How much farther down hill can this site go???


Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
again, it wasnt only about sports options. i just havent been happy the way the site was going, and then felt like i was getting kicked out of part of the site i helped get started and promoted, to then be told i could still post my picks like they were giving me that honor and i should be thankful

In that case, most sites are down and we know the reasons why. People just don't have the money they had 3-4 years ago.

Oct 16, 2008
In that case, most sites are down and we know the reasons why. People just don't have the money they had 3-4 years ago.

its not only the site traffic is down, its the countless posts ive seen that are driving away good handicappers and posters. who say too many childish people are running around trolling their threads or starting outlandish 15 threads a night that people just quit posting and disappear. nothing is happening to these people and its causing the site to suffer

Jan 16, 2010
people like you r the reason a lot of good cappers have packed their bags and wont return. People like you are part of the problem... provide nothing but criticism. Helps no one.

YOU are the only person I've ever criticized on this site. YOU are the EXACT type of poster Kidman described needs to be banned to a T. YOU post fake plays, no record, say you win when it's obvious you lost, create "easy money" post that always lose, call people every name in the book, try to take credit for so called knowledge that's been around as long as sports wagering has been alive, and tell all you are the GOAT when it's easily proved otherwise. I'll be the first to admit the bashing needs to settle down some here, but YOU definitely deserve it, and brought it entirely on yourself.

So, start posting plays up, people will leave you alone(I promise), and maybe you can prove you're one of the "good cappers" that needs to be here because to date, your plays and the attitude you post with SUCK! Helps no one.
Jan 17, 2007
again, it wasnt only about sports options. i just havent been happy the way the site was going, and then felt like i was getting kicked out of part of the site i helped get started and promoted, to then be told i could still post my picks like they were giving me that honor and i should be thankful

Again you just like to Spin words around. Honor to post ??
This is very simple, but you rather twist the words that people type.
No need any longer to "Baby sit" the WNBA forum, but you are more than welcome to post... or as i wrote Post your plays.
Nothing there that i said that i was giving you an "Honor" to do.

You can talk all you want about how Unhappy you are about a bunch of threads and posts and that you think the site is going down hill.
But you continue to Post since This thread was started ! and I'm not talking about just posting in this Thread !

You continued to post after you were Banned from the RX from 10-20-2008 to 01-11-2009 by Wil.
You Continued to post after you were placed on Post review One day after Wil let you back in after being banned. from 01-12-2009 to 04-12-2009
and you continued to post after yet again you were placed on Post review from 04-12-2009 to 05-27-2009

You would Think that after All those Post reviews and a banning, you would have Stop posting then ??

You said yourself, the WNBA forum and no Sportsoptions was the Final nail ....
But now you say it wasn't the No Sportsoptions... But after you received my PM reply. You ran to that make believe Forum and asked for a WNBA forum.
After my PM back to you, you posted in the WNBA forum to tell everyone...
" I will Not be posting my plays here this season "

But if I would said to you... Sure I'll work out a Deal for you with SO
You would have been posting them !
So you wanted to be paid (in a way) to Post in that Sub-Forum.
Had NOTHING to do with the way you felt the RX was heading.

So My Question is, If you Feel this way ( other than This thread ) Why are you still Posting here ?
Over the years there have been plenty of guys who have left... We are know this...
But they Don't post here anymore....or only Pop in once in a Blue Moon.

Why are you Still here ?
Jan 17, 2007
In that case, most sites are down and we know the reasons why. People just don't have the money they had 3-4 years ago.

This is probably "part" of the reason... some have packed it in all together...

All I could say is During Football season, Our Numbers were UP from the past 2 Years.

Sep 11, 2006
All of this whining and crying by a bunch of grown men....pathetic.

Really disappointed in you Kidman. You were always a poster that I really liked. So you are going to turn your back on your WNBA friends because of the political bullshit? Dumb dumb dumb.

I'll give you some advice. None of this caca in this thread means a dam thing. Its all about making contacts and friends. The season is starting and your mind is not where it should be.

Good luck .... Finish building what you started.

