doc mercer said:
The Repugs are telling Bush to stay away ....
This is like watching the Titantic sink
IMO, taking over the legacy of this administration is not going to be fun for anyone. Energy, Security, Deficit, the dollar, immigration, world standing. Economy, real estate, personal debt, public debt, gas prices, terrorism. All in the shitter. Who really want to be the party associated with all the pain that it is going to take to fix that? It will take hard decisions to turn things around and I doubt if any of them are going to be made in the next two years. Dubya is already handing off Iraq to his successor! WTF. Maybe a 10 Trillioin deficit too, with interest rates maybe the nearest spend to Defense on there. Is the Military going to build those 14 state of the art complexes in Iraq and then just walk away? Give them to the UN? What a mess. Yet consumer confidence is high, so we'll just keep on borrowing and spending for another while yet. Is it just me or does anyone else feel some doom coming on?