Hilarious TRUMP Lovers

Oct 30, 2006
(Trump smoking Hillary 54/46%)
THE FINAL | Who Will Be The Next President?



Posted on July 9, 2016



Sep 22, 2007
Legit like all the Communist tards at the RX forum are going to get smoked this November....55/45 now...

Weren't you singing that same tune the last 2 Presidential elections, Liar Boy? How'd that work out for you?:think2::pointer::laughingb:nohead::bigfinger:trx-smly0:kissingbb:fckmad::Countdown

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Delegates Remain Committed to Donald J. Trump;
Anti-Trump Effort Dealt Crippling Blow
(New York) July 11, 2016 – Senior United States District Judge Robert E. Payne today ruled in favor of Trump campaign delegates who had argued – in line with overwhelming public opinion – that RNC delegates must follow election results and that delegates cannot be stolen at the national convention. Delegate Beau Correll, Jr., had brought the suit against the Commonwealth of Virginia hoping to reject the will of the voters, but was soundly defeated.

Specifically, the Court found that RNC Rule 16, which binds delegates based on their election results, “is in effect presently and that it controls the allocation and binding of delegates as to their voting at convention.” (p. 6) The Court held that the Plaintiff’s “expert testimony” from Erling ‘Curly’ Haugland was not credible, lacked “textual support,” (p.6) and that “delegates are bound by RNC Rule 16.” (p. 7)

Further, the Court found that by signing the “Declaration and Statement of Qualification,” RNC delegates are bound by RNC Rule 16(c)(2) (p. 10), and that this Declaration obligated Correll to vote in accordance with Republican Party rules and Virginia’s election results. (p. 46)

Trump Campaign Attorney and former FEC Chairman Don McGahn issued the following statement:

"The court has confirmed what we have said all along: Rule 16 is in effect and thus delegates, including Correll, are bound to vote in accordance with the election results. The court did not buy what Curly Haugland was selling, and noted that his testimony has no support in the rule's text and was contradicted by his own book, Unbound. This case puts his unbound theory to rest, and is a fatal blow to the Anti-Trump agitators.”

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- JULY 11, 2016 -[/h][h=1]DONALD J. TRUMP: AMERICA FIRST MEANS VETERANS FIRST[/h]Today, Donald J. Trump spoke at the Westin Virginia Beach Town Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Mr. Trump declared a commitment to upholding law and order in this country, and fighting to ensure that our veterans are served with the best medical care. The Clinton/Obama administration has betrayed our veterans' trust. Mr. Trump unveiled a 10-point plan to reform the VA and place veterans’ healthcare as a top priority. A transcript of the prepared remarks can be viewed via the link below:

New member
Nov 10, 2010
- JULY 11, 2016 -


The Clinton/Obama era has been disastrous for our nation's veterans. Under their failed leadership, too many of our nation's finest died waiting to receive medical help from injuries suffered protecting our country. Clinton's refusal to acknowledge the "widespread" and "systemic failures" that exist in our VA is only intensifying the problems. As Americans we need to demand more from our public officials to serve our heroes as they served us. The Clinton/Obama way of enriching bureaucrats who fail our veterans is wrong.


In May, A Senate Investigation Revealed Widespread "Systemic Failures" By The Veteran Affairs Inspector General's Review Of The Veteran Affairs Medical Center In Tomah, Wis..." "A Senate investigation of poor health care at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Tomah, Wis., found systemic failures in a VA inspector general's review of the facility that raise questions about the internal watchdog's ability to ensure adequate health care for veterans nationwide… One of the biggest failures identified by Senate investigators was the inspector general's decision not to release its investigation report, which concluded two providers at the facility had been prescribing alarming levels of narcotics." (Donovan Slack, "Senate Investigation finds 'Systemic' Failures At VA Watchdog," USA Today , 05/31/16)

