Aug 17, 2019
It should be called schooling the ultra low iqanons.

Will we be completing the trilogy with "IN THE MIND OF A DELUSIONAL TARD, WHERE THE LOWEST IQ RESIDES"

This will focus on the aftermath of the tards, a thread fully dedicated to "we told you so" and "it wasn't conspiracy after all, was it tards?".

This thread was set up as the sequel to fully expose the level of brainwashing, mind-control and stupidity with people like yourself and savage1.

We wanted to give all of those here in the Political forum a FREE front row-center seat ticket to "The Stupidest People on Earth", only available here on the Rx network.

Nov 11, 2007
Will we be completing the trilogy with "IN THE MIND OF A DELUSIONAL TARD, WHERE THE LOWEST IQ RESIDES"

This will focus on the aftermath of the tards, a thread fully dedicated to "we told you so" and "it wasn't conspiracy after all, was it tards?".

This thread was set up as the sequel to fully expose the level of brainwashing, mind-control and stupidity with people like yourself and savage1.

We wanted to give all of those here in the Political forum a FREE front row-center seat ticket to "The Stupidest People on Earth", only available here on the Rx network.
For starters, just let me know when your zillionth daily prediction that Trump's reinstatement/devolution is imminent

started 32 months ago comes true assuming I am still alive!! lol

If you should ever decide to start another thread of this nature in this forum or another, be sure that I am not lurking in the

background unless of course you are a masochist!!

Sep 5, 2010
Will we be completing the trilogy with "IN THE MIND OF A DELUSIONAL TARD, WHERE THE LOWEST IQ RESIDES"

This will focus on the aftermath of the tards, a thread fully dedicated to "we told you so" and "it wasn't conspiracy after all, was it tards?".

This thread was set up as the sequel to fully expose the level of brainwashing, mind-control and stupidity with people like yourself and savage1.

We wanted to give all of those here in the Political forum a FREE front row-center seat ticket to "The Stupidest People on Earth", only available here on the Rx network.
Once again, the head ultra low iqanon exposes his delusional ignorance.

He says that him and his loser followers have me and others on ignore ad responds with a loser like, trump response.

We have it all.

Soon, real soon.

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!

Your god lost to a guy campaigning from his basement by 8 MILLION votes!

That has to hurt.

I'd send him some money if I were you.

If you have any!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
Will we be completing the trilogy with "IN THE MIND OF A DELUSIONAL TARD, WHERE THE LOWEST IQ RESIDES"

This will focus on the aftermath of the tards, a thread fully dedicated to "we told you so" and "it wasn't conspiracy after all, was it tards?".

This thread was set up as the sequel to fully expose the level of brainwashing, mind-control and stupidity with people like yourself and savage1.

We wanted to give all of those here in the Political forum a FREE front row-center seat ticket to "The Stupidest People on Earth", only available here on the Rx network.
Will you be posting any more sports picks???


Nov 11, 2007
Will you be posting any more sports picks???

Last week he was BEGGING for a pick of some capper.

I find that quite interesting and telling in that the last I heard he claimed he had two or three services which he claims haven't

had a losing month of for that matter weeks in all of the years he has used them!!

Sep 5, 2010
Will we be completing the trilogy with "IN THE MIND OF A DELUSIONAL TARD, WHERE THE LOWEST IQ RESIDES"

This will focus on the aftermath of the tards, a thread fully dedicated to "we told you so" and "it wasn't conspiracy after all, was it tards?".

This thread was set up as the sequel to fully expose the level of brainwashing, mind-control and stupidity with people like yourself and savage1.

We wanted to give all of those here in the Political forum a FREE front row-center seat ticket to "The Stupidest People on Earth", only available here on the Rx network.
Are you picking the Bears moneyline as your top pick?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
Last week he was BEGGING for a pick of some capper.

I find that quite interesting and telling in that the last I heard he claimed he had two or three services which he claims haven't

had a losing month of for that matter weeks in all of the years he has used them!!
He's just a butt hurt ultra low iqanon that can't accept the fact that the orange encrusted buffoon is going away.

Sep 5, 2010

Wait, There’s MORE” – Accusations of Trump Embezzling Millions From His Supporters Emerges, Is the Legal System Finally Ready to Hold Him Accountable?​

He ripped off his ultra low iqanon followers?


They are really stupid.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
President Trump’s new immigration plan:

? Invoke unilateral wartime authority to deport illegal aliens immediately

?Pull US troops from overseas & put them on US border

?Reprioritize FBI, DEA, DHS to focus on removal of illegals

?Naval blockade to stop fentanyl

From NBC of all sources.

Hmmm... "wartime authority" and military involvement at every level.

Sounds a lot like "military is the only way" and....COG/devolution (already in place).

Sounds like the military will increasingly become involved in all aspects of government (because they already are behind the scenes).

Including - drumroll! - elections. Ruh roh!

That's right, by the time the military steps out of the shadows and into the light, most of the work will have been completed.

Tards can't complain we didn't warm them.

But just like with everything else, they were warned but didn't listen.

