
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here you go again, Mr. Static Approach to everything and how "wonderful" Trump is, the perfect specimen of not only a POTUS

but as the human being we should all strive to be.

Hope you took your rose-colored blinkers off for at least a second to read the 100% truth about yourself as any objecive

person learned a long time ago::

"Well, what do you know-the reincarnated Trump human condom or to be a bit nicer, the Trump human shield has arrived once again

ha emerged from "Trump Denial City" to assure us once again that all is fine and well with Trump, that there is nothing out there including

this that can possibly topple him from his perch and when all is said and done to prevent Trump from not only getting the nomination

and ultimately lead to another "smashing victory" one even greater than the one in 2020 when according to sbd, Trump won all fifty

states and received over 90% of the Popular Vote!!

If you want to know Lenny Lenbo's other "credentials" to decide whether you should believe anything and everything he says,

here are a few:

This week alone I confronted him with several relevant questions which you as usual dodged and ran away and hid.

In essence, what I asked and pointed out is whether something such as the economy could possibly change between

now and the Election of 2024 to alter people's perception as to how they are going to vote.

That resulted in a big fat zero response on his part, which is not surprising in his 100% STATIC approach to everything

in life and in this case when he deem to use present conditions which favor Trump!!

But wait when current things don't look so hot for Trump as they do with Jack Smith, he does do an about-face and DO look

to the future and predict that Jack Smith will lose!!

Nice balance and consistent thinking, Lenny Boy, don't you think!!

This is not really all that surprising though in view of the multitude of times/in fact 100% of the time, he has fled to

the hills when I have asked him to comment on whether he agrees with sbd on some of his whacko and delusional comments.

Rather than to step up to the plate and have some balls and say he does not, once again being the scared rabbit he

has run away and hid and come back when he decided it "was safe to get back into the water!!"

Now if you will excuse me for now, I have more relevant things to do such as watching the news of the day with my state-of-the-art

70-inch television while he watches whatever he wants in his prime tv in his house, a 1950s gem 14-inch black and white

tv, symbolic of someone who in his static approach to life refuses to accept the fact that better tv's have come along since that time

in the same way that in politics the notion that what is today for sure means that it will be exactly the same in this case today

as it will be in 15 months when the 2024 Election takes place!!

Worst and most disturbing of all is that it is quite obvious by now to any objective person that Lenny is mortified and petrified

at the thought as to his life can possibly go on if he is forced to cut his umbilical cord to Trump because he has fallen

from grace to the point where Trump has ZERO chance of being POTUS!!

Of my God, what is Lenny going to do with his life-can he go on and/or at least find someone else to fill the shoes of his

deity, Donald Trump!!"

I hope Lenny realizes in his 100% static approach to life that the number 911 does exist and will respond to needy people

like him in emergencies!!

Here’s one more lesson on how Trump was owned by Putin old wise one .

Now why would somebody owned by Putin try to stop Putin’s money flow in the form of gas sales ?

President Donald Trump has signed a law that will impose sanctions on any firm that helps Russia's state-owned gas company, Gazprom, finish a pipeline into the European Union.

The sanctions target firms building Nord Stream 2, an undersea pipeline that will allow Russia to increase gas exports to Germany.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Just how deep do you think Trump's remorse will be when he is incarcerated and/or realizes that his political career is over and possibly

his personal life and that he should not have acted like a "naughty boy" in what he did prior to January 6, on the day of January 6 and

after January 6!!

To be fair in his case the definition of the word "remorse" doesn't amount to the traditional one in this case for regret for

the crimes committed but in the sense of not doing enough to prevent his getting caught!!

That is the manner in which not only he thinks and operates but also fellow slime cut out of the same ilk!!

Enjoy the debate for second place if you decide to tune in .

How sad are the activists at your favorite network gonna be when they can’t fill all their air time with Trump answers from the debate ?

Nov 11, 2007
Here’s one more lesson on how Trump was owned by Putin old wise one .

Now why would somebody owned by Putin try to stop Putin’s money flow in the form of gas sales ?

President Donald Trump has signed a law that will impose sanctions on any firm that helps Russia's state-owned gas company, Gazprom, finish a pipeline into the European Union.

