Hilarious TRUMP Lovers


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Donald Trump has beaten Ted Cruz in the Indiana primary, ending the best hope of blocking a presidential nomination the Texas senator has claimed will plunge America into the political “abyss”.
Despite a day of dire warnings from Trump’s conservative rival, the New York businessman was declared victor by the Associated Press within seconds of polls closing in the Hoosier state.
With the second highest number of delegates left on offer before the Republican party convention, Indiana offered a chance for Cruz to repeat his success in Iowa and Wisconsin by urging midwest voters to reject Trump.
“The country is depending on Indiana,” he warned on Tuesday. “If Indiana does not act, this country could well plunge into the abyss … We are not a proud, boastful, self-centered, mean spirited, hateful, bullying nation.”


But by winning the 30 delegates awarded to Indiana’s statewide winnerand at least 15 of the 27 delegates awarded by congressional district, Trump now has an easy path to claiming the 1,237 pledged delegates needed to avoid a contested convention in Cleveland and win outright, and is well-positioned even if Cruz pulls off an upset in delegate-rich California next month.
With 10% reporting, Trump had won 54.3% of the vote, with Cruz on 33.9% and Ohio governor John Kasich on 9%. He now has 1,041 pledged delegates as well of the 1,237 he needs to be the party’s nominee.
The Democratic race in Indiana had not yet been called at the time of writing.
Trump has already called for Cruz to drop out of the race in a tweet: “Lyin’ Ted Cruz consistently said that he will, and must, win Indiana. If he doesn’t he should drop out of the race-stop wasting time & money,” proclaimed the frontrunner.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Thank you Indiana! #Trump2016#MakeAmericaGreatAgain



New member
Nov 10, 2010
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Thank you Indiana, we were just projected to be the winner. We have won in every category. You are very special people-I will never forget!

New member
Nov 10, 2010
RIP contested convention, 2016-2016

This race seemed, for weeks, to be headed for a contested convention. Projection after projection showed Donald Trump falling short of 1,237 delegates.
After Mr Trump lost Wisconsin those opposed to him were gleeful: 'He can't win!' they gloated.
The scenarios were laid out over and over again- if X happens on the first ballot, Y will happen on the second ballot, and so on and so on.
Strategists and journalists went to bed each night with thoughts of floor fights and white knights dancing in their heads.

As it turns out, the speculation was all for nothing. Mr Trump is going to win the nomination, and he is going to do so in the traditional fashion.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Kasich Won Ohio, and is in until the convention, Cruz overperformed in delegates, Little Marco dropped out. Drumpf is further from getting 1237 than he was before the night. I had a GREAT night. Brokered Baby Brokered!!! To Bad, you Sick Brit Twit.

RIP contested convention, 2016-2016

This race seemed, for weeks, to be headed for a contested convention. Projection after projection showed Donald Trump falling short of 1,237 delegates.
After Mr Trump lost Wisconsin those opposed to him were gleeful: 'He can't win!' they gloated.
The scenarios were laid out over and over again- if X happens on the first ballot, Y will happen on the second ballot, and so on and so on.
Strategists and journalists went to bed each night with thoughts of floor fights and white knights dancing in their heads.

As it turns out, the speculation was all for nothing. Mr Trump is going to win the nomination, and he is going to do so in the traditional fashion.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Brokered Baby, Brokered!!!!

Paul Ryan won't categorically rule out accepting GOP nom

John Harwood | @johnjharwood
7 Hours AgoCNBC.com
In an exclusive interview with CNBC's John Harwood, House Speaker Paul Ryan declined to rule out accepting the Republican nomination if neither Trump nor any of his rivals has a majority of delegates at the GOP convention in Cleveland this summer.
House Speaker Paul Ryan decided not to run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, but he declined to rule out accepting it if a deadlocked party convention turns to him this summer.
"You know, I haven't given any thought to this stuff,:):)" Ryan said Tuesday night in an exclusive interview at the Capitol. "People say, 'What about the contested convention?' I say, well, there are a lot of people running for president. We'll see. Who knows."
Getty Images
U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan

Ryan, who ran in 2012 as Mitt Romney's vice presidential nominee, has taken no public actions to encourage the idea that he could become a candidate. To the contrary, a political committee set up to draft him into the 2016 race recently shut down at the urging of the speaker's aides.

"I actually think you should run for president if you're going to be president, if you want to be president," Ryan said in the interview. "I'm not running for president. I made that decision, consciously, not to."

