legalizing drugs isn't going to stop the cartels. the cartels will always have something better at a better price. there is no solution to the drug war.
and no way they legalize all drugs. if its anything it's pot. then what about all the other drugs, still will be a demand for them.
those are great questions that have no easy answer...
is societal pressure in the form of hectic and fast paced living to blame for the increase in drug abuse (by prescription or otherwise)
how did they cope in simpler times?
You sincerely believe drug cartels would compete with a regulated legal drug market? How many individuals profit off bootlegging alcohol now of days? I'm sure there will be quite a few potheads who decide to grow their bud opposed to buying it in the coffeeshop/store, but it ends there.
You'd be left with two choices when buying your other drugs.
1. Go to a shady area and illegally purchase a mystery bag of cocaine/heroin/meth, having no idea what's cut/laced with, how pure it is, or if it's even the real stuff.
2. Safely and legally purchase your drugs, knowing exactly what's in them and how strong they are.
Tough call. :think2:
you know the store weed won't be as good as the cartel weed. that isn't even debatable. the store weed will also be more expensive. people will always find the better price and product. that is the cartels.
Or send them to the middle east to serve for the US for five years before allowing back in the country.
For a long time I’ve thought that was a brilliant idea and not just illegal’s but all criminals. With the overcrowding and the fact that half of them shouldn’t be there in the first place you could offer them 5 years in combat and if they survive they free with all GI benefits. If they don’t survive at least they are not a burden to the tax payers any longer.
Think of the time and money that would be saved if all drugs were legalized and as a side benefit the government could tax the drugs thus giving them even more money to waste on something else. Think of the possibilities.
For a long time I’ve thought that was a brilliant idea and not just illegal’s but all criminals. With the overcrowding and the fact that half of them shouldn’t be there in the first place you could offer them 5 years in combat and if they survive they free with all GI benefits. If they don’t survive at least they are not a burden to the tax payers any longer.