The sanctions target firms building Nord Stream 2, an undersea pipeline that will allow Russia to increase gas exports to Germany.
You "forgot" one Mr, BLINKERS-On,/one-way static approach to praising Trump about 100% of everything with not even the slightest hint

that he did anything wrong not only during his four-year tenure as POTUS but in his entire life!!

Here you go, and this is directed at OBJECTIVE people as much as to you:

If Trump is really a staunch enemy of Putin, kindly tell us why he openly PRAISED Putin for invading Ukraine and which

at the time he considered it a brilliant move on the part of Putin and publicly said so!!

He has also lavished the same kind of praise on Kim Jong-un!!

Thus imo when you come right down to it, the real issue is not whether Putin owned him or not but rather if a man who

said what he did is fit to be POTUS of this country aside from his criminality and zillion other massive flaws as

a human being!!

Nov 11, 2007
Enjoy the debate for second place if you decide to tune in .

How sad are the activists at your favorite network gonna be when they can’t fill all their air time with Trump answers from the debate ?
Hmm-in view of the documented lies/ lawsuits with the Election, perhaps you can tell us why Fox is your network of choice!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You "forgot" one Mr, BLINKERS-On,/one-way static approach to praising Trump about 100% of everything with not even the slightest hint

that he did anything wrong not only during his four-year tenure as POTUS but in his entire life!!

Here you go, and this is directed at OBJECTIVE people as much as to you:

If Trump is really a staunch enemy of Putin, kindly tell us why he openly PRAISED Putin for invading Ukraine and which

at the time he considered it a brilliant move on the part of Putin and publicly said so!!

He has also lavished the same kind of praise on Kim Jong-un!!

Thus imo when you come right down to it, the real issue is not whether Putin owned him or not but rather if a man who

said what he did is fit to be POTUS of this country aside from his criminality and zillion other massive flaws as

a human being!!

Yesterday, I was asked by reporters if I thought President Putin was smart. I said, 'of course he's smart,'" Trump told a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, on Saturday night.

"The problem is not that Putin is smart, which of course he is smart, but the real problem is that our leaders are dumb," Trump said.

Nov 11, 2007
Back later on this afternoon as I want to watch the Sox game and see if they can hold on against the Yankees!!

Nov 11, 2007

On our side, unlike the Trump supporters, we don't deny, cover up and try to hide the truth about Biden as they do about


Nov 11, 2007

This is not shocking at all, and in fact admirable with those in this thread and forum who live their lives vicariously through

Trump, and who would be so honored if instead of being the nothings and miserable failures they are in their current status in life,

could do the same things if they were important enough to be noticed and written about as is the case with Trump!!

I am not a psychologist but imo by posting as they do in this thread and forum, they are trying and hoping that in some

manner they can achieve some prominence that they realize they cannot in the world outside of it because for all intents

and purposes they realize on some level that they are relative no-counts!!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

On our side, unlike the Trump supporters, we don't deny, cover up and try to hide the truth about Biden as they do about


51 intelligence officials with the help of their partners in crime in the mainstream media helped your side in the form of a cover up /election interference by stating Meth Mouth’s laptop had all the makings of Russian disinformation when the FBI was in possession of it for his investigation which started around 2019 . Give me a break !

Nov 11, 2007
51 intelligence officials with the help of their partners in crime in the mainstream media helped your side in the form of a cover up /election interference by stating Meth Mouth’s laptop had all the makings of Russian disinformation when the FBI was in possession of it for his investigation which started around 2019 . Give me a break !
To be clear for the purposes of this discussion, I am talking about this thread only.

When is the last time or for that matter in your case the FIRST time that you ever admitted even the possibility that Trump

ever committed a crime, did something he should not have, lied and on and on and on!!

I mean are all of the 91 indictments made up figments of the imagination, and Trump and his cohorts are 100% of everything!!

Not until /if/when you recognize and show at least some balance and some honesty in your 100% homer opinions

and statements about Trump will you ever have the slightest credibility from me and imo from just about any objective person!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
To be clear for the purposes of this discussion, I am talking about this thread only.

When is the last time or for that matter in your case the FIRST time that you ever admitted even the possibility that Trump

ever committed a crime, did something he should not have, lied and on and on and on!!

Not until /if/when you recognize and show at least some balance and some honesty in your 100% homer opinions

and statements about Trump will you ever have the slightest credibility from me and imo from just about any objective person!!

