Aug 17, 2019
? Hunter Biden’s lawyers face potential sanctions after allegedly lying to the clerk in his criminal case.

Delaware Judge Maryellen Noreika ordered the First Son's attorneys to explain themselves by 9pm Tuesday or be sanctioned.’

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Nov 11, 2007
? ? ? ? ?
View attachment 73088

Now why would President Trump retruth this?

"Trump card coming"

"It's going to be biblical"

Where have we heard all of this before?

Why would anyone believe anything said by an indicted criminal who has also told a documented 33,000 lies in just four years

as POTUS!!!

For that matter why would anyone you say at this point with a documented 99.8% failed prediction and accuracy record

to your "credit?"

Nov 11, 2007
What do you think, Lenny Boy-for the third time will you answer the question as to you as you always were in the Rubber Room 100%

CHICKEN SHIT to take a stand on something like this, which tells me that you don't believe Hamlin is dead but if you answer it

truthfully, you might offend sbd and fall out of his favor!!

Come on, Lenny Boy, speak up as well as any of you cowards out there who are scared shitless to put your rubber stamp on

what sbd maintains about Damar Hamlin.

They ought to rename this thread the Pussy Thread because until proven otherwise none of you have the balls to take a stand

on whether you agree with sbd on this issue and several more which I will post shortly!!

Keep hiding, lenny boy, and showing us in reality how insecure and unconfident you are by not taking a stand either for or against

something that sbd stated!!

Apr 14, 2006
I have returned in an amazing short time-nothing like having a Jack Smith tailwind at your back to speed things up!!

Compare that with the alleged "return" of Donald Trump by sbd and sheriff Hoe which was supposed to happen

30 months and has been predicted on a daily basis that it is imminent!! lol

Anyways just having looked over all of the posts today and seeing nothing other than the usual same Groundhog Day lies, fantasizes

and bullshit, I decided that rather than waste my time with all of them, I decided to pick up the one cited above and call sbd's

bluff with the implication that everyone believes what he has to say about the Covid Vaccine.

Back in the original head, he claimed many, many times that Damar Hamlin died from cardiac arrest on that Buffalo football

field last year and still claims that it is true even though Damar has been seen, heard and interviewed many times and is going to

play football once again.

My question is do you believe that Damar Hamil is still alive as shown in the link that follows or in fact that he did die on the night

he became ill as claimed or that he did not die and why or why not??

Simply avoiding a direct answer to this or ignoring the question tells me that you do believe he is alive and well and simply

do not want to publicly disagree with sbd because he is a big Trump supporter and I am not!!

Let's see if anyone has any balls in here.

If anyone says that no one will respond because everyone has me on ignore. I will dismiss that as bs and more importantly

that the person who responds in that fashion did in fact read what I offered.

Although I am not going to do this now, I am also going to ask the same type of questions in the next few days about

some of the other predictions of sbd such as Trump's reinstatement/devolution!!

So far only sheriff HOE and a couple of other folks have given sbd even a thumbs up to some of his attention-seeking bs.

In short, imo how many people respond to questions like this directly whether ib be in agreement or disagreement is

going to tell me and any other OBJECTIVE people what folks in general think of sbd OTHER of course than his deification

of Donald Trump!!

Out for at least an hour as I have a few things to do.

Here is the link to what Damar Hamlin just said.



Weird - never heard of a single cardiac or on field death for 40 years (sans coke head Len Bias) - In the last two years, roughly 1000+ on field collapses and an additional 5-600 deaths of premium world class level athletes. And even with two very prominent collapses - one on a Monday NFL game, and the other to the son of the outspoken vaccine advocate asshole's kid - and you still have your goofy brain in a bubble.

I mean really.....what the fk will it take? Dozens of papers now published, hidden Pfizer study data on fatalities, stroke, myocarditis, clots and sudden death....and you choose to point the focus of your insanity at some right wing posters on a sports forum.

What in the hell is wrong w you people?

