How Phil Steele and Northcoast Can Return to Profitability and/or at Least Stop the Bleeding


Nov 11, 2007
Thanks Timmy for your story-I am sure there are many who have their own stories to tell about Phil, most of which didn't out so well if the bet

his/NC/s picks.

I am not sure I have said this at this Forum or not, but Phil's/NC's boring worthless commercials, which have never changed over the many years

I have followed him and which are all tied to a Powersweep subscription, remind me of a guy with whom I used to work many

years ago.

To cut to the chase, this guy was bald.

I have no problem with that as lots of men are.

The problem though was that he used to wear the same "rug " for many years to cover it up to the point where it was so worn, obvious

and dirty(can you believe he never cleaned it) that he would have been better off not wearing one at all.

The comparison to Phil Steele/NC is obvious in that the commercial never changes/has never changed to fit the season, era, overall market, etc. to

the point imo many people, especially to folks like me who have heard the same thing uttered so many times, first by Phil and then those

who replaced him doing the comp. line, that when we call, we just tune out for a few minutes and do/think about something else until he gets to the comp.


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
They are wondering where you went savage

Cappersmall-if you don't already know, that is where I was banned permanently by the chief moderator over there about a month ago, Wayne 1218, for politely

expressing an opinion on the Red Sox which differs from his own.

They are looking for your thread over at Cappersmall:

Where is Savage1's Northcoast pick and commentary thread? That was always a great and entertaining follow during the Football season.

Nov 11, 2007
They are looking for your thread over at Cappersmall:

Thanks for that, Buzz Kill.

Hopefully someone at CM will direct them over here despite running the risk of being banned by daring to name another Forum.

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Thanks for that, Buzz Kill.

Hopefully someone at CM will direct them over here despite running the risk of being banned by daring to name another Forum.

I would of posted something over there, but I don't want wayne to plug me!


Nov 11, 2007
Well here we go with today's comp. message.

In essence it is exactly the same parrotlike and repetitive message we have heard all week and for that last matter the last two weeks..

But wait-there is an addition to the message, and it involves the Mar"quees"my ass selections.

We are first told that the normal price for one of these is $15.

However, there is a "Costco/BJ Bulk Package" discount if you buy more than one.

If you buy a pack of 7(which can be used at any time during the season), you pay $69.

If you want to buy an even bigger economy pack of 21, you can save even more money per pick by shelling out $169.

And if you want the biggest economy pack of 49. it will cost you a "mere" $349.

Step up, folks, as I am sure Phil through Todd will THREATEN you and set a deadline for purchasing this "unheard of special."

The first thing which came to mind when hearing this discount is that it is being promoted now as well as PowerSweep because Phil/NC

realizes that once the season begins, they will have a lot of trouble selling even PS piecemeal issues/Marquees for the simple reason that

virtually everyone who has a computer and who wasn't born yesterday will realize that all of this is available for FREE on gambling

sites all over the internet.

Thus imo this promotion is one born out of desperation, meaning that Phil/NC wants as much money upfront as possible for reasons stated.

The second thought which comes to mind when I heard the promotion is that this type of ad reminds me of the type Pampers might offer when advertising

their diapers in order to save money by buying them in bulk.

Perhaps the other reason diapers came to mind is because both the diapers and the picks ultimately contain the same thing when used, namely, shit!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing you might want to consider and ask yourself:

If Phil/NC is delusional enough to believe that folks are actually going to shell out as much as $349 for games to played as late as next February,

is it possible that this kind of fantasy world thinking might also influence the manner in which he handicaps?

My documented records showing THREE CONSECUTIVE YEARS of LOSING and overall BURYING people with his/NC Late Phones tells me that that what I

just stated may indeed be at least one factor.

Nov 11, 2007
One last idea/suggestion for Phil/NC as a possible promotion before I go out, which I am going to forward to them:

How about "If you sign up for a 20 year subscription today for $99 a year or a total of $1980, NC will throw in year twenty one for just $50, an INCREDIBLE $49 savings.

Don't be shut out of this one time offer, which will expire this coming Sunday at 11.59 PM!!!"

Nov 11, 2007
Here are the lowlights from today's comp. line message:

Well in addition to the same boring boring and insulting promotion we have heard since NFL Preseason Football started, we are told that this week

the NFL Preseason GOY goes(I mean really a PRESEASON GOY???-why not add that it is backed by a 94-5 system). lol

Along the same lines it is both interesting and telling that while Todd doesn't state the alleged overall retail value of this game, he does state that

that by signing up for a one year of PowerSweep, that all the cited free bonuses previously and this one add up to $300.

