Aug 17, 2019
Weird - never heard of a single cardiac or on field death for 40 years (sans coke head Len Bias) - In the last two years, roughly 1000+ on field collapses and an additional 5-600 deaths of premium world class level athletes. And even with two very prominent collapses - one on a Monday NFL game, and the other to the son of the outspoken vaccine advocate asshole's kid - and you still have your goofy brain in a bubble.

I mean really.....what the fk will it take? Dozens of papers now published, hidden Pfizer study data on fatalities, stroke, myocarditis, clots and sudden death....and you choose to point the focus of your insanity at some right wing posters on a sports forum.

What in the hell is wrong w you people?
They are buried in ignorance and hate for one man.

They can't tell you why they hate him.

They just parrot whatever fake news networks tell them to say and think.

They are 100% brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional.

Nov 11, 2007
Yiu are simply a parrot and not a very bright one who because of your lack of intelligence, education and lack of upbringing

doesn't have a clue as to how to respond to what I posted overall yesterday!!

Don't feel bad though as no one else does either when overwhelmed by someone like myself who is vastly superior to

anything which requires intelligence and an ability to express oneself in such as a way so as to present a narrative

which is well thought out, logical, and based on facts rather than unsupported hearsay and gossip which define you

and your fellow lowlifes!!

Nov 11, 2007
They are buried in ignorance and hate for one man.

They can't tell you why they hate him.

They just parrot whatever fake news networks tell them to say and think.

They are 100% brainwashed, mind-controlled and delusional.
Talking about parrots, look at your own posts, which simply parrot what you have said previously, which amount to cliches,

mantras, hackneyed expressions but NEVER address anything I have DOCUMENTED about YOU and what you have stated!!

I confronted and annihilated you as usual yesterday, and the best you can do is ignore it or as you just did, resort to your usual

namecalling, insults, vague statements with no specifics and hope it will fly with anyone OTHER than the few known supporters

you have who are nothing more than pathetic clones and who are also like you are petrified of engaging me in engaging in

one on one debate because they rightfully know that they would be knocked out in the first round.

I proved yesterday beyond a shadow of a doubt once again what you are all about, and am going to repeat some of those

posts today to drive the proverbial stake even further into you and your few desperate sycophants

with a QAnon mentality who don't want to acknowledge or rebut what I have presented with yesterday being a prime example!!

Nov 11, 2007
Unlike wilbur who had to settle for a love affair with savage1.

There's a reason why he has a half-naked gay rocker dude as his avatar.
How does that compare with your IMAGINARY wife who you claim along with yourself have an imaginary healthcare facility run

by your two exclusively which you claim with your medical "knowledge" known only to you has helped to cure

many thousands of people to overcome debilitating illnesses and in some cases save their lives!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007
Hopefully between now and tomorror morning at least someone will take me up on the tough and challenging but fair

questions I asked today and to be blunt, have some balls and especially to be man enough to state that you disagree with at

least some of what sbd has posted or for that matter agree with it!!

Saying nothing at all translates to COWARDICE and not having the courage of your convictions!!

Back in the am!!
I am repeating this as it was posted late last night and some may not have seen it!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

You got that right lightweight . Maybe two more indictments will finally break him and your dark horse will leave the gate .


Even after he revealed that he is likely facing another indictment, the one-term president seeking his second term in 2024 continues to dominate the GOP field by double digits.

Nov 11, 2007
It wasn't even supposed to be 2 years but not enough people were awake.

Everything is driven by consciousness so WE, as a collective, ultimately create our reality.

The Great Awakening is real.

It is driven by a solar activation that happens every ~26,000 years.

The activation began in 2012.

It is a spiritual event. ["spiritual war"]

Once awakened ["activated'] we begin to remember who we are as divine angelic beings, and our connection to God Source.

The evil controllers knew it was coming.

And in the last 20+ years they tried everything to stop it.

They created Y2K, 9/11, HAARP induced catastrophes like Katrina and Sandy, fake narratives like "Nibiru" and the "2012 end of the world".

All were designed to keep consciousness low through mass fear and sorrow, preventing the masses from awakening.

None worked, so they pulled "their" final "trump card" and unleashed the plandemic out of desperation.

And it was the best thing to ever happen to humanity.

Because it woke the masses up immediately.

Collective consciousness can be measured and in 2020 the collective consciousness exploded and expanded rapidly [The Great Awakening], and it only continues to expand.

And it can't be stopped.

Granted, not everyone woke up, or will wake up.

Those who remain asleep will transition into their next life and "try again" during the next 26,000 year cycle.

