Aug 17, 2019
When I see proof of these supposed flights to Gitmo taking actual people being talked about by you there
I will believe it. Have not seen anything, yet.

There are flights there and back, what they are and what is on those planes who knows.
Let's see a picture of people being held there, let
s see them on a plane in shackles.

I would imagine that is how they would have them since they are under arrest

Let's see one of the executions that have been said to have gone on there.

Show something proving this
Sheriff Joe and I have posted many facts supporting arrests, GITMO and the activity there.

This includes passenger flights, not cargo, and actual call letters of the aircraft.

We have even shown proof that the White House was converted to a GITMO courtroom for purpose of quick trials.

What people don't understand is that what goes on at GITMO stays at GITMO.

Tribunals are NOT required to be publicly disclosed at any level.

In fact, they NEVER are!

Will there be some that eventually are?

Yes, in the end I maintain there will be some brought into full public view.

But not yet.

Timing is everything.

Your best proof is opening your eyes and using logical thinking.

Where have all of these "elites" gone?

The op stated at the onset of the plandemic to follow "covid" and the "resignations" as it pertains to the "elites".

Many got "covid" or "resigned" and just "vanished" from public view, many never seen again.

Tom Hanks, for example, hasn't been seen since 2020 when the original RR thread told you he was eliminated.

Sure, they use his brother, as his doppelganger to keep "he's alive and well" narrative going.

They even held back movies and released them after he was eliminated to give the illusion he's just fine.

Look at his final 2 social media posts.

Screen Shot 2023-08-24 at 7.50.58 AM.png

Screen Shot 2023-08-24 at 7.51.18 AM.png

He cryptically told his evil pedo friends that it was "game over" for him.

"21" = blackjack [Game Over]

Certification of Graduation = death/transition

And then he vanished.

Never posted again.

And this happened shortly after the op reported he was arrested and "done".

And don't forget the "boot club" that Sheriff Joe and I kept providing proofs on too!

You know, the boots that hide the house arrest anklets everyone is wearing?

If you think this is all just "coincidence", perhaps it's time to put on a new pair of glasses!

Nov 11, 2007

Why not toss this in also?? lol

I am not going to dignify your post other than to say that I, wilbur, et all have DOCUMENTED every single

thing contained in your post as bullshit along with the 99.8% FAILED predictions, attention-seeking lies,

delusions, etc. and 100% when it comes to Trump's reinstatement and devolution and lack of accountability, the

latter of which you have claimed is "imminent" over the last 31 months!!

The fact that no one wants to stick their neck out and give you a thumbs up let alone post something that agrees with you speaks


ps The same applies to your other identity, alias, alter ego, etc. sheriff HOE as well as doctor success!!

That's it-no need to repeat anything else because any objective and intelligent person found out the TRUTH about

you a long time ago either on their own or because of our efforts!!

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for now as I have chores to do today.

Imo if my scenario as I think, namely for the various reasons cited before that Trump will NOT be the nominee on Election Day 2024,

then at this point pending whether anyone else declares himself to be a candidate, Ramaswamy is the one most likely to catch

fire and be the nominee.

The big reason is that although as an older person, I view him as a wet-behind-the-ears idealistic and bombastic loud-mouthed

punk who says the "right things" and tosses his hands and fingers spastically around to make his points, YOUNGER people

have already shown in the polling like shown last night dig him because they can relate to him at 38 a lot more than Trump age 77!!

Depending on how things go with the Trump indictments, which imo are going to be very negative, I believe that the groundswell

support for Ramaswamy COULD accelerate very quickly as young people comprise a large portion of the population.

Couple that with the fact that he says if elected, he will pardon Trump and imo you have a clear case as to why Ramaswamy

could very well be the nominee on ELECTION DAY even if Trump is nominated by the Republicans, which imo is not very

likely in any event.

I cannot emphasize enough how important the age factor here is and its effect!!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Because they are not in control.