Oct 16, 2008
bas- you can spin it as you wish. again its not like i ran to another forum and demanded sports options to post there. I obviously took your pm to have a different tone/meaning than you are saying it had. so for the tenth time I took it like i was getting replaced from trying to run/promote that section of the site. your pm of going in a new direction, you dont have to watch over it anymore, feel free to post if you want can be taken many ways. Then when I go to the forum and see a wnba guru posting out of the blue, im going to take it as, this is the new direction for the site and whose going to try to promote it and get people to try out a new forum. that is a fact. So yes after already not liking the way the site was going and feeling like i was being kicked out of what I started, I was like fuck this place, im not going to post my picks here and get traffic for the section i was just removed from. I thought it was another shady act by the rx following a shady act of the way they handled 1vice in my mind.

I got banned bc i posted id talk to people about games through pms if anyone wanted and wil thought i was trying to sell picks, when i came back and explained it, i returned. I was suspended for arguing with a friend on the site. i was younger back then and didnt really care about being suspended or banned as i was nowhere near as active then, as I am now. I dont really care if you ban me now, thats your decision. Also all of that took place when the site was going well, now, not so much. 3 years this site has fallen far.

as for why im still here, maybe i still have some hope that the ownership or management will pull their heads out of their asses and see that many more people think this site is in trouble/dropped off than the few "who outside of mods" or those who fought with wil on a personal level that say its now better, because I havent seen 1 post like that.

qoh- if im not happy with a restaurant service and food, im not going to keep going back there eating over and over again without saying anything. If i sit there quietly while it happens, im just as much to blame as the workers are that are letting it happen. I voiced my concern and they can tell me to fuck off or not do anything differently, but atleast I can say I tried.

Oct 16, 2008
this is my last post in this thread, continue to run the site as you wish, i just hope you will take the time to open your eyes and see the numerous people in this thread and griffins thread who agree with me, compared to only yourself and oldmanted who seem pleased around here.
Jan 17, 2007
this is my last post in this thread, continue to run the site as you wish, i just hope you will take the time to open your eyes and see the numerous people in this thread and griffins thread who agree with me, compared to only yourself and oldmanted who seem pleased around here.

I said my peace with griffin and there was no reply to what i wrote because he knows what really happened with 1Vice getting the Boot.

Nobody is banning you as you can See. Even though Griffin went off on the RX and at other forums to blow Smoke.

And I'm Not going to Kiss anyone @ss who bad mouths the RX at other sites.
Because to me they are Two-faced. and I hate shit like that !

I also can't control Who signs up, so I would guess that wnba guru signed up knowing that the WNBA season is about to start.
He is not your replacement... Didn't think I had to Replace anyone.

As far as the few idiots on the site that post Wild shit, some can be taken care of, and some can't.
If we Ban every Poster that says BOO, we are back to square one, which is where we were in the past.
Either you have Thick skin or Not.. or just don't look in that Thread.
The days of banning, Deleting, Moving small shit is over.

We as Mods will look into the others... which cause problems and decide how we will handle them.
But if you or anyone else are going to go Off on the RX because every once in a while some poster post something outrageous, and you can't give it back to them
But you think we are just going to Ban them, it's not going to happen.

I am Also done with this thread. (<)<

Dec 20, 2011
I said my peace with griffin and there was no reply to what i wrote because he knows what really happened with 1Vice getting the Boot.

Nobody is banning you as you can See. Even though Griffin went off on the RX and at other forums to blow Smoke.

And I'm Not going to Kiss anyone @ss who bad mouths the RX at other sites.
Because to me they are Two-faced. and I hate shit like that !

I also can't control Who signs up, so I would guess that wnba guru signed up knowing that the WNBA season is about to start.
He is not your replacement... Didn't think I had to Replace anyone.

As far as the few idiots on the site that post Wild shit, some can be taken care of, and some can't.
If we Ban every Poster that says BOO, we are back to square one, which is where we were in the past.
Either you have Thick skin or Not.. or just don't look in that Thread.
The days of banning, Deleting, Moving small shit is over.

