It's just a good thing no one cares about this e-mail scandal:
Most voters think the Democratic Party should look for a presidential newcomer in 2016, and over half of Democrats don't disagree.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Democrats should look for a fresh face to run for president in 2016 rather than promote a candidate who has already run in the past. Only 22% think Democrats should go with a candidate from the past. Just as many (23%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Ask Likely Democratic Voters that same question, and a plurality (44%) believes the party should promote a candidate who has already run in the past. That’s no surprise, given that Hillary Clinton, who unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, is the overwhelming favorite for 2016.
What is surprising, though, is that 57% of Democrats won’t commit to someone from the past, with 36% who think their party needs a fresh face and a sizable 21% who are undecided.
Not that surprising, IMO. Dimocraps have shifted away from the Woodstock era leftovers like Hillary and have become completely radicalized. The Stuttering Clusterfuck is the new face of the party, and today's dims want to basically implement full government control over every single aspect of everyone's life. The Clintons met their match when it comes to playing hard core politics. If anyone would like to make me a wager that Hillary will win the dim nomination in 2016, I'm open to discuss.
Anyway...normally, I wouldn't even bother to read poker fraud's posts/opinions since they are so utterly worthless. I keep doing so, however, because it amazes me someone can literally be that dumb. Kind of like how you can't take your eyes off a huge car wreck when you drive past it.