They are now "white hat" puppets being used as part of the big disclosure plan mentioned in the original RR thread.

Remember, sometimes you have to show The People.

This is how it [disclosure] gets done.

And this is the movie you are watching now.
So we're going to vaporize a whole native community ? For disclosure ? Even though we know, they know, this futuristic city, smart city, green city , replacement city, whatever you want to call it, will never come to be, because it's already game over for them.

Even looking thru a movie lense , this makes no sense. As OP has posted on a few occasions , DS/ Cabal know they've already lost, down to final Hail Mary's , so we're just going to vaporize this population anyway..

You might have been better off not posting that the DS/Cabal, the evil scumbags aren't down to their last moves, or know that they've been defeated.

There was a massive coordination for this tragic event to happen ! If its close to checkmate for the cabal, this doesn't happen. One way or the other , this shouldn't have happened , disclosure or not.
Something is off here , even if it's a ?

Nov 11, 2007
So we're going to vaporize a whole native community ? For disclosure ? Even though we know, they know, this futuristic city, smart city, green city , replacement city, whatever you want to call it, will never come to be, because it's already game over for them.

Even looking thru a movie lense , this makes no sense. As OP has posted on a few occasions , DS/ Cabal know they've already lost, down to final Hail Mary's , so we're just going to vaporize this population anyway..

You might have been better off not posting that the DS/Cabal, the evil scumbags aren't down to their last moves, or know that they've been defeated.

There was a massive coordination for this tragic event to happen ! If its close to checkmate for the cabal, this doesn't happen. One way or the other , this shouldn't have happened , disclosure or not.
Something is off here , even if it's a ?
Why are you so intimidated by sbd to not tell him directly to his face that there is LESS than zero proof to back up anything

to which you are responding rather than simply beating around the bush!!

I mean attention-seeking delusional bullshit is delusional bullshit no matter who says it and what one's political affiliation is!!

I, wilbur, schmirt et all have thoroughly documented the TRUTH about sbd as well as sheriff HOE and doctor success since this



Even worse, these folks PRETEND to have us on ignore as an "excuse" so as not to have to respond!!

You yourself need to grow up and have some balls and be more direct in how you respond to sbd if you think he is full

of shit rather than acting like a fu cking sissy!!
Aug 17, 2019
So we're going to vaporize a whole native community ? For disclosure ? Even though we know, they know, this futuristic city, smart city, green city , replacement city, whatever you want to call it, will never come to be, because it's already game over for them.

Even looking thru a movie lense , this makes no sense. As OP has posted on a few occasions , DS/ Cabal know they've already lost, down to final Hail Mary's , so we're just going to vaporize this population anyway..

You might have been better off not posting that the DS/Cabal, the evil scumbags aren't down to their last moves, or know that they've been defeated.

There was a massive coordination for this tragic event to happen ! If its close to checkmate for the cabal, this doesn't happen. One way or the other , this shouldn't have happened , disclosure or not.
Something is off here , even if it's a ?
The "white hats" are in control but doesn't mean they control 100% of everything at every level.

Even the Benevolent groups assisting humanity during these times can't stop everything.

And we have to remember a huge part of this war is being fought off planet between the ET races fighting for control over the planet and humanity.

This part is beyond most people's consciousness or comprehension which is why I don't spend much time talking about it.

However, if you recall, I have said countless times that there will be NO nuclear events, however, stated that we will most likely see smaller events in certain geographical areas.

The weapons being used in events like Maui are off planet, very Star Wars like.

These technologies are frequency technologies that travel at the speed of light.

This war is far more complex than most will ever understand.

People can't even accept the fact that ETs are real and are already on earth.

In fact, YOU are an ET, because you were put here long after Mother earth materialized.

How on earth do you tell people that most of what you are witnessing here involves off-planet ET races.

We are not alone, this is fact!

And many races are, and have been walking amongst us for eons.

Until people understand and accept this simple concept, they can/will never understand the complexity of what they are living at experiencing at the present moment.

