Tards' IQ lower than a 3rd grader.Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?
The Governor may call individuals or units into ? STATE service.
The Constitution charges the National Guard of EACH STATE to support ? FEDERAL.
Aka Federalizing.
The ONLY person who has Federalized the National Guard is ???CIC Donald John Trump.
?War Powers Resolution Act, 50 USC §1550
?Executive Order 13912
?10 USC 12302
?10 USC 12304
?10 USC 12406
The 2021 Memo in the Executive Documents under 50 USC §1550 of the WPRA proves who the ACTING CIC is.
Stop blindly following TV, newspaper and Internet Pretenders and Guessers.
Start listening to KNOWERS who bring the ?? ? with RECEIPTS.
In case you missed it.
Trump flunks fact-check after Meet the Press interview goes off the rails: analysis
Got prison?
Soon, real soon.
We have it all.
The stupid! It burns!
We heard the same thing and prediction 32 months ago and on a daily basis that it was/is imminent!!Remember what I posted earlier:
Anyone caught committing TREASON loses their constitutional rights.
Laws and Orders.
View attachment 75337
The Constitution is in good hands and will soon be returned to We The People.
Even a third grader can do better than your See Spot run cliches, mantras and vague generalizations which like this one say nothing!!Tards' IQ lower than a 3rd grader.
This is why they don't understand anything they are witnessing.
And why the NEVER will!
It’s unlikely to have much impact; American Jews have traditionally voted overwhelmingly for Democrats — and 2024 looks to be a continuation of the trend. According to a poll by the Jewish Electoral Institute, which found among 800 Jewish voters, Biden leads Trump by 72 percent.
Jewish people are much too intelligent and dignified to vote for a classless/slime kike Trump who if he had his way
would carry yield the same kind of power as Hitler!!
Even if that was true, he is an improvement over neo-Nazi/fascist Trump who has been seen in the company of vowed anti-SemitesYet are dumb enough to vote for a useful idiot who is anti Israel
Even if that was true, he is an improvement over neo-Nazi/fascist Trump who has been seen in the company of vowed anti-Semites
and who has even had dinner with some over the last year.
In addition unlike Biden, Trump has praised the likes of Putin and Kim Jong-un and others who oppress their people and rule with
intimidating iron hand!!
We Jews still have terrible memories of the Holocaust and fellow Jews who perished, many of whom were related to our parents
and grandparents!!
Perhaps if you were Jewish, you would understand better why we Jewish people treat folks like Trump with total disdain
and want no part of him!!
I am not going to debate this, as I am very proud of my heritage and the fact that the overwhelming number of my
kinsman want no part of Trump!!
It’s unlikely to have much impact; American Jews have traditionally voted overwhelmingly for Democrats — and 2024 looks to be a continuation of the trend. According to a poll by the Jewish Electoral Institute, which found among 800 Jewish voters, Biden leads Trump by 72 percent.
Jewish people are much too intelligent and dignified to vote for a classless/slime kike Trump who if he had his way
would carry yield the same kind of power as Hitler!!
Policy for political reasons in order to get votes belies what lies in Trump's heart meaning that he is a RACIST and ANTI-SEMITIC!!Trump the Greatest Friend Israel Had in the White House
From the blog of Shlomo Alegra at The Times of Israelblogs.timesofisrael.com
You can’t debate shit . Because when it comes to policy , be it the community organizer or the useful idiot vs Trump on Israel you got nothing but long term TDS.
Now keep running along !