Hildabeast didnt have a government email


Jul 4, 2012
My god you are clueless. It's why you're always wrong and voted most worthless.

Do what that old dumb fuck benghazi fool russ does

So in other words, you have no proof, idiot.

As I said dumb fuck, you are so stupid you think repeating something makes it true. You are a total embarrassment.

Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]Hillary’s Email Defense Is Laughable[/h]I should know—I ran FOIA for the U.S. government.


We now have former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton being revealed as someone who took the unprecedented step of arranging to use her personal email account for all of her official email communications. What’s more, she decided to use her own email server equipment, rather than a commercial Internet service provider, so that the records of her email account would reside solely within her personal control at home. And if that were not enough, she then proceeded blithely—though not uncharacteristically—to present herself to the public, at a press conference held on March 10, as if there were really nothing “wrong” about any of this at all.

Well, as the saying goes, “reality is not her friend.”

Jul 4, 2012
If there is one profession of people who are clueless in detecting deception it's attorneys

As opposed to jobless, uneducated people who spend all day screeching incoherently on the political section of a gambling forum, right?

You are so stupid and laughably pathetic it is unbelievable. Go put down the Internet that someone else is paying for now, loser.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
As opposed to jobless, uneducated people who spend all day screeching incoherently on the political section of a gambling forum, right?

You are so stupid and laughably pathetic it is unbelievable. Go put down the Internet that someone else is paying for now, loser.

Surprised you know this is a gambling forum. Hopefully you get some money to bet soon. Must suck being a dead broke loser.

"See post 257"

Lmao. Mr Worthless strikes out again today!

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Teachers’ Union President Knew About Clinton’s Personal Email[/h]American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten says its existence wasn’t ‘secret’


Randi Weingarten / AP

BY: Lachlan Markay
March 17, 2015 12:15 pm

A long-time Hillary Clinton supporter who heads the nation’s second largest teachers’ union says she was aware of the former Secretary of State’s personal email address before the New York Times reported its existence two weeks ago.
Randi Weingarten, a donor to Clinton’s previous presidential run and to the Super PAC backing her likely 2016 bid, said on Twitter over the weekend that the existence of the email account was not “secret.”
Asked if she was aware of the personal email account, hdr22@clintonemail.com, before the Timespublished its scoop, Weingarten gave a one-word reply: “yes.”
Weingarten did not respond to emailed follow-up questions, making it difficult to know whether she had personally emailed Clinton or whether they discussed official business or personal matters.
However, her admission suggests that Clinton allies were aware of her use of a personal email address—run on a custom, self-hosted web domain—even as the State Department stonewalled reporters and congressional investigators seeking Clinton’s emails.
State’s refusal to turn over those emails has resulted in two lawsuits by news organizations, additional legal action by conservative groups, and a subpoena from a select House committee investigating the 2012 attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi.
Investigators involved in the latter effort first requested emails to and from Clinton a week after the attack took place. More than a year and a half later, State turned over a number of documents—but no emails to or from Clinton.
Subsequent document requests turned up emails from Clinton’s personal address. But State wastelling reporters in the meantime that it could not locate emails between Clinton and some of her top advisers.
However, even political supporters such as Weingarten appear to have corresponded with Clinton, or at least been aware of her personal email address.
Weingarten is a long-time Clinton ally. She has donated $3,250 to her Senate and presidential campaigns, and $1,000 to Ready for Hillary, the Super PAC backing her expected presidential run.
Asked last year whether she would support Clinton’s candidacy, Weingarten played coy. “Frankly, I don’t know whether she’s running or not,” she told the Educational Writers Association.
However, she has heaped praise on the likely Democratic nominee. AFT members “feel like she’s their colleague, that she’s their champion, that she is someone who worked doggedly in 2008 or worked doggedly as their senator.”
The union itself is a major donor to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, the former secretary of state’s primary means of staying in the political spotlight since leaving her post.
AFT has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the foundation, according to the foundation’s website, including a $250,000 contribution last year. The AFL-CIO, with which AFT is affiliated, has donated as much as $50,000.
Weingarten is also deeply involved with the Democracy Alliance, a shadowy left-wing donor club that includes a number of high-profile Clinton supporters. DA donors Steve and Amber Mostyn arefounding members of Ready for Hillary. Another DA donor, Susie Buell, has given the group $25,000.
Weingarten has cited DA-supported groups pushing back against criticism of Clinton over her private email. She has promoted work by Media Matters, a pro-Clinton research outfit backed by millions in DA funds, to try to stem criticism of the former secretary of state.


New member
Jan 9, 2009

POLL: Dem support for Hill softens...

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Reuters Poll: 90% of Americans Say Clinton Knew What She Was Doing With Email System[/h]



BY: Daniel Bassali
March 19, 2015 10:25 am

Hillary Clinton has damaged her reputation with Democrats, according to a Reuters pollreleased Thursday.
The poll unveiled a disturbing trend for the Clinton campaign: Even her supporters do not trust her.
More than 75 percent of respondents said they did not believe Clinton’s press conference was thorough and almost that many—73.5 percent–said she was not honest when addressing the issue during a press conference last week.
Ninety percent of those polled said they believe Clinton knew what she was doing with her personal email system and that it was not an oversight.
“The softening numbers really showed some concerns among Democrats–even those who support Clinton–that this controversy is just going to keep dragging on and if she doesn’t do something really forceful to address it, it could really hurt her chances when she gets to a general election,” Reuters correspondent Amanda Becker said.
The poll found that 42.6 percent of respondents said “Hillary Clinton broke the law by using her personal email account to conduct official business,” compared to only 31.4 percent that did not think she broke the Federal Records Act.
A majority of those polled felt that a third party independent review should have access to Clinton’s email server.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
What is funny is she thinks (and so do her supporters) she is so clever. She really just isn't that bright or talented. You can tell she hasn't been asked a difficult question by the media in years.

