I'd called for actual IQ Tests to determine Eligibility to Vote. Certainly not level of Education received.
I'm with Mantis, EasyMoney and others in not being comfortable with number of years in school being the end-all-be-all of determining Intelligence.
Absurd Notion today, Eligibility to Vote based upon Intelligence, but the future is gonna bring Nano-Computers installed on us or even within us that monitor Body Function, even are easily able to determine IQ.
IMO anyways, I am not Nostradamus.
There are no easy answers, we face tough questions. Its just hard for me to imagine a world that continues on a path that sees a large portion of Voters basing their Votes upon which candidate is gonna give them the most Free Stuff.
Decidedly InSTEAD of the candidate that would be best for the world.
Education basically shows that the person had the intelligence and determination to challenge themselves mentally and to some degree financial ability (for college and lesser extent high school). Once again there is a high correlation with intelligence and education. The percentages of people that are genius walking around with no education is not a very big number.
Basic opinion is that people need to have skin in the game or their decisions are different. Thus Bernie Sanders idea of free college is horrendous. Better off taking the money and paying down the debt.
Healthcare is the same thing. The problem we have is we want to cover everything and then figure out how to pay for it. It is especially bad for the elderly who can run up large bills with little consequences. People make different decisions if they have to pay for services. The difficult one is at the end of life decisions. If someone wants the healthcare industry to do everything possible to keep someone alive then that person must be willing to pledge all of their assets to accomplish that. They may chose to die peacefully and leave something to their family versus using all of their assets to stay alive for a few weeks. Until we make a change in healthcare that changes what is covered and to what extent we will continue to see healthcare costs rise.