I wonder what % of voters are voting for McCain because of race?


Rx. Poster
Dec 9, 2007
btw....so some of you ignorants honestly believe there aren't racists who are voting for McCain? it's a simple question.

Of course race is a factor fool. How do you think Obama got the nomination?

Unreal. Pull your head out of your ass!

Rx. Poster
Dec 9, 2007
btw....so some of you ignorants honestly believe there aren't racists who are voting for McCain? it's a simple question.

Sure there are. Whats the point?

Just as many if not more are voting for Obama because he is black. Not just blacks either. Many white morons want to "be part of history". So, they will throw away their vote on this marxist with no experience just so they can prove they are not racist and were part of history. What the hell...he is a great speaker and a good looking guy. Plus, he promises to restore our standing with the world and send all of our kids to college.

Get ready for the biggest dissappointment in your life.

Bush was a bad president, there is no doubt. I voted for him twice and I fully admit that. But, you aint seen nothin' yet...

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
thanks...make sure you save some of the kleenex for yourself. You'll need it too

Your right cause i'll be crying from laughter at doom and gloomers like yourself. Trust me, you're easy targets.

Aug 17, 2008
btw....so some of you ignorants honestly believe there aren't racists who are voting for McCain? it's a simple question.

I don't think anybody thinks there won't be racist whites that will vote for Mccain just because he is white, but you choose to ignore the fact that there are thousands of blacks registering to vote for Obama just because he is black.

There was huge black support for Obama when he ran against Hillary, and they virtually agreed on almost every issue. There were some nit picky differences, but Bill Clinton was wildly popular in the black community, and Obama still got over 90% of the black vote vs Hillary.

Was Hillary the victum of Racism, or does John Mccain only benefit from the racist vote? It is a two way street, so stop trying to start the race argument when it isn't there.

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Bush was a bad president, there is no doubt. I voted for him twice and I fully admit that. But, you aint seen nothin' yet...

LMAO!!, but you'd vote for MCSAME who's name says it all. Hey 7, Lemme pass on some advice from a very wise man.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

Nov 21, 2006
The bottom line is anyone racist enough to not vote Obama because he is Black wouldnt be voting Democratic anyways. And anyone voting Obama simply because he is black would probably be voting Democratic anyways. I think the percentage is lower then 1 percent.

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
Laughing at me from the soup kitchen or the bread line?

Nope from my 2500 sq. 4 year old, home thats PAID FOR . Thanks anyway.

Rx. Poster
Dec 9, 2007
Nope from my 2500 sq. 4 year old, home thats PAID FOR . Thanks anyway.

You have a mortgage free home? Wow, that's great. Good for you.

You may be one of the guys that Barack will consider "wealthy". Watch your ass!!

Aug 17, 2008
Blacks overwealmingly voting for Obama over Hillary is proof of black racism. Their politics were so close you could hardly identify a difference, yet Obama carried 90% of the black vote...

Rx. Poster
Dec 9, 2007
Blacks overwealmingly voting for Obama over Hillary is proof of black racism. Their politics were so close you could hardly identify a difference, yet Obama carried 90% of the black vote...

Ding Ding Ding

Aug 17, 2008
Liberals: Look at all the white racists that won't vote for Obama just because he is black.
CG: Fine, but also count the blacks that will vote for Obama just because he is black.
Liberals: That isn't true, only whites can be racist.
CG: Ok, then look at how Obama ran against a white female Obama named Hillary with the same views and Blacks voted for Barrack at over a 90% clip.

You can't blame that on the religious right, or racist republicans or anything else. Obama and Hillary finished in a virtual tie as far as the popular vote goes, even with 90+% of the black vote going to Obama.

