I'm glad the world likes us again.


the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
So is letting ruthless dictators promote acts of genocide humanitarian of us since we should meddle?

we support um when they are seen as useful to us

like saddam in the iraq/iran war


what should we do?

or better yet what can we do?

embargos just hurt the people

threatening them isn't really gonna do a whole lot of good....and they can use it to fuel the anti-protestor, pro ahmid(however u spell it) crowd....this country is 90% for revolution and freedom....regardless of what the tally of the vote was.....

war will just throw a already fucked up situation into a more fucked up situation

all we can do is mind our own business, say we are watching, support peaceful protest, and don't condone violent oppression


will be interesting to see how tomorrow plays out

seems like there is sentiment in iran they are willing to make the potential sacrifice

here's a rant from somebody in iran

"I will participate in the demonstrations tomorrow. Maybe they will turn violent. Maybe I will be one of the people who is going to get killed. I'm listening to all my favorite music. I even want to dance to a few songs. I always wanted to have very narrow eyebrows. Yes, maybe I will go to the salon before I go tomorrow! There are a few great movie scenes that I also have to see. I should drop by the library, too. It's worth to read the poems of Forough and Shamloo again. All family pictures have to be reviewed, too. I have to call my friends as well to say goodbye. All I have are two bookshelves which I told my family who should receive them. I'm two units away from getting my bachelors degree but who cares about that. My mind is very chaotic. I wrote these random sentences for the next generation so they know we were not just emotional and under peer pressure. So they know that we did everything we could to create a better future for them. So they know that our ancestors surrendered to Arabs and Mongols but did not surrender to despotism. This note is dedicated to tomorrow's children..."

Mar 7, 2005
Yes, because meddling in other countries affairs has worked out so well for us. The term "blowback" is meaningless to some people.

We poke our big fucking beak where it doesn't belong, and then later try to sit down with the same clowns we were just stoking a revolution against for nuclear negotionations. Does that make the least amount of sense to anyone?

Some of you guys are so short sighted it's mind boggling.

How about, for once, we mind our own fucking business?

Due to naivete'...Post FAIL.

One mans meddling is another mans prudent moves to avoid larger disaster and or bloodshed in the future.

Do you really want to wait for nutjobs in Iran to strong arm the global supply of crude oil?

They will be perfectly set up to do so once they have the nuclear threat.

Suggesting we should just ignore such things and not try to influence for our own self interest is why liberal foreign policy fails in the long run.

You must always fight for your own self interest...or thugs and evil will always fill in the vacuum.

It's an age old problem...libs never get it. It's called life.

You may now go back to singing Kumbaya. :103631605

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
threatening them isn't really gonna do a whole lot of good....and they can use it to fuel the anti-protestor, pro ahmid(however u spell it) crowd....this country is 90% for revolution and freedom....regardless of what the tally of the vote was.....

is should be isn't

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
You must always fight for your own self interest...or thugs and evil will always fill in the vacuum.

seems like it always happens when we meddle anyway

many years later after meddling we back into the same position we were before

with a tyrannical regime oppressing the people

how bought having some faith in the people of iran to make the sacrifice and beat oppresion just like our forefathers did to give us a freedom we enjoy today in america

revolutions and obtaining freedom aren't painless how bought letting the people of iran decide if they want to go through with that and make the sacrifice

not make the choice for them like we did in iraq which along with that created alot of bloodshed and lost lives including americans

Mar 7, 2005
seems like it always happens when we meddle anyway

many years later after meddling we back into the same position we were before

with a tyrannical regime oppressing the people

how bought having some faith in the people of iran to make the sacrifice and beat oppresion just like our forefathers did to give us a freedom we enjoy today in america

revolutions and obtaining freedom aren't painless how bought letting the people of iran decide if they want to go through with that and make the sacrifice

not make the choice for them like we did in iraq which along with that created alot of bloodshed and lost lives including americans

Millions of lost lives in WWII provide a striking reason to reject the non-meddling argument as naive and inviting disaster.