Those who woke up will continue their path, one that will evolve into a more spiritual one that focuses on one's connection to God Source and that is in alignment to the natural laws of the universe.

The Plandemic and the vaxx backfired on their plan to stop the awakening and became the separation of the wheat and chaff instead.

Just like the evil forces knew the awakening was coming, so did God.

And God starting sending the souls of many here whose DNA contained certain codes that allowed them to activate much sooner than 2012.

And this is why people like myself were activated at birth.

This was so we could immediately offset the energies created by the evil leading up to the major activation in 2012 and beyond.

In other words, we needed to have enough "light" to offset the "dark" so we could get to the 2012 activation.

The evil controllers know who we are.

And many of us have been tracked and attacked since birth.

We are their biggest threat.
Here is a clear example from yesterday of what I am talking about regarding some of the attention-seeking bullshit you posted.

Out of all the many people who at this point allegedly read this thread, the overwhelming number of whom are Trump

supporters, this thread received ONE thumbs up and not surprisingly from sheriff HOE, who is one of your sycophants!!

How come no one else gave a thumbs-up or added commentary??

Do you think perhaps just perhaps a big reason that you did not receive more heads-up or commentary is that even big

Trump supporters like yourself will not buy this unsupported, delusional and attention-seeking bullshit-lifeline please!!

Nov 11, 2007
You got that right lightweight . Maybe two more indictments will finally break him and your dark horse will leave the gate .


Even after he revealed that he is likely facing another indictment, the one-term president seeking his second term in 2024 continues to dominate the GOP field by double digits.
You are a classic example of what I just posted about people afraid to take a stand on something that sbd said with which you disagree.

I called you out on this yesterday and too many times in the past, and predictably you ran away and hid rather than address the issue

because to be blunt you are scared of your own shadow and do not have the courage of your convictions!!

But go ahead keep posting and implying that getting the nomination is the big prize here rather than winning the Election itself,

for which Trump has next to zero chance!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another post of mine in reference to what you posted, the latter which resulted in a couple of thumbs up for you with no

commentary and no response to my response because to be blunt no one can offer one that will fly.


MY 110 MPH BLAZING FASTBALL -I wonder why!! lol

Here you go from yesterday:

SportsBookData said:
? BREAKING: Lebron James' healthy 18 year old son suffers from cardiac arrest.
View attachment 73051

It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to figure out this was because of the vaxx.

Nor does it take a rocket scientist.

It just takes the ability to think for yourself.

And have a little common sense.

I have returned in an amazing short time-nothing like having a Jack Smith tailwind at your back to speed things up!!

Compare that with the alleged "return" of Donald Trump by sbd and sheriff Hoe which was supposed to happen

30 months and has been predicted on a daily basis that it is imminent!! lol

Anyways just having looked over all of the posts today and seeing nothing other than the usual same Groundhog Day lies, fantasizes

and bullshit, I decided that rather than waste my time with all of them, I decided to pick up the one cited above and call sbd's

bluff with the implication that everyone believes what he has to say about the Covid Vaccine.

Back in the original head, he claimed many, many times that Damar Hamlin died from cardiac arrest on that Buffalo football

field last year and still claims that it is true even though Damar has been seen, heard and interviewed many times and is going to

play football once again.

My question is do you believe that Damar Hamil is still alive as shown in the link that follows or in fact that he did die on the night

he became ill as claimed or that he did not die and why or why not??

Simply avoiding a direct answer to this or ignoring the question tells me that you do believe he is alive and well and simply

do not want to publicly disagree with sbd because he is a big Trump supporter and I am not!!

Let's see if anyone has any balls in here.

If anyone says that no one will respond because everyone has me on ignore. I will dismiss that as bs and more importantly

that the person who responds in that fashion did in fact read what I offered.

Although I am not going to do this now, I am also going to ask the same type of questions in the next few days about

some of the other predictions of sbd such as Trump's reinstatement/devolution!!

So far only sheriff HOE and a couple of other folks have given sbd even a thumbs up to some of his attention-seeking bs.

In short, imo how many people respond to questions like this directly whether ib be in agreement or disagreement is

going to tell me and any other OBJECTIVE people what folks in general think of sbd OTHER of course than his deification

of Donald Trump!!

Out for at least an hour as I have a few things to do.

Here is the link to what Damar Hamlin just said.



Damar Hamlin reacts to LeBron James' son's cardiac arrest: 'Here for you guys'

Bills star Damar Hamlin is sending his best wishes to Bronny James and the basketball star's dad, LeBron James, after the younger James suffered cardiac arrest.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You are a classic example of what I just posted about people afraid to take a stand on something that sbd said with which you disagree.