  • The Probe Found The VA's Inspector General "Discounted Key Evidence And Witness Testimony, Needlessly Narrowed Its Inquiry And Has No Standard For Determining Wrongdoing." "The probe by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee found the inspector general's office, which is charged with independently investigating VA complaints, discounted key evidence and witness testimony, needlessly narrowed its inquiry and has no standard for determining wrongdoing." (Donovan Slack, "Senate Investigation finds 'Systemic' Failures At VA Watchdog," USA Today , 05/31/16)
"One Of The Biggest Failures" Was That The VA IG Failed To Release An Investigative Report That Would Have Forced VA Officials To Publicly Address The Excessive Prescription Of Narcotics At The Facility. One of the biggest failures identified by Senate investigators was the inspector general's decision not to release its investigation report, which concluded two providers at the facility had been prescribing alarming levels of narcotics. The facility's chief of staff at the time was David Houlihan, a physician veterans had nick-named 'candy man' because he doled out so many pills. Releasing the report would have forced VA officials to publicly address the issue and ensured follow up by the inspector general to make sure the VA took action. Instead, the inspector general's office briefed local VA officials and closed the case." (Donovan Slack, "Senate Investigation finds 'Systemic' Failures At VA Watchdog," USA Today , 05/31/16)

  • The Chief Of Staff At A VA Facility Was Nick-Named "Candy Man" For Prescribing So Many Pills. "The facility's chief of staff at the time was David Houlihan, a physician veterans had nick-named 'candy man' because he doled out so many pills. Releasing the report would have forced VA officials to publicly address the issue and ensured follow up by the inspector general to make sure the VA took action. Instead, the inspector general's office briefed local VA officials and closed the case." (Donovan Slack, "Senate Investigation finds 'Systemic' Failures At VA Watchdog," USA Today , 05/31/16)
The Investigation Raised Concerns That The VA's Watchdog Is Able To Ensure "Adequate Health Care For Veterans Nationwide." "A Senate investigation of poor health care at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Tomah, Wis., found systemic failures in a VA inspector general's review of the facility that raise questions about the internal watchdog's ability to ensure adequate health care for veterans nationwide." (Donovan Slack, "Senate Investigation finds 'Systemic' Failures At VA Watchdog," USA Today , 05/31/16)
According To The Report, In Three Months "The VA Investigated And Substantiated A Majority Of The Allegations That The VA OIG Could Not Substantiate After Several Years." "'In just three months, the VA investigated and substantiated a majority of the allegations that the VA OIG could not substantiate after several years,' the committee report notes." (Donovan Slack, "Senate Investigation finds 'Systemic' Failures At VA Watchdog," USA Today , 05/31/16)
An Internal VA Investigation Also Found Widespread Problems
An Internal Department Of Veterans Affairs Investigation Found That Schedulers Routinely Misreported When Patients Actually Wanted To See A Doctor Or Receive Care, Making It Impossible To Track Delays. "An internal Department of Veterans Affairs investigation found that schedulers in Texas routinely misreported when patients actually wanted to see a doctor or get some other type of care, making it impossible to track delays in the care they received." (Will Weissert, "Internal VA Report Finds Misleading Wait Time Data In Texas," The Associated Press , 3/10/16)

  • The Report Tracked Problems In Clinics And Medical Facilities In Central And South Texas. "The report released Tuesday by the VA's Office of Inspector General tracks problems in clinics and medical facilities in central and South Texas." (Will Weissert, "Internal VA Report Finds Misleading Wait Time Data In Texas," The Associated Press , 3/10/16)

  • According To The Report, Schedulers Listed The First Available Date That A Patient Could Be Seen As The Date That A Patient Had Wanted To Be Seen. "According to the report, schedulers often listed the first available date that a patient could be seen as the date that a patient had wanted to be seen. This meant there was no way to track how much longer those seeking care waited to get it." (Will Weissert, "Internal VA Report Finds Misleading Wait Time Data In Texas," The Associated Press , 3/10/16)

  • VA Employees Reported That They Sometimes Engaged In Misleading Scheduling At The Behest Of Their Supervisors. "VA employees reported to investigators that they sometimes engaged in misleading scheduling at the behest of their supervisors." (Will Weissert, "Internal VA Report Finds Misleading Wait Time Data In Texas," The Associated Press , 3/10/16)
An Employee At An Austin Clinic Said her Supervisor Taught Her How To Make Patient Wait Times Equal To Zero. "An employee at an Austin clinic said her supervisor and another employee taught her how to make patient wait times equal zero by manipulating appointment dates, and that she was again trained to "zero out" wait times after moving to another facility."(Will Weissert, "Internal VA Report Finds Misleading Wait Time Data In Texas," The Associated Press , 3/10/16)