For crying out loud tards still think ballots are votes.

And that Biden got the most votes in history.

Imagine them trying to understand and accept that ETs are real and are here. :ROFLMAO:
Aug 17, 2019
So we're going to vaporize a whole native community ? For disclosure ? Even though we know, they know, this futuristic city, smart city, green city , replacement city, whatever you want to call it, will never come to be, because it's already game over for them.

Even looking thru a movie lense , this makes no sense. As OP has posted on a few occasions , DS/ Cabal know they've already lost, down to final Hail Mary's , so we're just going to vaporize this population anyway..

You might have been better off not posting that the DS/Cabal, the evil scumbags aren't down to their last moves, or know that they've been defeated.

There was a massive coordination for this tragic event to happen ! If its close to checkmate for the cabal, this doesn't happen. One way or the other , this shouldn't have happened , disclosure or not.
Something is off here , even if it's a ?
And "checkmate" means the major players and networks have been removed/eliminated/neutralized.

But, remember there are some of their minions still running around knowing they have been cut off from their controllers and overlords, so they are literally freaking out now and are going to do whatever they can to create chaos and destruction on their way out.

Any incidents you see will be a result of this.

Nov 11, 2007
The "white hats" are in control but doesn't mean they control 100% of everything at every level.

Even the Benevolent groups assisting humanity during these times can't stop everything.

And we have to remember a huge part of this war is being fought off planet between the ET races fighting for control over the planet and humanity.

This part is beyond most people's consciousness or comprehension which is why I don't spend much time talking about it.

However, if you recall, I have said countless times that there will be NO nuclear events, however, stated that we will most likely see smaller events in certain geographical areas.

The weapons being used in events like Maui are off planet, very Star Wars like.

These technologies are frequency technologies that travel at the speed of light.

This war is far more complex than most will ever understand.

People can't even accept the fact that ETs are real and are already on earth.

In fact, YOU are an ET, because you were put here long after Mother earth materialized.

How on earth do you tell people that most of what you are witnessing here involves off-planet ET races.

We are not alone, this is fact!

And many races are, and have been walking amongst us for eons.

Until people understand and accept this simple concept, they can/will never understand the complexity of what they are living at experiencing at the present moment.

For crying out loud tards still think ballots are votes.

And that Biden got the most votes in history.

Imagine them trying to understand and accept that ETs are real and are here. :ROFLMAO:
Since sbd PRETENDS to have me on ignore as an excuse so as not to answer these questions that follow, I would strongly

suggest that anyone so inclined and who wants more answers ask sbd these questions.

1) Are the beliefs and opinions he espouses are his own and if so, based on PRECISELY WHAT??

2) If his beliefs and opinions are based on what others have stated or posted, please post the links so that we can decide

for ourselves how valid, credible and reliable they are.

3) Back to 31, if he simply knows for sure that the stuff is true whereas virtually no one else does, then kindly tell us why

he/sbd has been chosen to be the source of all of this "inside information?' he claims

4) Based on the documentation that I and the others have of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, etc., in the past for which he has

ZERO accountability, why should anyone believe what he says here???

Please be specific!!

Nov 11, 2007
And "checkmate" means the major players and networks have been removed/eliminated/neutralized.

But, remember there are some of their minions still running around knowing they have been cut off from their controllers and overlords, so they are literally freaking out now and are going to do whatever they can to create chaos and destruction on their way out.

Any incidents you see will be a result of this.
Since sbd PRETENDS to have me on ignore as an excuse so as not to answer these questions that follow, I would strongly

suggest that anyone so inclined and who wants more answers ask sbd these questions.

1) Are the beliefs and opinions he espouses are his own and if so, based on PRECISELY WHAT??

2) If his beliefs and opinions are based on what others have stated or posted, please post the links so that we can decide

for ourselves how valid, credible and reliable they are.

