
Nov 11, 2007
Man, I wish I was involved. Heck, I would re-enlist if I knew I could get stationed at Gitmo and witness the proceedings. I would even keep a couple of cells warm and cozy for the Tards.

My concern is that even with the Deep State eliminated, many of the societal weaknesses that created the problem to begin with will remain: rampant stupidity, consumerism, communism, feminism, homosexuality, trannyism, greed, fear, a turning away from God and Christianity, etc.

That's a great quote by Trump. He will go down in history as not only our greatest president ever, but one of the greatest men who ever lived.
You used several words and phrases in the post as well as the wording that clearly tell me that at the very least sheriff joe HOE wrote this

for you to post or helped you write it under your name because you are not capable of writing it yourself and/or sheriff joe HOE

wants to try to convince people that there are some folks who subscribe to his psychotic beliefs and delusions!!

Again, remember I have 34 years of professional experience under my belt in uncovering stuff like this!!

ps Next time I suggest that you and sheriff joe HOE compare this post with some of your other posts that overall bear

no resemblance to this one because you did not receive any help!!
Sep 12, 2022
Man, I wish I was involved. Heck, I would re-enlist if I knew I could get stationed at Gitmo and witness the proceedings. I would even keep a couple of cells warm and cozy for the Tards.

My concern is that even with the Deep State eliminated, many of the societal weaknesses that created the problem to begin with will remain: rampant stupidity, consumerism, communism, feminism, homosexuality, trannyism, greed, fear, a turning away from God and Christianity, etc.

That's a great quote by Trump. He will go down in history as not only our greatest president ever, but one of the greatest men who ever lived.

Aug 17, 2019
Now that we've established how phony the entire virus hoax was - not a single death anywhere in the world from "covid" - the question becomes how do we proceed in the aftermath? Death by hanging to those who perpetuated the crime? Life imprisonment for those who supported them? What should be done with all the traitors?
You forgot that we also established how delusional tards are and that they have been wrong 100% of the time.


Not a typo!

Most traitors already eliminated.

Many Tards will eliminate themselves in less than 5 months.

The remaining tards will be institutionalized and highly medicated.

Nov 11, 2007
You forgot that we also established how delusional tards are and that they have been wrong 100% of the time.


Not a typo!

Most traitors already eliminated.

Many Tards will eliminate themselves in less than 5 months.

The remaining tards will be institutionalized and highly medicated.
You need to go to Amazon or eBay, etc. to at the very least come up with some new words/terms to replace the same cliches,

mantras and hackneyed expressions that you have used since you started this thread!!

If you don't want to spend the money to do so, perhaps you should reach out to your fellow cohorts in this thread

who although they are not the sharpest tools in the shed, may be able to provide you with at least a few new terms!!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Fiat currency has never survived in history. Great interview here of Robert Kiyosaki the author of 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. Financially we are Foooked under the current monetary system.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Man, I wish I was involved. Heck, I would re-enlist if I knew I could get stationed at Gitmo and witness the proceedings. I would even keep a couple of cells warm and cozy for the Tards.

My concern is that even with the Deep State eliminated, many of the societal weaknesses that created the problem to begin with will remain: rampant stupidity, consumerism, communism, feminism, homosexuality, trannyism, greed, fear, a turning away from God and Christianity, etc.

That's a great quote by Trump. He will go down in history as not only our greatest president ever, but one of the greatest men who ever lived.
It is a great quote by the Chosen One history will crown the GOAT.

Yet even the CIC drops hints/comms/breadcrumbs/misspellings of what's going on behind the scenes all the time in his MAGA speeches and Truth posts, reserved exclusively for his tireless Digital Soldiers in this WAR:

?? ? Relentless Patriots who have read the Q drops and wartime CIC emergency Laws and Orders.

Now that you're armed with all that info as your frame of reference, you just have to listen.

?"Calm before the storm" (flashing an air Q)

?"Someday I'll tell you about our great military.. not the TV generals, the REAL ones!" (Who asked Donald Trump to run for president and currently running the country?)

? "We went around the Fake News like nobody in history!" (Q is military intel...a psychological operation designed to awaken the public by creating thousands of "anons" currently CRUSHING the FAKE NEWS - the cabal instrument of brainwashing and control)

?"They investigate me for everything, but they're the ones who are REALLY under investigation!" (hundreds of thousands of Deep State scoundrel sealed indictments)

?"ELECTION INTERERENCE!!!" (Executive Order 13848)

?"The Pause" (COG/Devolution)

?"I'd end the Ukraine war in 24 hours and I'm the only one who can say that!" (See World Submission Tour: Putin and Zi are The Bossman's bitches!)