Nov 11, 2007

Nice Tuesday for me as 1) I expose the likes of sbd, lenny lenbo and sheriff HOE even more for who and what they are, and especially by

successfully calling his bluff that only a few stranglers believe in the whack/off-the-charts attention-seeking bullshit

and delusions he posts, 2) another lousy day for Trump as gets closer and closer to his ultimate reckoning day which is

not going to exact;y a day at the beach and 3) another profitable day in the stock market!!

Nov 11, 2007
Weird - never heard of a single cardiac or on field death for 40 years (sans coke head Len Bias) - In the last two years, roughly 1000+ on field collapses and an additional 5-600 deaths of premium world class level athletes. And even with two very prominent collapses - one on a Monday NFL game, and the other to the son of the outspoken vaccine advocate asshole's kid - and you still have your goofy brain in a bubble.

I mean really.....what the fk will it take? Dozens of papers now published, hidden Pfizer study data on fatalities, stroke, myocarditis, clots and sudden death....and you choose to point the focus of your insanity at some right wing posters on a sports forum.

What in the hell is wrong w you people?
How many soccer players, young athletes and in general people of all ages have NOT died in total from being vaccinated as opposed

to those who have?

Also, for you to draw any conclusions, you need a lot more data than that statistically speaking for lots of reasons for the sample

size you cite for your opinion to mean anything based on accepted premises of statistical reliability and validity,

and yes I have a strong minor to my credit in college in statistics to say this!!

Along the same lines, imo to say what you did you would have to subscribe to sbd's statements that HUNDREDS of MILLIONS

of vaccinated people have already died when in fact it is documented that just 56 million people die annually from all]

causes and there is ZERO documentation of this!!

Would you care to comment on whether you subscribe to this belief, yes or no- it is that simple and why or why not if you wish

to amplify/explain!!

Nov 11, 2007
Weird - never heard of a single cardiac or on field death for 40 years (sans coke head Len Bias) - In the last two years, roughly 1000+ on field collapses and an additional 5-600 deaths of premium world class level athletes. And even with two very prominent collapses - one on a Monday NFL game, and the other to the son of the outspoken vaccine advocate asshole's kid - and you still have your goofy brain in a bubble.

I mean really.....what the fk will it take? Dozens of papers now published, hidden Pfizer study data on fatalities, stroke, myocarditis, clots and sudden death....and you choose to point the focus of your insanity at some right wing posters on a sports forum.

What in the hell is wrong w you people?
An encore performance for you and/or anyone else who missed it the first time:

"How come vaccinated folks like myself, who just turned 79, never collapsed and are doing quite well??

Is it because I never played soccer and/or because the evil conspirators decided only to confine this to young soccer players

and athletes?? lol

Perhaps I should send the "Covid Vaccine Conspirators" a thank you note and/or invite them out to dinner and/or compensate

them in some way for sparing me from using sbd comments, that "hundreds of millions of VACCINATED people HAVE ALREADY

died from the vaccine:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:) and that hundreds of millions will also die but yet sbd is the

only one who seems to know about it!! lol"

Nov 11, 2007
There is one more thing to add, something that I used in this thread when it was in the Rubber Room:

If one is going to draw any conclusions because some young vaccinated talented athletes died from ALLEGEDLY being

vaccinated for Covid, and that therefore no one should be vaccinated, then perhaps since superstar Kobe Bryant (and his

daughter), were killed in a helicopter crash a few years ago, perhaps we should never take a helicopter ride or even

a flight because after all, if a star player like Kobe Bryant can die in a helicopter crash, it is even more likely

that we everyday human beings will meet this fate!!

Conclusion-any kind of ride in a helicopter or airplane should be avoided at all costs because they are dangerous!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Hopefully between now and tomorror morning at least someone will take me up on the tough and challenging but fair

questions I asked today and to be blunt, have some balls and especially to be man enough to state that you disagree with at

least some of what sbd has posted or for that matter agree with it!!

Saying nothing at all translates to COWARDICE and not having the courage of your convictions!!

Back in the am!!

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