Yet Donald Trump, even as he has established himself as the clear front-runner in the Republican race, still faces a challenge in rounding up the 1,237 delegates he needs to be nominated on the first ballot at the Republican convention in Cleveland. Trump's challenge was steepened by Gov. John Kasich's victory in Tuesday's winner-take-all Ohio primary — which keeps Kasich in a three-way nomination fight with Trump and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.

Ryan will chair the Republican convention, and would become a leading prospect if delegates decided to turn to someone outside the current field.

"I don't see that happening," he said in the interview. "I'm not thinking about it. I'm happy where I am, so no."

But at a moment of increasing urgency for the efforts by Romney and other prominent Republicans to block Trump, Ryan declined to categorically rule it out.

RIP contested convention, 2016-2016

This race seemed, for weeks, to be headed for a contested convention. Projection after projection showed Donald Trump falling short of 1,237 delegates.
After Mr Trump lost Wisconsin those opposed to him were gleeful: 'He can't win!' they gloated.
The scenarios were laid out over and over again- if X happens on the first ballot, Y will happen on the second ballot, and so on and so on.
Strategists and journalists went to bed each night with thoughts of floor fights and white knights dancing in their heads.

As it turns out, the speculation was all for nothing. Mr Trump is going to win the nomination, and he is going to do so in the traditional fashion.

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Photo Illustration by Emil Lendof/The Daily Beast

written by

Olivia Nuzzi

Jackie Kucinich

Still winning

03.16.16 12:50 AM ET

Trump Wins Again, But a Contested Convention Looms

In Palm Beach, the sockless loafer set comes out for their hometown hero.
PALM BEACH, Florida — “This is a really interesting process,” Donald Trump said, earnestly.

“I’m having a very nice time,” he added, “but you know what? I’m working very hard and there is great anger, believe me... I’m just very proud to be a part of this.”

He was onstage at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida on Tuesday night, having just won at least three of the five winner-take-all contests—including 45 percent of the vote in the primary here. He forced Marco Rubio, the state’s own Senator, to bow out of the race, leaving just three remaining candidates, down from the original 17.

But while Trump winnowed the field and grew his delegate lead closer to the 1,237 threshold needed to secure the Republican nomination, he didn’t do well enough to put an end to the race altogether. John Kasich, the governor of Ohio, won his home state by a decisive 10-point margin. To win now, Trump will need to claim 57 percent of the remaining delegates, and the odds of a contested convention, once considered highly improbable, are greater than ever.

By the early afternoon, while voting was still underway, there were so many news trucks surrounding Mar-a-Lago that it looked like the scene outside the Neverland Ranch after Michael Jackson died. Traffic was backed up to the ocean.

A short drive away, at the firehouse across from the Palm Beach town hall, voters came dressed in linen and pastels, with big sunglasses over their eyes and and Gucci loafers on their sockless feet.

Ira Schneider stood at the booth, in blue seersucker pants and a white polo shirt, holding Cupid, his seven-year-old Maltese, in one hand while voting for Trump with the other.

Schneider stuck an “I Made Freedom Count I Voted Did You?” sticker between two blue bows on Cupid’s head.

“I think Donald Trump’s going to win,” he said. He described himself as a Republican (Cupid’s political affiliation was not disclosed) but more importantly, he said, he’s sure that Trump is a “gentleman” because “we happen to know him… personally, somewhat.”

This was not uncommon to hear on Tuesday in Palm Beach, where, since 1985, Trump has owned Mar-a-Lago—a 118-room private club built in the 1920s by heiress and socialite Marjorie Merriweather Post. It’s a town of less than nine thousand, 29 of whom are his fellow billionaires, like Bill Gates and David and Bill Koch, one where private clubs like Trump’s, and The Everglades Club, which predates Mar-a-Lago by some 80 years (Mar-a-Lago was originally a residence), act as power centers for the sun-spotted elites.

Schneider, a New York transplant who’s lived in Palm Beach for eight years, said he was in his 70s and “semi-retired” from the “manufacturing” business. “I think he’ll be good for business, good for the country, and I don’t like a lot of the positions that a lot of the Democrats are taking and I think he’ll be a very strong candidate,” he said.

Specifically, he thinks Trump could improve “the trouble in the Middle East, Europe, the economy, and the general attitude with the public that is going on right now.”

