
Nov 11, 2007
Again, the CiC is making it crystal clear for those with eyes to see.

Unfortunately, tards are too buried in ignorance and hate for one man they can't see anything!

Mary Trump as usual is making it crystal clear for those with eyes to see where Trump is headed, namely a one-way permanent

vacation" up Shits Creek!!

Unfortunately, the members of the Trump Quartet Fan Club in this thread are too devoted to worshipping their fascist/racist/

neo-Nazi "deity" Donald Trump to recognize this and dream to the nth degree that he is going to emerge from all of this

totally unscathed, his name cleared and totally exonerated!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Along the same lines, people bitch and complain in the short term about such matters because they are unprepared to
deal with adversity!!

Then these things eventually resolve themselves in one way or the other, and we have a sustained bull market until someday

in the future the same scenario repeats itself!!

It is called the game of LIFE, and one needs to learn to play it correctly in order to succeed and be a WINNER!!
In some cases a useful idiot blames the prior administration .

Tell me how potential first time homebuyers whose dreams are destroyed. thanks to sky high interest rates we haven’t seen in decades haven’t prepared for diversity genius .

Nov 11, 2007
And the reason why the DS cabal Satanists HATE the Constitution is because it is a LIVING entity and cannot be "killed".

The op stated at the onset that tards were going to get a free lesson in the U.S. Constitution.

They are, but just don't have the intellectual capacity to understand it.

Instead, they still post fake news links, fake polls, fake fact checkers and, oh don't forget, fake world-o-meter numbers.

:an_laugh: ???
"You need to go to Amazon or eBay, etc. to at the very least come up with some new words/terms to replace the same cliches,

mantras and hackneyed expressions that you have used since you started this thread!!

If you don't want to spend the money to do so, perhaps you should reach out to your fellow cohorts in this thread

who although they are not the sharpest tools in the shed, may be able to provide you with at least a few new terms!!"

What I am referencing above from sbd is a clear example of what I am talking about!!

Nov 11, 2007
The savage1 wrecking crew will be departing shortly for dinner, to have dinner, and then relax, watch some baseball and then

from watch the debate from 9-11 and then watch and listen to the finest, most perceptive and spot-analysts out there

from 11-12 on CNN!!

Therefore you folks may have to survive without me until very late tonight at the earliest!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"world-o-meter numbers" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Aka, unverified "numbers" from corrupt bureaucracies NOBODY votes for.

"Numbers" they have now been forced to "revise"

Tedros, Director of the WHO and CCP/Gates puppet, isn't even a doctor!

Yet our brainwashed and controlled tards who were soiling themselves over the flu preached all the WHO fake science like the Gospel!

Useful idiots for the cabal.

The Stupid!

It Burns!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Who has the REAL 2020 election results?

Who just received a contract from Space Force?

Who just fired the election integrity team at X?

? ? ? 2024 [Secured]

Enjoy the show faithful Patriots!


Sep 12, 2022
You forgot that we also established how delusional tards are and that they have been wrong 100% of the time.


Not a typo!

Most traitors already eliminated.

Many Tards will eliminate themselves in less than 5 months.

The remaining tards will be institutionalized and highly medicated.
From what I remember about the Tards on the old thread. Some of them, like Hamburger and Squirt, weren't mentally ill or mean-spirited so much as just plain dumb and ashamed to admit they were wrong. They blew with the wind, following the herd on every issue.

Others, and I'm thinking here of Wilma and Salvage, I would diagnose as suffering from severe mental derangement. If they were under my care, I would definitely recommend heavy medication and order them institutionalized to protect others and for the betterment of society.

Even though we've seen millions of deaths from the jab (but none from "Covid"), the great majority of deaths are scheduled to occur in 2024 to 2025, so the Tards might not be around much longer, if they are even still with us today.
Sep 12, 2022

Genesis 6:5​

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

In other words, men's hearts inherently have a gravitational pull towards evil and selfishness. It's those who have a higher awareness of their own corrupted desires and rather serve others in need will lead happier and fulfilled lives.
Thanks for that quote! I'm actually working on a Bible-based book.

Nov 11, 2007
Thanks for that quote! I'm actually working on a Bible-based book.

Genesis 6:5​

5 And God saw that the wickedness of TRUMP was/IS great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart

was only evil continually and an attempt to destroy democracy and in its place install fascism, neo-Naziism and a tyrannical

dictatorship upon America and to make his presence felt everywhere else in the world!!

In other words, Trump's heart inherently has a gravitational pull towards evil and selfishness. It's those who have a higher awareness

of Trump's own corrupted desires and rather serve others in need will lead happier and more fulfilled lives.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


This is a WAR trying to destroy the west and our way of life.

Do you see what's happening?

These are the Deep State foot soldiers, along with ANTIFA, trannies, career criminals who never go to jail courtesy of corrupt crime-happy Soros AGs destroying the rule of law and endangering citizens while waging Lawfare against the Deep State's political enemies...

Same anarchists who caused all the fires, damage and destruction during the Summer of Love 2020.

Have you seen all the violent chaotic images in corrupt Dem cities lately?

Do you see how we're at WAR?

Do you see WHY CIC Trump activated emergency wartime measures, Laws and Orders, including calling up 1 million soldiers in the National Guard?

Do you see how this is all building toward 2024 for both sides?

Do you now understand WHY the military will be on American streets cleaning out the main cities for a period of 10-14 days under Martial Law, while the People "accept what has to be done"?

Sometimes you have to SHOW the People.

And those are the Deep State foot soldiers....the pawns..

Wait till you see what CIC Trump and the military have been doing to the main Deep State players!

This thread is going to EXPLODE!

Aug 17, 2019
In some cases a useful idiot blames the prior administration .

Tell me how potential first time homebuyers whose dreams are destroyed. thanks to sky high interest rates we haven’t seen in decades haven’t prepared for diversity genius .
savage1 prepared by sitting behind a low ranking state government desk waiting for daddy's inheritance.
Aug 17, 2019


This is a WAR trying to destroy the west and our way of life.

Do you see what's happening?

These are the Deep State foot soldiers, along with ANTIFA, trannies, career criminals who never go to jail courtesy of corrupt crime-happy Soros AGs destroying the rule of law and endangering citizens while waging Lawfare against the Deep State's political enemies...

Same anarchists who caused all the fires, damage and destruction during the Summer of Love 2020.

Have you seen all the violent chaotic images in corrupt Dem cities lately?

Do you see how we're at WAR?

Do you see WHY CIC Trump activated emergency wartime measures, Laws and Orders, including calling up 1 million soldiers in the National Guard?

Do you see how this is all building toward 2024 for both sides?

Do you now understand WHY the military will be on American streets cleaning out the main cities for a period of 10-14 days under Martial Law, while the People "accept what has to be done"?

Sometimes you have to SHOW the People.

And those are the Deep State foot soldiers....the pawns..

Wait till you see what CIC Trump and the military have been doing to the main Deep State players!

This thread is going to EXPLODE!

Imagine if therx had the balls to let the original RR thread remain in tact.

It would have been an epic explosion.

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