To be clear , I responded to your claim about YOUR SIDE not hiding the truth with a response that shows YOUR SIDE clearly hid a major story before the election which we now know to be true .

I know it’s hard for you to not go off on an irrelevant Trump rant when you can’t refute my reply .

Nov 11, 2007
To be clear , I responded to your claim about YOUR SIDE not hiding the truth with a response that shows YOUR SIDE clearly hid a major story which we now know to be true before the election .

I know it’s hard for you to not go off on an irrelevant Trump rant when you can’t refute my reply .
It is and has always been the other way around and I just proved it above for the zillionth time by your avoiding the question and

in this case calling it "irrelevant!!"

To be clear and fair then, although I don't know all of the facts regarding the cover-up you cite of he is found guilty, he deserves to

be punished.

Will you right here publicly state that if Trump is found guilty by a court of law, he deserves to be punished, YES OR NO??

Also,, pal, don't try to twist what I said to your liking!!

I very clearly stated that I am talking about ME as opposed to YOU, sbd, sheriff joe, and doctor success ONLY in your

refusal to admit even the possibility about criminality on Trump's part as opposed to me who has very clearly

stated including now the possibility on criminal activity and intent on the part of Hunter and Joe Biden

and that they should be punished if convicted!!

Come on, let's see you give some DIRECT answers to what I just posted instead of trying to deflect the question and/or avoid them

as you always do!!

If you respond in your usual indirect way I will respond in a DIRECT way to you by reposting what I did earlier!!

Nov 11, 2007

Here is some more for Lenny and the Trump Trio to try to defend and/or sweep under the rug!!

Nov 11, 2007
I will be out of here shortly until sometime around 10 tonight or so as we are meeting for dinner one of my wife's closest friends from

Cartagena, Colombia and her husband who are in the area.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Here is some more for Lenny and the Trump Trio to try to defend and/or sweep under the rug!!

7 years later and still this . Didn’t get enough from DNCNN during the Russia hoax ?

You might want to read past the headlines .

Because Russian assets kill Russian mercenaries and approve sanctions related to pipelines from Russia to the EU .


Conservative attorney and Trump-critic George Conway also chimed in, calling Trump a "Kremlin asset."

Nov 11, 2007
It is and has always been the other way around and I just proved it above for the zillionth time by your avoiding the question and

in this case calling it "irrelevant!!"

To be clear and fair then, although I don't know all of the facts regarding the cover-up you cite of he is found guilty, he deserves to

be punished.

Will you right here publicly state that if Trump is found guilty by a court of law, he deserves to be punished, YES OR NO??

Also,, pal, don't try to twist what I said to your liking!!

I very clearly stated that I am talking about ME as opposed to YOU, sbd, sheriff joe, and doctor success ONLY in your

refusal to admit even the possibility about criminality on Trump's part as opposed to me who has very clearly

stated including now the possibility on criminal activity and intent on the part of Hunter and Joe Biden

and that they should be punished if convicted!!

Come on, let's see you give some DIRECT answers to what I just posted instead of trying to deflect the question and/or avoid them

as you always do!!

If you respond in your usual indirect way I will respond in a DIRECT way to you by reposting what I did earlier!!
Once again for the zillionth time I have challenged Lenny and he has avoided it and ran away and gone into hiding without answering it!!

Nov 11, 2007
To be clear for the purposes of this discussion, I am talking about this thread only.

When is the last time or for that matter in your case the FIRST time that you ever admitted even the possibility that Trump

ever committed a crime, did something he should not have, lied and on and on and on!!

I mean are all of the 91 indictments made up figments of the imagination, and Trump and his cohorts are 100% of everything!!

Not until /if/when you recognize and show at least some balance and some honesty in your 100% homer opinions

and statements about Trump will you ever have the slightest credibility from me and imo from just about any objective person!!

You "forgot" one Mr, BLINKERS-On,/one-way static approach to praising Trump about 100% of everything with not even the slightest hint

that he did anything wrong not only during his four-year tenure as POTUS but in his entire life!!

Here you go, and this is directed at OBJECTIVE people as much as to you:

If Trump is really a staunch enemy of Putin, kindly tell us why he openly PRAISED Putin for invading Ukraine and which

at the time he considered it a brilliant move on the part of Putin and publicly said so!!