Nothing says "progressive" like a 67 year old grandmother who hasn't had a new idea since 1969, huh?

It's just a good thing no one cares about this e-mail scandal:


Most voters think the Democratic Party should look for a presidential newcomer in 2016, and over half of Democrats don't disagree.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Democrats should look for a fresh face to run for president in 2016 rather than promote a candidate who has already run in the past. Only 22% think Democrats should go with a candidate from the past. Just as many (23%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Ask Likely Democratic Voters that same question, and a plurality (44%) believes the party should promote a candidate who has already run in the past. That’s no surprise, given that Hillary Clinton, who unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, is the overwhelming favorite for 2016.
What is surprising, though, is that 57% of Democrats won’t commit to someone from the past, with 36% who think their party needs a fresh face and a sizable 21% who are undecided.

Not that surprising, IMO. Dimocraps have shifted away from the Woodstock era leftovers like Hillary and have become completely radicalized. The Stuttering Clusterfuck is the new face of the party, and today's dims want to basically implement full government control over every single aspect of everyone's life. The Clintons met their match when it comes to playing hard core politics. If anyone would like to make me a wager that Hillary will win the dim nomination in 2016, I'm open to discuss.

Anyway...normally, I wouldn't even bother to read poker fraud's posts/opinions since they are so utterly worthless. I keep doing so, however, because it amazes me someone can literally be that dumb. Kind of like how you can't take your eyes off a huge car wreck when you drive past it.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
It's just a good thing no one cares about this e-mail scandal:


Most voters think the Democratic Party should look for a presidential newcomer in 2016, and over half of Democrats don't disagree.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Democrats should look for a fresh face to run for president in 2016 rather than promote a candidate who has already run in the past. Only 22% think Democrats should go with a candidate from the past. Just as many (23%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Ask Likely Democratic Voters that same question, and a plurality (44%) believes the party should promote a candidate who has already run in the past. That’s no surprise, given that Hillary Clinton, who unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, is the overwhelming favorite for 2016.
What is surprising, though, is that 57% of Democrats won’t commit to someone from the past, with 36% who think their party needs a fresh face and a sizable 21% who are undecided.

Not that surprising, IMO. Dimocraps have shifted away from the Woodstock era leftovers like Hillary and have become completely radicalized. The Stuttering Clusterfuck is the new face of the party, and today's dims want to basically implement full government control over every single aspect of everyone's life. The Clintons met their match when it comes to playing hard core politics. If anyone would like to make me a wager that Hillary will win the dim nomination in 2016, I'm open to discuss.

Anyway...normally, I wouldn't even bother to read poker fraud's posts/opinions since they are so utterly worthless. I keep doing so, however, because it amazes me someone can literally be that dumb. Kind of like how you can't take your eyes off a huge car wreck when you drive past it.

And therein lies the rub. Who else do they have?

Elizabeth Warren? That will work if voting booths are restricted to bingo parlors and Indian reservations.

And then there’s Martin O’Malley. The only way he wins is if the election is held on St. Patty’s Day.

In any event Hillary will run. She is bullet proof when it comes any scandals. All you need to know is she’s a Clinton.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Imagine if Sarah Palin said this...

Hillary Clinton Says to Fix The 'Fun-Deficit' in America, 'We Really Need Camps for Adults'

By the way, this clip comes from what may well have been her last paid speech before announcing her candidacy. Typically she gets 250 large to speak for 25 minutes, which means what you’re about to see is literally a $10,000 riff. We deserve her, America.


New member
Jan 9, 2009

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

by BREITBART NEWS19 Mar 201553

Majorities of Americans support the GOP’s efforts to get Hillary Clinton to testify about her private email scandal and want an independent review of all of her emails.
According to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, even 41% of Democrats “said they supported the Republican-controlled congressional committee’s effort to require Clinton to testify about the emails.” And when respondents were asked if “there should be an independent review of all Clinton’s emails to ensure she turned over everything that is work related,” 46% of Democrats agreed with a majority of Americans–31.7% of respondents said they “strongly agree” while 23.1% said they “somewhat” agreed. The poll found that 17.2% were “not sure” sure while 28% wither “somewhat” or “strongly” disagreed.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who chairs the House Select Benghazi Committee and has subpoenaed Clinton’s emails, said on Fox News Sunday that he believed “if the public believes it is reasonable for her to turn over that server which contains public information to a neutral, detached arbiter, retired judge or archivist or inspector general, then she’ll be forced to do so.”
“Otherwise, the House, as an institution, may be forced to go to court to try to get access to that,” he added. “But again, the house has no business looking at purely personal e-mails, but by the same token, she doesn’t get to decide what is purely personal and what is public.”

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Really should have gone to the Plus Size acting pool to play the part.

I don't think this one is going away anytime soon

This is the same thing Russ and his spam box did to obama. Bunch of nonsense hit pieces from breitbart and drudge that mean nothing.

Aug 6, 2006
This is the same thing Russ and his spam box did to obama. Bunch of nonsense hit pieces from breitbart and drudge that mean nothing.

I remember a thread like that by a certain SPAMMING poster with a bunch of hit pieces on a recently reelected prime minister.

This topic is different though. Hillary is being hit hard in mainstream news outlets as well.

She'll survive this scandal and be OK for awhile.

Until the video of her munching snatch comes out :)

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