  • One Scheduler Reported That A Supervisor Threatened To Fire Her If She Didn't Zero-Out Wait Time Data. "A Kerrville scheduler reported that a supervisor threatened to fire her if she didn't zero-out wait time data." (Will Weissert, "Internal VA Report Finds Misleading Wait Time Data In Texas," The Associated Press , 3/10/16)
In A Previous Report, The VA Inspector General Also Found Widespread Problems At VA Facilities
The VA IG Found Serious Fraud And Regulatory Violations At 51 VA Medical Facilities But Failed To Recommend Corrective Actions. "Investigators for the Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General found serious fraud and regulatory violations linked to scheduling problems at 51 VA medical facilities, but then failed to recommend any corrective actions." (Ethan Barton, "VA Watchdog Finds Serious Fraud, But Suggests NO Corrective Action," Daily Caller, 2/26/16)

  • IG Investigators Failed To Adequately Investigate Whistleblower Disclosures. "[T]he VA IG 'failed to adequately investigate whistleblower disclosures about veterans' access to mental healthcare,' the Office of Special Counsel reported Thursday. Two whistleblowers… reported that they were required to 'violate VA scheduling protocols,' which 'created a false appearance of acceptable wait times while masking significant delays in veterans' access to care,' OSC wrote in a letter to Congress and the White House. 'The OIG failed to adequately address the whistleblowers' core concerns about access to care and whether these practices violated VA directives,' the letter said. The IG 'limited its investigation to whether' employees were using 'secret' spreadsheets outside the VA's official scheduling system, rather than if there was an issue with access to mental health care or wait times"(Ethan Barton, "VA Watchdog Finds Serious Fraud, But Suggests NO Corrective Action," Daily Caller, 2/26/16)
Special Counsel Said That VA Investigation Into Misconduct Allegations Was "Incomplete" Because It Didn't Respond To Issues Raised By The Whistleblower."The OIG investigations that the VA submitted in response to both referrals are incomplete. They do not respond to the issues that the whistleblower raised." (Carolyn Lerner, U.S. Office of Special Counsel, Letter To The President, 2/25/16)

  • The OIG Investigations Found Evidence To Support Whistleblower Allegations That VA Employees Were Intentionally Working Outside Of Official Systems. "The OIG investigations found evidence to support the whistleblowers allegations that employees were using separate spreadsheets outside of the VA's electronic scheduling and patient record systems." (Carolyn Lerner, U.S. Office of Special Counsel, Letter To The President, 2/25/16)

  • The OIG Limited Its Review To Whether The Spreadsheets Were 'Secret.' "The OIG largely limited its review to determining whether these separate spreadsheets were 'secret.'" (Carolyn Lerner, U.S. Office of Special Counsel, Letter To The President,2/25/16)

  • "The Special Counsel Determined That The Agency Report Does Not Meet The Statutory Requirements, Nor Do the Agency's Findings Appear Reasonable.""Specifically, the report offers no findings regarding the allegations that scheduling personnel failed to follow proper scheduling protocol and were not properly trained on agency scheduling policies and practices, or that management encouraged the manipulation of electronic scheduling system." (Carolyn Lerner, U.S. Office of Special Counsel, Letter To The President, 2/25/16)

  • The Evidence Does Not Fully Support The VA's Findings And Conclusions. "The evidence does not fully support the VA's findings and conclusions." (Carolyn Lerner, U.S. Office of Special Counsel, Letter To The President, 2/25/16)

  • The Report Does Not Sufficiently Address The Whistleblower's Allegation That There Was A Significant Delay In Access To Care That The VA Electronic Scheduling System Did Not Reflect, Which Endangered Public Health And Safety. "The report does not sufficiently address Mr. Wilke's allegation that there was a significant delay in access to care in the Overton Brooks Mental Health Clinic that the VA electronic scheduling system did not accurately reflect, which endangered public health and safety."(Carolyn Lerner, U.S. Office of Special Counsel, Letter To The President, 2/25/16)

