I love Candace Owens. What a beautiful, smart black woman.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
If you love Candace Owens and her message about how she broke away, should also read up about Barbara Howard. Her is a great story and life experience article about her:

For over 20 years, I have attempted to open the eyes of intelligent, successful black folk, established “African Americans” (Americanborn, African-born, Caribbean-born, etc.) all who have reached the pinnacle of success in their various fields of endeavor.

I say attempted, because each time I walk away from a political discussion with my “brothers and sisters,” I feel as if I have been talking to walls.

I often tell the story of the minor success I had when I asked my youngest daughter to proofread one of my articles. She said, “Momma, you can’t say that.” I told her to do the research and she would discover I was telling the truth. She was so shocked upon learning that my position on how the Democratic Party controlled the black community was actually an accurate one.

She began to continue to read my articles and eventually changed her registration to Republican. But when she went to share her newfound knowledge with her friends, she was shocked even more at their change of attitude towards her and how they lashed out at her in their refusal to accept the truth. So she chose to never discuss politics with them again.

I find it so amazing that most folk have accepted the negative propaganda against Republicans with absolutely no evidence to support their opinion – much like this “witchhunt” against POTUS (Donald Trump) with this so-called “Russian Collusion.”

The Left has determined that Trump is an illegitimate president and they want to discredit his every move in order to get rid of him, pure and simple. For decades, they have, through the mainstream media (MSM), promoted the idea that the Republicans are racists, misogynists, homophobes, xenophobes, sexists and just plain mean people who hate the elderly and young alike and now Donald Trump is the epitome of this hate.

Each election season these characterizations of Republicans emerge. They did for George W. Bush as well as for Mitt Romney. And candidates in local, state and federal levels all get painted with that same broad brush.

But I have never seen such vitriol as there is against Trump. There were protest marches before and after the inauguration and over seven months after Trump took office, liberals are still marching and spewing hatred toward him. They are determined to make him a traitor to this country and a puppet of the dreaded Russian empire.

Billionaire Liberal elites even organized protests in Germany at the G20 Summit where anarchists put over 100 police in the hospital and started fires in the middle of the street, burning cars and other flammable items, creating havoc wherever they went.

Even NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio flew to Germany to address a G20 protest event and slammed his own president while he was there. What makes this even worse, it was one day after one of NY’s finest, Officer Miosotis Familia was assassinated in an unprovoked attack in the Bronx by a crazed madman with an unrelenting hatred for cops.

While the NYPD, her family and friends mourned this beautiful and caring mother of three who also cared for her own sick and dying mother, de Blasio was jetting to Germany to spew his well-known hatred against the police. Then he had the nerve to come back in time to show his face at her wake and in front of the cameras.

By the way, Officer Familia was black. The treatment of Familia by de Blasio is the same as the treatment of all Black Folk by Liberals in this country. As long as they stay in their place, Liberals pretend they love them/us. But have no time for those of us who leave the plantation and become registered Republicans. Just ask Dr. Ben Carson, Donald Trump’s Secretary of HUD.

When we don’t march or think in lock step with Liberals, we become targets, especially by other Blacks. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, well-known for her animus towards Trump, called Dr. Carson everything but a child of God and has threatened to “take his ass apart” when he testifies before the House Committee on Financial Services, on which she is the ranking member.

Like Maxine Waters, Black elected officials across this country see their jobs as not to represent their constituents, but to keep Blacks Folk stuck on the Democratic Plantation – a one-party community in a two-party system.

Jul 14, 2007

Where does she call for black extermination?

These are liberal talking points that ignore the reality that birth control/abortion is a far superior alternative than cradle to grave abject poverty.

Any sane society is going to advocate for some level of selective breeding, are you kidding me?

New member
Mar 17, 2015
What's funny is when someone of color agrees with their ignorant views, the Klan parades them around like unicorns reminding everyone she's black every 5 seconds and how "awoke" she is. She's nothing more than a novelty to them. Of course if she were saying the opposite, they'd be calling her the N-word and how ugly she is.

It's quite sad and pathetic, actually.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Barbara Howard:

As another Black History month comes to an end, there are some facts that must be shared, and some misconceptions cleared up.


I find it a little disconcerting when I hear young black folk saying integration is the worst thing that could have happened to our community. But they can only think that because they have not lived through slavery, segregation or Jim Crow.

They believe that the Democratic Party is and always has been the party for us and the Republican Party is the party of racists and white supremacists. That’s because they have never lived in a time when the Democratic Party was open about their disdain for us. I have.

Democrats have rewritten history because after the Civil Rights Movement brought segregation to an end, they needed another way to control us and remain in power.

I grew up during segregation and watched racist white folks in Alabama (all Democrats) do everything in their power to “keep us in line.” I had to ride in the back of the bus; drink from separate water fountains; stand at the back of a restaurant and take my food to go.

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), created by the Democratic Party, reigned fear in our hearts with burning crosses, burned out churches and lynching ropes swinging innocent black men in the wind as a reminder that we were never safe from their evil, racist hands.

