
Nov 11, 2007
Ok-here goes:

Yesterday I compared the posts of the sbd/sheriff HOE and doctor success entry to a jigsaw policy with the overall conclusion that

none of what they posts amounts to anything but a scrambled, confused contradictory and inconsistent ness that can't even get out

of the starting gate!!

Today's analogy compares the overall credibility of their posts to a tag sale.

Consider this:

On a nice warm summer day, you decide to take a walk.

Well after you have walked about 100 yards or so, you notice that one of your neighbors is having a tag sale!!

You stop to take a look at some of the items that are being sold and have to pinch yourself to make sure you are awake when

you see what your neighbor is trying to sell at exorbitant prices!!

Here are some of the items on display they are trying to peddle:

Badly old rusted filthy pots and pans and silverware with prices starting at $80.

Tattered, unwashed and smelly old and used men's and women's items of clothing starting at $99.99.

A cat litter box filled with cat piss and poop and which appears not to have been cleaned or changed in weeks for

the discounted amount of $49.99(it was originally $59.99).

A set of bedsheets full of blood stains, holes caused by smoking and the uncleaned and obvious stains caused by lovemaking!!

Then you notice several pair of used diapers going for $19.99 for one and a "mere" $29.99 for the set!! lol

You continue your stroll and then notice that there is a package of Halloween Candy on display except that it no longer looks like

Holloween Candy because of the maggots and vermin that have gotten inside it and are eating it!!

This gem goes for just $9.99!!!

Then right alongside of the candy you see a badly scratched and shattered wall size mirror with a big ad atop of it that says in

caps ONE OWNER ONLY!! lol

As you continue your stroll you see a badly bloodied butcher knife with no explanation as to how it got so badly bloodied!!

You become even more unnerved when you say the asking price is a mere $.99 or best offer!!

This sends you into a frenzy and you decide to leave immediately.

As you are just about to leave, you see one curious item for sale, actually not an item but as incentive which states

that "the first ten people who buy anything today at this tag sale will receive free of charge a link to the Important

Virus Sequel Thread, where you find additional items to purchase from an entity that calls itself SportsBookDate that we

simply did not have room to display here!!

I hope some folks have as much fun reading this as I did writing it!!

Nov 11, 2007

Hmm-I find it interesting that according to Trump it is everyone else who lies and has lied about him(too many to count), but yet what

he says is the "truth" about them when he has been documented as telling over 33,000 LIES as POTUS!!

Perhaps new logic and/or math was"devolutioned" last night when I was sleeping!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Honestly this ends when the people of the country decide they have had enough and
put an end to it themselves. I agree with much of what you say, whether Trump and the military are in charge is debatable at this point.

When the people have had enough and I fear that point is coming soon.

I won't go into the rest of it, you can figure it out yourselves
It is what happens in Communist countries throughout history and it is not pretty
for the people in charge and on the wrong side
So civil war then.

Americans fighting Americans - 50% fighting 50%.

And how will that end? Exactly what the Deep State cabal wants, so their fucking UN can invade and finish off America?

That's just blind bloodlust talking.

Your righteous anger may be justified, but horribly tactically misguided.

Let's go back in a time a little - 2020.

Who was the president in 2020? Donald John Trump: CIC of the Armed Forces.

Were the Deep State scoundrels still causing chaos?

Yes, they were.

Was downtown Portland still "occupied" by Antifa?

Yes, it was.

Why didn't the CIC call in the military and clean house?

Because it would have ignited civil war. Every city would have been overrun with violence and chaos.

Why? Because despite being the president, the Deep State still controlled the media...the normie zeitgeist. Did they not?

I mean, they impeached him TWICE for crimes committed by Obama-Biden-Hillary for crying out loud...and half the fucking country believed them!

Here's another example..

Why didn't Trump visibly call in the military and arrest everyone after the Mueller hoax - yet ANOTHER attempt to OVERTHROW A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT?

Or... during the Summer of Love, when Secret Service had to rush the CIC into an underground bunker...when it looked like the insurrectionists - THE REAL ONES - might have breached the White House?

Who keeps cheating and stealing elections?

Who kicked the President of the United the States off social media?