Thanks for playing.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
think something like 84 percent of the black vote is democratic historically, the 6-10 percent bump for a black candidate is not surprising. if i was black i'd be excited as hell that a black guy has the chance to be president, plus he's a democrat so the percentage will be high as it already has been for white democratic candidates historically. and its not like no blacks supported hillary, large voting bloc for hillary was black.

i largely dismiss racist votes because of the increased tolerance in this country. obama wouldn't have won the nod without the white vote, simple common sense whether the c-golds or 7's want to admit that or not.

Aug 17, 2008
How does that make C-Gold and 7 wrong?

We are the ones pointing out the "bonus black vote" that comes along with the "lost racist white vote".

Your liberal friends are the ones saying only whites are racist.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
How does that make C-Gold and 7 wrong?

We are the ones pointing out the "bonus black vote" that comes along with the "lost racist white vote".

Your liberal friends are the ones saying only whites are racist.

your saying blacks are racist because 6-10 percent more of them are voting for obama, even though 84 percent of them traditionally vote democratic.

my only gripe with you is your generalizing a whole race of people, instead of that 6-10 percent.

the racist vote will cancel each other out. there are both black and white racists, simple as that.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
i also disagree with you that a racist black vote is why obama won the nod. whether you believe it or not, a ton of white people like obama to, not just black people.

you turn it into black vs. white which is my whole gripe with your reasoning.

Does Mickey Mantle Pay Your Rent
Apr 15, 2008
This arguement is pretty tired and far from a two way street. Blacks are voting for Barack because he's black. So what? Whats the difference if a Jew, Asian, Hispanic or woman was at the ticket? What does that make them? It certainly isn't racist. If Hillary were at the ticket they'd vote for her too. Blacks voting for Barack ISN"T because they don't want a white man in office. Your logic is weak.

On the other hand racist voters are voting in McCain because in their minds they'll die before a "ni**er" becomes president. Thats a huge difference. And lemme give you yet another lesson C-Gold, a racist voter doesn't have to be white.
How is this not a form of racism. If i vote for Mccain because he is white why is not racist if a black man votes for Obama because he is black. Many of the black voters began to sign up to vote this year more than ever before not because they are excited to vote but excited to get a black man in office. That is total racism in any aspect. If you walk about to 90% of black people on the street they will all say that have no true evidence to support obama only have ass statements. For example, in class today we had a little debate. The black kid in the class goes I like Obama because he will lower taxes. Teacher says what do you mean. Kid goes I dont know he will lower taxes and plus he is black. If you don't think that is being racist you are blind to society. Another form of racism is all these young hip-hop stars. Ex- P. Diddy, 50 Cent, and Young jeezy. All of these rappers in their music support Obama making him sound like the next messiah. Which then influences the young white and black voters to vote for Obama.

Will see alot of these when Obama wins :cripwalk: and they will still be in the same ghetto after his 4 years.

Aug 17, 2008
It isn't so much the extra 10% of black people.

Let's say traditionally
85% of blacks vote democrat
but 95% of blacks vote for Obama ( because he is black)

It isn't so much he gets and extra 10%, but the fact that he had 30% more blacks register to vote for him as well. That is a lot more than a simple 10% difference.

He has a higher percentage of black voters
and a larger pie of black voters as well... 30% larger.

Any way you want to slice it

Rx. Poster
Dec 9, 2007
i also disagree with you that a racist black vote is why obama won the nod. whether you believe it or not, a ton of white people like obama to, not just black people.

you turn it into black vs. white which is my whole gripe with your reasoning.

I agree that a lot of white people like Obama. Why do they like him though?

I say part of the reason is white guilt. Part of it is wanting to be part of history...electing a black president. Part of it is so no one can call them a racist if they vote for a black guy. Part of it is that the mainstream media will not allow his negatives to be talked about because he is black and extremely to the left. Part of is it is that he is a gifted orator. Part of it is that he is from the opposite political party as Bush. Part of it is that he is good looking. Part of it is just foolishness not realizing that he is a marxist that will move this country far to the left with the aid of a liberal congress and turn America into some crappy European socialist country clone. And, some white people actually agree with his politics.
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