Wasn't that tried in 2011, the so called "Arab spring"?
I will admit to Egypt finally got it's act together when
they deep sixed Morsi and made friends with Israel but that's
an isolated incident.
I'm no expert on the Arab world but it seems to me the sunni-shiite
relationship is akin to conservative-liberal relationship.
They'll never agree on anything.
"Arab Spring" popped up too fast tho, materialized out of NOWHERE for the most part, stemming from a lone incident in Tunisia then borne way way way too prematurely due to Social Media in large part so yeah....its a great example, Parallel-style Uprising to what I mean just with planning (instead of reckless spontaneity) and TIME over which Evolution to the eventual solution of Revising/Removing The Poisonous Texts gets even
proposed, let alone hopefully accomplished.
Arab Spring is a good example also of how "The People" do actually have among their 1.7 Billion of them some who do want Peace....Progress.
Away from not just War but away also from being Chained to edicts within Islam that they do not observe anyways.
Social Media has also come out of nowhere way too damn fast, same as The Arab Spring.
We are still among the very first generations now to be using this tool. Our Grandkid's Kids will use it very very differently, infinitely less to sow seeds of conflict. Today these people, many of them, having Social Media Soapbox is the equivalent of giving a 2-year old a Hammer after feeding the kid a bunch of Sugar so (s)he is hyper as hell.
"Egypt finally got it's act together when "they deep sixed Morsi and made friends with Israel" an example of the very real potential for Progress, within the Muslim World, a progress that WILL HAPPEN looking like also.....within Your Grandkid's Kids time but hopefully sooner.
Assad being able to Put Down a similar Uprising within Syria and the resulting Plague on Europe and other parts of the world THE EXACT OPPOSITE of encouraging, for Progress.
Dominoes Fell. As Result of the tragedy of Syria. UK may leave the EU as direct result, Sweden in a world of Hurt, Trump gets elected now we have Insanity & Division on a scale this country hasn't seen since The Civil War....maybe also in The 60's with 'Nam.
Dominoes Fell. As a Result of Arab Spring....Syria.
Theres a chance that France votes to Leave The EU, theres a Trump-Like Candidate there who will make that Vote happen...she is a woman with a smoking hot blond niece.
When I say "Summit for Peace" I mean a series of Mettings that take place over the course of 7 Years. I made it sound like I expected a Solution could be accomplished within a single meeting.
"Ya'll get over here. We're gonna re-write parts of your Bible."
Nawwww....I meant a looooongass process, as such would unavoidably be.
Mostly I meant that The People need to truly take control.
When The Printing Press came to be, the World got Changed.
Social Media, this new ability to communicate is 1 Million Times what The Printing Press was, for people. And thats being real conservative.
Were Julian Assange, Snowden along with a few hundred key others to call for that Summit for Peace to begin, "our side" could be Organized quickly.
Assange & Snowden-type people will come to be, on The Muslim Side of this equation. People who want an end to this insanity.
Eventually, One Day: Bringing People together on both sides to do what I've described is gonna prove to be so infinitely much easier than our brains can grasp that if we live to see it we'll be completely blown away.