
Nov 11, 2007
While I don't believe Trump will be literally hanged as his punishment(more likely incarceration), imo he will be hanged

in effigy and totally disgraced in the eyes of the vast and overwhelming number of eyes of the American Public once the curtain comes

crashing down on him!!

Sep 5, 2010

Fraud trial judge hits Trump with gag order for bogus claims about court staff​



Soon, real soon.

Documents and receipts.

We have it all.

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!

What a GREAT day!

:santahat: :lmao::santahat::lmao::santahat::lmao::santahat::lmao:

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Wouldnt this be interesting

Is this what he meant about taking back the WH in 5 months?

Get your popcorn during this short Speaker break and find out :popcorn:

Aug 17, 2019
Wouldnt this be interesting

Is this what he meant about taking back the WH in 5 months?

Get your popcorn during this short Speaker break and find out :popcorn:

This is one of the paths stated in the original RR thread immediately after the election steal.

Trump card imminent.

The “return” imminent.

“Less than 5 months”

Nov 11, 2007
This is one of the paths stated in the original RR thread immediately after the election steal.

Trump card imminent.

The “return” imminent.

“Less than 5 months”
Excuse me but Trump's "return,"" reinstatement." "devolution" was/is IMMINENT when you started making the prediction 33 months ago

on a daily basis!!

You are the political carnation of the fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf/actually in this case Who Cried Trump's Devolution!"

Also, it looks like you conveniently changed the definition of "imminent" to now mean five months or less!!

To be sure, why not extend the definition of "imminent" re: the "return" to sometime between now and the LAST day of Eternity!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Wouldnt this be interesting

Is this what he meant about taking back the WH in 5 months?

Get your popcorn during this short Speaker break and find out :popcorn:

Dream on-the scenario you suggest if anything would just expedite his political demise for lots of reasons including being in multiple

places at the same time!!

Sep 5, 2010
A little humor for you this morning.

Stephen Colbert Trolls Trump In The Most Massively Public Way Possible​

The ultra low iqanons need something to laugh about.

It seems that none of their delusional fantasies are coming true.

What will they do when the orange encrusted buffoon is history?




:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat::santahat::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
Another great read and 100% spot on.

Such a horrible person.

And his followers think he's a winner.

Beat by 8 million votes by someone that campaigned from his basement.



Soon, real soon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Nov 11, 2007
Only the lowest of the lowlifes with no moral values and/or sense of what is right or wrong and in this case criminal

and look the other way or give Trump a pass on 100% of everything he does or says.

Imo while not as physically dangerous as having an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or even gambling, by having an addiction to Trump

and treating him as a deity and a model human being whom we should all put on a pedestal and strive to emulate in our own personal

lives, one is in effect admitting their own failure and dissatisfaction with their own lives and total lack of motivation to improve

their sorry current lot in life!!

By posting what they do about Trump in a public forum, it is true that they do bring badly needed attention to themselves,

but using this thread as an example, the attention derived is from people who think in the same manner in which they do or

just as importantly people like myself, wilbur and schmirt who can, have and will continue to lower the boom on them

by exposing their documented failed predictions, delusions, lies and anything and everything that they use in order

to seek and perpetuate that badly needed approval from others in order in their unproductive way of trying to bring positivity

to their currently empty lives!!

If there is in some cases some masochism involved on the part of some of these folks, well I guess it makes a little more sense.

That said, using the generally accepted standards of success or failure in our society, it is a lose/lose situation no matter

what they say using their current modus operandi!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Only the lowest of the lowlifes with no moral values and/or sense of what is right or wrong and in this case criminal

and look the other way or give Trump a pass on 100% of everything he does or says.

Imo while not as physically dangerous as having an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or even gambling, by having an addiction to Trump

and treating him as a deity and a model human being whom we should all put on a pedestal and strive to emulate in our own personal

lives, one is in effect admitting their own failure and dissatisfaction with their own lives and total lack of motivation to improve

their sorry current lot in life!!

