
Nov 11, 2007
4 different criminal indictments against one defendant in four different jurisdictions in a little over four months is not the product our justice system functioning normally

It is an unprecedented, coordinated legal attack on him and, more broadly, on the R party and its voters.

Cry harder !
Here is another glaring example of your ignorance and inability to debate!!

By the Lenny "logic" an attorney who is defending someone who has been accused of committing six murders in the last four months

should say something to the Judge and Jury, "four accusations of serial murders by one person defy credulity and

is not within the realm of reality as it exists in this country.

"Therefore the defense requests that the case be dismissed!!" lol

Nov 11, 2007
Isn’t it just as great to watch a radical AG campaign on getting Trump and being a real pain in the ass for him saying it with a shit eating grin on her face if elected while calling him an illegitimate President as well .
Just tell us assuming that I am alive that Trump did one thing that was even remotely wrong, even one lie let alone 30,000 documented

ones during his four years as POTUS, just one person who documented or said something negative about Trump that you admit has merit

or just one thing in "deity" did that he should not have!!

If there is someone out there whether he is a licensed physician or not who knows how to sever Trump's umbilical cord to you,

please mercifully come forward and help Lenny out because he needs it in the worst way.

And with that, I will conclude both reading your posts and posting anything to you until sometime in the middle of the afternoon

at the earliest!!

Bye bye!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Just tell us assuming that I am alive that Trump did one thing that was even remotely wrong, even one lie let alone 30,000 documented

ones during his four years as POTUS, just one person who documented or said something negative about Trump that you admit has merit

or just one thing in "deity" did that he should not have!!

If there is someone out there whether he is a licensed physician or not who knows how to sever Trump's umbilical cord to you,

please mercifully come forward and help Lenny out because he needs it in the worst way.

And with that, I will conclude both reading your posts and posting anything to you until sometime in the middle of the afternoon

at the earliest!!

Bye bye!!

Much like yesterday’s non response to the part of the hack Goldberg’s article about Trump not wanting to go to the cemetery because he didn’t want to get his hair wet , I see you are moving the goal posts once again by not responding to the words and actions of this radical AG . There’s no conflict of interest there . Absolutely none .

Bye bug .
Sep 12, 2022

Greg Beckett from Bridgeport, New Jersey, had been working at the headquarters of Wells Fargo in Wilmington, Delaware when he jumped from the office boardroom on the 14th floor in January of this year.

The fact he left no suicide note nor showed any signs of distress in the days, weeks and months before his death only worsened the agony for friends, family and co-workers he left behind.

Greg had been responsible for Wells Fargo's internal controls, aimed at safeguarding the bank from risks but his workload had steadily increased leading to longer hours and increased stress.

His sudden death made little sense to his loved ones with his life outside of work seemingly going well.

He had recently moved in with girlfriend, Giovanna Muraca, and her daughters.

View attachment 75774


In "Delaware"

How many Tards will jump when they realize that our beloved President Trump will soon be starting his third term?
Sep 12, 2022

Nov 11, 2007

It serves Trump's fellow fascist buddy right!

The sharks in he water are anxiously awaiting both Giuliani as well as Trump for a festive meal indeed in the near future!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
The statement I made couldn’t be more specific. The fact that you continue to talk about your level of intelligence is laughable .

Maybe schedule an appointment to see if there’s a treatment for your long TDS while you’re out and about taking a break from watching the 🤡 News Network.

Gonna take MORE than pills to help these deranged ODMF's, (lobotomy?) but its a start.........

For a normal HUMAN being, they would see the crazy amount of human trafficking at the border , especially with kids and say
"Whoa, this isnt right, what are you guys doing?"

Yet they just turn a blind eye and follow the lead of their MSM gods that need to somehow talk about "Orange Man Bad" 24/7

Nov 11, 2007
Jusat look at the scoreboard, buddy, and see who/which side is winning and which side is so desperate that is needs to try to

intimidate, the judge, potential jurors, and investigators.

Hint-the side winning is NOT YOU/TRUMP!!

Keep dreaming though that 33 months and counting since Biden was inaugurated and with just 13 months to go

until the next Election that somehow, someway, magically/poof is going to be "devolutioned" either in the dead of

night or right in the middle of one of those courtrooms, take out his devolutuion wand and simply zap

away Jack Smith, et all and have them immediately shipped off to GITMO for a quick trial and immediate execution!! lol

My post from earlier definitely applies to you and then some!!

"Only the lowest of the lowlifes with no moral values and/or sense of what is right or wrong and in this case criminal

and look the other way or give Trump a pass on 100% of everything he does or says.

