Wow!!-you are all over the map with your last commentary and show ZERO knowledge of how statistics work as well as WAY ot!!
First of all the fact at the moment has a double-digit lead to get the nomination has ZERO to do with the fact that Nikki Haley
has just one poll showing that she has a 6% lead over Biden in the general Election-we are talking two different animals here.
As a start, you need to show me a poll that shows that she doesn't have a 6% lead and/or one that shows that her lead is not statistically
more significant than the polling data which shows that the other candidates are not within the statistical margin of error.
If you don't know what that means, you will have to look it up!!
The point is that it doesn't matter whether someone wins something by double digits or digits-a win is a win just like in sports,
where the only thing that matters is who is the winner and not by how much they won !!
And then you digress to the Emerson Poll about Trump slipping a little bit which again has nothing to do with Nikki Haley because
you are talking about sampling data regarding the Republican nominee and the perception of the Republicans but NOT the perception
of the overall voting population.
While you read this post and the link, I will be in the process of stating why I believe that if the Election was held TODAY(the standard
you always us) and not on Election Day in 2025, Haley would defeat Biden by 6% give or take if she was the nominee.
Here is the link, and my additional post will follow shortly!!
President Biden is in a dead heat with every major 2024 Republican presidential candidate except former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who beat him by 6%.