
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A great document for your reading peasure.

Donald Trump’s Poll Numbers in the GOP Are Starting to Slide​



Soon, real soon.



Hey Witless -

You missed the latest Emerson poll .

Remember the previous one you and lightweight couldn’t get enough of ?


Trump’s biggest lead yet, 47 points is widest since June ‘22

Nothing is slowing former President Donald Trump’s march to the GOP nomination.

In the latest Emerson College Polling survey out Wednesday, Trump now has the biggest national lead since Emerson started testing the 2024 race in June 2022, 15 months ago.

Nov 11, 2007
SportsBookData said:
Will we be completing the trilogy with "IN THE MIND OF A DELUSIONAL TARD, WHERE THE LOWEST IQ RESIDES"

This will focus on the aftermath of the tards, a thread fully dedicated to "we told you so" and "it wasn't conspiracy after all, was it tards?".

This thread was set up as the sequel to fully expose the level of brainwashing, mind-control and stupidity with people like yourself and savage1.

We wanted to give all of those here in the Political forum a FREE front row-center seat ticket to "The Stupidest People on Earth", only available here on the Rx network.
For starters, just let me know when your zillionth daily prediction that Trump's reinstatement/devolution is imminent

started 32 months ago comes true assuming I am still alive!! lol

If you should ever decide to start another thread of this nature in this forum or another, be sure that I am not lurking in the

background unless of course you are a masochist!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Unbeatable in a rematch with Trump says one long TDS sufferer .


Another day, another slip-up.

President Biden on Thursday expressed his admiration for the “Congressional Black Caucus” during a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in his latest head-scratching moment.

The gaffe came as he delivered a speech in Washington at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s 46th Annual Gala


Nov 11, 2007

No surprise here and why should there be!!

Imo expect to see similar results all over the country as the investigations and indictments/convictions move

forward, revealing more horrible and disgusting things about this neo-Nazi/fascist/TREASONOUS/AHOLE despot

and the overwhelming number of people come to their senses!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

No surprise here and why should there be!!

Imo expect to see similar results all over the country as the investigations and indictments/convictions move

forward, revealing more horrible and disgusting things about this neo-Nazi/fascist/TREASONOUS/AHOLE despot

and the overwhelming number of people come to their senses!!

The best you’ve got is NH ?


Can we see the RCP average between the would be 82 year old useful idiot who will cruise re election vs. Trump ?

Nov 11, 2007
The best you’ve got is NH ?


Can we see the RCP average between the would be 82 year old useful idiot who will cruise re election vs. Trump ?
Oh so your Emerson Polls count as well as any other polls showing that your deity is doing well but any other polls showing

that he is not doing so well don't count!! lol

But then again why should anyone be surprised by a person like yourself who by inference doesn't believe that any convictions

are going to occur, and that even if they did and Trump is convicted, they will have no impact on how people perceive

him and vote or not vote for him!!

In fact, another poll which you obviously won't acknowledge has any validity because it is not favorable to Trump, clearly

indicates that if Trump is convicted automatically 30% of them will NOT vote for him if nominated!!

It is a "little bit" difficult to win an Election with those kind of numbers last I heard!!

That's it for now, Mr. one-way Lenny, as it is off to the warm soothing waters of the jacuzzi to prepare my mind, body and soul

for another day of my existence!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Oh so your Emerson Polls count as well as any other polls showing that your deity is doing well but any other polls showing

that he is not doing so well don't count!! lol

But then again why should anyone be surprised by a person like yourself who by inference doesn't believe that any convictions

are going to occur, and that even if they did and Trump is convicted, they will have no impact on how people perceive

him and vote or not vote for him!!

In fact, another poll which you obviously won't acknowledge has any validity because it is not favorable to Trump, clearly

indicates that if Trump is convicted automatically 30% of them will NOT vote for him if nominated!!

It is a "little bit" difficult to win an Election with those kind of numbers last I heard!!

That's it for now, Mr. one-way Lenny, as it is off to the warm soothing waters of the jacuzzi to prepare my mind, body and soul

for another day of my existence!!

You and Witless have produced ONE poll showing a post debate slip that you both couldn’t get enough of as opposed to dozens with a Trump commanding lead in the R primary . So commanding he’s approaching an unheard of 60% AVERAGE .

