so!! lol

And then right after that, sheriff joey hoey jumps into the fray, another LIAR who claims to have had me on ignore for some time

which I have already proved beyond a shadow of a doubt!!

Not only is that NOT a coincidence but the FACT is that whether it was sheriff joe, sbd or someone, it is a DOCUMENTED lie as it

is, you simply did not write that post because you don't have the intelligence or education to do so!!

Remember you are posting to a trained and experienced investigator who did this kind of stuff and a lot more for 34 years

and was very successful at it!!

In comparison to some of the cases I had to crack, your act rates on a scale of 2 from 1-10 with 10 being the most difficult to crack!!

Nov 11, 2007

This provides a perfect explanation for the behavior of Salvage and the Tards. If they were truly interested in communicating the truth, they would do so in their own threads. That they have tried and failed, receiving no views, no replies, and no likes, is proof that they were never interested in pursuing the truth to begin with.

Had their threads contained even a semblance of truth, they would have been popular instead of failures. The reason why this particular thread is the most popular one in the entire history of this forum is because it began with the OP posting truth and was followed by other Patriots also posting the truth. Readers want truth, which is why they come here.
You mean truth like 99.8% DOCUMENTED FAILED predictions and 100% when it comes to daily predictions that Trump's devolution
is imminent!! lol
With Salvage and the Tards it's about drawing attention to themselves, not telling the truth - both of which are very feminine traits. They want people to ooh and ahh, but fail miserably because nothing they post has an ounce of truth to it.
Actually we just have responded to YOUY attention seeking DOCUMENTED lies, delusions, imaginations and projections of

reality which are 100% detached from reality as IT EXISTS!!
Therefore, when their own threads failed, as they should have, they saw that this was the most popular forum thread and immediately jumped over and began posting, again to draw attention to themselves. Their efforts have backfired, however, because everyone here has put them on Ignore so nobody reads anything they post.
What threats failed exactly-show me a thread which I have started in the last few years that I have even started other than

my NC Records thread that at the moment is drawing close to 140 hits a day!!

Lets see the threads you started and how many hits there have been!! lol

Also, show me the proof that I am on ignore with everyoneor as I suspect pure projection on your part or just as likely

you are emotionally unable to deal with the fact that I continue to make fools out of you and the others because of superior

intelligence, education and most ability to debate!!
This is very feminine behavior on their part, borderline homosexual. They want attention, but they are incapable of recognizing or communicating truth. Hence, their feminine desire for drama and attention will never be satisfied.
I have been married to a loving wife for over 16 years!!

Can you say the same and/or are you "married" as I suspect to your right hand!!
This also explains why they are so jealous of President Trump. He demands the attention they so desperately seek for themselves. He represents the ultra-masculine male. They represent feminized males.
Most intelligent and objective people are not "jealous" of criminal, neo-Nazi/fascist,anti-Semitic pig!!

The ones who idolize him for the most part do say so because they are abject failures in life themselves and need to idolize

someone like Trump because in their minds he represents, power, money, bullying and in general all the things they would like

to be themselves rather than be the dreck they are that rest on the bottom of the totem pole as a successful human being!!
Poor, jealous Tards will go to their graves feeling miserable, having never once satisfied their feminine cravings for attention.
Nothing to say here other than it is a self-reflection that you are trying to project onto me because you are insanely

wildly jealous of my overall intelligence, education, profession, income and just as importantly to leave you trailing badly

in he dust when it comes to debating skills!!

Nov 11, 2007
You mean truth like 99.8% DOCUMENTED FAILED predictions and 100% when it comes to daily predictions that Trump's devolution
is imminent!! lol

Actually we just have responded to YOUY attention seeking DOCUMENTED lies, delusions, imaginations and projections of

reality which are 100% detached from reality as IT EXISTS!!

What threats failed exactly-show me a thread which I have started in the last few years that I have even started other than

my NC Records thread that at the moment is drawing close to 140 hits a day!!

Lets see the threads you started and how many hits there have been!! lol

Also, show me the proof that I am on ignore with everyoneor as I suspect pure projection on your part or just as likely

you are emotionally unable to deal with the fact that I continue to make fools out of you and the others because of superior

intelligence, education and most ability to debate!!

I have been married to a loving wife for over 16 years!!

Can you say the same and/or are you "married" as I suspect to your right hand!!

Most intelligent and objective people are not "jealous" of criminal, neo-Nazi/fascist,anti-Semitic pig!!

The ones who idolize him for the most part do say so because they are abject failures in life themselves and need to idolize

someone like Trump because in their minds he represents, power, money, bullying and in general all the things they would like

to be themselves rather than be the dreck they are that rest on the bottom of the totem pole as a successful human being!!

Nothing to say here other than it is a self-reflection that you are trying to project onto me because you are insanely

wildly jealous of my overall intelligence, education, profession, income and just as importantly to leave you trailing badly

in he dust when it comes to debating skills!!
Maybe you and/or sheriff joey hoey should wait at least another 10-15 minutes in order not to make it as obvious that you just did

that you are LYING beyond a SHERIFF of a doubt, oops I mean shadow of a doubt when you blatantly lie that you do

not read my posts!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007
This provides a perfect explanation for the behavior of Salvage and the Tards. If they were truly interested in communicating the truth, they would do so in their own threads. That they have tried and failed, receiving no views, no replies, and no likes, is proof that they were never interested in pursuing the truth to begin with.

Had their threads contained even a semblance of truth, they would have been popular instead of failures. The reason why this particular thread is the most popular one in the entire history of this forum is because it began with the OP posting truth and was followed by other Patriots also posting the truth. Readers want truth, which is why they come here.