In An October 2015 Interview, Clinton Said The VA Scandal Has "Not Been As Widespread As It Has Been Made Out To Be ." CLINTON: "Yeah, and I don't understand that. You know, I don't understand why we have such a problem, because there have been a number of surveys of veterans, and overall, veterans who do get treated are satisfied with their treatment. Now…" MSNBC'S RACHEL MADDOW: "Much more so than people in the regular system." CLINTON: "That's exactly right." MSNBC'S RACHEL MADDOW: "Yeah. Right." CLINTON: "Now, nobody would believe that from the coverage that you see, and the constant berating of the VA that comes from the Republicans, in part in pursuit of this ideological agenda that they have." MSNBC'S RACHEL MADDOW: "But in part because there has been real scandal." CLINTON: "There has been. And - but it's not been as widespread as it has been made out to be." (MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," 10/23/15)

  • Clinton Accused Republicans Of "Constant Berating Of The V.A. That Comes From The Republicans, In Part In Pursuit Of This Ideological Agenda…" CLINTON: "Now, nobody would believe that from the coverage that you see, and the constant berating of the V.A. that comes from the Republicans, in part in pursuit of this ideological agenda that they have." (MSNBC's " The Rachel Maddow Show," 10/23/15)
Through A Spokesman, Clinton Refused To Apologize For Her Remarks."'Republicans are trying to suggest the only solution to the VA's problems is to privatize it, but Hillary Clinton will not apologize for insisting on doing the hard work to reform the VA, rather than ending it altogether,' [Clinton campaign Press Secretary Brian] Fallon said." (Ben Kelsing, "Republicans Take Aim at Hillary Clinton For VA Remarks," The Wall Street Journal , 10/28/15)
Days Later, Clinton Dodged Questions On Whether She Stood By Her Comments In Which She Downplayed The Scandal Plaguing The VA. QUESTION: "So this week, taking a lot of criticism about some recent comments you made about the VA, saying the scandal was overblown and that the problems aren't as widespread as people would have you believe. Do you stand by these comments?" CLINTON: "You know, I share the outrage that everybody felt when the scandal was finally discovered and people began to address it. There were clearly systemic problems and those problems must be dealt with, I've already been talking about what I would do. But I am worried about some people trying to use the fact that we need to make major reforms as a justification for dismantling the VA and I think my comments were really more directed at that. I want us to fix what's wrong, I want us to make sure that anyone who's ever served our country, no matter what age, no matter when they served, gets whatever medical support that they need and I support the program that was passed to provide the opportunity if you can't get the services that you need in your VA to be able to go out and get those services in the community. But from all of my work on behalf of veterans, there's a lot about the VA that's right, a lot that works. So let's focus on what's wrong and fix it and not let anybody use that as an excuse, because there are things that have to be fixed, to try to dismantle the VA." ( WMURInterview With Hillary Clinton, 10/28/15)

  • Clinton: "There's A Lot About The VA That's Right, A Lot That Works." CLINTON: "But from all of my work on behalf of veterans, there's a lot about the VA that's right, a lot that works. So let's focus on what's wrong and fix it and not let anybody use that as an excuse, because there are things that have to be fixed, to try to dismantle the VA." ( WMUR Interview With Hillary Clinton, 10/28/15)
VA Secretary Bob McDonnell Companies Wait Times To Disney Land
VA Secretary Compares Hospital Wait Times To Disneyland "'The days to an appointment is really not what we should be measuring. What we should be measuring is the veteran's satisfaction,' McDonald told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast in Washington, according to The Hill newspaper. 'When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line?' he asked. 'What's important is what's your satisfaction with the experience.'"(Rebecca Shabad, "Veterans Affairs Secretary Compares Wait Times To Lines At Disneyland,"CBS, 5/23/16)

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New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]JULY 11, 2016 -[/h][h=1]ICYMI - TRUMP’S TEN POINT PLAN TO REFORM THE VA[/h]Mr. Trump spoke today on the need to serve and protect those who have served and protected us - our police, law enforcement and military personnel.
Excerpts from the speech:
"We are going to reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line."
"Veterans should come first in the county they fought to protect, and under a Trump Administration they will."
"Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo"
"Hillary Clinton’s America is a country where the elite get one standard of treatment and everybody else gets second-class treatment."
"The decades of decay, division and decline will come to an end. The years of American Greatness will return."
"We are going to fight for our military and our law enforcement personnel the same way they have fought for us. We will be a safe, strong, and proud country once again."