?"I'm the President of everyone!" (said in front of the largest audience - ever!)

?"I stopped calling her Crooked Hillary because she doesn't matter anymore" (eliminated)

?"Miley: TREASON - worthy of an execution!" (about to be eliminated)

?"Joe doesn't know who he is. Who is running Joe? Maybe a Republican?" (Military-installed crisis actor)

?"We're not gonna let them steal 2024 because I will be involved this time!" (Military-run elections)

As for all the moral depravity, corruption, engineered chaos and disgusting evil the public is now witnessing...


This is why "it had to be this way"

Making a few public arrests and indictments was never going to "drain the swamp"...certainly not for any length of time.

Nobody would have believed how bad it is.

The people MUST SEE the corruption. The Pedo Globalists and their evil plans thrive in darkness - that's why they're being exposed to God's light.

And if you'll notice, the more desperate they become...the more they push their radical satanic NWO agenda, the more the People pushback worldwide

??? The Great Awakening!

And what about their oppressive fake money printing financial slave system - the fuel powering all this disgusting institutionalized blackmail/corruption and unspeakable evil worldwide?

Who will put an end to the endless?

Who votes for the UN? Nobody.
Who votes for the WHO? Nobody.
Who votes for the IMF? Nobody.
Who votes for all these installed politicians from RIGGED elections? Nobody.
Who votes for the Intelligence Clowns and the rest of the Deep State swamp who THINK they're in charge? Nobody.

Therefore... Are the People the evil ones? Are the "Basket of Deplorables" drowning the world in chaos and destruction? Are the People trafficking God's children? Are the People creating and imposing all this satanic AI censorship and control on humanity?

Flashback to Jan 20th 2017 (with the military standing behind CIC) ???

"Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.

The MILITARY transferring power from DC (a foreign-owned corporation) back to the PEOPLE.

The PEOPLE are God's Voice ??? God's Will.

And once you AWAKEN THE PEOPLE - the Collective Consciousness - GOD WINS.

Checkmate to Satan and his cabal globalists. ("The NWO worships Satan" - Putin)

Sleep well my fellow Patriot and thank the Good Lord for all your blessings.

The best is yet to come!


Dec 11, 2008
Fiat currency has never survived in history. Great interview here of Robert Kiyosaki the author of 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. Financially we are Foooked under the current monetary system.

The Ultimate Hypocrite: Robert Kiyosaki and His Company’s Bankruptcy​

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and how his company went bankrupt last month. Basically, the company didn’t pay the proper royalties on its seminars, and when they lost in court, they didn’t have enough money to pay at all. It wasn’t a personal bankruptcy, rather, a corporate bankruptcy. However, a corporation with money should be able to pay up for a minor royalty dispute (only $23 million compared to $400+ million in revenues). And when your name is attached to a company, and your business is built around creating wealth, the word bankruptcy associated with it usually isn’t a good thing.

The problem?

  • Prior to his 1997 publication of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki never had any documentation of the wealth he supposedly amassed (Forbes)

Nov 11, 2007
It is a great quote by the Chosen One history will crown the GOAT.

Yet even the CIC drops hints/comms/breadcrumbs/misspellings of what's going on behind the scenes all the time in his MAGA speeches and Truth posts, reserved exclusively for his tireless Digital Soldiers in this WAR:

?? ? Relentless Patriots who have read the Q drops and wartime CIC emergency Laws and Orders.

Now that you're armed with all that info as your frame of reference, you just have to listen.

?"Calm before the storm" (flashing an air Q)

?"Someday I'll tell you about our great military.. not the TV generals, the REAL ones!" (Who asked Donald Trump to run for president and currently running the country?)

? "We went around the Fake News like nobody in history!" (Q is military intel...a psychological operation designed to awaken the public by creating thousands of "anons" currently CRUSHING the FAKE NEWS - the cabal instrument of brainwashing and control)

?"They investigate me for everything, but they're the ones who are REALLY under investigation!" (hundreds of thousands of Deep State scoundrel sealed indictments)

?"ELECTION INTERERENCE!!!" (Executive Order 13848)

?"The Pause" (COG/Devolution)

?"I'd end the Ukraine war in 24 hours and I'm the only one who can say that!" (See World Submission Tour: Putin and Zi are The Bossman's bitches!)

?"I'm the President of everyone!" (said in front of the largest audience - ever!)

