YOU said "ask steve stevens about me". Then , you gave out his private email. You were so proud that stevens mentioned you in a video. Please stop t he b.s .Incubus. We all saw you bragging about personally knowing a felon. Yes I am from MIAMI BEACH FL. I LIVE 7 MINUTES FROM SOUTH BEACH AND 3 BLOCKS FROM OCEAN. Those are just facts, not bragging. Ask me aything about Miami Beach if you want proof. Cheer for a delusional , hypocritcal , degenerate loser who does drugs and messes with hookers and married women. No thanks.
I never once stated I "knew" Steve Stevens (aka Darin Notaro) personally. He doesn't know me from a hole in the wall. I've never met him "in-person" or even talked to him. He mentioned me briefly during his VIP Sports Las Vegas Podcast #35. I wrote the following "tongue in cheek," and you've misconstrued it as being that I know this flimflam man personally. I don't.
When you see Stevens (Notaro,) tell him Incubus from Bangkok, Thailand says "hello!"

You could very well be living in Miami Beach, Florida. I merely requested Betallsports or another Mod to confirm it by checking the IP address you're using to post here with. I've invited them to do this with me to refute all the naysayers here who say I don't live in Bangkok, Thailand.
The truth of the matter is I'm originally from Miami, Florida. I was raised in South Florida. Up until high school, I lived in Bay Point across from Channel 10 on Biscayne Boulevard. I went to grade school at Miami Country Day School in Miami Shores. At the latter stages of my parents lives, they lived in Bal Harbour. Yes, I'm VERY familiar with Miami Beach. You live approximately 7 to 10 minutes away from South Beach and 3 blocks from the beach? If you're in the northern part of MB, I'm guessing you live in SURFSIDE. Or perhaps in the NORTH BEACH area? Am I close?
OK, onto the matter at hand. HCG may very well possess the attributes you've so eagerly listed to denigrate the young man with. Delusional, hypercritical, gambling degenerate, drug user, philanderer, man who enjoys prostitutes. To be honest with you, I'd say that laundry list would accurately describe the majority of the Rx membership. Each of us has some or many of these descriptors in us. To say otherwise is not being true to yourself IMO. What separates HCG from the average Rx user with the same attributes? Simple. He's going out on a limb and telling/showing the world HIS story for all to see. It makes for compelling drama. People tune into this thread to see what will be next. Therein lies the attraction. It's an entertaining and compelling story of a young man's journey in Las Vegas as a gambler and survivalist, whether you want to root for or against him. That's human nature.
Anyway, there's no need to cast aspersions towards one another. That serves no purpose or utility. We need to allow the HOLLYWOOD CG STORY to unfold in front of us. Stay tuned @)