You are such an idiot. Bush was a buffoon and fellow idiot who took over the country that had a surplus and tremendous growth and fucking ran it off the cliff into the 2nd greatest depression EVER. On top of that he LIED about Iraq which resulted in the destabilization of the middle east. Now we have a narcissist buffoon who is just as stupid and overly obsessed with his popularity in a very scary way. His lying, excuse me- alternative facts, will be the basis of this goof's presidency.
How about this, and agree with Scott, shut the fuck up, actually listen to people who know what they are doing (intelligence community) Stop worrying about what liberals are doing and saying, grow a set of balls and do your job...not on Twitter. He's not a reality tv star anymore and I'm not sure he realizes that....or ever will for that matter. Focus on healing this country and shit that matters (not voter fraud that doesn't exist to a great extent) and create real reform.
Best post in the thread.
Bush was a drunken narcissist moron who ignored the advice of counsel to push his own idiotic agendas.
- ignored 911 hijacking warnings to golf and vacation for an entire month
- ignored Iraq warnings (from CIA and his own father) and invaded, giving birth to ISIS
- ignored Katrina flooding warnings to go on vacation
- ignored Housing market crash warnings to pass the largest housing welfare law in history that gave away homes to the poor
Only pea-brained morons defend this colossal failure.