In addition, he laid out a bold ten point plan for Veterans Reform:
Mr. Trump's Ten Point Plan To Reform The Department Of Veterans Affairs
1. Mr. Trump will appoint a VA Secretary whose sole purpose will be to serve veterans. The Obama Administration has continually placed D.C. bureaucrats' needs above those of veterans, this will not happen under a Trump Administration.
2. Mr. Trump will use the powers of the presidency to remove and discipline the federal employees and managers who have violated the public's trust and failed to carry out the duties on behalf of our veterans.
3. Mr. Trump will ask that Congress pass legislation that empowers the Secretary of the VA to discipline or terminate any employee who has jeopardized the health, safety or well-being of a veteran.
4. Mr. Trump will create a commission to investigate all the fraud, cover-ups, and wrong-doing that has taken place in the VA, and present these findings to Congress for to spur legislative reform.
5. Mr. Trump will protect and promote honest employees at the VA who highlight wrongdoing, and he will guarantee their jobs will be protected.
6. Mr. Trump will create a private White House hotline, which will be active 24 hours a day answered by a real person. It will be devoted to answering veteran's complaints of wrongdoing at the VA and ensure no complaints fall through the cracks.
7. Mr. Trump will stop giving bonuses to any VA employees who are wasting money, and start rewarding employees who seek to improve the VA's service, cut waste, and save lives.
8. Mr. Trump will reform the visa system to ensure veterans are at the front of the line for health services, not the back.
9. Mr. Trump will increase the number of mental health care professionals, and allow veteran's to be able to seek mental health care outside of the VA.
10. Mr. Trump will ensure every veteran has the choice to seek care at the VA or at a private service provider of their own choice. Under a Trump Administration, no veteran will die waiting for service. These days are over starting January 2017.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hillary Clinton Has Collected $41,347,279 Million From Employees Of Financial Services During Her 2016 Presidential Bid. (Center For Responsive Politics, Accessed 7/12/16)
Clinton Has Personally Made $3,440,000 From Speeches To Financial Services Companies
In April 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To Morgan Stanley For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In April 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To Deutsche Bank For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In April 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To Fidelity Investments For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In May 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To Apollo Management Holdings, L.P. For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In May 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To Itau BBA USA Securities For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In June 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To Goldman Sachs For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In July 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To UBS Wealth Management For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In October 2013, Clinton Gave Two Speeches To Goldman Sachs For $225,000 Each.(Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In November 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To Golden Tree Asset Management For $275,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In November 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To Bank Of America For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In November 2013, Clinton Gave A Speech To The CME Group For $225,000. (Hillary Clinton, Accessed 7/12/16)
In June 2014, Clinton Gave A Speech To GTCR For $280,000. (Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report, 5/15/15)
In July 2014, Clinton Gave A Speech To Ameriprise For $225,000. (Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report, 5/15/15)
In October 2014, Clinton Gave A Speech To Deutsche Bank For $260,000. (Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report, 5/15/15)
In January 2015, Clinton Gave A Speech To Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce For $150,000. (Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report, 5/15/15)
Clinton Also Was Paid At Least $1,000,000 Through Her Foundation For Speeches To Financial Services Companies
Clinton Was Paid Between $250,001 And $500,000 For A Speech From Carlyle Investment Management, LLC Through The Clinton Foundation. (Clinton Foundation, Accessed 7/12/16)
Clinton Was Paid Between $250,001 And $500,000 For A Speech From Citibank N.A. Through The Clinton Foundation. (Clinton Foundation, Accessed 7/12/16)
Clinton Was Paid Between $250,001 And $500,000 For A Speech From Goldman Sachs Through The Clinton Foundation. (Clinton Foundation, Accessed 7/12/16)
Clinton Was Paid Between $250,001 And $500,000 For A Speech From JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. Through The Clinton Foundation. (Clinton Foundation, Accessed 7/12/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- JULY 12, 2016 -[/h][h=1]CLINTON IS THE WALL STREET CANDIDATE[/h]According An Analysis From The Washington Post, The Financial Industry Has Been Bill Clinton's "Most Frequent Sponsor," Paying Clinton At Least $19.6 Million For A Minimum Of 102 Speeches. "The financial industry has been Clinton's most frequent sponsor. The Post review showed that Wall Street banks and other financial services firms have hired Clinton for at least 102 appearances and paid him a total of $19.6 million." (Philip Rucker, Tom Hamburger and Alexander Becker, "How The Clintons Went From 'Dead Broke' To Rich: Bill Earned $104.9 Million For Speeches," The Washington Post , 6/26/14)