We as Mods will look into the others... which cause problems and decide how we will handle them.
But if you or anyone else are going to go Off on the RX because every once in a while some poster post something outrageous, and you can't give it back to them
But you think we are just going to Ban them, it's not going to happen.

I am Also done with this thread. (<)<

What happen is this; I had given credit to a player here at 1vice and the guy never settled his debt. So after a while I decided to try and track that player down! I knew that (said player) also had an account at EZ.

I still have most of my old co-workers from there on my messenger and I sent a message to Sindy asking her if said player was active over there and when his last deposit was made. I wanted to find out if the story the player was telling me was true or not about him not having the money to pay his debt.

Information like that is shared from book to book everyday and it always has been! Same as Vegas if your thrown out of 1 casino for any issue usually the others are also notified!

EZ management had been monitoring her chats and emails for a long time because they had wanted to fire her as soon as Powers left there, she is one of the people he had brought in and they wanted to clean house, same reason George was let go for the most part.

For you or anyone else to imply that I cost someone their job, that's B.S. They wanted her out of there way before this ever happened, get your facts straight my friend!

EZ and TheRX had a stronger relationship business wise then we did! So it was determined that we had too go! I got an email from Marty telling me to make things right with EZ or we were gone. I sent several letters to Marty and EZ management apologizing to them,, even though I do not think I did anything unethical. I simply asked if a player was active, that's all I can recall about the situation!

Oh yeah and my emails were never answered! I am not 2 faced BAS and to say so is wrong! I am just pissed off that you guys cut all ties with us after what we did to help you out! That was a shitty thing too do and you know it!

Dec 20, 2011
I said my peace with griffin and there was no reply to what i wrote because he knows what really happened with 1Vice getting the Boot.

Nobody is banning you as you can See. Even though Griffin went off on the RX and at other forums to blow Smoke.

And I'm Not going to Kiss anyone @ss who bad mouths the RX at other sites.
Because to me they are Two-faced. and I hate shit like that !

I also can't control Who signs up, so I would guess that wnba guru signed up knowing that the WNBA season is about to start.
He is not your replacement... Didn't think I had to Replace anyone.

As far as the few idiots on the site that post Wild shit, some can be taken care of, and some can't.
If we Ban every Poster that says BOO, we are back to square one, which is where we were in the past.
Either you have Thick skin or Not.. or just don't look in that Thread.
The days of banning, Deleting, Moving small shit is over.

We as Mods will look into the others... which cause problems and decide how we will handle them.
But if you or anyone else are going to go Off on the RX because every once in a while some poster post something outrageous, and you can't give it back to them
But you think we are just going to Ban them, it's not going to happen.

I am Also done with this thread. (<)<

Sorry I just thought it was odd that the same thing about the avatar and not being able to post had happened to me as well, after our falling out.

But as soon as we both posted to complain and then other members backed us a little,,, you gave the same answer to both that the problems were with the software or some crap like that and that you did not delete the avatars and we were allowed to post!

It seems sometimes that you guys like problems to just disappear and when they don't the excuses start flying!

I would stay off this forum all together, if you were to stop trying to call me out as some scum bag who stole from another shop and was UNETHICAL! Seems every time I get on here to defend myself I get an email or call from one of you guys asking me to tone it down!

When in reality your the one looking for trouble with me!



May 16, 2006
Just for the record most shops share the same type of info that griffin is talking about in regards to Sindy. I have used my contacts to track down countless scumbags and actually was able to collect numerous debts that I originally thought was lost. The only way I could see it being a problem is if she was giving Griff contact info, the other shit is just helping a friend do his homework IMHO.

Dec 20, 2011
I have also had players from other shops contact me to help them get their money from other books when they were not getting paid on time. Even though those players don't play here with us, just because they know that George and I have a lot of old friends in this industry and that we might be able to help them.

So we call those shops that owe money to players or people we know that work in those shops to discuss getting the players paid.


Dec 20, 2011
One last thing, why don't you ask the folks over at EZ if they had an issue with me doing that same kinda of stuff when I worked for them!
Jan 17, 2007
What happen is this; I had given credit to a player here at 1vice and the guy never settled his debt. So after a while I decided to try and track that player down! I knew that (said player) also had an account at EZ.

