
Nov 11, 2007
We should print T-shirts that say LANDSLIDE 2024, because Trump will win by an even bigger margin than he did in 2020.

Tards can wear Biden beanie caps.
Reading my posts again and stealing my ideas when you claim I am on ignore!! lol

You need to do a better job of covering up your tracks next time buddy/tri member especially when you are dealing with

an investigator like myself who had an impeccable reputation for exposing and documenting welfare fraud as an important

part of my job for 34 years!!

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most difficult to expose and put down, I would give you a 1 at best!!

Nov 11, 2007

I strongly suggest that the thread entry of sbd, sheriff HOE and now doctor distress/success pay VERY careful attention

to what is stated here for their own good and salvation!!

Nov 11, 2007

The word that summarizes and describes what is going on now with Trump is "WILT!!"

This is not a word to be ashamed of because it fits not only what is happening to him but just about anyone who is feeling the anxiety

and pressure he isf eeling and who is about to have his head handed to him on a silver platter!!

Nov 11, 2007

Unfortunately, we still have corrupt media like fake news and fake polls working hard to hide the truth from the public.

But the world will see the TRUTH during the 2024 election when Trump wins his 3rd term in the biggest landslide in history!

Americans continue to wake up and they have had enough of the shit show we have witnessed the last 3 years created by the anti-Americans, Satanists, pedos and queers.


Hmm-one of us is wrong here with the polling approval numbers-hint-it isn't me!!

Good luck in trying to win the 2024 Election in "the greatest landslide in history" with numbers like this!! lol

Nov 11, 2007

I agree that Youngkin is the man and would have no qualms about voting for him if he is nominated.

As stated here previously, I have placed a small wager on him of outstanding odds to get the nomination!!

Nov 11, 2007

I don't feel sorry for this traitor at all, and if you can believe it, I actually side with Trump for not helping him!!

Rudy is no dummy and knew damn well the risks he was taking by lying for Trump and acting in a treasonous way!!

Call it Divine Retribution or whatever you like, but justice has caught up to him here in his personal life and I have high confidence

that the same will happen in the courts when his fate is sealed moving forward!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sep 12, 2022
No one can stop what is coming.



Nov 11, 2007
Good to see you are back and have read all of my posts today doctor distress/success, aka/alias sbd/sheriff joe.

Yes, you are correct in your "no one can stop what is coming," comment.

Unfortunately you didn't get the rest of it right which should have Trump pictured in a jail cell screaming at the top of

his lungs how the 2020 Election was stolen and possibly at the same time being buggered by some inmate who hasn't had

his physical needs met in a while.

The "landslide" you mention will be the one which at the speed of light shuffles him off to the Gateway to the entrance

of The Eternal Flames of Fire and Damnation, where he will be quickly escorted to his final resting place!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am still waiting (and will probably to Eternity) for any of the Trump lovers not only in this thread but in the entire Political Section

to rebut/refute with evidence any of the charges that have been leveled and documented against Trump by Jack Smith

or any other of the investigators!!

I will give these folks the highest "credit score" possible for begging the questioning and poisoning the well as well as projecting their

own one-way opinions onto everyone else with the hopes and expectations that they will fly and get the job done when it comes

to Trump!!

Conversely, I give these folks the lowest score possible for not understanding and coming to grips that the world in which they

reside is a far cry from the REAL WORLD OF REALITY WHEN IT COMES TO TRUMP!!

It is now time for lunch!!

Aug 5, 2021
The People's President - the REAL president - has no reason to debate.



Why debate?

At this point, if you believe the whole system isn't RIGGED, you have NOTHING to offer.

Why debate?

Why discuss policy?

There's nothing to discuss until THE COUNTRY IS FIXED.

Remember when President Trump called out the Biden Crime Family?


And remember when "Biden" lied on national television?

And remember when the "moderators" covered for him?

And remember when the Fake News, Big Tech and their fake "fact-checkers covered for him?

And remember when the Intelligence Clowns covered for him?

Why debate?

There's nothing to debate.

They're CRIMINALS ? Criminal Syndicate

ALL of them.

Clearly skipping the debate to;

1) Avoid the embarrassment of his 2 impeachments.

2) Avoid the embarrassment of his FOUR indictments within a 5 month timeframe.

3) Avoid having to discuss his "beautiful and perfect" phone calls with Raffensperger.

4) Avoid Chris Christie.

5) Avoid having to recon with how he handled COVID policy - lamenting the shutdowns, decrying the efficacy of vaccines (until they worked, then he wanted credit for them).

6) Avoid having to defend his record as a president.

7) Avoid having to defend himself for his actions on January 6th.

8) Avoid saying something during the debate that can, and will likely be used against him in the court of law.

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing:

Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, without Dafince around the entire Political Section excepting this thread,

has become essentially a giant watering hole where Trump lovers gather and post, and pat each other on the back when they

post something which exalts their hero or bashes Biden and not much more!!

In addition, although it may not be quite as noticeable as the above yet, it is and will increasingly be a handholding

thread for some kind of reassurance for the same folks that things will still turn out great for Trump as the investigations

and indictment progress and ram one more incriminating documented fact upon another is rammed up his/their ass!!


Nov 11, 2007
Clearly skipping the debate to;

1) Avoid the embarrassment of his 2 impeachments.