With Salvage and the Tards it's about drawing attention to themselves, not telling the truth - both of which are very feminine traits. They want people to ooh and ahh, but fail miserably because nothing they post has an ounce of truth to it.

Therefore, when their own threads failed, as they should have, they saw that this was the most popular forum thread and immediately jumped over and began posting, again to draw attention to themselves. Their efforts have backfired, however, because everyone here has put them on Ignore so nobody reads anything they post.

This is very feminine behavior on their part, borderline homosexual. They want attention, but they are incapable of recognizing or communicating truth. Hence, their feminine desire for drama and attention will never be satisfied.

This also explains why they are so jealous of President Trump. He demands the attention they so desperately seek for themselves. He represents the ultra-masculine male. They represent feminized males.

Poor, jealous Tards will go to their graves feeling miserable, having never once satisfied their feminine cravings for attention.
Actually whoever wrote this for you has pretty good writing skills.

That said, in this instance, it means about as much as a good chef trying to prepare a delectable steak when the steak itself

is spoiled and rotten!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe you and/or sheriff joey hoey should wait at least another 10-15 minutes in order not to make it as obvious that you just did

that you are LYING beyond a SHERIFF of a doubt, oops I mean shadow of a doubt when you blatantly lie that you do

not read my posts!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You can come out now and post something without drawing any new suspicions!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
You can come out now and post something without drawing any new suspicions!! lol
Sorry-I didn't mean to scare you(dr. success and sheriff joey hoey) off with my comments to not post immediately after I post something

in order not to get caught in a lie about having me on ignore.

But seriously, sufficient time has passed so that you can PRETEND you are no reading my posts by posting but just be more careful

and keep in mind Inspector savage1 has a proven track record of 34 years professionally speaking and more if you count my

personal years in exposing, liars, frauds and cheaters like yourself!!

Nov 11, 2007
The only thing that the Trump Fellator Trio plus Lenny have going for them is that this forum is conservatively 90% made up of Trump

supporters and Republicans which allow the former to make failed predictions, see things that aren't there, project their

imagination, hopes, desires and lies and have the observers not to say anything and look the other way!!

In a forum and thread made up of 50-50 Democrats and Republicans, these folks would get pounded by a lot more folks

than just myself, wilbur and schmirt!!

Nov 11, 2007
How the world works in 90 seconds

This dude is spot on and explains so ANYONE with eyes and a brain can AT LEAST recognize the patterns ( you dont even have to agree or disagree with any specific event)

So much for the man who cried "wolfe" and QUACKERY too many times!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The only thing that the Trump Fellator Trio plus Lenny have going for them is that this forum is conservatively 90% made up of Trump

supporters and Republicans which allow the former to make failed predictions, see things that aren't there, project their

imagination, hopes, desires and lies and have the observers not to say anything and look the other way!!

In a forum and thread made up of 50-50 Democrats and Republicans, these folks would get pounded by a lot more folks

than just myself, wilbur and schmirt!!

It would add about 40% more long TDS sufferers who didn’t cast a ballot for the useful idiot and maybe another dope or two blaming Americans for not preparing for adversity due to the useful idiot and whoever is pulling his strings policies .

Nov 11, 2007
I have two new terms to toss in which are symbolic of what is going to happen to Trump sometime between now and the 2024


1) TCS which stands for Trump Conviction Supporters.

3) TIS which stands for Trump Imprisonment Supporters,

Nov 11, 2007
My inside sources tell me that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are all about to be arrested and shipped

of to GITMO for trial and execution because they were all quoted saying something about Trump that he found

Aug 17, 2019
View attachment 76749

Oh we won't, trust me!

And once everything is documented on record officially in court with the entire world watching, neither will our $8/hr trolls.

Some of us have seen the evidence and real numbers.

"81 million votes!! " 🤡 😂... I... can't...even...

This will be the biggest shocking "Fuck You! We Told You So!" televised event in history!

And delusional tards will be forced to stomach every second of it.

They are going to hate very minute of it.

And I wonder how many will actually get through it jumping or going postal.

Sep 5, 2010
What a GREAT slide show for your enjoyment!

Conway sends a savage message to “a narcissistic psychopath” Trump on Truth Social, “Sorry about the four criminal indictments”​

All just part of the plan.




Soon, real soon.

Red tsunami

🐖 :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
Some are starting to get it, but the ultra low iqanons never will.

Dems will “crush us” – Republican says “Trump can’t win,” adds, “Should’ve been disqualified”​



Soon, real soon.

Get ready for the return.

5 months.


Sep 5, 2010
What a great Sunday morning.

A Major Flaw Revealed In Trump's Plan To Save Mar-a-Lago​

Snell remarked, "The worst outcome that could have come from this case has already been handed down, and that is for the corporate licenses to be cancelled. The properties are likely going to be liquidated. The properties are probably going to be sold at auction. That's probably what is going to happen. We don't know that for sure, but that is probably where this is headed. So [Trump] is already really, really in trouble."


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Solution-cut off the head of the snake in at least a figurative sense!!

Time for bed!!


But still, a majority of Americans seem to think that these indictments are politically motivated, which is a dangerous precedent to set in a democracy, Tomasky writes in The New Republic.

Looks like political prosecution is “Trumping” the tired and worn out threat to Democracy Lightweight . Much like your other favorite the race card . But then again , what else is there to run on when there is no policy put in place by the useful idiot to defend .

Can you find someone a little more far left next time than the midget professor from Cal Berkeley Robert Reich ? Lol

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