  • Goldman Sachs Paid Bill Clinton $1.35 Million For Eight Speeches. "The financial sector has paid Mr. Clinton $23 million for speeches since he left office, financial disclosure statements show, including $1.35 million from Goldman Sachs for eight speeches. The Clintons met with donors last month at the investment banking firm's New York office. The family's foundation once subleased office space from Goldman in Manhattan." (Brody Mullins, Peter Nicholas, and Rebecca Ballhaus, "The Bill And Hillary Clinton Money Machine Taps Corporate Cash," The Wall Street Journal , 7/1/14)
  • Hillary Clinton Earned $400,000 From Goldman Sachs For Two Speaking Engagements In 2013. "Hillary Clinton, for instance, earned $400,000 from Goldman Sachs for just two speaking engagements back in 2013." (Julie VerHage and Charlie Gasparino, "Clintons' Wall Street Gravy Train Keeps on Rolling," Fox Business, 10/14/14)
"Financial Services, Including Wall Street, Have Been One Of The Single Largest Sources Of Money For The Clintons Since Bill's 1992 Presidential Campaign." "Such firms as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. have funneled at least $208 million into the Clintons' accounts since 1992 and the DNC when Mr. Clinton was president, the Journal found. Financial services, including Wall Street, have been one of the single largest sources of money for the Clintons since the 1992 presidential campaign." (Brody Mullins, Peter Nicholas, and Rebecca Ballhaus, "The Bill And Hillary Clinton Money Machine Taps Corporate Cash," The Wall Street Journal , 7/1/14)

  • "Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Has Been The Couple's No. 1 Wall Street Contributor, Giving Nearly $5 Million." (Brody Mullins, Peter Nicholas, and Rebecca Ballhaus, "The Bill And Hillary Clinton Money Machine Taps Corporate Cash," The Wall Street Journal , 7/1/14)
According To The Center For Responsive Politics, Half Of The Top 10 Organizations That Gave More Than $100,000 (Individuals And PACs) To Hillary Clinton's Senate Campaigns Were Large Banks. ("Hillary Clinton: Top 20 Contributors," Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 5/1/16)
According To A Washington Post Analysis Of Bill Clinton's Paid Speeches And Hillary Clinton's 2015 Personal Financial Disclosure, Bill Clinton Received $7.4 Million From 43 Speeches To Financial Institutions Or Groups Affiliated With The Industry Between 2001 And 2008 While Clinton Was Senator. (Kennedy Elliott, Alexander Becker, Philip Rucker, Tom Hamburger and Peter Wallsten, "From 'Dead Broke' To Multimillionaires," The Washington Post, 6/27/14)
During Senator Clinton's 2006 Re-Election Campaign, She "Raked In $5.7 Million From Financial Services Firms, Which Was More Than All But One Other Member Of Congress That Year." "After the Clintons left the White House in 2001, Mrs. Clinton became the junior senator from New York State, the heart of finance in the U.S. When she ran for re-election in 2006, Mrs. Clinton raked in $5.7 million from financial services firms, which was more than all but one other member of Congress that year, according to the [Center For Responsive Politics]."(Brody Mullins, Peter Nicholas, and Rebecca Ballhaus, "The Bill And Hillary Clinton Money Machine Taps Corporate Cash," The Wall Street Journal , 7/1/14)
"Financial-Services Firms Accounted For About 12 Percent Of The Total Amount Raised By The Clintons." (Brody Mullins, Peter Nicholas, and Rebecca Ballhaus, "The Bill And Hillary Clinton Money Machine Taps Corporate Cash," The Wall Street Journal , 7/1/14)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- JULY 12, 2016 -[/h][h=1]BERNIE IS NOW OFFICIALLY PART OF A RIGGED SYSTEM[/h]"Today, Bernie Sanders will be endorsing one of the most pro-war, pro-wall street, and pro-off shoring candidates in the history of the Democratic Party. The candidate who ran against special interests is endorsing the candidate who embodies special interests. The candidate who ran against TPP is endorsing the candidate who helped draft the TPP. The candidate who ran in opposition to globalization is running against the candidate who has led the push for globalization. The candidate who warned that open borders destroy the working class is endorsing the candidate with the most open borders policy in our history. The candidate who wants to reform H1-B visas is endorsing the candidate who supported lifting the caps on H1-B visas. The candidate who wants less war is endorsing the candidate who launched wars in Iraq and Libya and would lead us to a new war in Syria. The candidate who wants to get money out of politics is voting for the candidate who has made a career out of making money from politics.
Bernie's endorsement becomes Exhibit A in our rigged system - the Democrat Party is disenfranchising its voters to benefit the select and privileged few." -Stephen Miller, Senior Policy Advisor

