
Nov 11, 2007

Nothing to add to this other than a very strong +1!!

"Here are the facts: Donald Trump is an enemy of democracy. He is a fascist. A dictator in waiting who with his Agenda 47 and Plan 2025 has publicly detailed his plans to end multiracial pluralistic democracy and replace it with a Christofascist plutocracy. A court of law has determined that Trump is a sexual predator. Trump is now facing four criminal trials where he could potentially be sentenced to hundreds of years in prison. The American news media cannot assume that "everyone knows" these facts and then use that incorrect conclusion as a reason to stop repeating them. Trump's perfidy and danger to American democracy and society must be emphasized at every opportunity."

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here is the key line I posted last night in response to Lenny and actually applies to anyone who tries to make a case for the chances

of Trump's being elected POTUS in 2024.

Leaving this out in doing an assessment of Trump's chances of not only being the actual nominee of te Republican Party but winning

the 2024 Election makes about as much sense as saying that a theoretical family outdoor picnic planned for next weekend is

going to be a lot of fun and successful even if a potentially dangerous hurricane now forming has a direct hit on the locale

of wherever the picnic is being held on the same date and time.

Here is what I posted:

"The two glaring problems with that are 1) you don't tell us why SPECIFICALLY why possible convictions don't

mean anything at all regarding Trump's ability to win the Election and 2) no specifics as to why he cannot /won't

be convicted!!"

Keeps telling us that Biden’s weaponized DOJ is Dems best campaign strategy to win in ‘24 . Without a lick of what policies the useful idiot or anyone else they’ll call from the weak pen they can campaign on.

Putin would be proud .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here is the key line I posted last night in response to Lenny and actually applies to anyone who tries to make a case for the chances

of Trump's being elected POTUS in 2024.

Leaving this out in doing an assessment of Trump's chances of not only being the actual nominee of te Republican Party but winning

the 2024 Election makes about as much sense as saying that a theoretical family outdoor picnic planned for next weekend is

going to be a lot of fun and successful even if a potentially dangerous hurricane now forming has a direct hit on the locale

of wherever the picnic is being held on the same date and time.

Here is what I posted:

"The two glaring problems with that are 1) you don't tell us why SPECIFICALLY why possible convictions don't

mean anything at all regarding Trump's ability to win the Election and 2) no specifics as to why he cannot /won't

be convicted!!"


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Nothing to add to this other than a very strong +1!!

"Here are the facts: Donald Trump is an enemy of democracy. He is a fascist. A dictator in waiting who with his Agenda 47 and Plan 2025 has publicly detailed his plans to end multiracial pluralistic democracy and replace it with a Christofascist plutocracy. A court of law has determined that Trump is a sexual predator. Trump is now facing four criminal trials where he could potentially be sentenced to hundreds of years in prison. The American news media cannot assume that "everyone knows" these facts and then use that incorrect conclusion as a reason to stop repeating them. Trump's perfidy and danger to American democracy and society must be emphasized at every opportunity."

When you know they’ve got nothing .

The old threat to Democracy is back.



Nov 11, 2007
When you know they’ve got nothing .

The old threat to Democracy is back.


This is a typical NON"response" we have heard from you when you are incapable of posting a real one, one that addresses SPECIFICALLY

the points made and SPECIFICALLY rebuts/refutes what is offered!!

Last I heard "begging the question" and "poisoning the well," your standard "response," don't get it done at least with intelligent


Nov 11, 2007
Keeps telling us that Biden’s weaponized DOJ is Dems best campaign strategy to win in ‘24 . Without a lick of what policies the useful idiot or anyone else they’ll call from the weak pen they can campaign on.

Putin would be proud .
My response to this is exactly the same as in my previous post:

"This is a typical NON"response" we have heard from you when you are incapable of posting a real one, one that addresses SPECIFICALLY

the points made and SPECIFICALLY rebuts/refutes what is offered!!

Last I heard "begging the question" and "poisoning the well," your standard "response," don't get it done at least with intelligent


You didn't address or rebut one point I made in my quote because you simply are unable to because 1) you know what I offered

is 100% true and/or 2) you don't have the intellectual capacity or education and debating skills to do so!!

Then predictably as you always do and which is indicative of your lack of debating skills, out of desperation you WEAKLY

attempt to divert attention to something that has ZERO to do with what I offered!!

As was the case yesterday, that's it until sometime this afternoon as I have better things to do than try to debate an inflexible stone wall

cretin who treats Trump like a deity and who has anointed himself as a human shield/cond om to protect him against any and all charges

even if they are true!!