3) Back to 31, if he simply knows for sure that the stuff is true whereas virtually no one else does, then kindly tell us why

he/sbd has been chosen to be the source of all of this "inside information?' he claims

4) Based on the documentation that I and the others have of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, etc., in the past for which he has

ZERO accountability, why should anyone believe what he says here???

Please be specific!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I dare not speak for the Deep State cabal and their evil twisted mindset, but a good analogy would be a bank robbery.

Organized criminals rob a bank. They have hostages.

Police have them surrounded.

NORMAL people want to know what's taking so long. Why don't the bad guys come out with their hands up? Why can't this all be over?

"Ok, got us! We give up! We'll be better prepared next time! Haha"


Criminals don't do that! Criminals NEVER do that!

They keep killing hostages and causing damage until the very end.


They're CRIMINALS - it's what CRIMINALS do.

This isn't "politics" - "Democrat" vs "Republican"

This isn't a game.

This is WAR.

Good vs Evil.

The Deep State just INDICTED their main political opponent and the clowns on stage last night were debating "school choice" ?

You've got to be kidding me!

Where the hell were these clowns during the "Summer of Love 2020" and the billions in damage the DS foot soldiers were causing in cities? Or on election night when all the swing states SIMULTANEOUSLY STOPPED COUNTING after they told everyone to go home?


It's not an open shooting war or civil war (thank God!) even though we know that's what the Deep State cabal wants. The Deep State cabal doesn't want the People fighting THEM, they want citizen against citizen. They want the country destroyed so they end this pesky Constitution and mop up with their Global Great Reset. Whether it's with Covid, a nuclear war with North Korea or Russia or a civil war.

That's what the globalists want. That was their Sixteen Year Plan under Obama-Hillary.

That was the "Summer of Love 2020" - causing chaos and and billions in destruction on the streets, lobbing molotov cocktails at the White House etc.

They were trying to politically destabilize and ultimately OVERTHROW THE TRUMP GOVERNMENT!

Just like Ukraine in 2014, it was a Color Revolution by the same familiar players.

2020 was the REAL INSURRECTION... and when CIC TRUMP ACTIVATED THE MILITARY and called up 1,000,000 members of the National Guard.


So the Constitution is currently suspended with the military and CIC Trump in full control.

And yet...the scoundrels just won't give up.

Look at Covid.

By now everyone knows it's a SCAM. The test is a SCAM. The masks are a SCAM. The "social distancing" is a SCAM. Their poisonous jabs are killing people left and right...

And yet... here we go again with this bullshit! The Deep State couldn't give a shit if people comply or not, they just want another excuse to CHEAT AGAIN IN 2024 WITH THEIR FAKE MAIL IN BALLOTS!

Everyone sees it now.

Yet they're not giving up.

Evil organized criminals never give up, which is why it takes years to infiltrate and prosecute them.

Yet that is exactly what Rudy and Trump did in NY. And that's what they're doing here.

"I caught them all!" - Trump

Military-civilian alliance.

As for the military, they don't disclose what they're doing to the public. Never have, never will. The only time you will VISUALLY SEE them in the streets is behind a cover story. Like when CIC Trump ordered tens of thousands of troops into DC after the fake staged "insurrection" then sealed off the entire area and spent MONTHS cleaning out that cesspool.

Everyone saw what happened with their own eyes. I know people on the ground in Washington who were documenting everything they were doing...flooding out the child trafficking tunnels. Evil you can't possibly fathom.

It's just some people still asleep choose to believe Fake News narratives ("they were there to prevent tourists from taking photos in the Capitol rotunda!" ?) instead of READING Executive Orders, Laws and US Codes.

Even now... the Fake News and the "81 million votes!" crowd would scream "military coup!"

By the time this is all over, I venture the public will see MAYBE 30% of the entire operation.

War is messy.

Wars don't have timelines.

Wars have markers.

Wars involve deception.

War tactics are classified.

Wars involve moves and countermoves.

Wars keep going until one side surrenders.

But you'll notice, the Deep State cabal isn't surrendering.

