He said he will pay me by March 1. If he doesn't I told him monster.com on March 2nd awaits your resume.
He was scared shitless, he called me 14 times by the end of the night last.
He says to be reasonable, I said you be reasonable you kept my fucking money, don't tell me what the fuck to do.
you could always handle this like the good old days
This guy sounds like a POS, he can pay a 50k down payment on a home and pay cash for a new car, but couldnt give you the 3k he owes.I am not a person who is very vindicitive. He has had more than ample opportunity to make things right.
Here is a copy of an email he sent me.
The well is dry right now. After I got my year end bonus I paid cash for a new car. I also just closed on a half-million dollar home this past Friday, where I had to put down $50,000. Trust me, you have more cash than I do right now.
If someone is struggling financially, I wouldn't be an ass and say f your bills and pay me now.
I have a cousin in India, my other cousin and I lent him $20000 (10K each to buy a house) we know we are never going to get that money back, he struggles just to have enough money for the basic things. That is family that is what you do.
now now, you strong armed him...no need to lose it on the guy. The cooler you act, the more insane he will think you are....just be cool, March 1st is more than reasonable. And dont let his calls go unanswered. It will just give him an excuse not to pay you and jerk you off longer, "Dude...Ive been trying to call you, but you wont answer my calls."
If he calls be very business like. Dont EVER apologize, but be professional. And if he tries to jerk you off just tell him, "Look man...if you think im fuckin joking Im not. The way I see it is if you jerk me off Im not getting my money am I? So Im gonna have to do what I have to do...so let's put this to bed, let you sleep better at night and have better bowel movements....I dont care what you gotta do, just see to it that I have the cash by March 1...no payments, no breaks, no negotiating, just send me the cash...then if you wanna be pissed off at me and never talk to me again etc etc so be it, but this is all your doing...so be a man and take responsibility for your actions."
Let us know! Hell, Im over in Ft Worth, I'd even meet ya the bar for a celebratory beer when you get the cash!