Aug 17, 2019

Greg Beckett from Bridgeport, New Jersey, had been working at the headquarters of Wells Fargo in Wilmington, Delaware when he jumped from the office boardroom on the 14th floor in January of this year.

The fact he left no suicide note nor showed any signs of distress in the days, weeks and months before his death only worsened the agony for friends, family and co-workers he left behind.

Greg had been responsible for Wells Fargo's internal controls, aimed at safeguarding the bank from risks but his workload had steadily increased leading to longer hours and increased stress.

His sudden death made little sense to his loved ones with his life outside of work seemingly going well.

He had recently moved in with girlfriend, Giovanna Muraca, and her daughters.

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In "Delaware"


Nov 11, 2007
I am sure that that is not only going to solve this problem but all of the other major investigations, indictments

and possible convictions and Trump, reduce Jack Smith to rubble but also result in a MASSIVE victory in the 2024 Election

and because Trump is now so overwhelmingly popular with virtually everyone, at the very least a new amendment be

proposed to the Constitution proclaiming Trump to be the only authorized Deity in this country that one is allowed

to publicly worship in any church or synagogue!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I am sure that that is not only going to solve this problem but all of the other major investigations, indictments

and possible convictions and Trump, reduce Jack Smith to rubble but also result in a MASSIVE victory in the 2024 Election

and because Trump is now so overwhelmingly popular with virtually everyone, at the very least a new amendment be

proposed to the Constitution proclaiming Trump to be the only authorized Deity in this country that one is allowed

to publicly worship in any church or synagogue!! lol

Lol ! No comment on this activist’s comments I see . Carry on with that shit eating grin on your face lightweight .

Your best chance at holding on to the Oval Office is political persecution .

Want proof . Let’s talk policy . Not just the useful idiots but any other savior to the party . Including boy wonder Newsome .

Poof , now run along and disappear .

Nov 11, 2007
Lol ! No comment on this activist’s comments I see . Carry on with that shit eating grin on your face lightweight .

Your best chance at holding on to the Oval Office is political persecution .

Want proof . Let’s talk policy . Not just the useful idiots but any other savior to the party . Including boy wonder Newsome .

Poof , now run along and disappear .
Does your mind have "store hours" at which time the doors open and at the very least entertain thoughts that don't

agree with your own?? lol

One of the aforementioned thoughts is the one that suggests perhaps just perhaps there are millions of people out there

who would look at OTHER things besides policy in evaluating someone like would you believe "small matters" like criminality,

treason, pathologically lying and disparaging and trying to bully and intimidate anyone and everyone who dares to express

or better document any criminality or overall evildoing on the part of your "deity!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Does your mind have "store hours" at which time the doors open and at the very least entertain thoughts that don't

agree with your own?? lol

One of the aforementioned thoughts is the one that suggests perhaps just perhaps there are millions of people out there

who would look at OTHER things besides policy in evaluating someone like would you believe "small matters" like criminality,

treason, pathologically lying and disparaging and trying to bully and intimidate anyone and everyone who dares to express

or better document any criminality or overall evildoing on the part of your "deity!!"

You left out a Libtard Nation favorite .

A threat to Democracy .

Here’s one more the useful idiot or who ever the powers that be decide will be the Dem nominee can borrow from you on the campaign trail .

People shouldn’t bitch and complain about what’s going on with the economy .

They should be better prepared to deal with adversity .


Nov 11, 2007
You left out a Libtard Nation favorite .

A threat to Democracy .

Here’s one more the useful idiot or who ever the powers that be decide will be the Dem nominee can borrow from you on the campaign trail .

People shouldn’t bitch and complain about what’s going on with the economy .

They should be better prepared to deal with adversity .

I stand by all of that, and most importantly no matter how hard you try to project what should/will be the determinants only

as to how people WILL VOTE,based on YOUR CRITERION ONLY, that doesn't work with the population as a whole.

My OPINION is that the things that do and will resonate with the American Public are what goes on in the

investigations, indictments and possible convictions.

in fact, the same types of polls you rely upon to show that Trump is a runaway winner to receive the nomination also show that 30%

of the population will NOT vote for him f he is convicted.

Thus to be consistent, you have to admit that if he is convicted, he has next to zero chance of winning if he is miraculously

nominated because no matter what math you use, he cannot win if right off the bat 30% have declared they won't for Trump!!

Speaking of a threat to democracy, I never turn down legitimate requests: lol


Nov 11, 2007
I stand by all of that, and most importantly no matter how hard you try to project what should/will be the determinants only

as to how people WILL VOTE,based on YOUR CRITERION ONLY, that doesn't work with the population as a whole.

My OPINION is that the things that do and will resonate with the American Public are what goes on in the

investigations, indictments and possible convictions.

in fact, the same types of polls you rely upon to show that Trump is a runaway winner to receive the nomination also show that 30%

of the population will NOT vote for him f he is convicted.

Thus to be consistent, you have to admit that if he is convicted, he has next to zero chance of winning if he is miraculously

nominated because no matter what math you use, he cannot win if right off the bat 30% have declared they won't for Trump!!

Speaking of a threat to democracy, I never turn down legitimate requests: lol

To be fair, imo while Trump has virtually no chance of being elected POTUS, lots of other Republicans do including some of those

on the debate stage, the latter who can handily defeat Biden and have a good shot at beating anyone else who is the nominee!!

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe McCarthy can /hire borrow one of Trump's Mafia/MOB associates/enforcers to tell Gaetz that if he knows what is good for him, he

will immediately cease trying to get McCarthy removed from Speaker of the House!!

Nov 11, 2007
If I had to rename this thread for what in reality it has proved to be over the three years and seven months since it was

opened, it would the RX Attention-Seeking Projection, Delusion and Imagination Thread, named as representative and symbolic

of the hopes and desires of the Trump diehard supporters in here who wish and/or who believe that their separate and detached

view of reality is what matters and which will dictate and displace the future rather the REAL world as it exists and by which normal

people lead and conduct their lives!!

Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
I honestly believe that there are at least some folks in this thread and/or in the Political Section who APPEAR to be strong

Trump supporters but who in reality post what they do simply as an attempt to draw attention to themselves even if negative

for the simple reason that on some level of consciousness consider their own lives failures!!

In order to do this, they simply need to try something very controversial and heated such as is the case with Trump

and say whatever they need to in order to draw fire from those who oppose whatever they say!!

In short in the minds of these folks getting anyone to respond to them even if it is one of total disagreement

is all that matters!!

As anyone knows, this is typical of a derelict in society and the trolling modus operandi that follows!!

In this thread imo it certainly fits to a tee the posts of sbd, sheriff joe, doctorsuccess and the several new folks who have migrated

over here!!

Sadly though by doing what they do, they are using a bandaid solution to try to cure or just relieve their problems, which in fact

simply buries them deeper into their psyche rather than to deal with them upfront with professional help if needed!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Not long ago, CIC Trump retruthed a clip from the 2000 film “NUREMBERG”, specifically the scene where they are sentencing everyone in Military Tribunals…

“Crimes against humanity" - "Death by hanging"

Hmmm...what message do you suppose Bossman was sending?


Nov 11, 2007
Not long ago, CIC Trump retruthed a clip from the 2000 film “NUREMBERG”, specifically the scene where they are sentencing everyone in Military Tribunals…

“Crimes against humanity" - "Death by hanging"

Hmmm...what message do you suppose Bossman was sending?

How shocking that the last commentary on this attention-seeking delusional bullshit with no merit was posted 40 weeks ago!!

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