They're still indicting anyone opposed to their evil anti-American tyrannical agenda.

Still holding J6 POWs and going after innocent Americans with their weaponized "justice" system.

Still trying to fool the sheep with their Covid BS.

Still derailing trains, poisoning rivers, false flag shootings, lighting fires all over the world (literally) and generally causing chaos..

It's who these evil monsters are and what they do.

So the wartime CIC and White Hats keep fighting... keep removing more pieces off the board one by one...until the WAR ends.

Until it's SAFE for even the Sheep to know the true story..

Open your eyes!

"Biden" is the president?

C'mon! Nobody believes that anymore!
Aug 17, 2019
I dare not speak for the Deep State cabal and their evil twisted mindset, but a good analogy would be a bank robbery.

Organized criminals rob a bank. They have hostages.

Police have them surrounded.

NORMAL people want to know what's taking so long. Why don't the bad guys come out with their hands up? Why can't this all be over?

"Ok, got us! We give up! We'll be better prepared next time! Haha"


Criminals don't do that! Criminals NEVER do that!

They keep killing hostages and causing damage until the very end.


They're CRIMINALS - it's what CRIMINALS do.

This isn't "politics" - "Democrat" vs "Republican"

This isn't a game.

This is WAR.

Good vs Evil.

The Deep State just INDICTED their main political opponent and the clowns on stage last night were debating "school choice" ?

You've got to be kidding me!

Were the hell were these clowns during the "Summer of Love 2020" and the billions in damage the DS foot soldiers were causing in cities? Or on election night when all the swing states SIMULTANEOUSLY STOPPED COUNTING after they told everyone to go home?


It's not an open shooting war or civil war (thank God!) even though we know that's what the Deep State cabal wants. The Deep State cabal doesn't want the People fighting THEM, they want citizen against citizen. They want the country destroyed so they end this pesky Constitution and mop up with their Global Great Reset. Whether it's with Covid, a nuclear war with North Korea or Russia or a civil war.

That's what the globalists want. That was their Sixteen Year Plan under Obama-Hillary.

That was the "Summer of Love 2020" - causing chaos and and billions in destruction on the streets, lobbing molotov cocktails at the White House etc.

They were trying to politically destabilize and ultimately OVERTHROW THE TRUMP GOVERNMENT!

Just like Ukraine in 2014, it was a Color Revolution by the same familiar players.

2020 was the REAL INSURRECTION... and when CIC TRUMP ACTIVATED THE MILITARY and called up 1,000,000 members of the National Guard.

So the Constitution is currently suspended with the military and CIC Trump in full control.

And yet...the scoundrels just won't give up.

Look at Covid.

By now everyone knows it's a SCAM. The test is a SCAM. The masks are a SCAM. The "social distancing" is a SCAM. Their poisonous jabs are killing people left and right...

And yet... here we go again with this bullshit! The Deep State couldn't give a shit if people comply or not, they just want another excuse to CHEAT AGAIN IN 2024 WITH THEIR FAKE MAIL IN BALLOTS!

Everyone sees it now.

Yet they're not giving up.

Evil organized criminals never give up, which is why it takes years to infiltrate and prosecute them.

Yet that is exactly what Rudy and Trump did in NY. And that's what they're doing here.

"I caught them all!" - Trump

Military-civilian alliance.

As for the military, they don't disclose what they're doing to the public. Never have, never will. The only time you will VISUALLY SEE them in the streets is behind a cover story. Like when CIC Trump ordered tens of thousands of troops into DC after the fake staged "insurrection" then sealed off the entire area and spent MONTHS cleaning out that cesspool.

Everyone saw what happened with their own eyes. I know people on the ground in Washington who were documenting everything they were doing...flooding out the child trafficking tunnels. Evil you can't possibly fathom.

It's just some people still asleep choose to believe Fake News narratives ("they were there to prevent tourists from taking photos in the Capitol rotunda!" ?) instead of READING Executive Orders, Laws and US Codes.