?"I stopped calling her Crooked Hillary because she doesn't matter anymore" (eliminated)

?"Miley: TREASON - worthy of an execution!" (about to be eliminated)

?"Joe doesn't know who he is. Who is running Joe? Maybe a Republican?" (Military-installed crisis actor)

?"We're not gonna let them steal 2024 because I will be involved this time!" (Military-run elections)

As for all the moral depravity, corruption, engineered chaos and disgusting evil the public is now witnessing...


This is why "it had to be this way"

Making a few public arrests and indictments was never going to "drain the swamp"...certainly not for any length of time.

Nobody would have believed how bad it is.

The people MUST SEE the corruption. The Pedo Globalists and their evil plans thrive in darkness - that's why they're being exposed to God's light.

And if you'll notice, the more desperate they become...the more they push their radical satanic NWO agenda, the more the People pushback worldwide

??? The Great Awakening!

And what about their oppressive fake money printing financial slave system - the fuel powering all this disgusting institutionalized blackmail/corruption and unspeakable evil worldwide?

Who will put an end to the endless?

Who votes for the UN? Nobody.
Who votes for the WHO? Nobody.
Who votes for the IMF? Nobody.
Who votes for all these installed politicians from RIGGED elections? Nobody.
Who votes for the Intelligence Clowns and the rest of the Deep State swamp who THINK they're in charge? Nobody.

Therefore... Are the People the evil ones? Are the "Basket of Deplorables" drowning the world in chaos and destruction? Are the People trafficking God's children? Are the People creating and imposing all this satanic AI censorship and control on humanity?

Flashback to Jan 20th 2017 (with the military standing behind CIC) ???

"Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.

The MILITARY transferring power from DC (a foreign-owned corporation) back to the PEOPLE.

The PEOPLE are God's Voice ??? God's Will.

And once you AWAKEN THE PEOPLE - the Collective Consciousness - GOD WINS.

Checkmate to Satan and his cabal globalists. ("The NWO worships Satan" - Putin)

Sleep well my fellow Patriot and thank the Good Lord for all your blessings.

The best is yet to come!

The term "strength in numbers" applies when many people agree on something and/or are devoted to effecting change.

However, a long post like the one to which I am referring to and is filled with nothing other than delusion, and

replete with blatant lies, begging the question, poisoning the well, projections and what will turn out to be more failed

predictions added to the 99.8% already documented ones, gives a contradictory meaning to the term "strength in numbers!!:

What this means in essence is that the actual strength if that is the right term, means that the lack of credibility will grow

and an accelerated rate, one which is a lot faster than if each of the things alluded to was posted separately as an entity onto


The end result of all this can be summed up in a negative fashion by saying that the post above using a revised axiom to fit

the occasion is that the whole is much WORSE than the sum of the parts!!

Nov 11, 2007

The Ultimate Hypocrite: Robert Kiyosaki and His Company’s Bankruptcy​

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and how his company went bankrupt last month. Basically, the company didn’t pay the proper royalties on its seminars, and when they lost in court, they didn’t have enough money to pay at all. It wasn’t a personal bankruptcy, rather, a corporate bankruptcy. However, a corporation with money should be able to pay up for a minor royalty dispute (only $23 million compared to $400+ million in revenues). And when your name is attached to a company, and your business is built around creating wealth, the word bankruptcy associated with it usually isn’t a good thing.

The problem?

  • Prior to his 1997 publication of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki never had any documentation of the wealth he supposedly amassed (Forbes)
Welcome to the thread and keep posting your links and words of wisdom!!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
My concern is that even with the Deep State eliminated, many of the societal weaknesses that created the problem to begin with will remain: rampant stupidity, consumerism, communism, feminism, homosexuality, trannyism, greed, fear, a turning away from God and Christianity, etc.

Genesis 6:5

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

In other words, men's hearts inherently have a gravitational pull towards evil and selfishness. It's those who have a higher awareness of their own corrupted desires and rather serve others in need will lead happier and fulfilled lives.

Nov 11, 2007

Genesis 6:5​

5 And God saw that the wickedness of TRUMP was/IS great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart

was only evil continually and an attempt to destroy democracy and in its place install fascism, neo-Naziism and a tyrannical

dictatorship upon America and to make his presence felt everywhere else in the world!!

In other words, Trump's heart inherently has a gravitational pull towards evil and selfishness. It's those who have a higher awareness

of Trump's own corrupted desires and rather serve others in need will lead happier and more fulfilled lives.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Fiat currency has never survived in history. Great interview here of Robert Kiyosaki the author of 'Rich Dad Poor Dad'. Financially we are Foooked under the current monetary system.

The current fiat monetary system is a RIGGED colossal failure which does nothing but enrich foreign central bankers and their corrupt ruling class puppets.