Chamberlain caved into Hitler...to give us "Peace in our Time"

He had a diplomatic document to prove it....how did that work out? Will lefties EVER get it?


the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
times have changed

if people are being thrown into concentration camps and shit of that nature we will know about it due to technology, internet, etc....

even with this iranian thing we can still see and hear alot of what is going on due to the internet....even though the regime is trying their best to silence them.....

during Tiananmen square all they had was the fax machine to acess the outside world

plus if you were really worried about the plight of man in general you'd be saying stuff about genocide in darfur and such but since that doesn't affect the world order who gives a rat's ass

also the lead up to WWII was a very complex mix of variables in which everything just went bad...you had the depression when nobody wanted to go to war.....and you have a pretty significant anti semitic strain running through american society at the time to boot.....henry ford was supportive of hitler in the early days.....ibm did business with the nazi's etc....

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
also MJ if you were POTUS what would u do at this moment concerning iran

just curious

Mar 7, 2005
times have changed

if people are being thrown into concentration camps and shit of that nature we will know about it due to technology, internet, etc....

even with this iranian thing we can still see and hear alot of what is going on due to the internet....even though the regime is trying their best to silence them.....

during Tiananmen square all they had was the fax machine to acess the outside world

plus if you were really worried about the plight of man in general you'd be saying stuff about genocide in darfur and such but since that doesn't affect the world order who gives a rat's ass

also the lead up to WWII was a very complex mix of variables in which everything just went bad...you had the depression when nobody wanted to go to war.....and you have a pretty significant anti semitic strain running through american society at the time to boot.....henry ford was supportive of hitler in the early days.....ibm did business with the nazi's etc....

Nah...basic human nature remains the same. Not standing up to evil empowers it...every single time.

Not meddling only increases chaos and bloodshed when it's all said and done.

Ignoring history is folly.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
also MJ if you were POTUS what would u do at this moment concerning iran

just curious
he would hike up his skirt march down to his brown neighbors house and demand that he enlist

Mar 7, 2005
also MJ if you were POTUS what would u do at this moment concerning iran

just curious

We should be giving the demonstrators our full support...Obama has made it a point to abandon them with "silence" as the Iranian leadership plans how they will crush them.

Absolutely pathetic.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
We should be giving the demonstrators our full support...Obama has made it a point to abandon them with "silence" as the Iranian leadership plans how they will crush them.

Absolutely pathetic.

many americans and people around the world including the media are doing just that

really don't see obama calling them thugs and terrorists like dubya probably would be is going to help the situation

google is now translating farsi

twitter skipped maintence to keep communcations up

the world is doing what it can to help

and anything harsh that the POTUS says can be blasted on their propaganda machine to rile up the anti-protestor crowd in the country

i really don't think there is any clear fool proof evidence at this point that the election was even rigged to begin with we need to see more first....and he's not being 100% silent....he's just not taking a harsh tone towards them.....and saying the world is watch.....he supports peaceful protests, people letting their voices be heard, and doesn't condone violent oppression in response.....

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
the last time there was a president elect, empowering the people, in Iran..

we aided in undermining him -- he wouldnt have represented our best economic interests as he would have nationalized oil.

the reaction to this eventually was the current theocratic regime

that makes it that much mroe delicate and a tough scenario...if the US gets involved and its proven Ahmadinejad did win fair...

what then?

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
well today Khamenei pretty much shut the door on the election related stuff

Ahmadinejad won, quit whining, and quit protesting was his message today

no turning back now, no new election, no more recounting.....

he basically knows he's in deep shit and doesn't want to appease and show signs of being weak to the people

will be interesting to see how things play out now and how the military reacts to the protestors and how many protestors show up