I remember coming back home from a Christian Mothers’ Catholic Conference in Albany, Georgia. Our priest was driving and stopped at a gas station for gas. I had to go to the bathroom, so I passed by the Women’s and Men’s bathrooms to go to the one marked Colored.

Since it was filthy and had no door, I decided to go back to the Women’s bathroom.

But before I could even use it, a scraggly old white man opened the door and dragged me out, swearing and cursing at me. The only other place I could go was on the side of the road and our priest was too afraid to stop the car again. So, I had to wait in agony for another hour or so until I got home. I was 7 months pregnant at the time.

That’s the kind of thing that happened during segregation.

We couldn’t even mingle with white folks, unless it was in a subservient role. So, those who say integration was the worst thing that could have happened to us – don’t have a clue.


I hear people complain and demand “a seat at the table.” Well, I’ve had a seat at the table since the early ‘70s and discovered you cannot expect people to respect you and be nice to you when all you do is curse and disrespect them. You also must be willing to give of yourself and your time without compensation.

I learned as a volunteer, I got to sit and make policy with the heads of government, non-profits and corporations. And as such, I was invited to participate in various committees, task forces and governing boards. Those white folks in power learned to have respect for me. Yet some of my own community accepted the role of the KKK and tried to “keep me in line”, saying “Barbara Howard not only likes white folks, she even eats with them.”

I remember a piece in the local Miami black newspaper, The Miami Times, that read “Barbara Howard is so close to the LBA (Latin Builders Association) that she seems to have been adopted by them. She breaks her neck to do what they want.” They didn’t realize that there is a “quid pro quo” relationship in power brokering. And I had a seat at the table.

And because I have had a seat at the table for almost 50 years, I’ve learned a lot. One of my black attorney friends said I always had a “different perspective.” Of course, I did. I wasn’t controlled by the Democratic Party, so my political philosophy was different. Even though I was a registered Democrat, I could think for myself. My mind wasn’t controlled by the outright lies and half-truths told by Liberal politicians and the media.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
The black community has been controlled by the Democratic Party during slavery, segregation and after the Civil Rights era, even until today. First it was through laws, such as The Black Codes and Jim Crow. Now it’s through the black vote.


For the past 60 years, blacks have been voting a straight Democratic ticket at 95+%, thus giving the Democratic Party total control over the black community.

What have we gained from that loyalty? Inner cities controlled by poverty, crime, welfare programs, teenage pregnancy, broken families, female head of households, and high school dropout rates. The culture in those communities is one of hopelessness with more black men in prison than in college or businesses and more black men being murdered, mostly by other black men who then die at the hands of police.

Liberalism is literally destroying our communities, but Democrats are telling us that it’s Republican racism that’s killing us. And when they can’t find any evidence of it, they will make stuff up, as with the fake news that tries to convince us that in this 2020 election, if Donald Trump wins reelection, he is such a racist that he will send us back to Africa.

During election year 2012, former Vice President Joe Biden told a group at an NAACP gathering that if Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney were elected, they would “put y’all back in chains.” He forgot that it was mostly Democrats that had us in chains in the first place.

During Republican Jeb Bush’s reelection campaign in 2003 for Florida’s governor, black Democratic politicians told their constituents that if they didn’t defeat Jeb, he would “take away all our civil rights.” Well, Jeb won, and we kept all our civil rights, even though the next few Florida governors have been Republican. Nobody even tried taking away our rights.


Democrats have been controlling the black community through fear tactics for decades. They told us years ago that all the racists members of the Democratic Party jumped ship and joined the Republican Party when black folks began to register as Democrats. We know that’s a lie, but many actually believe it.

There are no statistics or reports that show groups of voters leaving the Democratic Party and registering as Republicans.

But people have repeated the lie so much for so many years that most black folk believe it without question.

Most in my community, regardless of college degrees or position, will tell you that they know that Democratic racist Bull Connor, President of the Alabama Public Safety Commission, directed the use of fire hoses and police attack dogs on civil rights activists in 1963 in Birmingham, Alabama during the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) because these horrific attacks were broadcast over national television.

However, they will also tell you that all of these racists left the Democratic Party and became Republicans. Yet all of the members of Congress and state and local politicians remained Democrats until they died, with the exception of a few.

In fact, one of the most prominent members of the Democratic Party and longest serving member of Congress, Robert Byrd, was a leader in the Ku Klux Klan, and remained a Democrat until he died in 2010, at which time President Barack Obama called him “a voice of principle and reason” in the New York Times. Obama actually campaigned for him before becoming POTUS.

So, the lie that all the racists became Republicans is just another fear factor to keep black folk on the Democratic plantation.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Democrats control of the black community ramped up during the Civil Rights Movement. In an effort to discourage us from joining the Movement and discredit it, then FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover charged Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the other civil rights leaders with being communists.