Who keeps weaponizing the justice system indicting their political opponents over and over and going after innocent Americans who don't want those sick trans pedos near their kids?

Who controls Antifa and the other foot soldiers?

Who is driving America into more wars overseas using Americans as pawns for their never ending quest of ultimate global control and power?

How DEEP does the infiltration go?

So then...who are the REAL INSURRECTIONISTS?

Trump is doing nothing. Just an innocent civilian running for president.

And yet, they keep coming after him with indictment after indictment...just like they when kept trying to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT while he was president!

So who the aggressor here?

Trump? He's the CIC. Come at me - I can take it! Keep coming! Right into my trap.

223 million views last night - TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE MILLION!


The people aren't stupid.

They get it now.

Sometimes, you can't tell the people, you must SHOW THEM.

That's what the REAL CIC is doing - SHOWING the people who the REAL INSURRECTIONISTS ARE!

No civil war.

No violence in the streets.

Clean and swift.

Check-fucking-mate for the Deep State globalist cabal.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


RIP Fake News and fake "fact checkers"

Remove your minds from that cesspool of endless LIES and brainwashing.

Start THINKING logically and tactically.

Open your minds to the TRUTH, for the TRUTH shall set your mind FREE.

Pray for justice.

Good vs Evil.

Once the People are ready - FULL DECLAS!

Watch what happens.

CIC Trump and Patriots in FULL CONTROL!


Nov 11, 2007
So civil war then.

Americans fighting Americans - 50% fighting 50%.

And how will that end? Exactly what the Deep State cabal wants, so their fucking UN can invade and finish off America?

That's just blind bloodlust talking.

Your righteous anger may be justified, but horribly tactically misguided.

Let's go back in a time a little - 2020.

Who was the president in 2020? Donald John Trump: CIC of the Armed Forces.

Were the Deep State scoundrels still causing chaos?

Yes, they were.

Was downtown Portland still "occupied" by Antifa?

Yes, it was.

Why didn't the CIC call in the military and clean house?

Because it would have ignited civil war. Every city would have been overrun with violence and chaos.

Why? Because despite being the president, the Deep State still controlled the media...the normie zeitgeist. Did they not?

I mean, they impeached him TWICE for crimes committed by Obama-Biden-Hillary for crying out loud...and half the fucking country believed them!

Here's another example..

Why didn't Trump visibly call in the military and arrest everyone after the Mueller hoax - yet ANOTHER attempt to OVERTHROW A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT?

Or... during the Summer of Love, when Secret Service had to rush the CIC into an underground bunker...when it looked like the insurrectionists - THE REAL ONES - might have breached the White House?

Who keeps cheating and stealing elections?

Who kicked the President of the United the States off social media?

Who keeps weaponizing the justice system indicting their political opponents over and over and going after innocent Americans who don't want those sick trans pedos near their kids?

Who controls Antifa and the other foot soldiers?

Who is driving America into more wars overseas using Americans as pawns for their never ending quest of ultimate global control and power?

How DEEP does the infiltration go?

So then...who are the REAL INSURRECTIONISTS?

Trump is doing nothing. Just an innocent civilian running for president.

And yet, they keep coming after him with indictment after indictment...just like they when kept trying to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT while he was president!

So who the aggressor here?

Trump? He's the CIC. Come at me - I can take it! Keep coming! Right into my trap.

223 million views last night - TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE MILLION!


The people aren't stupid.

They get it now.

Sometimes, you can't tell the people, you must SHOW THEM.

That's what the REAL CIC is doing - SHOWING the people who the REAL INSURRECTIONISTS ARE!

No civil war.

No violence in the streets.

Clean and swift.

Check-fucking-mate for the Deep State globalist cabal.

All I can say is that your post above should be required reading for any new law student trying to understand what terms

such as begging the question and poisoning the well mean as well as presenting unsubstantiated opinions as facts, using standard

cliches, mantras, and repetitive phrases, presenting LIES and/or delusions as facts!!

I mean if your weenie grew at the same percentage rate of lies as did Pinocchio's nose, and it got out to the public, you would

have both straight women and gay men lining up for your services and would probably pay you if you asked it in exchange!!