You’ve GOT NOTHING but hope that a sitting President has his number one political opponent convicted . Have a seat clown . Now on to the useful idiot destroying the country , starting with his open border policy . Something that voters will pay no mind to as well as an economy where credit card debt is at an all time high , more people are living paycheck to paycheck and inflation is decades high .

But yeah , campaign on it’s Trump’s fault . The numbers really back up his claim .They’re better off muzzling this moron close to election time .


Nov 11, 2007
You and Witless have produced ONE poll showing a post debate slip that you both couldn’t get enough of as opposed to dozens with a Trump commanding lead in the R primary . So commanding he’s approaching an unheard of 60% AVERAGE .

You’ve GOT NOTHING but hope that a sitting President has his number one political opponent convicted . Have a seat clown . Now on to the useful idiot destroying the country , starting with his open border policy . Something that voters will pay no mind to as well as an economy where credit card debt is at an all time high , more people are living paycheck to paycheck and inflation is decades high .

But yeah , campaign on it’s Trump’s fault . The numbers really back up his claim .They’re better off muzzling this moron close to election time .

As has been the case of late, this will be my last post to you until much later in the day because of your provincial thinking!!

We have glaring examples of it again when you beg the question and poison the well when 1) you keep harping on the laughable

concept that winning the Republican nomination is the big prize and not who wins the Election itself.

2) Then you make the moronic statement that we have nothing but hope that Trump is convicted but completely ignoring

the facts of the importance of the convictions themselves and what they are based on, namely CRIMINALITY and CRIMINAL

INTENT like they are nothing burgers that levelheaded people don't consider!!

As all of this applies to YOU, once again this morning with your commentary about the NH [polling data you have shown why imo your

opinion doesn't count much in the eyes of intelligent and objective people.

Here are the main reasons why your opinions don't matter all that much:

1) You selectively pick events in the present that you deem to be favorable to Trump's cause but rule out or don't talk

about and/or slam any that do not agree with this.

It is essentially the same thing with people who say or write anything negative about Trump no matter how well they are

positioned to make such commentary.

2) As I have said before, you simply assume that out of the selective favorable things you post about Trump today, there is no

way that they can possibly change between now and Election Day most notably the effects on public perception of what

the investigations, indictments and possible convictions may have, and just as importantly Trump's ability to even be the candidate

on Election Day!!

3) Then you bash Biden, which I have no problem with!!

However, then you project your opinion that people will simply switch to Trump without any consideration whatsoever in the NH polling

data why in the theoretical matchup between Trump and Biden, Biden has the 12-point lead!!

In short in your concrete stonewall of inflexibility, you assume that your world of reality translates into the REAL world of reality,

which we saw in your failed predictions of the 2022 red wave which would take place all over the country and such matters that Fetter

man would get crushed.

My overall prognosis is that not until/if/when your one-way gigo approaches as it applies to politics changes, you will continue

exist in the world quagmire of unreality that currently envelopes your entire being!!

See you late in the afternoon at the earliest!!
Aug 17, 2019
President Trump’s new immigration plan:

? Invoke unilateral wartime authority to deport illegal aliens immediately

?Pull US troops from overseas & put them on US border

?Reprioritize FBI, DEA, DHS to focus on removal of illegals

?Naval blockade to stop fentanyl

From NBC of all sources.

Hmmm... "wartime authority" and military involvement at every level.

Sounds a lot like "military is the only way" and....COG/devolution (already in place).

Sounds like the military will increasingly become involved in all aspects of government (because they already are behind the scenes).

Including - drumroll! - elections. Ruh roh!

That's right, by the time the military steps out of the shadows and into the light, most of the work will have been completed.

Tards can't complain we didn't warm them.

But just like with everything else, they were warned but didn't listen.

Soon they'll be jumping off bridges and out of windows in hysterics once they realize their dumpster fire "news" sources let them down yet again!

???CURRENT Wartime Commander-in-Chief prepping the battlefield ahead.

Tards don't have the intellectual capacity to even understand what devolution is.

Nor are they smart enough to know that devolution was triggered when Trump walked out of the white house.

And this is what makes him CiC.

And that when we say devolution is "imminent", it's referring to the event that bring the military out of the shadows and into full public view.

For 3.5 years savage1 has been trolling us thinking he's "exposing" us because devolution hasn't happened.

