CAPN CRUNCH said:Wow! Excellent point Cuss! Why aren't the republicans leaving their party in droves now that their party stopped caring about them? arty: arty: arty:
chiefssth said:Good point cussin'it. I feel like the republican party is leaving me for sure. Maybe it's time the libertarians rise up because I think we need a 3rd party in this country.
Joe Contrarian said:While many conservatives dislike the current administration, they have an outright contempt for Democrats. The Democrats have been the most contemptible opportunists in the years since 9/11.
cussin'it said:I believe we agree, like to include Independents too. Maybe those folks (perhaps the old Ronny Dems) who have been forsaken by both parties. The "I" I want my party back party. or the NO to the status Quo party.
Libertarian ideals are certainly for the most part agreeable to me. :drink:
quantumleap said:Sorry, but poor performance in office is not an impeachable offense. Normally that's reserved for those who break the law like Nixon and Clinton.
Too bad we can't impeach him for lying about going to war in Iraq but the Pres is given broad powers when it comes to police actions. It's not hardly illegal to lie about why you want to go to war.
Woody0 said:Wiretapping Americans without court approval is clearly illegal, contravenes the 5th(?) amendment, and explaining that you will continue your illegal action is abhorrent. So he has committed an illegal act and breached his oath of office "to protect and defend the constitution of the United States". A breach of this solemn oath is surely reason for impeachment.