The 100% FACT is that no matter how hard you try to sweep under the rug you 100% failed predictions such as Trump's

devolution being "imminent" over the last 31 months as well as lots more or FAILED predictions and attention-seeking

fabrications and nonsense, this stuff HAS NOT happened and despite the hot and evasive air that emanates from you

mouth on a daily basis, you have not given one credible and concrete reason why it will!!

And sorry, simply trying to rationalize your FAILED PREDICTIONS the stuff that hasn't happened according to your predictions

because it isn't "Trump-time" yet simply shows/corroborates what just about everyone knows about you-can you say LOSER


ps It also doesn't say much about the GUTLESS Cowards in this thread who won't call out sheriff Joe and sbd and their bullshit

simply because they like him are Trump fellators!!

Oct 29, 2021
So civil war then.

Americans fighting Americans - 50% fighting 50%.

And how will that end? Exactly what the Deep State cabal wants, so their fucking UN can invade and finish off America?

That's just blind bloodlust talking.

Your righteous anger may be justified, but horribly tactically misguided.

Let's go back in a time a little - 2020.

Who was the president in 2020? Donald John Trump: CIC of the Armed Forces.

Were the Deep State scoundrels still causing chaos?

Yes, they were.

Was downtown Portland still "occupied" by Antifa?

Yes, it was.

Why didn't the CIC call in the military and clean house?

Because it would have ignited civil war. Every city would have been overrun with violence and chaos.

Why? Because despite being the president, the Deep State still controlled the media...the normie zeitgeist. Did they not?

I mean, they impeached him TWICE for crimes committed by Obama-Biden-Hillary for crying out loud...and half the fucking country believed them!

Here's another example..

Why didn't Trump visibly call in the military and arrest everyone after the Mueller hoax - yet ANOTHER attempt to OVERTHROW A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT?

Or... during the Summer of Love, when Secret Service had to rush the CIC into an underground bunker...when it looked like the insurrectionists - THE REAL ONES - might have breached the White House?

Who keeps cheating and stealing elections?

Who kicked the President of the United the States off social media?

Who keeps weaponizing the justice system indicting their political opponents over and over and going after innocent Americans who don't want those sick trans pedos near their kids?

Who controls Antifa and the other foot soldiers?

Who is driving America into more wars overseas using Americans as pawns for their never ending quest of ultimate global control and power?

How DEEP does the infiltration go?

So then...who are the REAL INSURRECTIONISTS?

Trump is doing nothing. Just an innocent civilian running for president.

And yet, they keep coming after him with indictment after indictment...just like they when kept trying to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT while he was president!

So who the aggressor here?

Trump? He's the CIC. Come at me - I can take it! Keep coming! Right into my trap.

223 million views last night - TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE MILLION!


The people aren't stupid.

They get it now.

Sometimes, you can't tell the people, you must SHOW THEM.

That's what the REAL CIC is doing - SHOWING the people who the REAL INSURRECTIONISTS ARE!

No civil war.

No violence in the streets.

Clean and swift.

Check-fucking-mate for the Deep State globalist cabal.

No, not wanting or advocating civil war. Things get to a point where things are so bad, wake up to what is what and the division stops amongst the public and realize we are on the same team.
Last edited by a moderator:

Nov 11, 2007
All I can say is that your post above should be required reading for any new law student trying to understand what terms

such as begging the question and poisoning the well mean as well as presenting unsubstantiated opinions as facts, using standard

cliches, mantras, and repetitive phrases, presenting LIES and/or delusions as facts!!

I mean if your weenie grew at the same percentage rate of lies as did Pinocchio's nose, and it got out to the public, you would

have both straight women and gay men lining up for your services and would probably pay you if you asked it in exchange!!

The 100% FACT is that no matter how hard you try to sweep under the rug you 100% failed predictions such as Trump's

devolution being "imminent" over the last 31 months as well as lots more or FAILED predictions and attention-seeking

fabrications and nonsense, this stuff HAS NOT happened and despite the hot and evasive air that emanates from you

mouth on a daily basis, you have not given one credible and concrete reason why it will!!