Even now... the Fake News and the "81 million votes!" crowd would scream "military coup!"

By the time this is all over, I venture the public will see MAYBE 30% of the entire operation.

War is messy.

Wars don't have timelines.

Wars have markers.

Wars involve deception.

War tactics are classified.

Wars involve moves and countermoves.

Wars keep going until one side surrenders.

But you'll notice, the Deep State cabal isn't surrendering.

They're still indicting anyone opposed to their evil anti-American tyrannical agenda.

Still holding J6 POWs and going after innocent Americans with their weaponized "justice" system.

Still trying to fool the sheep with their Covid BS.

Still derailing trains, poisoning rivers, false flag shootings, lighting fires all over the world (literally) and generally causing chaos..

It's who these evil monsters are and what they do.

So the wartime CIC and White Hats keep fighting... keep removing more pieces off the board one by one...until the WAR ends.

Until it's SAFE for even the Sheep to know the true story..

Open your eyes!

"Biden" is the president?

C'mon! Nobody believes that anymore!
100% TRUTH

Sep 5, 2010
The "white hats" are in control but doesn't mean they control 100% of everything at every level.

Even the Benevolent groups assisting humanity during these times can't stop everything.

And we have to remember a huge part of this war is being fought off planet between the ET races fighting for control over the planet and humanity.

This part is beyond most people's consciousness or comprehension which is why I don't spend much time talking about it.

However, if you recall, I have said countless times that there will be NO nuclear events, however, stated that we will most likely see smaller events in certain geographical areas.

The weapons being used in events like Maui are off planet, very Star Wars like.

These technologies are frequency technologies that travel at the speed of light.

This war is far more complex than most will ever understand.

People can't even accept the fact that ETs are real and are already on earth.

In fact, YOU are an ET, because you were put here long after Mother earth materialized.

How on earth do you tell people that most of what you are witnessing here involves off-planet ET races.

We are not alone, this is fact!

And many races are, and have been walking amongst us for eons.

Until people understand and accept this simple concept, they can/will never understand the complexity of what they are living at experiencing at the present moment.

For crying out loud tards still think ballots are votes.

And that Biden got the most votes in history.

Imagine them trying to understand and accept that ETs are real and are here. :ROFLMAO:
At least there is one brain dead moron that half believes your ultra low iqanon bullshit.

:lmao: :lmao::lmao:

Oct 29, 2021
Honestly this ends when the people of the country decide they have had enough and
put an end to it themselves. I agree with much of what you say, whether Trump and the military are in charge is debatable at this point.

When the people have had enough and I fear that point is coming soon.

I won't go into the rest of it, you can figure it out yourselves
It is what happens in Communist countries throughout history and it is not pretty
for the people in charge and on the wrong side

Nov 11, 2007
100% TRUTH
Trying to cover up your lies and our documentation by hiding my post, sheriff HOE/aka sbd will not work, and each and every

time you try to so as you did here, will be responded to with posts like this one:

Since sbd/sheriffjoe PRETENDS to have me on ignore as an excuse so as not to answer these questions that follow, I would strongly

suggest that anyone so inclined and who wants more answers ask sbd these questions.

1) Are the beliefs and opinions he espouses are his own and if so, based on PRECISELY WHAT??

2) If his beliefs and opinions are based on what others have stated or posted, please post the links so that we can decide

for ourselves how valid, credible and reliable they are.

3) Back to 31, if he simply knows for sure that the stuff is true whereas virtually no one else does, then kindly tell us why

he/sbd has been chosen to be the source of all of this "inside information?' he claims

4) Based on the documentation that I and the others have of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, etc., in the past for which he has

ZERO accountability, why should anyone believe what he says here???

Please be specific!!

Since sbd PRETENDS to have me on ignore as an excuse so as not to answer these questions that follow, I would strongly

suggest that anyone so inclined and who wants more answers ask sbd these questions.

1) Are the beliefs and opinions he espouses are his own and if so, based on PRECISELY WHAT??