I still have most of my old co-workers from there on my messenger and I sent a message to Sindy asking her if said player was active over there and when his last deposit was made. I wanted to find out if the story the player was telling me was true or not about him not having the money to pay his debt.

Information like that is shared from book to book everyday and it always has been! Same as Vegas if your thrown out of 1 casino for any issue usually the others are also notified!

EZ management had been monitoring her chats and emails for a long time because they had wanted to fire her as soon as Powers left there, she is one of the people he had brought in and they wanted to clean house, same reason George was let go for the most part.

For you or anyone else to imply that I cost someone their job, that's B.S. They wanted her out of there way before this ever happened, get your facts straight my friend!

EZ and TheRX had a stronger relationship business wise then we did! So it was determined that we had too go! I got an email from Marty telling me to make things right with EZ or we were gone. I sent several letters to Marty and EZ management apologizing to them,, even though I do not think I did anything unethical. I simply asked if a player was active, that's all I can recall about the situation!

Oh yeah and my emails were never answered! I am not 2 faced BAS and to say so is wrong! I am just pissed off that you guys cut all ties with us after what we did to help you out! That was a shitty thing too do and you know it!

As far as that stuff, where Nobody got back to you... and I have said this before in other cases where Everyone wants to know what's going on...
It's way above My pay grade.

Us Mods..... we handle the day to day of and Nothing else.
We don't even know Who is a Sponsor until we get word, which could be a day or two before it's put out on the Open Forum, or hours before hand.

**** Also, the two-face comment wasn't meant for You. (<)<
Jan 17, 2007
Just for the record most shops share the same type of info that griffin is talking about in regards to Sindy. I have used my contacts to track down countless scumbags and actually was able to collect numerous debts that I originally thought was lost. The only way I could see it being a problem is if she was giving Griff contact info, the other shit is just helping a friend do his homework IMHO.

As you know NES, I've been in this business for a very long time. And Yes ^^^ this is True.
But I believe there was more to it.... at least I believe that's what i heard.
and That's why it was Nobody's business on the Open Forum to post this. because You never know what's True or not.

Dec 20, 2011
As far as that stuff, where Nobody got back to you... and I have said this before in other cases where Everyone wants to know what's going on...
It's way above My pay grade.

Us Mods..... we handle the day to day of and Nothing else.
We don't even know Who is a Sponsor until we get word, which could be a day or two before it's put out on the Open Forum, or hours before hand.

**** Also, the two-face comment wasn't meant for You. (<)<

Then why do you keep commenting on it and putting my name out there?

That's not true, you and Hache spoke with me directly about putting this bailout together on the phone and via email! In fact it was Hache himself that got it approved! So you knew way a head of time!
Jan 17, 2007
Sorry I just thought it was odd that the same thing about the avatar and not being able to post had happened to me as well, after our falling out.

But as soon as we both posted to complain and then other members backed us a little,,, you gave the same answer to both that the problems were with the software or some crap like that and that you did not delete the avatars and we were allowed to post!

It seems sometimes that you guys like problems to just disappear and when they don't the excuses start flying!

I would stay off this forum all together, if you were to stop trying to call me out as some scum bag who stole from another shop and was UNETHICAL! Seems every time I get on here to defend myself I get an email or call from one of you guys asking me to tone it down!

When in reality your the one looking for trouble with me!


The Bold statement above is correct. and I'll tell you why.
It had Nothing to do with waiting for someone to complain to get it Fixed.
If you are place on post review, you also lose your PM's and nothing else changes.
When you just take away your PM's which we call Probation.... for whatever reason it takes away the person's Avatar.
Sounds Stupid, but it's true.

I seem to be the only one to find out how to fix it. even when checking to see in the Admin panel that it's says everything is Right, and the Avatar should be there... It's Not.
So in your case, i was Off that day. None of the other Mods could find out what happened to your Avatar because in the Admin panel it was Still there.
I came in and found the problem and fixed it.

Same goes for Kidman.

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