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]Fox News and Newt Gingrich part ways as network prepares for the possibility that former speaker could be Trump's running mate [/h]
Gingrich has been an on-air Fox contributor since October 2015, offering his political opinions from the conservative end of the spectrum. But now he's a Trump booster and might become a VP nominee.

Sep 22, 2007

57/43% now to you Communist Democrat Libtards....or as duhfinch would say "Up your asses"

As usual, you're a lying sack of shit: Rump is even losing to Johnson, lol and is losing to Hillary among White College-educated voters 48% to 37%(Bloomberg). Good luck overcoming THAT margin, Jagoff:


Clinton Beats Trump Among College-Educated in Bloomberg Poll

The presumptive Democratic nominee’s lead extends to white voters with college degrees, a group Mitt Romney won in 2012.

Clinton Leads Among College-Educated Voters

GOP Delegate Math: How a Cleveland Coup Could Happen

Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump among college-educated white voters, a group Mitt Romney easily won in 2012 and one his Republican Party has carried in presidential contests for decades.
White voters with at least a college degree—a group that represented more than a third of the 2012 electorate—back Clinton over Trump 48 percent to 37 percent, the latest Purple Slice online poll for Bloomberg Politics shows. Romney won that group by 14 percentage points, according to exit polls.
Among all college-educated likely voters, including those with post-graduate degrees, Clinton leads 54 percent to 32 percent, a much bigger margin than President Barack Obama’s 2-point advantage with a group that represented 47 percent of the electorate in 2012. Among voters with just a college degree and no post-graduate degree, another subgroup Romney won in 2012, Clinton is ahead 48 percent to 37 percent.

The findings suggest Trump is struggling to even rebuild the losing coalition Romney assembled, although other polls show the presumptive 2016 Republican nominee doing better among white voters without college degrees than Romney did. Since 1952, no Democratic presidential candidate has won college-educated whites, according to American National Election Studies data and exit polls reported by the Atlantic.
“It's extremely hard for any presidential candidate to win an election conceding double-digit deficits among segments of the electorate that their party has competed for and won in the past,” said pollster Doug Usher, who led the survey. “This poll indicates that Trump might be doing just that.”
Read the questions and methodology here.

White voters with college degrees could help Clinton in swing states such as Colorado, North Carolina, and Virginia, where a relatively large proportion of those voters are college-educated. She could do worse than Obama did in states where whites without a college degree are more plentiful, like Iowa and Ohio.
Reflecting her gender gap, Clinton trails very slightly among college-educated white men, with Trump getting 42 percent and Clinton getting 41 percent. Among white women, Clinton outpaces Trump 54 percent to 33 percent.
The Democrat’s support, irrespective of race, grows with the poll participant's level of educational attainment. She beats Trump among those with graduate degrees 61 percent to 27 percent.
Even in a notional four-candidate field, Clinton beats Trump among college-educated likely voters, 45 percent to 27 percent. Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson received 10 percent support when included in the mix of candidates, below the 15-percent average he would need in national polls to be included in this year’s presidential debates. Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party nominee, received 3 percent.
The survey was conducted July 7-10 by Washington-based Purple Strategies, using a nationally representative online opt-in panel of 653 respondents. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points for the topline results, and a higher margin of error for subgroups.
The poll is the latest in a series commissioned by Bloomberg Politics on key slices of the electorate that will help determine the outcome of the 2016 election. The last survey, in May, found Trump trailing Clinton among middle-income voters in Rust Belt states.
Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server for official materials when she was secretary of state is her biggest vulnerability among seven items tested in the poll of the college-educated. Almost half, 47 percent, said they were bothered a lot that the FBI director determined that Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
For Trump, the most troubling vulnerability of eight tested among college-educated voters was his verbal treatment of women, including calling them names like “pigs,” “dogs,” “slobs,” and “bimbo.” Almost seven in 10 said they were bothered a lot by that.
College-educated Democrats are happier with Clinton being their presumptive nominee than college-educated Republicans are about Trump being theirs.
Almost a third of college-educated Democrats likely to vote, 30 percent, said they would prefer to see Clinton replaced as the nominee, while 58 percent said they would prefer that she remain the nominee. College-educated Republicans are nearly evenly split, with 43 percent supporting Trump to remain as their nominee and 42 percent preferring that he be replaced.