My conclusion from this is that they wouldn't dare claim what the value of this game is, because they would laughed at;I assume using the other bonuses- September

Five Star($100), the two college free Marquees to come (worth about $30 in total)and the NFL Preseason GOY along with the rest of this week's card, they

would value it around $100, the same as the September Five Star.

And of yes very importantly also they have a comp. tonight on the Baltimore Orioles - 4 1/2 runs(lol), oops I mean the Baltimore Ravens - 4 1/2.


Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for today:

Todd dangled as bait the NFL Preseason GOY today as bait saying it goes sometime this weekend but not specfiying when(this is what Phil/NC usually

does in order to keep an aura of secrecy about it in the hopes that folks will buy some kind of all encompassing package to be sure that

they get it.).

In this case as it is still preseason and since neither the NFL nor College Season has begun yet(the latter begins on Saturday), they might choose/script the day of the

Preseason GOY(it is not tonight) depending on how they do tonight.

If they win tonight, they might jump on it and package the GOY with some other picks tomorrow and weekend especially if they believe people will buy it.

On the other hand if they lose or essentially break even tonight, they may have a different kind of promotion/package encompassing the weekend

and the play may come later on in the weekend.

One thing I have learned over the many years I have followed Phil and NC is that they are a mass marketing machine first and a handicapping firm second.

As most of you know already(not all) is that much of their success in prior earlier years(not as much in later years as they have been exposed)was due to falsifying

the record through lies by omission, spin, using favorable time frames, etc., as well as deceptive advertising which essentially consists of

trying to give possible buyers the impression that their so called promotions are big discounts whereas in fact they are far from


We will have to wait to see how they package the NFL Preseason GOY this weekend.

The real Five Star for the Weekend is that whatever way they choose to package it, it will be in THEIR best interests and not yours!!

Nov 11, 2007
2-1 yesterday counting the comp.

Anyways for those who are interested, I have a little ot anecdotal story to tell, which I will relate to Phil Steele/NC once I hear their comp message which will be

out in a couple of hours.

Anyways last night my wife, I and son decided to go a moderately priced Italian restaurant, one which I have been going to on a regular basis for 55 plus years.

For me they have the best pasta sauce hands down in any restaurant I have ever eaten both within the USA and outside of it.

Besides the food what we like about it is that it is a traditionally family owned and has been since it was built.

Some of the good stuff you get here out of the tradition which you rarely find at restaurants that are moderately priced is that they actually bring water to your

table without asking for it when you first walk in.

Also what I like is that every single table in the restaurant(it is moderately sized) is very clean and with complete neat place settings and water glasses turned upside


In addition having gone there for so many years, I am treated like a king when I enter with the service, cordiality, etc.

That is some of the good stuff.

An example of the bad stuff which really irks me is that in some ways they are very cheap, and the cheapness applies to everyone, whether you are a regular

like myself who has been going there for years or just a one time customer.

To cut to the chase, last night for a beverage I ordered a large Coke and my wife and son ordered a large orange soda, with a request from my wife

that not too much ice be put in hers.

Anyways, the drinks arrived and there was a bit to much ice in my wife's drink, but she decided to let it go.

Now usually we don't bother asking for refills as the glasses are good sized and well too much soda is bad for you in any case.

Last night was an exception though and my son wanted a refill near end of meal, so he ordered it.

It has been so long that we have requested a refill that I simply assumed that in this day and age there would be no charge, as is the case with virtually

every restaurant whether it be regular or fast food and especially so if you order a large one.

Well the bill arrived, and I was wrong about my assessment.

Each of the sodas cost $2.75(oh yes I forgot to mention before that even though I didn't specify anything re: how much ice should be in them for myself and

son,they came filled to the brim with ice).

Well the server brought the bill, and I immediately noticed right next to the $2.75 for each of the three of original sodas, there was another $2.75 charge

which said "refill."

The bill with tip and all came to around $70; again keep in mind that I have been going there for close to 60 years and havepaid this family

run restaurant literally many thousands of dollars.

With very few exceptions most restaurants I have gone to (I am quite sure the same applies you folks), the server when he or she sees your glass empty,

simply asks you if you want a refill or in many cases just simply refills it without even asking!!

Obviously in fast food restaurants, you do the refill yourself.

To conclude, when I paid the bill on the way out, I spoke to the cashier(who is new and not one of the folks I know well-I didn't want to stir up trouble

by asking the server because well in the long run an extra $2.75 it is not the end of the world) if it is true that they don't offer refills on large

sodas like everyone else does.

She simply said no that they do not, but offer them on coffees only.

Later on today I will state how this kind of cheapness/penny pinching reminds me of Phil Steele/NC.

Nov 11, 2007
Two things:

I am not going to relate what I said I said I would do in previous post to Phil Steele/NC until tomorrow rather than

today as oriiginally stated because lets just say that something I expected to hear today on comp, line I did not hear

and thus am going to wait one more day to see if something is said which could alter what I intend to say.