He drove off in a white Mercedes, with Cupid sitting on his lap, but not before rolling down the window to reiterate the fact that he strongly agrees with Trump about the Middle East.

Trump has given so many victory speeches at this point that he seems bored of them. He begins by thanking the crowd, then he pivots to reminding them that nine months ago, nobody believed he could do this, then he goes about his usual stump speech and sometimes he tries to sell a raw steak.

For Kasich, however, giving victory speeches as a presidential candidate is new, and he seemed to hardly believe what was happening at his rally in Berea, Ohio—20 minutes outside of Cleveland.

Before he addressed his supporters, he walked around the stage and clapped along with them, as if watching the event happen to someone else.

“To have people believe in you and to believe that you can bring people together and strengthen our country—I have to thank the people of the great state of Ohio,” he said, “I love you.”

Bernie Zahn, a retiree who traveled to Ohio from New York to volunteer for the Kasich campaign, sported a tie with baseballs on it.

“You know this tie?” he said. “It stands for a whole new ballgame.”

But the ballgame is largely the same.

Despite his homestate win, Kasich’s support remains only marginal, and his path to the nomination nonexistent. And despite violence breaking out at his rallies and his own campaign manager having allegedly assaulted a member of the press, Trump remains on top.

He’s on top despite multi-million dollar ad campaigns by several anti-Trump super PACs that would have withered normal candidates. The ads used his own statements, made in public, against him, but they appeared to have no effect on his support in several key states.

Faced with this golden cockroach of a frontrunner, the most Kasich can hope for now is to aid Ted Cruz, who remained locked in a virtual tie with Trump in Missouri as of press time, in forcing a contested convention.

Gene Reed, an “automobile dealer and investor,” was the last man to vote in Palm Beach. He wore a pink, blue and red silk shirt and red crocodile loafers. He wouldn’t disclose who he voted for, only that he was a Republican and a personal acquaintance of the entire Trump family.

“I know Donald Trump and each of his sons and his daughter and his wife,” he said. “As a person, I think he’s a nice guy—of course, he’s been very successful—and I think he’s different than he is when he’s up there talking.”

—with additional reporting by Betsy Woodruff and Gideon Resnick

RIP contested convention, 2016-2016

This race seemed, for weeks, to be headed for a contested convention. Projection after projection showed Donald Trump falling short of 1,237 delegates.
After Mr Trump lost Wisconsin those opposed to him were gleeful: 'He can't win!' they gloated.
The scenarios were laid out over and over again- if X happens on the first ballot, Y will happen on the second ballot, and so on and so on.
Strategists and journalists went to bed each night with thoughts of floor fights and white knights dancing in their heads.

As it turns out, the speculation was all for nothing. Mr Trump is going to win the nomination, and he is going to do so in the traditional fashion.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Why a Contested GOP Convention Just Got More Likely

12:20 AM ET Updated: 1:15 AM ET


Christopher Morris—VII for TIME The Republican National Convention on Aug. 30, 2012 in Tampa, Fla. Republican voters handed down a split decision Tuesday that suggests the race for the party’s nomination will go all the way to Cleveland, raising the prospect of a contested convention that could tear the GOP in two.

Donald Trump padded his delegate lead by grabbing the night’s biggest prize, a blowout victory in Florida that knocked Senator Marco Rubio out of the race. Trump also snagged victories in Illinois and North Carolina and appeared set to eke out a fourth win in Missouri as the final returns trickled in late Tuesday. But his failure to deliver a knockout blow in Ohio gives him an uphill fight to secure the 1,237 delegates required to win the GOP nomination outright.

Ohio Governor John Kasich’s victory in the Buckeye State and Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s string of second-place finishes all but guarantee that both will stay in the race for the foreseeable future, racking up delegates at Trump’s expense. “We are going to go all the way to Cleveland and secure the Republican nomination,” Kasich told his crowd as he logged his presidential campaign’s first statewide win.

The prospect of a contested floor fight in July would be remarkable in modern electoral history: not since 1952 has a party arrived at a nominating convention without a presumptive winner. Party insiders’ determination to stop Trump could spur them to wrest away the crown, and the spectacle would create chaos for the GOP. Any move to block Trump’s coronation would be met with open revolt by the candidate’s fervent supporters.
“There will be such fury. There will be riots in the streets. It will be like France in the 1700s,” said Lison Drummond, a 74-year-old retiree from Grosse Pointe, Mich. “There’s no way they can take it away from him. The people will not stand for it.” It’s a threat the party can’t take lightly given the pattern of violence emerging at Trump’s campaign events. Security is always tight at conventions. They might need it in Cleveland.
Still, if Trump fails to notch a majority of bound delegates, the swath of the party that seems desperate to stop him will have the power to do it — so long as they’re willing to risk the party rupturing in the process. And the math and the map now suggest that Trump’s foes may get that chance.

