So you think because you are a little successful in life, You can bash others for what they do for a living.
I own a very successful sports bar and restaurant
Gross sales reach near 90K a month and go up near a 100,000 a month during football season and that is without hard liquor just beer and wine.
But no matter how successful I am
You will never see me bash a painter a bartender or anyone else busting their hump to make a living.
this elitist attitude you are displaying is near sickening.
One day pal, the shoe could be on other foot and how you treat people now is a strong indicator of how you will be treated in the future.
I bashed him to get him to see his mistakes.
I wanted him to succeed Unlike you who is not content with the gutter he is in now.
What more would it take to satisfy you?
His blood? a body organ? his death?
the kid fucked up every way possible
We all saw that
I wanted him to wake up
Did I not plead with him to use the last 7300 he had to live off of and find a job?
I did indeed
You are kicking a horse that died well over a month ago.
Isnt the stench of that horses rotten corpse starting to stink a little?
Now you bash painters and bartenders