Hey lightweight . Some more great news for you .
You must have missed the latest Emerson poll after you and Witless were stroking each other over the previous one .
Maybe it’s you and the borderline retard who should be paying attention .
+9 and not only 59% but closing in on 60% on the RCP average .
Expect to see this repost a lot when you use polls ONLY to try to pull the wools over not just on readers but most importantly
I simply don't have either the time or desire to write a new post to what you continue to say over and over again like a broken record!!
Here you go and for everyone else who missed it from last night:
I am going to make this one as fast I can because once again you show you don't how to make a point/debate as exemplified
by your post!!
"First of all you beg the question, poison the well(what else is new) by stating YOUR OPINION that the 91 criminal
charges are the work of Commies.
You also by inference deny that he is in any kind of trouble because of the investigations and indictments, which is simply
100% out of touch with reality!!
Then as usual when you don't have anything specific to offer you revert back to your standard mantra of the polls showing
that he is way ahead in the polling data to get the nomination, which in itself is illogical, a non-sequitur, and for sure has ZERO
to do with his ability to win the only prize that counts, name;y winning the 2024 POTUS!!
In short, you have combined a bunch of unrelated thoughts to try to make an overall point, as as usual
fail again and badly!!
And then in your last sentence by implication, you beg the question and poison the well by saying "but just wait 'til those
The two glaring problems with that are 1) you don't tell us why SPECIFICALLY why possible convictions don't
mean anything at all regarding Trump's ability to win the Election and 2) no specifics as to why he cannot /won't
be convicted!!
Seriously if you want to improve yourself as a person, go to your local bookstore or go online to find some books to
read on debating because right now your ability it is ABYSMAL!!
That's it for you for tonight, my friend!!