
Nov 11, 2007
What is he meaning of the
Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Where is the "acting CIC" Donald Trump in all this and why is he allowing it to happen??

Oh wait, I know-you have to show the people first!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :+peeing-5 :+peeing-5 :+peeing-5
Now THAT is how you bitch slap a T URD!!

Nov 11, 2007
Savage1 kicking ass and taking names all day today!

T urds like yourself in full retreat with their tail between their legs, hoping they don't get arrested for sedition!!

That's the sound ? of doctorsuccess crying in agony and begging for mercy from yours truly to spare his posting life!!

Nov 11, 2007
If you didn't notice already, just look at the increased number of predictions about Trump's Devolution of late

especially by sheriff Hoe!!

Also, notice on his part as well as those of sbd and doctorsuccess, there is/has been ZERO mention of the devastating

news as it regards Trump with the ruling yesterday from New York!!

Does anyone see a "possible" connection between the acceleration of predicted devolution(which are in essence the same

FAILED ones in the past) and the lack of ability to address very real issues such as those I just cited!!

As a person well-schooled and educated in psychology and just as importantly as an older person with tons of both professional

and personal experiences in life, for me it is a glaring example of one's mind overheating to the point where their psyche is not

able to psychologically and emotionally handle an issue that threatens their perceived deity, Donald Trump!!

Thus to cool down the heat it makes perfect sense for folks like sheriff joe, sbd and doctorsuccess to grasp onto/project something

That will give them hope like devolution no matter how absurd it is 32 months after Inauguration days and only 11 months away

from the 2024 Election!!

When folks like me come around and express accurate thoughts like I am presenting now, it just pours gasoline

on the flames!!

Nov 11, 2007
SportsBookData said:
Show us the PRECISE quote where he says he is the acting CIC!! lol
SportsBookData said:
Even stating he is currently in his 2nd term.
Show us the PRECISE quote where he says he is the acting CIC!! lol
SportsBookData said:
And will have a 3rd term.
The only term he will have one is the one in PRISON!!
SportsBookData said:
[just like the op stated from the onset of the RR thread]
You mean the same op who has failed a DOCUMENTED 99.8% of the time with his predictions and 100% of the time of Trump's

reinstatement/devolution with a 100% LACK of accountability!!
SportsBookData said:
? But tards are so buried in ignorance and hate that they REFUSE to hear it.
Don't forget the other 99% of the overall population who don't swallow you attention-seeking lies, delusion and bullshot!!
SportsBookData said:
Instead, they continue their fake news link posting frenzy thinking it's going to go away.
How about your sources such as the ones which claim that Trump won the 2020 Election and won ALL fifty states, and got over

90% of the Popular Vote, or you sources which claim that hundreds of millions of vaccinated people have died each year from the

COVID vaccination when in fact only sixty million people die annually from ALL of the MAJOR causes of death, or

how about your devolution sources or how about your sources that claim that thousands of members of the DS have

been executed at GITMO without a shred of evidence-how about commenting on your "truthful" sources!! lol
SportsBookData said:
Inside they are screaming "please make it go away... please make it stop"
We are screaming all right but SCREAMING for joy as your cancerous deity Donald Trump is about to have Divine and Legal justice

and retribution brought to him for his crimes against the country and humanity in general!!
SportsBookData said:
Imagine being this stupid.
Imagine YOUR being so naive and stupid so as not to see what I said above about you and Trump is 100% documented and true!!
SportsBookData said:
No, don't imagine that.
The operative word is not "imagine" but rather "reality" and how it already rearing its ugly head as far as Trump and folks like yourself

are concerned and to relegate you to the bottom of the totem pole where the dregs of society rightfully belong!!
What I said above is not only NOT impossible but is a 100% certainty!!
SportsBookData said:
Yes get ready for the return of democracy and the end of tyrannical fascist/neo-Nazi/racist slime as exemplified by Trump

and those who support these kinds of views!!
I would say five months to perhaps a year maximum regarding when Trump is convicted of one or more crimes!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is an encore performance of a post from your truly earlier which demonstrates what a fine God-given brain is able to

present in the way of analysis and deep thought as opposed to the established members of the Trump Cult as well as the latest entries,

whose level of thinking is skin-deep at best and in most cases amounts to a shallow bucket of piss!!

Here you go:

"Here is a nutshell is my opinion of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the seven candidates on stage vying for the nomination in no

special order:

1) Haley

Strengths: very experienced and knowledgeable especially when it comes to foreign policy.

Looks dignified on stage and is reasonably intelligent.

Has appeal to many women simply because she is a woman vying for the highest position in the country.