And sorry, simply trying to rationalize your FAILED PREDICTIONS the stuff that hasn't happened according to your predictions

because it isn't "Trump-time" yet simply shows/corroborates what just about everyone knows about you-can you say LOSER


ps It also doesn't say much about the GUTLESS Cowards in this thread who won't call out sheriff Joe and sbd and their bullshit

simply because they like him are Trump fellators!!
I forgot to mention the list of things that make the entry of sheriff HOE/sbd doctor success which shows what poor

debaters they are (and I use the word loosely).

This was posted in the Rubber Room but is no longer available after it was dissolved.

Anyways, these are some of the most important things that any intelligent and objective person and/or skilled debater knows

about and defines this trio entry:

Then constantly beg the question and poison the well with their posts.

They present one-way and unsupported opinions as facts to support the narrative.

They are totally inconsistent with their statements, saying one thing to meet their posting need at a given time but

saying something completely different and/or at odds with another related statement at another time.

Along the same lines and actually more serious, they say one thing at one time which completely contradicts what they

said in a previous post hoping that they can get away with it to meet their attention-seeking needs of the day.

They are totally illogical in their posts, or to use legal terminology, they resort to non-sequiturs in just about every post

to draw their conclusions.

In addition, to what I just cited, the term "paradox" defines their posts as they arrive at some kind of conclusion based

on their Swiss cheese logic and thinking that I just cited above.

The problem is that in many cases the conclusion they draw sets up a paradox with some other "logic and reasoning"

they used to arrive at another conclusion which is diametrically opposed to the first one!!

To be blunt, the only audience with whom their posts might fly is 1) one of the other members of he trio;2) unintelligent/

uneducated people and folks who don't have the faintest idea as to how to present a case!!

Unfortunately for them, there are folks like me who can and will point out the stuff have posted today with

the hopes that some folks will understand what I have said about them and to at he very least give consideration to

whenever they read the posts of this thread entry!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
No, not wanting or advocating civil war. Things get to a point where things are so bad, wake up to what is what and the division stops amongst the public and realize we are on the same team.

Become united and take to the streets to take out the people who are doing this
In charge of the country. That is what has happened in failed Communist states.
Believe it or not, I don't even blame the idiots on Ignore in this thread.

Yes, they're stupid but it's not their fault...certainly not deserving to die because of the brainwashing.

The people responsible for their brainwashing are fanatically evil masters at their craft, so much so they devoted entire govt programs studying how to do it. Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra etc.

You can hardly call this "free will" or "idiots who refuse to listen"

C'mon, you know all this.

So it's not their really isn't.

You can lash out and be angry and frustrated at the morons, but the White Hats in control are executing this Plan at a much higher level.

For decades, the Berlin Wall kept everyone in the East a prisoner. The people literally PHYSICALLY couldn't get out of the communist block.

Well, that's what the Mockingbird Media is, except they control and imprison people's MINDS.

The savages, the wilburs, the duhhhfinchs, the Bozzies, the schmirts...nothing but PRISONERS behind a IMPENETRABLE WALL controlled by their puppet masters.

The solution?

Kill all the prisoners? No.

Knock down those walls and control mechanisms - The Great Awakening.

The complete and utter destruction of the FAKE NEWS!

White Hat operations like Elon taking over Twitter and Truth Social...

Slower? Absolutely...but far more effective in the long term.

Remember, not everyone awakens at the same time. Different events trigger different people.

But it IS happening. They WILL wake up! Even TARDS. They may be last in line, but it WILL happen.


Everything SBD and I have been saying for years.

Wait till those two hundred and twenty million people get FULL DECLAS...on everything.

Game OVER.

You are living through history.


Nov 11, 2007
Believe it or not, I don't even blame the idiots on Ignore in this thread.

Yes, they're stupid but it's not their fault...certainly not deserving to die because of the brainwashing.

The people responsible for their brainwashing are fanatically evil masters at their craft, so much so they devoted entire govt programs studying how to do it. Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra etc.

You can hardly call this "free will" or "idiots who refuse to listen"

C'mon, you know all this.

So it's not their really isn't.

You can lash out and be angry and frustrated at the morons, but the White Hats in control are executing this Plan at a much higher level.