He has also lavished the same kind of praise on Kim Jong-un!!

Thus imo when you come right down to it, the real issue is not whether Putin owned him or not but rather if a man who

said what he did is fit to be POTUS of this country aside from his criminality and zillion other massive flaws as

a human being!!
Once again for the zillionth time I have challenged Lenny and he has avoided it and ran away and gone into hiding without answering it!!

Nov 11, 2007
It is and has always been the other way around and I just proved it above for the zillionth time by your avoiding the question and

in this case calling it "irrelevant!!"

To be clear and fair then, although I don't know all of the facts regarding the cover-up you cite of he is found guilty, he deserves to

be punished.

Will you right here publicly state that if Trump is found guilty by a court of law, he deserves to be punished, YES OR NO??

Also,, pal, don't try to twist what I said to your liking!!

I very clearly stated that I am talking about ME as opposed to YOU, sbd, sheriff joe, and doctor success ONLY in your

refusal to admit even the possibility about criminality on Trump's part as opposed to me who has very clearly

stated including now the possibility on criminal activity and intent on the part of Hunter and Joe Biden

and that they should be punished if convicted!!

Come on, let's see you give some DIRECT answers to what I just posted instead of trying to deflect the question and/or avoid them

as you always do!!

If you respond in your usual indirect way I will respond in a DIRECT way to you by reposting what I did earlier!!
Once again for the zillionth time I have challenged Lenny and he has avoided it and ran away and gone into hiding without answering it!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here you go again, Mr. Static Approach to everything and how "wonderful" Trump is, the perfect specimen of not only a POTUS

but as the human being we should all strive to be.

Hope you took your rose-colored blinkers off for at least a second to read the 100% truth about yourself as any objecive

person learned a long time ago::

"Well, what do you know-the reincarnated Trump human condom or to be a bit nicer, the Trump human shield has arrived once again

ha emerged from "Trump Denial City" to assure us once again that all is fine and well with Trump, that there is nothing out there including

this that can possibly topple him from his perch and when all is said and done to prevent Trump from not only getting the nomination

and ultimately lead to another "smashing victory" one even greater than the one in 2020 when according to sbd, Trump won all fifty

states and received over 90% of the Popular Vote!!

If you want to know Lenny Lenbo's other "credentials" to decide whether you should believe anything and everything he says,

here are a few:

This week alone I confronted him with several relevant questions which you as usual dodged and ran away and hid.

In essence, what I asked and pointed out is whether something such as the economy could possibly change between

now and the Election of 2024 to alter people's perception as to how they are going to vote.

That resulted in a big fat zero response on his part, which is not surprising in his 100% STATIC approach to everything

in life and in this case when he deem to use present conditions which favor Trump!!

But wait when current things don't look so hot for Trump as they do with Jack Smith, he does do an about-face and DO look

to the future and predict that Jack Smith will lose!!

Nice balance and consistent thinking, Lenny Boy, don't you think!!

This is not really all that surprising though in view of the multitude of times/in fact 100% of the time, he has fled to

the hills when I have asked him to comment on whether he agrees with sbd on some of his whacko and delusional comments.

Rather than to step up to the plate and have some balls and say he does not, once again being the scared rabbit he

has run away and hid and come back when he decided it "was safe to get back into the water!!"

Now if you will excuse me for now, I have more relevant things to do such as watching the news of the day with my state-of-the-art

70-inch television while he watches whatever he wants in his prime tv in his house, a 1950s gem 14-inch black and white

tv, symbolic of someone who in his static approach to life refuses to accept the fact that better tv's have come along since that time

in the same way that in politics the notion that what is today for sure means that it will be exactly the same in this case today

as it will be in 15 months when the 2024 Election takes place!!

Worst and most disturbing of all is that it is quite obvious by now to any objective person that Lenny is mortified and petrified

at the thought as to his life can possibly go on if he is forced to cut his umbilical cord to Trump because he has fallen

from grace to the point where Trump has ZERO chance of being POTUS!!

Of my God, what is Lenny going to do with his life-can he go on and/or at least find someone else to fill the shoes of his

deity, Donald Trump!!"

I hope Lenny realizes in his 100% static approach to life that the number 911 does exist and will respond to needy people

like him in emergencies!!

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