If the cost to produce something never changes - indeed, as technology advances, production costs should DECREASE over time - why does the value of everything INCREASE while things like individual purchasing power and wages fall further behind?


Do profit margins increase? No.
Do production costs increase? No.
Shareholder percentages change? No.
Price of materials increase? No.

Nothing changes.

The only thing that changes those equations is..

I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I....don't say it!

Gold retains its value - check
Silver retains its value - check
Does the (former) Federal Reserve Note backed by nothing retain its value? Uh oh!

Would we even need govt to intervene with a "minimum wage" if our money at least maintained its value like everything else?


No, we would not.

You could earn a "living wage" at 15 cents/hr if your money weren't worth less than mule piss!

We literally have millions of zombies walking around the country with all these crazy backward socialist beliefs which do not coincide with SOUND ECONOMICS.

Useful idiots who serve no purpose other than ENABLING the fake money scam to continue in perpetuity...until the entire system collapses.

"No State shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts."
-- Article 1, Section 10, US Constitution

Those founders were BRILLIANT. :grrr:

Nov 11, 2007
The current fiat monetary system is a RIGGED colossal failure which does nothing but enrich foreign central bankers and their corrupt ruling class puppets.

If the cost to produce something never changes - indeed, as technology advances, production costs should DECREASE over time - why does the value of everything INCREASE while things like individual purchasing power and wages fall further behind?


Do profit margins increase? No.
Do production costs increase? No.
Shareholder percentages change? No.
Price of materials increase? No.

Nothing changes.

The only thing that changes those equations is..

I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I....don't say it!

Gold retains its value - check
Silver retains its value - check
Does the (former) Federal Reserve Note backed by nothing retain its value? Uh oh!

Would we even need govt to intervene with a "minimum wage" if our money at least maintained its value like everything else?


No, we would not.

You could earn a "living wage" at 15 cents/hr if your money weren't worth less than mule piss!

We literally have millions of zombies walking around the country with all these crazy backward socialist beliefs which do not coincide with SOUND ECONOMICS.

Useful idiots who serve no purpose other than ENABLING the fake money scam to continue in perpetuity...until the entire system collapses.

"No State shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts."
-- Article 1, Section 10, US Constitution

Those founders were BRILLIANT. :grrr:
Inflation, recession, business cycles, etc. come and go as they always have and always will!!

Along the same lines, people bitch and complain in the short term about such matters because they are unprepared to

deal with adversity!!

Then these things eventually resolve themselves in one way or the other, and we have a sustained bull market until someday

in the future the same scenario repeats itself!!

It is called the game of LIFE, and one needs to learn to play it correctly in order to succeed and be a WINNER!!

Nov 11, 2007
Speaking of gold, let's take a trip down Memory Lane and listen to this great song from yesteryear!!


Nov 11, 2007
The current fiat monetary system is a RIGGED colossal failure which does nothing but enrich foreign central bankers and their corrupt ruling class puppets.

If the cost to produce something never changes - indeed, as technology advances, production costs should DECREASE over time - why does the value of everything INCREASE while things like individual purchasing power and wages fall further behind?


Do profit margins increase? No.
Do production costs increase? No.
Shareholder percentages change? No.
Price of materials increase? No.

Nothing changes.

The only thing that changes those equations is..

I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I....don't say it!

Gold retains its value - check
Silver retains its value - check
Does the (former) Federal Reserve Note backed by nothing retain its value? Uh oh!

Would we even need govt to intervene with a "minimum wage" if our money at least maintained its value like everything else?


No, we would not.

You could earn a "living wage" at 15 cents/hr if your money weren't worth less than mule piss!

We literally have millions of zombies walking around the country with all these crazy backward socialist beliefs which do not coincide with SOUND ECONOMICS.

Useful idiots who serve no purpose other than ENABLING the fake money scam to continue in perpetuity...until the entire system collapses.

"No State shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts."
-- Article 1, Section 10, US Constitution

Those founders were BRILLIANT. :grrr:
“[Gold] gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it. It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head.”
― Warren Buffett
Aug 17, 2019
It is a great quote by the Chosen One history will crown the GOAT.

Yet even the CIC drops hints/comms/breadcrumbs/misspellings of what's going on behind the scenes all the time in his MAGA speeches and Truth posts, reserved exclusively for his tireless Digital Soldiers in this WAR:

?? ? Relentless Patriots who have read the Q drops and wartime CIC emergency Laws and Orders.

Now that you're armed with all that info as your frame of reference, you just have to listen.

?"Calm before the storm" (flashing an air Q)

?"Someday I'll tell you about our great military.. not the TV generals, the REAL ones!" (Who asked Donald Trump to run for president and currently running the country?)

