Propaganda works... On people who don't have the ability/skills to recognize propaganda.
But don't kid yourselves, all these so-called "news" outlets know what's coming.
There are consequences for LYING.
And if you don't believe ME, just listen to Rachel Maddow.
"Trump wants to execute us for our treason!" LOL
He/She/They know what's coming.
What you say in this post and the one following are clearly unmistakable examples of what one does
when he faces massive documentation verified negativity, in this case, Donald Trump!!
In short, this results in denying facts that are undeniable for which the person has no legitimate response.
When this occurs, the person who is affected, in this case sheriff joe, can and will resort to whatever is necessary to on
conscious level to convince others that none of this is true in this case by begging the question, poisoning the well,
imagining things that aren't there and just plain lying!!
This is quite evident in his posts!!
What matters the most is despite his conscious modus operandi of trying to convince everyone that the negativity
is not true and/or relevant, in fact on his UNCONSCIOUS level, he is really trying to convince HIMSELF that the goings-on are not real
and simply projecting the overall negativity he really is worried about with Trump. and trying to project his own insecurities
onto others.
In short, when his emotional state gets to the point where a pressure cooker starts giving off a warning signal that the food
is overheating, his inner defense mechanisms are letting out steam and relieving the emotional pressure he feels in the manner in which
he does by posting!!!
That is it for now from Dr/Psychiatrist savage1!!
I will continue to offer free advice in this thread when it is needed to sheriff joe, the others of the Trump Cult and anyone else
who perhaps doesn't understand fully what a]makes them tick!!