Imo while not as physically dangerous as having an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or even gambling, by having an addiction to Trump

and treating him as a deity and a model human being whom we should all put on a pedestal and strive to emulate in our own personal

lives, one is in effect admitting their own failure and dissatisfaction with their own lives and total lack of motivation to improve

their sorry current lot in life!!

By posting what they do about Trump in a public forum, it is true that they do bring badly needed attention to themselves,

but using this thread as an example, the attention derived is from people who think in the same manner in which they do or

just as importantly people like myself, wilbur and schmirt who can, have and will continue to lower the boom on them

by exposing their documented failed predictions, delusions, lies and anything and everything that they use in order

to seek and perpetuate that badly needed approval from others in order in their unproductive way of trying to bring positivity

to their currently empty lives!!

If there is in some cases some masochism involved on the part of some of these folks, well I guess it makes a little more sense.

That said, using the generally accepted standards of success or failure in our society, it is a lose/lose situation no matter

what they say using their current modus operandi!!"

Nov 11, 2007

Piling on is fun when it is at the expense of a lying/fascist/neo-Nazi/treasonous lying pig in Donald Trump!!

Nov 11, 2007
Did lightweight mention something about a scoreboard ?

Haven’t seen a post debate poll since dumb and dumber posted ONE Emerson poll showing a drop that both dummies posted about 5 times between the two .
Once again are you so ignorant as to believe that 1) who wins the nomination automatically translates into winning the General Election?

How many times do you need to have this brought to your attention as well as the massive gaps left out regarding what can happen between

now and the Election to alter things one way or the another including a conviction of Donald Trump as you do in your next line

by implying that it has no chance of occurring and/or it wouldn't have any impact even if he was convicted.

I don't what adjectives describe this type of thinking the best-provincial, narrow, obtuse, moronic, out-of-touch with reality, blind,

projected, delusional-probably all of them and a lot more.

Anyway, I came back earlier to respond to you earlier than expected, meaning that I will respond to you again later, say

between 6-7.

Have fun living in your tower of Ignorance, imagination and fantasy until that time!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
" borrow money, you pay it back and you get sued by a political animal"


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Once again are you so ignorant as to believe that 1) who wins the nomination automatically translates into winning the General Election?

How many times do you need to have this brought to your attention as well as the massive gaps left out regarding what can happen between

now and the Election to alter things one way or the another including a conviction of Donald Trump as you do in your next line

by implying that it has no chance of occurring and/or it wouldn't have any impact even if he was convicted.

I don't what adjectives describe this type of thinking the best-provincial, narrow, obtuse, moronic, out-of-touch with reality, blind,

projected, delusional-probably all of them and a lot more.

Anyway, I came back earlier to respond to you earlier than expected, meaning that I will respond to you again later, say

between 6-7.

Have fun living in your tower of Ignorance, imagination and fantasy until that time!!

Is that a general election or primary poll ? Next .

And if they are so irrelevant why did you and the borderline retard post the ONLY poll showing a post debate drop several times between the two of you ?

So keep making predictions like he has no chance in either the primary or the general while continuing to state things can change drastically from now ‘til then ( apparently they can only change for the worse for Trump and not the useful idiot ) making yourself sound like a complete jackass .

Nov 11, 2007

It is never a good idea to piss off a judge who is going to decide your client's fate!!

From what I have seen and heard of Trump's Legal team since all of this started, is that the only difference between them and the regular

basket of deplorables that Trump caters to is that these folks have law degrees!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This is what over the top, lying ass derangement looks like....only 2min long


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

Nov 11, 2007
This is what over the top, lying ass derangement looks like....only 2min long

If Trump's "devolution" is imminent as you have claimed for the at 33 months, what the f uck do you care what she says because

I would assume that when Trump is devolutioned and/or it has been made official that he is and has always been the CIC,

that she will be quickly escorted off to GITMO for quick trial and execution!!

Don't feel bad though as illogical, contradictory, inconsistent and paradoxical by bs such as yours has been prevalent

among the regular Trump fellators in here, which has in turn made them easy fodder for me as well as wilbur and schmirt

to reduce to dog doo doo!!

Nov 11, 2007
anyway this bitch gets a trip to Gitmo
Well, I sort of just said this in a different way sarcastically of course before reading what you had to say!!

As clueless, delusional and, and bitter as you are because you lost too much money in the 2020 Election betting on Trump,

at least you make a little more sense than your stooge counterparts!! lol

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