Meanwhile, he's not even smart enough to understand the joke is on him because devolution has been in effect the entire time. ?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
Tards don't have the intellectual capacity to even understand what devolution is.
Apparently, you don't either because by the definition of the word and empirical evidence, it has not occurred yet!!
Nor are they smart enough to know that devolution was triggered when Trump walked out of the white house.
Begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly not providing one shred of evidence of your contention is,

has been and always will be a failed strategy in the eyes of VERY intelligent, educated, experienced people like

myself who are quite adept in debating and can and will see through the smokescreen you feebly put up and stomp you

out as I/we have done for 3 1/2 years!!
And this is what makes him CiC.
Doubling down on poisoning the well, begging the question as I cited above makes you look even more effete, clueless, battered

than you are already are if possible!!
And that when we say devolution is "imminent", it's referring to the event that bring the military out of the shadows and into full public view.
Oh I see-now you are weakly and I mean weakly trying to change the meaning of the word "imminent" to one of your

liking as you realize that at this point you have lost all credibility with intelligent and objective people who realize

that your daily 32 months of 100% FAILED daily predictions that Trump's Devolution have not come true!!

In football audibles can and do work on occasion; conversely your "audible" regarding the definition of the word "imminent"

simply plunges you deeper into the pisspot you created for yourself and that I, wilbur and schmirt have exposed to the

fullest degree over the last 3 1/2 years!!

ps Kindly show us some EMPIRICAL and DIRECT evidence that Trump is the CIC and has been devolututioned-yeah right!! lol

For 3.5 years savage1 has been trolling us thinking he's "exposing" us because devolution hasn't happened.
No, buddy, it is YOU and not I who has been trolling with your attention-seeking delusions, failed predictions and lies

including devolution!!

We in turn have only brought attention to and documented and who and what you are all about!!

if that is your definition of trolling, then I proudly admit to being a member of the RX Trolling Club!!

Meanwhile, he's not even smart enough to understand the joke is on him because devolution has been in effect the entire time. ?
A typical conclusion on your part which I already ripped apart in my commentary above-no need to repeat!!

Nov 11, 2007
I reported this post the other night as a personal attack mainly on my wife and her nephew and my request to

have it removed was honored.

I just reported it again.
ps Also why and how did you respond so quickly to how I responded to you post by point if you as you claim DON'T read my posts!!

Yeah I know one of your many "hundreds" if not "thousands" sycophants whose day and life depends on every utterance out of

your mouth immediately and dutifully reported and brought it to your attention!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :+peeing-5 :+peeing-5 :+peeing-5

Nov 11, 2007

Trump and Giuliani would make perfect cellmates and if anyone is needed to take care of their physical needs, well then

at the appropriate time Sidney Powell can be brought over from an adjoining cell to take care of that provided of course that

Trump and Giuliani somehow managed to have a few drinks prior in order to get their "members" to "stand up

at the sight of this hideous looking beast!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Trump and Giuliani would make perfect cellmates and if anyone is needed to take care of their physical needs, well then

at the appropriate time Sidney Powell can be brought over from an adjoining cell to take care of that provided of course that

Trump and Giuliani somehow managed to have a few drinks prior in order to get their "members" to "stand up

at the sight of this hideous looking beast!! lol

Wait . He hasn’t flipped yet according to you mental midgets ?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Tards don't have the intellectual capacity to even understand what devolution is.

Nor are they smart enough to know that devolution was triggered when Trump walked out of the white house.

And this is what makes him CiC.

And that when we say devolution is "imminent", it's referring to the event that bring the military out of the shadows and into full public view.

For 3.5 years savage1 has been trolling us thinking he's "exposing" us because devolution hasn't happened.

Meanwhile, he's not even smart enough to understand the joke is on him because devolution has been in effect the entire time. ?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Devolution is a Military Occupancy with a Continuity of Operations Plan outlined in the Law of War Manual and Federal Continuity Directives with Executive Orders.

This is not SBD and Sheriff Joe claiming to "know stuff from people"...

Anyone can verify these documents from .gov and mil sites themselves...aka FACTS.

Once you understand all the laws and orders in place, you see everything through the prism of this multi-layered, multi-year operation. You can see all the optics, comms, and psyops.

Everything from "Biden's" brutal anti-MAGA speech, to "Chinese balloons"... "Stumbling and Falling Biden", Afghanis hanging off the wings of military planes taking off in Kabul...fake raids, fake indictments and fake arrests...

All staged - a movie.

Some things are visible to the public, most are not.