2) If his beliefs and opinions are based on what others have stated or posted, please post the links so that we can decide

for ourselves how valid, credible and reliable they are.

3) Back to 31, if he simply knows for sure that the stuff is true whereas virtually no one else does, then kindly tell us why

he/sbd has been chosen to be the source of all of this "inside information?' he claims

4) Based on the documentation that I and the others have of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, etc., in the past for which he has

ZERO accountability, why should anyone believe what he says here???

Please be specific!!

Nov 11, 2007
Trying to cover up your lies and our documentation by hiding my post, sheriff HOE/aka sbd will not work, and each and every

time you try to so as you did here, will be responded to with posts like this one:

Since sbd/sheriffjoe PRETENDS to have me on ignore as an excuse so as not to answer these questions that follow, I would strongly

suggest that anyone so inclined and who wants more answers ask sbd these questions.

1) Are the beliefs and opinions he espouses are his own and if so, based on PRECISELY WHAT??

2) If his beliefs and opinions are based on what others have stated or posted, please post the links so that we can decide

for ourselves how valid, credible and reliable they are.

3) Back to 31, if he simply knows for sure that the stuff is true whereas virtually no one else does, then kindly tell us why

he/sbd has been chosen to be the source of all of this "inside information?' he claims

4) Based on the documentation that I and the others have of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, etc., in the past for which he has

ZERO accountability, why should anyone believe what he says here???

Please be specific!!

Since sbd PRETENDS to have me on ignore as an excuse so as not to answer these questions that follow, I would strongly

suggest that anyone so inclined and who wants more answers ask sbd these questions.

1) Are the beliefs and opinions he espouses are his own and if so, based on PRECISELY WHAT??

2) If his beliefs and opinions are based on what others have stated or posted, please post the links so that we can decide

for ourselves how valid, credible and reliable they are.

3) Back to 31, if he simply knows for sure that the stuff is true whereas virtually no one else does, then kindly tell us why

he/sbd has been chosen to be the source of all of this "inside information?' he claims

4) Based on the documentation that I and the others have of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, etc., in the past for which he has

ZERO accountability, why should anyone believe what he says here???

Please be specific!!
Imagine having all of your chips on sbdsheriff HOE(not that anyone does) and believing attention-seeking and or delusional "truth" such as this

as spewed forth and my response:

Re: the first line only, does "truth" defined as believing that Trump won all 50 states in the 2020 Election and got over 90% of the

Popular Vote!!

Does "truth" consist of claiming/predicting daily for the last 31 months that Trump is going to reinstated/devolutioned and

that it is "IMMINENT!!"

Does "truth" consist of proclaiming that THOUSANDS of members of the "evil ds" have already been tried and executed

at GITMO over the last few years including the likes of the Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, Dr. Fauci and so

many more when these folks have been seen and heard too many times to count in public or via the media!!




Finally for now and along the same lines is it the "truth" that DamarHamlin actually did die from cardiac arrest back in Buffalo

on the football field induced by the cardiac arrest even though he has been seen and heard many times since that time and most

importantly is at training camp ready to resume his football career!!

Nov 11, 2007
Trying to cover up your lies and our documentation by hiding my post, sheriff HOE/aka sbd will not work, and each and every

time you try to so as you did here, will be responded to with posts like this one:

Since sbd/sheriffjoe PRETENDS to have me on ignore as an excuse so as not to answer these questions that follow, I would strongly

suggest that anyone so inclined and who wants more answers ask sbd these questions.

1) Are the beliefs and opinions he espouses are his own and if so, based on PRECISELY WHAT??

2) If his beliefs and opinions are based on what others have stated or posted, please post the links so that we can decide

for ourselves how valid, credible and reliable they are.

3) Back to 31, if he simply knows for sure that the stuff is true whereas virtually no one else does, then kindly tell us why

he/sbd has been chosen to be the source of all of this "inside information?' he claims

4) Based on the documentation that I and the others have of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, etc., in the past for which he has

ZERO accountability, why should anyone believe what he says here???