Also comp. play is OVER Cleveland 42 1/2 for tonight.

Finally I stated in previous post that they went 2-1 yesterday including comp.

It turns out I should have said 1-1 because comp. on Baltimore is considered a no play because it didn't go the fifty five minutes required(weather conditions) to

qualify as a play.

Nov 11, 2007
Ok-he we go with the #9 comp. message for today and related commentary.

If you read post 153 with my restaurant experience commentary, it will help a bit to understand what I am driving at, but even if you didn't, you should not

have any problems here with what I am trying to convey, which is namely to show the incompetence, illogic and just downright cheapness of Phil Steele,

and anyone else involved with the marketing at NC.

Ok first in week three of NFL Preseason, the deal remains the same as in week one or two, namely sign up for a one years subscription to PowerSweep for $99

and get the week of Preseason NFL for free along with the Marquees college going today and one next week as well as the September Five Star,

an alleged value of between $400 initially and then lowered to "just" well over $300.

Also those who sign up for this Week, Week Three, get the NFL Preseason GOY thrown in for "free" also.

For me the real retail value of these free bonuses is about $100 or so, but I won't concentrate on that today.

Anyways imo here is where Steele/NC fall short with their $99 PS subscription deal:

First of all, I don't know how many people signed up for Weeks one, two and three with their $99 PS offer-I suspect not many, but that is not the point here and

is really irrelevant.

The first thing which comes to mind is that lets say that a person signed up in week one for the deal and paid the $99 for the one year subscription to PS.

Now lets see that after week one was over, he was also interested in getting the picks week two, three and four.

How did/does he get those picks?

Not once in week one, two or three did I hear Todd mention how-all I heard in each of weeks to follow week one, was a new subscriber to PS cost was/is $99, and

that one could get that particular week of Preseason NFL along with the same bonuses as in the other weeks.

Does that mean that if the theoretical person who ALREADY signed up in one of previous weeks could NOT get the CURRENT week's

picks unless he shelled out an ADDITIONAL $99 for ANOTHER PS Subscription, OR does it mean perhaps that he could get

them if he shelled out an additional $175 individually for each week, which is the alleged value for full Executive Service for each weekend?

Thus the way I see it, the person who signed up in week one would either have to shell out an additional $99 for weeks two, three and four

to buy another new subscription for something which he already had(a total of $297) or $525 for three weeks of Full Executive Service at

$175 a week.

Personally I don't believe Phil would allow someone to pay "just" the $297 but force him to pay the full $525.

If there was/is another way to get additional weeks, it was never stated/explained by Todd on comp. phone.

Just as importantly, using the example above, I ask if it is fair for someone new theoretically purchasing a $99 subscription for week three to get the NFL

Preseason GOY for free as one of the bonuses, whereas those who paid the $99 for either week one or two NOT to get it for free also?

Mr. Steele/NC knew prior to week one there would be a Preseason GOY in either week two, three or four.

Thus shouldn't ALL subscribers be entitled to the same bonuses???

For those who read my restaurant experience story, hopefully you will see the comparison here.

In essence the operative words are incompetence, illogic, cheapness and in general not very well thought out.

In the case of Phil Steele/NC as related here, I will leave it to you to decide from both a logic and cheapness point of view if NC

is the service you choose to purchase in determining which games and teams you will wager on in a given week.

ps Just think-if NC had done the most sensible and logical thing, namely to give away the ENTIRE NFL Season and the bonuses including the NFL

Preseason GOY for FREE no matter which what they happened to sign up, all existing and potential clients would have been happy

and perhaps would not have believed that Phil Steele/NC was not trying to extort as much money as possible out of them.

Nov 11, 2007
One thing I should have mentioned in previous post is that imo Todd should have said using the NC type typical form of advertising(forget for a moment my

criticism in previous post):

Thus a typical Phil Steele/NC would have added/changed what they said to along the lines of this:

"Just think if you sign up for $99 for a one year subscription today, not only do you get this week's NFL Preseason for free along with all of the other bonuses,

but you also get the NFL Preseason NFL GOY for FREE, itself a $100 value-so why not actually save $1 and get this along with everything else

for $99!"

Imo one of the reasons that Steele/NC did not assign a $100 value to the Preseason NFL GOY is because they knew the $100 wouldn't

fly with anyone with even average intelligence.

In fact, and not to toot my own horn, but I actually believe that after week one where they promoted week one of Preseason value of

$175, that they stopped assigning a value to it is because I emailed them and told them(as I posted here) that claiming

that a weekend of preseason football of meaningless games in the middle of summer is worth $175 is both insulting

and underestimating the intelligence of the potential clientele.

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