Soon they'll be jumping off bridges and out of windows in hysterics once they realize their dumpster fire "news" sources let them down yet again!

???CURRENT Wartime Commander-in-Chief prepping the battlefield ahead.

Aug 17, 2019
President Trump’s new immigration plan:

? Invoke unilateral wartime authority to deport illegal aliens immediately

?Pull US troops from overseas & put them on US border

?Reprioritize FBI, DEA, DHS to focus on removal of illegals

?Naval blockade to stop fentanyl

From NBC of all sources.

Hmmm... "wartime authority" and military involvement at every level.

Sounds a lot like "military is the only way" and....COG/devolution (already in place).

Sounds like the military will increasingly become involved in all aspects of government (because they already are behind the scenes).

Including - drumroll! - elections. Ruh roh!

That's right, by the time the military steps out of the shadows and into the light, most of the work will have been completed.

Tards can't complain we didn't warm them.

But just like with everything else, they were warned but didn't listen.

Soon they'll be jumping off bridges and out of windows in hysterics once they realize their dumpster fire "news" sources let them down yet again!

???CURRENT Wartime Commander-in-Chief prepping the battlefield ahead.

Yes, we did warn them.

And gave them proof.

But all we can do now is pray for their souls and pray they don't jump.

Nov 11, 2007
President Trump’s new immigration plan:

? Invoke unilateral wartime authority to deport illegal aliens immediately

?Pull US troops from overseas & put them on US border

?Reprioritize FBI, DEA, DHS to focus on removal of illegals

?Naval blockade to stop fentanyl

From NBC of all sources.

Hmmm... "wartime authority" and military involvement at every level.

Sounds a lot like "military is the only way" and....COG/devolution (already in place).

Sounds like the military will increasingly become involved in all aspects of government (because they already are behind the scenes).

Including - drumroll! - elections. Ruh roh!

That's right, by the time the military steps out of the shadows and into the light, most of the work will have been completed.

Tards can't complain we didn't warm them.

But just like with everything else, they were warned but didn't listen.

Soon they'll be jumping off bridges and out of windows in hysterics once they realize their dumpster fire "news" sources let them down yet again!

???CURRENT Wartime Commander-in-Chief prepping the battlefield ahead.

Will the devolution happen before the 2/24 Election or not??

I mean you have been predicting it is imminent for the last 32 months and it is getting a "little bit" long in te tooth!!

But then again it is no different from the other 99.8% FAILED predictions on your part and that of sbd.

And in any event I guess we have to assume that Trump has his own private military to pull this off as the real

and existing military led by General Miley DESPISES him and wants no part of hm!!

Next please!!

Nov 11, 2007
Yes, we did warn them.

And gave them proof.

But all we can do now is pray for their souls and pray they don't jump.
We will be jumping all right but jumping for JOY once it becomes official that Trump will NEVER be POTUS again and jumping

even higher if his sorry ass ends up in jail!!
Sep 12, 2022
Don't forget to mention your previous thread had over 2 million views, which made it one of the highest ever at the Rx and drew in traffic from all over.

TONS of silent lurkers..

I am absolutely 100% convinced it saved lives, while continuing to inform people who WANT THE TRUTH.

Absolutely, without a doubt, the old thread and this one have saved lives. Any Tard who took the first shots, but not this newest one owes their life to this and the old thread.
Sep 12, 2022
President Trump’s new immigration plan:

? Invoke unilateral wartime authority to deport illegal aliens immediately

?Pull US troops from overseas & put them on US border

?Reprioritize FBI, DEA, DHS to focus on removal of illegals

?Naval blockade to stop fentanyl

From NBC of all sources.

Hmmm... "wartime authority" and military involvement at every level.

Sounds a lot like "military is the only way" and....COG/devolution (already in place).

Sounds like the military will increasingly become involved in all aspects of government (because they already are behind the scenes).

Including - drumroll! - elections. Ruh roh!

That's right, by the time the military steps out of the shadows and into the light, most of the work will have been completed.

Tards can't complain we didn't warm them.

But just like with everything else, they were warned but didn't listen.

Soon they'll be jumping off bridges and out of windows in hysterics once they realize their dumpster fire "news" sources let them down yet again!

???CURRENT Wartime Commander-in-Chief prepping the battlefield ahead.

I wonder if the Tards secretly enjoy being proven wrong over and over. After all, their manufactured outrage over President Trump gives their meaningless lives something to focus on.
Sep 12, 2022
Will we be completing the trilogy with "IN THE MIND OF A DELUSIONAL TARD, WHERE THE LOWEST IQ RESIDES"

This will focus on the aftermath of the tards, a thread fully dedicated to "we told you so" and "it wasn't conspiracy after all, was it tards?".

This thread was set up as the sequel to fully expose the level of brainwashing, mind-control and stupidity with people like yourself and savage1.

We wanted to give all of those here in the Political forum a FREE front row-center seat ticket to "The Stupidest People on Earth", only available here on the Rx network.
Hahahahahahahaha!!! Ain't that the truth!

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