Il let it go. You did say most my wins were coming from Penny Wise. I wish I knew how to paste. I never you said you lived with your dad. I figured it out on my own. You say you live upstairs . You don't work , we had a lot people agree with me you don't. I guess I'm off today. I will try to find the day you said most my wins are PW. I admit I take his plays most of the time. Said you should too. You hardly do. I said you should like most of us. You need ANGER MANAGEMENT. You are yelling & cussing. Are you drinking now .Are you off your MEDS. Calm down. Yes you are in my threads. Not me in yours. Again I have connection with Hollywood CG. I won't put his name or email out there. I'm not crazy person like you. Your Rockies bets looking good though. Have great day sir, Life is to short to always be angry. Get some work. You said you worked 1 job 3 months ago. Your not fooling anyone. Hope you & Tmader have that sleepover he promised you month ago. Sounds creepy .He said he can't wait come visit you. To each is own.