2) Avoid the embarrassment of his FOUR indictments within a 5 month timeframe.

3) Avoid having to discuss his "beautiful and perfect" phone calls with Raffensperger.

4) Avoid Chris Christie.

5) Avoid having to recon with how he handled COVID policy - lamenting the shutdowns, decrying the efficacy of vaccines (until they worked, then he wanted credit for them).

6) Avoid having to defend his record as a president.

7) Avoid having to defend himself for his actions on January 6th.

8) Avoid saying something during the debate that can, and will likely be used against him in the court of law.
Kudos to you for posting the 100% truth about Trump and the debate!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Another article about the traitorous ex-POTUS who was owned by Putin.

Owned by Putin .

Your brain on left wing propaganda . Here’s a little history lesson for ya.

The mercenaries gave up and retreated around 2:30 AM after four hours of fighting. Zero American troops were harmed, and somewhere around 300 Syrian and Russia forces were killed. The rest, as they say, is history:

Class dismissed . Hope you learned something old educated one .

Nov 11, 2007
Owned by Putin .

Your brain on left wing propaganda . Here’s a little history lesson for ya.

The mercenaries gave up and retreated around 2:30 AM after four hours of fighting. Zero American troops were harmed, and somewhere around 300 Syrian and Russia forces were killed. The rest, as they say, is history:

Class dismissed . Hope you learned something old educated one .
Here you go again, Mr. Static Approach to everything and how "wonderful" Trump is, the perfect specimen of not only a POTUS

but as the human being we should all strive to be.

Hope you took your rose-colored blinkers off for at least a second to read the 100% truth about yourself as any objecive

person learned a long time ago::

"Well, what do you know-the reincarnated Trump human condom or to be a bit nicer, the Trump human shield has arrived once again

ha emerged from "Trump Denial City" to assure us once again that all is fine and well with Trump, that there is nothing out there including

this that can possibly topple him from his perch and when all is said and done to prevent Trump from not only getting the nomination

and ultimately lead to another "smashing victory" one even greater than the one in 2020 when according to sbd, Trump won all fifty

states and received over 90% of the Popular Vote!!

If you want to know Lenny Lenbo's other "credentials" to decide whether you should believe anything and everything he says,

here are a few:

This week alone I confronted him with several relevant questions which you as usual dodged and ran away and hid.

In essence, what I asked and pointed out is whether something such as the economy could possibly change between

now and the Election of 2024 to alter people's perception as to how they are going to vote.

That resulted in a big fat zero response on his part, which is not surprising in his 100% STATIC approach to everything

in life and in this case when he deem to use present conditions which favor Trump!!

But wait when current things don't look so hot for Trump as they do with Jack Smith, he does do an about-face and DO look

to the future and predict that Jack Smith will lose!!

Nice balance and consistent thinking, Lenny Boy, don't you think!!

This is not really all that surprising though in view of the multitude of times/in fact 100% of the time, he has fled to

the hills when I have asked him to comment on whether he agrees with sbd on some of his whacko and delusional comments.

Rather than to step up to the plate and have some balls and say he does not, once again being the scared rabbit he

has run away and hid and come back when he decided it "was safe to get back into the water!!"

Now if you will excuse me for now, I have more relevant things to do such as watching the news of the day with my state-of-the-art

70-inch television while he watches whatever he wants in his prime tv in his house, a 1950s gem 14-inch black and white

tv, symbolic of someone who in his static approach to life refuses to accept the fact that better tv's have come along since that time

in the same way that in politics the notion that what is today for sure means that it will be exactly the same in this case today

as it will be in 15 months when the 2024 Election takes place!!

Worst and most disturbing of all is that it is quite obvious by now to any objective person that Lenny is mortified and petrified

at the thought as to his life can possibly go on if he is forced to cut his umbilical cord to Trump because he has fallen

from grace to the point where Trump has ZERO chance of being POTUS!!

Of my God, what is Lenny going to do with his life-can he go on and/or at least find someone else to fill the shoes of his

deity, Donald Trump!!"

I hope Lenny realizes in his 100% static approach to life that the number 911 does exist and will respond to needy people

like him in emergencies!!

Nov 11, 2007
Just how deep do you think Trump's remorse will be when he is incarcerated and/or realizes that his political career is over and possibly

his personal life and that he should not have acted like a "naughty boy" in what he did prior to January 6, on the day of January 6 and

after January 6!!

To be fair in his case the definition of the word "remorse" doesn't amount to the traditional one in this case for regret for

the crimes committed but in the sense of not doing enough to prevent his getting caught!!

That is the manner in which not only he thinks and operates but also fellow slime cut out of the same ilk!!

Nov 11, 2007
I corrected line 3 in the previous post.

One last thing:

Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, without Dafince around the entire Political Section excepting this thread,

has become essentially a giant watering AND CHEERLEADING hole where Trump lovers gather and post, and

pat each other on the back when they post something which exalts their hero or bashes Biden and not much more!!

In addition, although it may not be quite as noticeable as the above yet, it is and will increasingly be a handholding

thread for some kind of reassurance for the same folks that things will still turn out great for Trump as the investigations

and indictment progress and ram one more incriminating documented fact upon another is rammed up his/their ass!!

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