Please be specific!!

Since sbd PRETENDS to have me on ignore as an excuse so as not to answer these questions that follow, I would strongly

suggest that anyone so inclined and who wants more answers ask sbd these questions.

1) Are the beliefs and opinions he espouses are his own and if so, based on PRECISELY WHAT??

2) If his beliefs and opinions are based on what others have stated or posted, please post the links so that we can decide

for ourselves how valid, credible and reliable they are.

3) Back to 31, if he simply knows for sure that the stuff is true whereas virtually no one else does, then kindly tell us why

he/sbd has been chosen to be the source of all of this "inside information?' he claims

4) Based on the documentation that I and the others have of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, etc., in the past for which he has

ZERO accountability, why should anyone believe what he says here???

Please be specific!!
Imagine having all of your chips on sbd/sheriff HOE(not that anyone does) and believing attention-seeking and or

delusional "truth" such as this as spewed forth and my response:

Re: the first line only, does "truth" defined as believing that Trump won all 50 states in the 2020 Election and got over 90% of the

Popular Vote!!

Does "truth" consist of claiming/predicting daily for the last 31 months that Trump is going to reinstated/devolutioned and

that it is "IMMINENT!!"

Does "truth" consist of proclaiming that THOUSANDS of members of the "evil ds" have already been tried and executed

at GITMO over the last few years including the likes of the Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, Dr. Fauci and so

many more when these folks have been seen and heard too many times to count in public or via the media!!




Finally for now and along the same lines is it the "truth" that DamarHamlin actually did die from cardiac arrest back in Buffalo

on the football field induced by the cardiac arrest even though he has been seen and heard many times since that time and most

importantly is at training camp ready to resume his football career!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another HOF encore post of mine that applies to snd/sheriff HOE and newCUMer doctor success:

"In essence, this is simply a rehash of the bullshit posted earlier today with a few words changed to make it from whoever wrote it,

and to whom you did even give credit for writing it.

There is no point in writing a new response to something which essentially is nothing new.

Therefore I will let my original response today serve as a response, which covers all bases in your lats bullshit:

Here you go:

"These are my observations and conclusions from your post and/or with the help of sbd and/or someone else:

You have conflated what the agencies do with what has actually been going with what has actually gone on with Trump,

and events in the past. but have provided ZILCH/NOTHING/NADA/ZERO to support your contention that the agencies you cited

in fact did what you claim!

This is total obfuscation at its finest!!

Perhaps also, you can tell/show all of us who all of your FUCKING FACT CHECKERS are and their actual documentation

before you criticize those of anyone else!

To say that these "classified documents" support your allegations and that you are one of the privileged ones to know what

they contain is at best hearsay/gossip and more likely just a BLATANT LIE!!

Just as importantly, your post unsuccessfully tries to either sweep under the rug all of your laughable and FAILED predictions about such

things for the last 31 months that Trump's reinstatement/devolution is imminent with the hopes that people will be so overwhelmed

as well as other delusions and predictions that didn't even come close to occurring.

Rather than admit that this stuff failed, your modus operandi is to move the goalposts and claim incriminating excuses/rationalizations

that these DELUSIONS are still going to occur but in "Trump-time," which for all intents and purposes with the oft-used phrase

"The check's in the mail!"

In short, if someone has no problems with posts like yours that rely upon "begging the question," poisoning the well," conflating

two distinct pieces of material when it is not at all warranted, which amounts to obfuscation as well as, lies, delusions,

massive contradictions, inconsistencies, relying on strictly one-way unsupported opinions, 100% lack of accountability and

lots more, then yeah I highly recommend that anyone who reads what you and your counterparts, sbd and doctor success

have to say as the "TRUTH" about anything and everything and don't even bother to read what people like myself have to

say even though I/we unlike you folks have documented what we have said, and MOST IMPORTANTLY FOR THESE FOLKS


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