Not going to go through all the episodes to find it, but it was a couple years ago when Obama was running vs Romney. Romney had supposedly donated like $7000 to some anti-gay charity. She went on some soapboxing and stating she was going to find a "Pro-LGBT" charity and donate $1000 to them to help offset Romneys charity.
So I would assume (how she makes $7mil a year) why would she only donate $1000 to help "offset" Romneys. Why not donate a whole $7000.
And she is all about being gay and proud. But she had to "find" a pro-LGBT charity? Shouldn't she know one off the top of her head?
So I assume she donates a lot less then she should.
So she stated she donated $1000 (fact) and makes $7mil a year = Less then 1%
Whoa dude. That's quite a stretch. Because she donated $1000 to some charity as a publicity stunt, to offset Romney, that means that's ALL she donated to charity that year? C'Mon. You know what happens when you ASSUME.