Relatively young which will appeal to younger voters.

General likability

Weaknesses:For the same reason she has appeal to women, in the eyes of some male chauvinist pigs she has none and can't fathom

the thought of a woman being POTUS.

2) DeSantis

Strengths: perceived by many as doing a very good job as governor of Florida,

Is young and considered good-looking by women

Is very intelligent and well educated and well-spoken.

Weaknesses: In general he doesn't have very much charm or charism and seems to be lacking big time with the intangibles

needed to catch on and to be blunt is considered unlikable by many!!

3) Ramaswamy:

Strengths: Very intelligent and some people especially younger people are impressed by his overall flamboyance and enthusiasm.

Successful and financially successful as a businessman, which in the eyes of many automatically qualifies him as a viable candidate.

Young age, which in itself appeals to the younger voting segment of the population.

Weaknesses: At the risk of projecting my own feelings, he seems to be very arrogant, condescending, and a know-it-all so to speak

and in general bombastic and just plain irritating and annoying in the way he comports himself.

At his young age, he hasn't experienced life enough to be POTUS!

When he speaks, what he says sounds very scripted rehearsed and planned in advance and for lack of a better term very

idealistic and detached from the real world.

4) Pence:

Strengths: four years experience as POTUS.


Strong religious beliefs, which appeal to a significant portion of the population.

Looks dignified when he speaks.

Weaknesses: as is the case with Desantis he is boring, seems stiff and robotic lacks charm, and overall lacks the certain "it" factor

needed to catch on.

5) Scott:

Strengths: likable, emanates a certain overall comfort feeling and seems like a nice guy who would be a great neighbor.

Imo he would make a very good pastor!!


Weaknesses: although reasonably intelligent, he seems to be a notch down from some of the other candidates,

Relatively unknown by the majority of the population.

Says the right things if that is the right way to express it but doesn't offer anything specific and innovative to catch the attention/interest of

many people.

6) Burgum:

Strengths-financially successful as a businessman.

Intelligent and knowledgeable.

Weaknesses-particularly unknown and while his experience as governor of North Dakota can be considered a plus,

the fact that he rules in a tiny state could be held against him.

Look old and not particularly physically appealing and as is the case with some of the others lacks the charm and charisma needed

to have a chance!!

7) Christie:

Strengths: His willingness to not hold back like the others and get in Trump's face appeals to some including myself.

In general, he has a no-nonsense approach and will say what he believes to be true rather than say only what is politically

correct no matter how his overall likability is concerned.

Intelligence the ability to think and present a narrative that flows.

Experience both as governor and prosecutor.

Weaknesses: The biggest and most obvious one is that he is totally despised by Trump supporters for obvious reasons.

Physical appearance for obvious reasons.

Combative style, which in general is a turnoff to many.

Again lacks the overall "it" factor.

That's it!!"

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
HA.........these morons paid money ONLY to make Trump even more popular.....


Nov 11, 2007
I am ending this evening using this very memorable Vietnam Song from the 60's with the title and the lyrics to symbolize

where Trump and his supporters are at this moment regarding the investigations, indictments and ultimately one of

more convictions that are going possibly as early next year certainly by the 2024 Election!!

I assure you that Trump's situation if only going to get worse and not better starting NOW!!

Back in the morning!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
United States Space Force for Normies

?Dec 2019: The United States Space Force was established when the National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law (with bi-partisan support), creating the first new branch of the armed services in 73 years.

?Aug 2022: Space Force takes over ALL military satellite and communications.

This is actually a pretty big deal, for if the Deep State wanted US boots on the ground and US planes in the air in Ukraine or Taiwan, they would need access to military satellites. This might explain Pelosi's previous comments on Ukraine when she said, "we can't go in militarily"

Stay with me..

?Sept 2023: As previously reported, US Space Force just signed a contract with Elon Musk's SpaceX.

But hold on a second...

Isn't "Biden's" Gestapo going after Elon Musk?

Why, yes.

Yes, they are!

So why would "Biden's" military sign a contract with Elon Musk? Does this make any sense?

Not in the least.

Interesting how "Biden's" name isn't anywhere to be found on Space Force's website even though his budgets have pledged "full support" for Space Force - just like GITMO.

Does "Biden" even control Space Force and by extension, the United States military?

Also, with tard heads already exploding, this probably isn't the time to mention President Trump's previous claim that Space Force has the REAL results of the 2020 election.

So if the evidence suggests "Biden" doesn't seem to have any control/authority over Space Force, who does?



Sep 5, 2010
For your reading pleasure.


