I personally benefitted from my time actively using 12step groups (almost seven years) because it provided a mostly healthy intervention on my previously self destructive thinking habits.
But it's clearly fraught with incredible flawed logic. At most every meeting I ever attended for both NA and AA the house theme was "Clean and Sober from addictive drugs" and yet at least 2/3 of the attendees mowed down a half pack of Marlboros in the 60-90 minute session
12 steps isn't about religion. If the majority of the world would live by the "bullshit" 12 steps it would be a much more pleasant place
I drink 5 or 6 days per week...usually one double whiskey on rocks..red wine with meals 1 glass when having steak or pasta...don't consider it a problem. Moderation
I gamble 350+ days per year and have streaks of winning and losing. I never lose enough to effect lifestyle but I have had big winners that led to splurging/vacations. I classify if entertainment so even if I lost a nickle over a year that would be fine with me...but of course I would rather win 20K...I'm only a 50-200 straight player...grinder
Be your own boss, some folks are addicts(with anything) and some can be moderate.
Edit: My son is alcoholic and he gets a shot in ass every 30 days (Vivitrol) and that makes alcohol and opiates ineffective so there is no desire to drink. It's been working for him going on 6 months.
Moderation is the key with everything IMO. Drinking a can of Coke is probably worse for you than having one beer or a glass of wine.
its hard to have moderation when you have an inclination to be an addict... fun fact... all drugs affect us different... ive tried every drug in the book... quit heroin back in 2008, was super hard but nothing compared to coke, and most people have it harder with smack. Ive tried pills, mdma, acid, and a bunch of other less fun stuff and i dont consider myself addicted to neither cigs or alcohol--- I CAN LITERALLY GO A MONTH without booze or cigs but if I binge on coke I can drink a bottle of vodka in 2 hours and smoke 2 packs a night. Tells you how weird this "sickness" is... i prefer to think is a combo of sickness and lack of self awareness (or a fucked up life + fucked up mind = shitty decision making)
Lucky you man, coke stoped being all fun for me YEARS AGO.