For decades, the Berlin Wall kept everyone in the East a prisoner. The people literally PHYSICALLY couldn't get out of the communist block.

Well, that's what the Mockingbird Media is, except they control and imprison people's MINDS.

The savages, the wilburs, the duhhhfinchs, the Bozzies, the schmirts...nothing but PRISONERS behind a IMPENETRABLE WALL controlled by their puppet masters.

The solution?

Kill all the prisoners? No.

Knock down those walls and control mechanisms - The Great Awakening.

The complete and utter destruction of the FAKE NEWS!

White Hat operations like Elon taking over Twitter and Truth Social...

Slower? Absolutely...but far more effective in the long term.

Remember, not everyone awakens at the same time. Different events trigger different people.

But it IS happening. They WILL wake up! Even TARDS. They may be last in line, but it WILL happen.


Everything SBD and I have been saying for years.

Wait till those two hundred and twenty million people get FULL DECLAS...on everything.

Game OVER.

You are living through history.

Where is the beef to all this attention-seeking bs??

How about the REAL beef posted by yours truly in posts 2427 and 2430 to be repeated later in the day!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Trump’s Time To Be Arrested Released As Airspace Closed by FAA​

Just like the FAA has a no-fly zone over Mar-a-Lago.

"Biden" did this...right? ?:ROFLMAO:

Totally normal for "ex-presidents"....right?



Nov 11, 2007

Trump’s Time To Be Arrested Released As Airspace Closed by FAA​

Just like the FAA has a no-fly zone over Mar-a-Lago.

"Biden" did this...right? ?:ROFLMAO:

Totally normal for "ex-presidents"....right?

You are correct in that whether we like it or not, Biden is the CIC whereas Trump is an outsider desperately clinging for life until

Jack Smith and company put the final nail in his coffin!!:popcorn:

Nov 11, 2007
In this case, with all of the talk about "surrendering" to the Georgia courts as it applies to Trump and those who were indicted with

him, it brings back memories to the noteworthy song released in 1975 but in reality to the year 1963 in my early college days,

and still fond memories of "the sweet surrender" reference in this song.

Let's just say for me the term applied in the same context in which it is used here rather than the "surrender" in Georgia!! lol

Here you go:

frankie valli and the four seasons youtube - Bing video

Oh, what a night.
Late December back in '63.
What a very special time for me,
'Cause I remember what a night.

Oh, what a night.
You know, I didn't even know her name,
But I was never gonna be the same.
What a lady. What a night.

Oh, I. I got a funny feeling when she walked
In the room and I,
As I recall it ended much too soon.

Oh, what a night,
Hypnotizing, mesmerizing me.
She was everything I dreamed she'd be.
Sweet surrender, what a night!

I felt a rush like a rolling bolt of thunder
Spinnin' my head around and taking my body under.
Oh, what a night!

Oh, I. I got a funny feeling when she walked
In the room and I,
As I recall it ended much too soon.

Oh, what a night.
Why'd it take so long to see the light?
Seemed so wrong, but now it seems so right.
What a lady, what a night!

I felt a rush like a rolling bolt of thunder
Spinnin' my head around and taking my body under.
Oh, what a night!
(Do, do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do, do, do.)
Oh, what a night!
(Do, do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do, do, do.)
Oh, what a night!
(Do, do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do, do, do.)
Oh, what a night!
(Do, do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do, do, do.)
Oh, what a night!
(Do, do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do, do, do.)
Oh, what a night!
(Do, do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do, do, do.)
Aug 17, 2019
View attachment 74526

View attachment 74527

Rudy's "Game face".

He is ready to bring the pain!

As stated in the original RR thread, it's no coincidence that Trump and Rudy are back together during these times.

They already worked together to take down the "5 families" in the 80s.

And now they are going to take down the Biden Crime family.

Something they have been secretly working on for the last 20+ years.

Hey tards, enjoy the show!

You are going to absolutely hate how this movie ends!


? “I’m the same Rudy Giuliani that took down the mafia that made New York City the safest city in the country.“ (8/23/23)

Enjoy the show tards!

You are going to absolutely HATE how this ends!

The “we got him this time” fantasy will officially end for you when you see what happens!

It will be the biggest letdown of your life!


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