Trump’s Bank Fraud Defense ‘Defies the Laws of Physics’​

Donald Trump’s colossal trial for faking property values starts next Monday, and one mind-boggling issue has emerged as his weakest defense yet: the idea that his past lies on financial statements were justified because prices eventually went up anyway.




Soon, real soon.

Get ready for the return.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
A great document for your reading pleasure.

Bill Press: Why won’t media tell the truth about Donald Trump?​

At a September 8 rally in South Dakota, Trump had a Mitch McConnell moment. He stopped abruptly in the middle of a speech for 40 seconds and just blankly gazed at the audience, his eyes darting from right to left. Trump aides offered no explanation for his awkward mid-speech pause. But imagine if Joe Biden had done that. That clip would have played nonstop on cable news, complete with TV doctors commenting on his cognitive disability.

Last week, in a speech to the Pray Vote Summit in Washington, after first calling Biden “cognitively impaired” (oh, irony of ironies), Trump proceeded to accuse Biden of leading us into “World War II!” Trump then crowed that he was leading all 2024 candidates in the polls, “including Obama.” He also bragged about his victory in 2016, reminding his supporters “With Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn’t be won.” Maybe somebody should tell Trump that Barack Obama was not a candidate in 2016, and is not running today.

Bottom line: There is a serious question about which presidential candidate is too old and too confused to be president. But the media’s got it wrong. One leading candidate for president today is mentally and physically unfit for office. But it’s not Joe Biden.




Soon, real soon.

We have it all.


Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed it.

Incandescently stupid” – Trump’s assistant claims he had to “dumb” down notes, and “to draft national security memos at a first-grade reading level”​





Soon, real soon.

Get ready for the return.

The stupid! It burns!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A great document for your reading pleasure.

Bill Press: Why won’t media tell the truth about Donald Trump?​

At a September 8 rally in South Dakota, Trump had a Mitch McConnell moment. He stopped abruptly in the middle of a speech for 40 seconds and just blankly gazed at the audience, his eyes darting from right to left. Trump aides offered no explanation for his awkward mid-speech pause. But imagine if Joe Biden had done that. That clip would have played nonstop on cable news, complete with TV doctors commenting on his cognitive disability.

Last week, in a speech to the Pray Vote Summit in Washington, after first calling Biden “cognitively impaired” (oh, irony of ironies), Trump proceeded to accuse Biden of leading us into “World War II!” Trump then crowed that he was leading all 2024 candidates in the polls, “including Obama.” He also bragged about his victory in 2016, reminding his supporters “With Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn’t be won.” Maybe somebody should tell Trump that Barack Obama was not a candidate in 2016, and is not running today.

Bottom line: There is a serious question about which presidential candidate is too old and too confused to be president. But the media’s got it wrong. One leading candidate for president today is mentally and physically unfit for office. But it’s not Joe Biden.




Soon, real soon.

We have it all.


The media got it wrong , it’s Trump that’s too old and confused to be President .


You’re as dumb as they come .

President Biden and his campaign are working on a critical project for his re-election bid: Make sure he doesn't trip.

Driving the news: As voters express deep concerns about the 80-year-old president's age and fitness for office, Biden's team is taking extra steps to prevent him from stumbling in public — as he did in June, when he tripped over a sandbag at the Air Force Academy.

With a physical therapist, Biden has been doing exercises to improve his balance as far back as November 2021.
Since his stumble in June, he has been wearing tennis shoes more often to avoid slipping — and using the short stairs on Air Force One, entering the plane on a lower deck than before.
Why it matters: Democrats, including some in the administration, are terrified that Biden will have a bad fall — with a nightmare scenario of it happening in the weeks before the November 2024 election.

Zoom in: Some senior Democrats privately have been frustrated with Biden's advance team for months, citing the sandbag incident and noting that the president often appears not to know which direction to go after he speaks at a podium.

Often without context, Republicans have used video clips of Biden looking confused about where to go after speeches to raise further questions about his age.
Sep 12, 2022
This being Friday, it's a good time to let all newcomers know that Salvage and his groupies were 100% wrong in all of their analysis and predictions on the old thread. No joke. Literally 100% wrong about everything, fully documented for all to see.

Based on the humiliating beatdowns they took yesterday, they're still 100% wrong on this new thread. I can't imagine being wrong about everything for years without stopping at some point and saying, "Obviously what I'm doing is not working. I need to rethink my approach." But Tards lack self-awareness.

Meanwhile, Patriots have been 100% RIGHT about everything. What a stunning difference. Truth vs. lies. Intelligent analysis vs. mental derangement. Winners vs. losers.

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