Again you really need to at least read an elementary book on debating because at the moment what you post is sophomoric

Bye bye!!

at best!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
This is a typical NON"response" we have heard from you when you are incapable of posting a real one, one that addresses SPECIFICALLY

the points made and SPECIFICALLY rebuts/refutes what is offered!!

Last I heard "begging the question" and "poisoning the well," your standard "response," don't get it done at least with intelligent


Speaking of nothing . Let me know what platform the Dem nominee is going to run on that benefits the American people master debater .

Ro Kihanna is already worried .

And you continue to point out your intelligence while agreeing with BOZO that Trump will flee the country . Lol

Nov 11, 2007

But of course our "Insiders" in his thread say to take all of this with a grain of salt and have assured us that Trump is

the "acting CIC," meaning that by law a sitting POTUS cannot be arrested!! lol

But now out of office, sources close to Trump and those who’ve heard him ask these questions about a hypothetical sentencing tell Rolling Stone that it’s clear the gravity of his mounting legal peril is getting to Trump, regardless of whether the former president can admit to it in public.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Every fiber of our union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like Donald Trump at the expense of workers,”

Lol !

Then there are the numbers that show this guy is nothing but a clown li . You might want to read the garbage you post or prepare to defend it master debater .

Let’s take a trip down memory lane pre Covid .

It's a Middle-Class Boom

The median or average-income family has seen a gain of $5,003 since Trump came into office. Median family income is now (August 2019) $65,976, up from about $61,000 when he entered office (January 2017).

The tax cut also added an additional $2,500 to a typical family of four's after-tax incomes. So after taking account of taxes owed, the income of most middle-class families is up closer to $6,000 in the Trump era.

Sep 5, 2010
For your reading pleasure.

Unbelievably stupid' Trump actions keep making Mar-a-Lago docs case 'more outrageous': Morning Joe panel​

And his followers are even dumber.


Soon, real soon.

We have it all and then some.

"It's extraordinary, this story keeps getting more outrageous the deeper you go into it," said co-host Willie Geist. "One of his assistants says now, she's telling authorities and investigators he wrote to do lists, things he had to remember for a day on notecards she would flip over and classified markings with them with a grocery list every day."

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Nov 11, 2007
For your reading pleasure.

Unbelievably stupid' Trump actions keep making Mar-a-Lago docs case 'more outrageous': Morning Joe panel​

And his followers are even dumber.


Soon, real soon.

We have it all and then some.

"It's extraordinary, this story keeps getting more outrageous the deeper you go into it," said co-host Willie Geist. "One of his assistants says now, she's telling authorities and investigators he wrote to do lists, things he had to remember for a day on notecards she would flip over and classified markings with them with a grocery list every day."

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Imo sometimes Trump does things only to get attention because that dominates his existence even to the point where it so

important to him that he doesn't think about or even care about the negative and/or the criminal implications/ramifications that

he might face as a result of his actions!!

That could very well be the case here!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Manchurian candidate: a person who is not loyal to, or who harms, their own country or political party because they are under the control or influence of another country or party.

This, yet again, is honest double speak by who is still our CIC. DJT.

This is a military intelligence run psyop. The guy playing "Joe" actually is controlled by another party.

Trump has also used the term "Cabal"

Cabal: a secret political clique or faction.

More double speak.

The guys pulling the strings wear white hats.

What you are watching is the systematic destruction of the old guard. They are dismantling the NWO, central banking system, and all that goes with that one world government system.

It is only being made to look like it is all at the hands of incompetent and tyrannical "Joe Biden"

It is no coincidence that as the system is being destroyed, all of the government corruption is being exposed. It's designed that way.

Joe doesn't look like Joe bc it's not Joe.

Trump told the absolute truth when he told us he "caught them all"...

Let's see what happens!


Nov 11, 2007

Could Good Golly Miss Molly be the one who puts Trump behind bars-stay tuned!! lol

Perhaps sheriff Joe "HOE/vahs witnesses" could chime in on this!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Merrick Garland turns into a bumbling mess after pressed on his communications with the FBI over the investigation into Hunter Biden.

This is what a liar looks like, folks ? ? ?

Question: “Have you had personal contact with anyone at FBI HQ?”

Garland: “Uh, I don't real, I don't, I don't recollect the answer to that question, but the FBI works for the Justice Department. It's, uh, I'm…”

Clown show ???


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

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