Clinton dominates Trump in most of the 16 candidate traits tested in the poll. The biggest gaps in those measures were on temperament, where she scored 60 percent and he received 15 percent, and foreign-policy skills, where she leads 61 percent to 18 percent.
She also dominates him on fighting for the middle class, being ready to lead the country on day one in office, ability to get things done in Washington, understanding the challenges facing people, being a good role model for children, sharing similar values as the likely voter interviewed, and caring about “people like me.”
Among college-educated voters, Clinton gets twice as much support as Trump on which would be “a good guest in my home.”
She more narrowly beats Trump on fighting terrorist threats at home and abroad, 42 percent to 37 percent, and on trustworthiness, 31 percent to 20 percent.
The one topic where Trump had a distinct advantage over Clinton among college-educated voters was on changing the way Washington does business, where Trump scored 49 percent to Clinton’s 17 percent. He also narrowly edged her out on which candidate would rein in the power of Wall Street, with 29 percent picking Trump and 24 percent Clinton.
The two are basically even among college-educated voters when it comes to having new ideas to lead the nation into the future and knowing how to create jobs.
Despite her strong electoral support among college-educated voters likely to vote, Clinton is not wildly liked by them. She’s viewed favorably by 45 percent and unfavorably by 53 percent.
Trump is disliked much more by those with college degrees, with just 26 percent holding a favorable view and 73 percent holding an unfavorable one. Two of Trump’s potential running mates, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, are viewed almost as negatively by the group, with both men seen unfavorably by roughly six in 10.
One of the reported front-runners to be Trump’s running mate, Governor Mike Pence of Indiana, is pretty much a blank slate for most college-educated voters, with only about a quarter of them knowing enough about him to form an opinion. Ten percent view him favorably, while 14 percent view him unfavorably.
Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, a potential Clinton running mate, is also not well known among college-educated voters, with only a quarter having an opinion. Those who did have a view about him were evenly split on viewing him favorably or unfavorably.
Obama is viewed favorably by 57 percent and unfavorably by 42 percent of college-educated voters. Former President Bill Clinton, at 55 percent, is viewed more favorably than his wife, as is Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, at 54 percent. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is viewed favorably by 45 percent.
A majority of college-educated voters likely to vote, 53 percent, approve of the job Obama is doing as president, compared to 39 percent who disapprove. That doesn’t mean they think the nation is headed in the right direction, with 59 percent saying it’s seriously off on the wrong track.
College-educated voters pick Clinton over Trump, 62 percent to 22 percent, when asked who they think will be the next president, regardless of whom they personally support.
Among other potential Trump vulnerabilities tested, 58 percent of college-educated voters are deeply troubled that he has proposed tax cuts for those who make more than $1 million a year.
More than half, 56 percent, said they were bothered “a lot” by Trump University, his for-profit real estate investment school that's been accused in lawsuits and by state officials of misleading students. That same percentage were that concerned about his suggestion that Mexican immigrants are “bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists.”

For Clinton, 44 percent said they were bothered a lot by allegations that she lied about the cause of the Benghazi attacks and failed to do more to protect embassy workers, while 43 percent were deeply troubled when presented with this statement: “Critics say that Clinton is totally controlled by Wall Street—they have paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches, and she'll do what they say if she becomes president.”The chairman of Purple Strategies, Alex Castellanos, has been hired by a super political action committee backing Trump that has no connection to the firm. He has no involvement in the planning or execution of Bloomberg’s polls with Purple and sees the results only when they are published.

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