Using the military to round up illegals and criminals on the streets as outlined by President is just the end mop up phase. Wait till people see what CIC Trump and the military have been doing to the Deep State behind the scenes.

COG/Devolution ? ? ? The "Pause"


Nov 11, 2007
Devolution is a Military Occupancy with a Continuity of Operations Plan outlined in the Law of War Manual and Federal Continuity Directives with Executive Orders.

This is not SBD and Sheriff Joe claiming to "know stuff from people"...

Anyone can verify these documents from .gov and mil sites themselves...aka FACTS.

Once you understand all the laws and orders in place, you see everything through the prism of this multi-layered, multi-year operation. You can see all the optics, comms, and psyops.

Everything from "Biden's" brutal anti-MAGA speech, to "Chinese balloons"... "Stumbling and Falling Biden", Afghanis hanging off the wings of military planes taking off in Kabul...fake raids, fake indictments and fake arrests...

All staged - a movie.

Some things are visible to the public, most are not.

Using the military to round up illegals and criminals on the streets as outlined by President is just the end mop up phase. Wait till people see what CIC Trump and the military have been doing to the Deep State behind the scenes.

COG/Devolution ? ? ? The "Pause"

Your post essentially amounts to the same bs posted by sbd!!

The bottom line is no matter how hard you try to wiggle out of it Trump has NOT by any empirical standard been devolutioned

yet which you have claimed is IMMINENT for the last 32 months!!

Here is my response to you, which is a repost of what I posted earlier to sbd because despite the slight difference in wording,

they both espress the same bullshit, lies and 100% lack of accountability!!

Here you go-back after lunch!!

SportsBookData said:
Tards don't have the intellectual capacity to even understand what devolution is.
Apparently, you don't either because by the definition of the word and empirical evidence, it has not occurred yet!!
SportsBookData said:
Nor are they smart enough to know that devolution was triggered when Trump walked out of the white house.
Begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly not providing one shred of evidence of your contention is,

has been and always will be a failed strategy in the eyes of VERY intelligent, educated, experienced people like

myself who are quite adept in debating and can and will see through the smokescreen you feebly put up and stomp you

out as I/we have done for 3 1/2 years!!
SportsBookData said:
And this is what makes him CiC.
Doubling down on poisoning the well, begging the question as I cited above makes you look even more effete, clueless, battered

than you are already are if possible!!
SportsBookData said:
And that when we say devolution is "imminent", it's referring to the event that bring the military out of the shadows and into full public view.
Oh I see-now you are weakly and I mean weakly trying to change the meaning of the word "imminent" to one of your

liking as you realize that at this point you have lost all credibility with intelligent and objective people who realize

that your daily 32 months of 100% FAILED daily predictions that Trump's Devolution have not come true!!

In football audibles can and do work on occasion; conversely your "audible" regarding the definition of the word "imminent"

simply plunges you deeper into the pisspot you created for yourself and that I, wilbur and schmirt have exposed to the

fullest degree over the last 3 1/2 years!!

ps Kindly show us some EMPIRICAL and DIRECT evidence that Trump is the CIC and has been devolututioned-yeah right!! lol

SportsBookData said:
For 3.5 years savage1 has been trolling us thinking he's "exposing" us because devolution hasn't happened.
No, buddy, it is YOU and not I who has been trolling with your attention-seeking delusions, failed predictions and lies

including devolution!!

We in turn have only brought attention to and documented and who and what you are all about!!

if that is your definition of trolling, then I proudly admit to being a member of the RX Trolling Club!!

SportsBookData said:
Meanwhile, he's not even smart enough to understand the joke is on him because devolution has been in effect the entire time. ?
A typical conclusion on your part which I already ripped apart in my commentary above-no need to repeat!!
Sep 12, 2022
Tards don't have the intellectual capacity to even understand what devolution is.

Nor are they smart enough to know that devolution was triggered when Trump walked out of the white house.

And this is what makes him CiC.

And that when we say devolution is "imminent", it's referring to the event that bring the military out of the shadows and into full public view.

For 3.5 years savage1 has been trolling us thinking he's "exposing" us because devolution hasn't happened.

Meanwhile, he's not even smart enough to understand the joke is on him because devolution has been in effect the entire time. ?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You hit the nail on the head.

Tards should quit crying about their eight dollar an hour jobs and be thankful that God has led them to this thread. Any Tard who doesn't take the new "vaccine" is avoiding it because of what they've learned on this thread.

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