If I start playing with Pro 5, why would some posters feel obligated to flame me?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
they still screwed someone and i think this nolan guy knows what he is talking about....if he was in on it or not...it seems he was there when they did not pay someone....1 person is enough.....and if you really believe that action sports is'nt pro5,action ,or the horizon name that they tried to cash in on....you need to go back and re read the old threads.....why did you lock some of the old threads....who cares if some people were bringing them back up....that's what this forum is for.....to warn people of the scum that some people play with.........have you ever heard the term guilt by association?

why did you even start this thread? why not just play with them and keep it to yourself....please dont come in when they pay you and tell us how great they are....because this still wont be an accurate representation of this book....they would'nt stiff you because of your association with therx....but they'll stiff others....
Because I think it is important that all posters feel free to share there experiences of playing at all books.

Whether the books are considered "good" or "bad".

Whether the books are "advertisers" or "non-advertisers".

I don't like people attacking Volitile when he said his experience there so far was OK, just because that was not what people wanted to hear.

And I don't want people attacking posters who post they have negative experiences at so called "good" books either.

I hate the pre-judging crap.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
no prejudging when it comes to pro5.....

they were already tried and convicted....
I think you have to go back and read volatile's post about his experience there one more time !

All I got from it was that the book in question is a shit book !

They will lock your account if you have gone 2 weeks without making a bet ! what the phuck is that ?

And what's up with the @hotmail.com email anyway ?

you know what phuck it this is crap
So you put money in, they re-open your account.

And I thought Volitile said he was still playing there, and liked them OK.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
A moderator of this site trying to legitimitize a Sportsbook that is known to have done some terrible things to customers and as been a black eye on this business is unaceptable. This place has been tried and found guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. I am very suprised by this.
IMO to judge off of rumour and inuendo is a far greater crime.

But if it is your (and other posters) choice to convict in such a fashion, so be it.

The "witness" Nolan has no credibility whatsoever in my mind. He is an ex-employee with an agenda to destroy Pro 5.

This book has paid everyone who has played there.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
My intention was to post the details of my recent experience with Pro 5. Some good, some bad. There were a couple of minor annoyances (they are minor to me: $15 neteller wd fee, have to call rather than email, account shutting after 2 weeks), but my overall evaluation is "good experience" as the prices are great I got paid, and was treated nicely.

But the important thing is that I GAVE THE DETAILS, so the other posters can decide for themselves whether my experience would be "good" for them. Some may not see the minor annoyances as so minor. Others may be less confident about getting paid. You now have a few details of one guys experience to aggregate with everything else you know - then decide.

My account ALWAYS had $ in it, but nonetheless the internet part shut me many times in the football-offseason because I hardly bet then. Pro 5 told me outright that 2-weeks no play would have that consequence, and all I had to do was call to get reinstated. I did exactly that - a 20-second phone call always got me back on. I personally find it annoying, but not nearly enough to give up the prices. Of course, others may see it differently and that's fine with me.

I appreciate the point Peep is making. Not that I care about getting flamed myself, but I want to SEE OTHER DETAILED POSTS about experiences with book ABC, XYZ, etc., regardless whether those experiences conform to the "accepted wisdom" about them. That helps decisions be more informed, and keeps the books on their toes. Seems like a good outcome for all posters.
Someone for the love of GOD delete this embarrassment of a thread!!


I don't know what the angle is here but this place is a joke. The RX doesn't officially condone these people as far as I know. That is just one managers opinion!! He has had a good experience and they threw him a $100 matching play but Ken isn't backing these guys officially that I know of. If I am wrong I will say so but please look further into these guys before you get burned like so many others. It's my duty to warn folks. Unpopular or not with the boys here.

Scammers always reappear. It's how they make money, scamming poeople. They may not stiff people this month or even in the next 6 months but it's coming boys. It's definitely coming. I beg you not to give them a nickel of your money. Long as I am here I will warn of these kind of people. This thread is a disgrace.....

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>That is just one managers opinion!! He has had a good experience and they threw him a $100 matching play but Ken isn't backing these guys officially that I know of. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I played there, had an experience of playing there.

Volitile played there, had an experience of playing there.

As far as I know, neither Patrick or Mr. White have had an experience of playing there.

But at least they have an opinion based on what they have read. Hey no problem, plays out just as well in the public arena......
No one is flaming you Peep, just Pro 5. And rightly so. Spend your money wherever you want but don't you think this thread is kind of silly? Like you are trying to get in a pissing match with someone over it. I want no part of that, just trying to reason with you.

You say above they gave you $100 to match your $100 and now it's like you are inviting an argument over it. Ignore me if you like but some of the most respected people around here don't agree with what you are doing either. It's like you want someone to flame you for it and you are proud of taking money from them? It's not you man people are unhappy with (at least in my case) it's the book. Some of us feel the need to advise others of the risks here of dealing with scammers.

Hope you can learn not to take things personal Peep. No reason for new people to believe this book is legit. NONE! Admitting you have been compensated by them and then trying to start threads to make them legit isn't very flattering to this place. You are the manager of a watchdog site! Just my .02 cents. I'm sure you are a good person at heart but this is a ridiculous thread IMO. I'll leave it be now. If you want any other questions ask me elsewhere. Just hate to hear and see folks get stiffed off-shore by these same people AGAIN. As a watchdog site this isn't what I would expect from you.

Carry on sir and hope my opinion didn't offend you........

Sorry for the misunderstanding in my prior post. I did not realize that you do not believe the former management of Action sports is running Pro5/Horizon.

If I may, given all that has come out about them, what more would you need to convince yourself that they were they same?

Your greater concern seems to be that they have not stiffed anyone this month. Given all that, on what basis do you base your belief that Pro5 is not Action?

Finally, if you were convinced that they were the same, would you still believe it is appropriate to encourage the discussion of players experiences with them?

Thank you,
All I have showing me they are the same ownership is Nolan's admittedly biased testimony.

You have any more?
Is this the new way of shilling for these clowns ?

Start a thread with their name in the header ?

You gotta love this soap opera
Guess you missed the dozen or so threads regarding "amazing coincidences" between Pro5 and Action...

FYI - Just because one is a disgruntled ex-employee does not mean that all they say is fabrication.

Also, just because one owns/runs a sportsbook does not mean that everything they say is fact.

New member
Jan 1, 2000
I ASKED FOR 10,000 2DAYS AGO . THEY SENT ME IT YESTERDAY $25 FOR FEDX 1 DAY OVERNIGHT.I have felt scared reading about pro5 here.I have talked to Danny a few times-still not to sure about them but hundreds of thousands have been handled in past within their office to my friends.I went for 5 figures with camelot and also aces.I knew aces was going belly up and played them anyway and still made out well.Camelot I never saw it coming.PRO5 GIVES YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO WELL.Play them ,watch your figure and take out your money out every week, if you feel uncomfortable.I wouldnt worry till around DEC.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If I was ever guilty as sin of something I sure hope I could get you on my jury. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

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