Almost all the civil rights leaders were church leaders/preachers (Dr. King, Rev. Abernathy, Andy Young, etc.) and were members of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) as well as pastors of Baptist churches.

Yet J. Edgar Hoover, accused them of trying to undermine American democracy as opposed to fighting to be treated as human beings and having equal rights as whites, especially in the South. Hoover led the FBI for almost 50 years and kept extensive personal files on almost everybody until he died in 1972.

So, instead of protecting the Freedom Marchers from violent altercations from police, politicians and private citizens, the FBI saw them as the real enemy and compared them to communists in Russia and China. They were beaten and jailed. Some were murdered and lynched at the hands of the Ku Klux Klan.


As Joe Biden campaigns for the 2020 presidential election and panders to black voters as the only one who cares for them, I’m reminded of the confirmation hearings of federal Circuit Judge Clarence Thomas, a black Republican, to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1991.

Joe Biden was a U.S. senator then and head of the Senate Judiciary Committee tasked with confirming Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court. It was no secret that Biden was against Thomas because he was a Republican nominated by Republican President George H.W. Bush. Being black didn’t matter. There were no blacks on the Supreme Court as the first black, Associate Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, was retiring.

There was virtually no solid evidence that Judge Thomas was not qualified to be elevated to the high court, but I’m told the Democrats found Anita Hill, who had worked for Thomas at the Department of Education and when he headed up the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

The word in the black community was that the Democrats were trying to take down a black man with a black woman.

I remember hearing that Anita Hill didn’t want to testify against Thomas but was forced to by Biden who sent the FBI after her. She then accused Thomas of sexual harassment yet followed him from agency to agency.

Clarence Thomas was finally confirmed but by only a few votes, the closest ever. He accused the Senate Committee of conducting a “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks”. Had Thomas been a liberal, a Democrat and nominated by a Democratic president, he would not have had to face such harassment.


While I never had the pleasure of meeting Justice Clarence Thomas, I did get to know a very brilliant and beautiful young lady by the name of Jennifer Carroll, who became the first black person to be elected to a statewide office in Florida since Reconstruction.

Jennifer was elected as lieutenant governor of Florida in 2011. She was Governor Rick Scott’s running mate and the first black, the first woman and the first Trinidadian-American elected to that office, according to Wikipedia. Jennifer and I share the same birthday, August 27, although I’m a few years older. I remember how the Democrats treated her. During the campaign the NAACP held a political forum in Miami and when she was introduced only the people at our table applauded her.

Then a Democrat she hired to work in her office turned on her and informed the press about her having a sexual relationship with her white travel secretary, embarrassing her and her family. A lesbian organization trashed her after some comments she made protecting her reputation.

Finally, when a former client got indicted for financial crimes, the liberal press and Democrats tied her to her client’s crimes because she used to be their lobbyist and was successful in helping them acquire money from the Florida Legislature, even though she had no knowledge of how the money was spent.

She finally had to resign. She was in line to be the first black governor of Florida, but since she was a Republican, the NAACP and all the other Democratic organizations were against her. I cringe when I hear how some of the same people who condemned her race to the aid of the recently disgraced Andrew Gillum because they wanted him to be the first black Florida governor. She was unblemished, yet they took her out because she wasn’t a Democrat.

The irony of it all. Karma is a b….!

New member
Nov 21, 2013
What courage in this woman to go up against the racist plantation owners on the left.

I wish I had at least a couple of acres for a plantation. Would get some horses

New member
Nov 21, 2013

New member
Nov 21, 2013
I applaud Candace Owens for her political expression and encourage her to remain very open about them

It's useful to know where people choose to take a notable stand

New member
Nov 21, 2013
I've got 40 acres. My son is currently growing a sunflower crop. Though it's got something to do with dove hunting.

sunflowers....wink wink, nudge nudge

the tall stems and giant blooms great cover against aerial surveillance.....solid

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Marxist Sgt hates women

I prefer Jewish broads w bigger butts

Owens delivers half that order, so maybe I'll give her a shot for my third wife if and when

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Most of the black community has shut her out, not only does she speak her mind and back it up with facts
She is conservative, educated, and married a white guy.

A trifecta that discounts her being listened to and respected by the black community

Too bad they continue to listen to race baiters Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the like so they remain where they are

Unfortunate that most blacks are brain washed and can't think for themselves..

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Unfortunate that most blacks are brain washed and can't think for themselves..

This is a highly inspirational message you should consider as the theme for your next freeway billboard campaign
Sep 21, 2004
Most of the black community has shut her out, not only does she speak her mind and back it up with facts
She is conservative, educated, and married a white guy.

A trifecta that discounts her being listened to and respected by the black community

Too bad they continue to listen to race baiters Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the like so they remain where they are

Unfortunate that most blacks are brain washed and can't think for themselves..

I don't know if it's that they are brain-washed... I think it's more the fact that 90+% of black kids are raised w/out fathers in the home, so they get raised
by the "hood." And that doesn't usually turn out well.

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