tomorrow a very key day for this whole thing

New member
Apr 21, 2007
Fox republican suck military money News

This Sunday, Fox news will trot out speedo sleepy eyes Chris Wallace who will call out the Obama administration for being slow in supporting the Mousavi Iran street demonstrations who are protesting recent Iranian election results. Short sleepy Fox republican hypocrite memories. Dateline US elections 2004, dateline US elections 2006, dateline 2008 conventions, where in all these evens US street protests were marginalized and beat down (ThugCopNYC paid millions in court case penalties for blood thug beat downs on lawful political US protesters) in disgraceful anti-democratic snuffouts of opposition demonstrations (same deal, stolen rigged electronic vote machine US elections circa 2004). How could any sick liar republican Fox News Chris Wallace slickster logic turn around and comment on the fairness of any international election? Like we have some torturous high ground to say anything about how any country conducts its internal affairs (thanks to Bush Cheney corporate military for selling out our country values). This Sunday morning, watch Fox and remember beatdown US protesters (starting with Boston tea and continuing to Kent State deaths). If you laugh at protests against US military aggression and associated CIA Blackwater atrocities, then consider this list: Guatemala 120 thousand skulls. Honduras 48 thousand skulls. Nicaragua 32 thousand skulls. El Salvaldor 92 thousand skulls. Chile, Argentina, Iraq, Haiti unknown untold thousands (United States corporates funded military operations to kill or overturn popular democratically elected officials in Chile, Argentina, Haite, and Palestine- so much for those freedom flag lapel pins). Military corporate predators squat in most countries and suck corporate military money with the same general religious rap: "the infidel-terrorists are banging our doorstep." Same rap as in Iran, China, North Korea, Israel, Palestine, Somalia, and the United States. Even if you could care less about the citizens of Iran, many Iranian protesters want fair elections, but they also want to be free from the thuggery of religious military theocracy, same as 1776 patriots who founded this country. What a sleepy laugh that proud torture corporate patriot Fox News now supports freedoms in Iran. Tune Sunday.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Point of order - The USA was not "meddling" in either Europe or the South Pacific. They were responding to formal declarations of war against the USA by the governments of Japan, Germany and Italy.

Mar 7, 2005
This Sunday, Fox news will trot out speedo sleepy eyes Chris Wallace who will call out the Obama administration for being slow in supporting the Mousavi Iran street demonstrations who are protesting recent Iranian election results. Short sleepy Fox republican hypocrite memories. Dateline US elections 2004, dateline US elections 2006, dateline 2008 conventions, where in all these evens US street protests were marginalized and beat down (ThugCopNYC paid millions in court case penalties for blood thug beat downs on lawful political US protesters) in disgraceful anti-democratic snuffouts of opposition demonstrations (same deal, stolen rigged electronic vote machine US elections circa 2004). How could any sick liar republican Fox News Chris Wallace slickster logic turn around and comment on the fairness of any international election? Like we have some torturous high ground to say anything about how any country conducts its internal affairs (thanks to Bush Cheney corporate military for selling out our country values). This Sunday morning, watch Fox and remember beatdown US protesters (starting with Boston tea and continuing to Kent State deaths). If you laugh at protests against US military aggression and associated CIA Blackwater atrocities, then consider this list: Guatemala 120 thousand skulls. Honduras 48 thousand skulls. Nicaragua 32 thousand skulls. El Salvaldor 92 thousand skulls. Chile, Argentina, Iraq, Haiti unknown untold thousands (United States corporates funded military operations to kill or overturn popular democratically elected officials in Chile, Argentina, Haite, and Palestine- so much for those freedom flag lapel pins). Military corporate predators squat in most countries and suck corporate military money with the same general religious rap: "the infidel-terrorists are banging our doorstep." Same rap as in Iran, China, North Korea, Israel, Palestine, Somalia, and the United States. Even if you could care less about the citizens of Iran, many Iranian protesters want fair elections, but they also want to be free from the thuggery of religious military theocracy, same as 1776 patriots who founded this country. What a sleepy laugh that proud torture corporate patriot Fox News now supports freedoms in Iran. Tune Sunday.

Thankfully, your aversion for paragraphs makes it virtually impossible for anyone to read such utter nonsense.

New member
Apr 21, 2007
Thankfully, your aversion for paragraphs makes it virtually impossible for anyone to read such utter nonsense.

With all respects, your sentence, " Thankfully, your aversion for paragraphs makes it virtually impossible for anyone to read such utter nonsense." would read better with a slight correction: "Thankfully, your aversion 'to' paragraphs...." Emphasis on the word 'to'.
But thank you for your attention to my post even though you had nothing to contribute to the discussion.

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