By posting what they do about Trump in a public forum, it is true that they do bring badly needed attention to themselves,

but using this thread as an example, the attention derived is from people who think in the same manner in which they do or

just as importantly people like myself, wilbur and schmirt who can, have and will continue to lower the boom on them

by exposing their documented failed predictions, delusions, lies and anything and everything that they use in order

to seek and perpetuate that badly needed approval from others in order in their unproductive way of trying to bring positivity

to their currently empty lives!!

If there is in some cases some masochism involved on the part of some of these folks, well I guess it makes a little more sense.

That said, using the generally accepted standards of success or failure in our society, it is a lose/lose situation no matter

what they say using their current modus operandi!!

4 different criminal indictments against one defendant in four different jurisdictions in a little over four months is not the product our justice system functioning normally

It is an unprecedented, coordinated legal attack on him and, more broadly, on the R party and its voters.

Cry harder !

Nov 11, 2007
4 different criminal indictments against one defendant in four different jurisdictions in a little over four months is not the product our justice system functioning normally
You have to be more specific than simply begging the question, poisoning the well and speaking in vague generalties which in essence say

It is an unprecedented, coordinated legal attack on him and, more broadly, on the R party and its voters.
What I just said above applies here too.

Actually in case you haven't figured it out yet, you are one of the folks I am referring in the post you are referencing as you

from day one you have treated Trump as a sacred deity, protected him against any and all charges, like Trump bashed and vilified

any and all who dare to document and criticize anything about home no matter how true it is!!
Cry harder !
The fact that you use the word "cry" rather than some more appropriate terminology simply corroborates that as usual you

do not have the intellectual capacity/understanding or badly needed skills to debate in order to offer a respectable response

to what I just offered!!

If you wish to continue to bury your head and dutifully support your deity as you have done 24/7/365 since you entered

this thread, go right ahead and continue to do so!!

When all is said and done, we will find out whether the prevailing legal system and standards in this country side with you or me!!

I have an upcoming appointment in about an hour so don't expect me to go back and forth with you about this!!

Neither you nor anyone else in this thread is going to change my feelings and for that matter none of you have the intellect

not debating skills to do so in any event!!

See you later!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You have to be more specific than simply begging the question, poisoning the well and speaking in vague generalties which in essence say


What I just said above applies here too.

Actually in case you haven't figured it out yet, you are one of the folks I am referring in the post you are referencing as you

from day one you have treated Trump as a sacred deity, protected him against any and all charges, like Trump bashed and vilified

any and all who dare to document and criticize anything about home no matter how true it is!!

The fact that you use the word "cry" rather than some more appropriate terminology simply corroborates that as usual you

do not have the intellectual capacity/understanding or badly needed skills to debate in order to offer a respectable response

to what I just offered!!

If you wish to continue to bury your head and dutifully support your deity as you have done 24/7/365 since you entered

this thread, go right ahead and continue to do so!!

When all is said and done, we will find out whether the prevailing legal system and standards in this country side with you or me!!

I have an upcoming appointment in about an hour so don't expect me to go back and forth with you about this!!

Neither you nor anyone else in this thread is going to change my feelings and for that matter none of you have the intellect

not debating skills to do so in any event!!

See you later!!

The statement I made couldn’t be more specific. The fact that you continue to talk about your level of intelligence is laughable .

Maybe schedule an appointment to see if there’s a treatment for your long TDS while you’re out and about taking a break from watching the 🤡 News Network.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

It is great to see a judge with balls who won't put up with Trump's attempted/ intimidating neo-Nazi strong-armed tactics!!

Isn’t it just as great to watch a radical AG campaign on getting Trump and being a real pain in the ass for him saying it with a shit eating grin on her face if elected while calling him an illegitimate President as well .

Nov 11, 2007
The statement I made couldn’t be more specific. The fact that you continue to talk about your level of intelligence is laughable .

Maybe schedule an appointment to see if there’s a treatment for your long TDS while you’re out and about taking a break from watching the 🤡 News Network.
You didn't answer anything specifically in my post because you don't have the intelligence and/or response to do so.

Changing the topic to an insulting one with reference to TDS without SPECIFICALLY citing something I

stated in the post you are referencing simply tells me that you are better suited to agreeing with people

of your own ilk rather than weakly trying to challenge such as myself who is your intellectual, education

and debating superior, and it isn't even close!!

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