? "We went around the Fake News like nobody in history!" (Q is military intel...a psychological operation designed to awaken the public by creating thousands of "anons" currently CRUSHING the FAKE NEWS - the cabal instrument of brainwashing and control)

?"They investigate me for everything, but they're the ones who are REALLY under investigation!" (hundreds of thousands of Deep State scoundrel sealed indictments)

?"ELECTION INTERERENCE!!!" (Executive Order 13848)

?"The Pause" (COG/Devolution)

?"I'd end the Ukraine war in 24 hours and I'm the only one who can say that!" (See World Submission Tour: Putin and Zi are The Bossman's bitches!)

?"I'm the President of everyone!" (said in front of the largest audience - ever!)

?"I stopped calling her Crooked Hillary because she doesn't matter anymore" (eliminated)

?"Miley: TREASON - worthy of an execution!" (about to be eliminated)

?"Joe doesn't know who he is. Who is running Joe? Maybe a Republican?" (Military-installed crisis actor)

?"We're not gonna let them steal 2024 because I will be involved this time!" (Military-run elections)

As for all the moral depravity, corruption, engineered chaos and disgusting evil the public is now witnessing...


This is why "it had to be this way"

Making a few public arrests and indictments was never going to "drain the swamp"...certainly not for any length of time.

Nobody would have believed how bad it is.

The people MUST SEE the corruption. The Pedo Globalists and their evil plans thrive in darkness - that's why they're being exposed to God's light.

And if you'll notice, the more desperate they become...the more they push their radical satanic NWO agenda, the more the People pushback worldwide

??? The Great Awakening!

And what about their oppressive fake money printing financial slave system - the fuel powering all this disgusting institutionalized blackmail/corruption and unspeakable evil worldwide?

Who will put an end to the endless?

Who votes for the UN? Nobody.
Who votes for the WHO? Nobody.
Who votes for the IMF? Nobody.
Who votes for all these installed politicians from RIGGED elections? Nobody.
Who votes for the Intelligence Clowns and the rest of the Deep State swamp who THINK they're in charge? Nobody.

Therefore... Are the People the evil ones? Are the "Basket of Deplorables" drowning the world in chaos and destruction? Are the People trafficking God's children? Are the People creating and imposing all this satanic AI censorship and control on humanity?

Flashback to Jan 20th 2017 (with the military standing behind CIC) ???

"Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.

The MILITARY transferring power from DC (a foreign-owned corporation) back to the PEOPLE.

The PEOPLE are God's Voice ??? God's Will.

And once you AWAKEN THE PEOPLE - the Collective Consciousness - GOD WINS.

Checkmate to Satan and his cabal globalists. ("The NWO worships Satan" - Putin)

Sleep well my fellow Patriot and thank the Good Lord for all your blessings.

The best is yet to come!

Again, the CiC is making it crystal clear for those with eyes to see.

Unfortunately, tards are too buried in ignorance and hate for one man they can't see anything!
Aug 17, 2019
The current fiat monetary system is a RIGGED colossal failure which does nothing but enrich foreign central bankers and their corrupt ruling class puppets.

If the cost to produce something never changes - indeed, as technology advances, production costs should DECREASE over time - why does the value of everything INCREASE while things like individual purchasing power and wages fall further behind?


Do profit margins increase? No.
Do production costs increase? No.
Shareholder percentages change? No.
Price of materials increase? No.

Nothing changes.

The only thing that changes those equations is..

I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I....don't say it!

Gold retains its value - check
Silver retains its value - check
Does the (former) Federal Reserve Note backed by nothing retain its value? Uh oh!

Would we even need govt to intervene with a "minimum wage" if our money at least maintained its value like everything else?


No, we would not.

You could earn a "living wage" at 15 cents/hr if your money weren't worth less than mule piss!

We literally have millions of zombies walking around the country with all these crazy backward socialist beliefs which do not coincide with SOUND ECONOMICS.

Useful idiots who serve no purpose other than ENABLING the fake money scam to continue in perpetuity...until the entire system collapses.

"No State shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts."
-- Article 1, Section 10, US Constitution

Those founders were BRILLIANT. :grrr:

And the reason why the DS cabal Satanists HATE the Constitution is because it is a LIVING entity and cannot be "killed".

The op stated at the onset that tards were going to get a free lesson in the U.S. Constitution.

They are, but just don't have the intellectual capacity to understand it.

Instead, they still post fake news links, fake polls, fake fact checkers and, oh don't forget, fake world-o-meter numbers.

:an_laugh: ???

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