I called you out on this yesterday and too many times in the past, and predictably you ran away and hid rather than address the issue

because to be blunt you are scared of your own shadow and do not have the courage of your convictions!!

But go ahead keep posting and implying that getting the nomination is the big prize here rather than winning the Election itself,

for which Trump has next to zero chance!!

Yeah we know . A would be 82 year old early stage dementia patient is gonna pull in even more ballots this time around . Especially after the stellar four years he would have put together . Economy , border , potential military conflicts etc .

And that’s if the powers that be decide to send their useful idiot to the starting gate this time around .

So move the goal posts to the General , because your Trump has no chance to be the R nominee prediction has zero chance !

Nov 11, 2007
Yeah we know . A would be 82 year old early stage dementia patient is gonna pull in even more ballots this time around . Especially after the stellar four years he would have put together . Economy , border , potential military conflicts etc .

And that’s if the powers that be decide to send their useful idiot to the starting gate this time around .

So move the goal posts to the General , because your Trump has no chance to be the R nominee prediction has zero chance !
As usual you continue to avoid mentioning any reason why those who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and 2020 would vote for him

now and COMPLETELY BLOCK OUT OF YOUR MIND even the possibility that all of these investigations, indictments could

have a big negative effect on many independents, undecided and women out of the voting population on Trump and how they decide

to vote.

As stated before and you just sort of acknowledged, that Bin will not be the nominee, a statement about which I strongly


ps You still won't comment on your refusal to disagree with sbd about anything!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
As usual you continue to avoid mentioning any reason why those who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and 2020 would vote for him

now and COMPLETELY BLOCK OUT OF YOUR MIND even the possibility that all of these investigations, indictments could

have a big negative effect on many independents, undecided and women out of the voting population on Trump and how they decide

to vote.

As stated before and you just sort of acknowledged, that Bin will not be the nominee, a statement about which I strongly


ps You still won't comment on your refusal to disagree with sbd about anything!!

I don’t have to comment on who will vote for Trump this time around . He received 10 million more votes as an incumbent .

If Republicans aren’t smart enough to realize Dems have turned the election into a ballot collection contest , with basically no restrictions on the verification process , and not an election on their dog shit policies , they’ll get what they deserve again .

Those indictments and what they are . Political prosecution of a sitting President’s number one opponent that would NEVER be happening if Trump decided to fade into the sunset . So keep that shit eating grin on your face as you continue to witness third world county bullshit going on right here in the good old US of A .

Nov 11, 2007
I don’t have to comment on who will vote for Trump this time around . He received 10 million more votes as an incumbent .

If Republicans aren’t smart enough to realize Dems have turned the election into a ballot collection contest , with basically no restrictions on the verification process , and not an election on their dog shit policies , they’ll get what they deserve again .

Those indictments and what they are . Political prosecution of a sitting President’s number one opponent that would NEVER be happening if Trump decided to fade into the sunset . So keep that shit eating grin on your face as you continue to witness third world county bullshit going on right here in the good old US of A .
What do you mean exactly by received 10 million more votes as incumbent??

If you are stating that despite all of the documentation, recounts, failed legal challenges, etc that Biden won, Trump won

by 10 million votes, well there is no reason for me to address the remainder of your post!!
Aug 17, 2019
I don’t have to comment on who will vote for Trump this time around . He received 10 million more votes as an incumbent .

If Republicans aren’t smart enough to realize Dems have turned the election into a ballot collection contest , with basically no restrictions on the verification process , and not an election on their dog shit policies , they’ll get what they deserve again .

Those indictments and what they are . Political prosecution of a sitting President’s number one opponent that would NEVER be happening if Trump decided to fade into the sunset . So keep that shit eating grin on your face as you continue to witness third world county bullshit going on right here in the good old US of A .
Judging by the post you are responding to it appears savage forgot to take his meds this morning.

He only embarrasses himself with each post.

His IQ makes a first grader look like Einstein.

Nov 11, 2007
Judging by the post you are responding to it appears savage forgot to take his meds this morning.

He only embarrasses himself with each post.

His IQ makes a first grader look like Einstein.
A typical cliched See Spot Run response to someone who has destroyed him to the point where he ie hardly recognizable

and who is by far his intellectual and debating superior!!

No one need go back further than yesterday to read both his posts and mine to see both who is the master and the REAL straw

who stirs the drink in this thread-hint-it isn't sbd!!

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