Lol.....funny to watch people get all flustered by this. Somebody is different than me!!!! I must attack!!!
Thats a massive simplification and you know it and you're smart enough to know also that this "
Somebody is different than me!!!! I must attack!!!" simplification is totally invalid. I'm stunned you present that within this debate.
It may
be "natural" that some males identify as female, transgendered whatever the case or it may NOT be "natural", this could be the result of chemical imbalance, ingestion of some substance that effected the brain adversely, may be "genetic" may be a yet to be discovered abnormality within the DNA...theres possibly a plethora of explanations for how this comes to be.
Some are going to be uncomfortable with this, thats just the truth of the matter. Many due to Religion of course others just because it is "intuitively" not natural to them....within their "soul" or better the very core of their being as that relates to their understanding of what it "is" to be just strikes them as un-natural and disturbing.
To suggest "
Somebody is different than me!!!! I must attack!!!" is even anything
close to a large % of why people react as they do to this when they react with discomfort is disappointing cuz that declaration only invites distraction from honest discussion of why
actually people are troubled by this.
Until Medical Science can more deeply study possible "roots" of this phenomenon we're pretty much Lost In Space on this matter. We simply do not have enough information to base an intelligent conclusion on.
Same as if Bright Green colored people suddenly appeared out of nowhere, there would be hostility from some (
naturally) borne of fear based on a simple lack of understanding of why they are Bright Green.
A lot of people agree totally with your point(s) about being supportive rather than condemning. Many of us just feel like this is a Mutation within genes DNA whatever...I ain't no MicroBiologist just saying you can't possibly be surprised that a good % of people would be uncomfortable with this. Just the Media alone beating this story like a dead horse, plastering mention of Caitlyn everywhere has led otherwise potentially liberal people to say God
DANG enough already.
90% of this media barrage has totally NO thing to do with making the lives of others blessed or afflicted (
"jury still being out" on the roots of this phenom) with Transgender matters and for the most part "we" are completely
not "attacking someone cuz they are different than us. Again...very very disappointing simplification. Not friggin applicable.
We simply don't understand and
instinctually, from within the very core of our instincts as the animals we seems un-natural to us.
We are not
"wrong" for feeling that way.
If our Primary Goals while here in this Physical Dimension does NOT include "lessening suffering wherever possible" and the extension of that "do no harm" then we are doing this wrong.
Some are doing it
Of course they are. Far fewer than your "
Somebody is different than me!!!! I must attack!!!" suggestion of an explanation for people's reaction to this suggests.
We just don't understand it. And it doesn't feel "Natural". Simple as that.