Like how you say JOBs no Americam wants to do? Think alot of American woman would want her job! You building your business sound like how Trump started. "Powers that be" Hope you're right with a non-politician for everyone's sake accept the Powers that shouldn't be!
how ironic that the disenchanted with American corporatocracy are the SAME folks ready to vote Hilliary, Bush, or a new youthful shill, Rubio in. Ha!!!!
That said, Trump's personality doesn't cut it for a lot of folks, EVEN if his policies are in line with a positive change for American lower income/middle class. He's an 'ass', lacks humility. People want to be talked to............. ' nicely'.
as for the hispanic vote? well, Trump had this to say rather recently..........
"They love me. And I’ll tell you something: If I get the nomination, I’ll win the Latino vote.”