Despite his comfortable lead, Trump remains a weak front runner, lagging both John McCain and Mitt Romney’s pace at a similar point in the 2008 and 2012 cycles. In order to sew up the nomination before Cleveland, Trump has to win roughly 55% of remaining delegates. The majority of the remaining 21 contests award delegates proportionally or by congressional district, with only six winner-take-all contests left. Some of those states are favorable to Trump, including Arizona on May 22 and New Jersey on June 7, the last day of primary voting. Kasich has indicated he’s also looking to put New Jersey into play, and his advisers are studying Trump’s record at his Atlantic City casinos.
Trump’s strength has so far been in open primaries and Southern states. But the complexion of the remaining contests isn’t quite so favorable. The South is done voting, and 14 of the remaining 22 contests are closed primaries — a format where Cruz has performed better. Trump has been beatable in the Midwest and Rocky Mountain states, where Cruz and Kasich should combine to peel away big chunks of delegates.

Kasich has added a new line to his standard campaign fare, promising to head West: “We’re going to rent a covered wagon,” he said Tuesday, presumably as a joke. His victory in Ohio, coupled with Rubio’s exit, could infuse Kasich’s sleepy campaign with momentum and money, making him a player in upcoming states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Indiana and West Virginia, as well as the more moderate Northeast.
The contest now turns to Utah and Arizona, which vote on March 22. Trump is favored in the winner-take-all Arizona contest but is an underdog in Utah. After that, the race enters a “spring break” hiatus, with only about 100 delegates being awarded over the course of a month. That puts pressure on the remaining campaigns’ organization and pocketbooks to stay alive as momentum fades.
STEP 1. Adjust the sliders to estimate the percentage of voters each candidate will receive in the remaining primaries. As you do so, you'll see the delegate count update according to the allocation rules for each state. You'll be able to tweak the results for individual states in the next step.













STEP 2. Click individual states to modify the results. These changes will not be overwritten by changes to the above sliders unless you hit 'reset.'
Mar 15

Mar 15

Mar 15

Mar 22

Mar 22

Mar 22

Apr 1

Apr 5

Apr 8

Apr 19

Apr 26

Apr 26

Apr 26

Apr 26

Apr 26

May 3

May 10

May 10

May 17

May 24

Jun 7

Jun 7

Jun 7

Jun 7

Jun 7

“No candidate will win 1,237 delegates,” John Weaver, Kasich’s chief strategist, wrote in a memo Tuesday night. The assertion was aimed at Trump, who is almost certain to roll into Cleveland with a plurality. But Kasich has no feasible route to that magic number. Cruz, who needs more than 70% of remaining delegates, has an only slightly more plausible path. His campaign spent much of Tuesday evening encouraging Kasich to follow Rubio’s lead and quit the race in hopes of setting up a one-on-one showdown with the businessman. Still, some Republican strategists see the three-man race as beneficial to the aim of stopping Trump, with Kasich and Cruz triangulating the front runner by catering to opposite sides of the party’s ideological spectrum.
The Kasich campaign at this point is ignoring the delegates. “This has happened eight times since the 1800s, in both parties. Six of the eight times, the guy coming in with the most delegates did not win the nomination. I’ve learned a lot recently,” Weaver said. Instead, Weaver plans to whip delegates on a simple argument: “Donald Trump will get his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton.”
“We’re raising a ton of money. We’ve run this campaign with $7.5 million. We’re not going to have to worry about that anymore,” Weaver told TIME at Kasich headquarters, where his longtime advisers and supporters packed a college gymnasium. After Kasich declared victory, confetti rained down. After a similar effort in New Hampshire, Kasich razzed aides that their efforts were weak. “We decided we would bury him tonight,” one advance staffer said.
Trump and Cruz have stepped up their efforts to prepare for a contested convention in recent days as the prospect appeared more likely, with the campaigns focusing on trying to identify delegates who will shift their way after the first convention ballot.
And every delegate will count. Trump’s rivals are already laying the groundwork to argue that should Trump fall far short, a majority of Republicans will have voted against his candidacy. But if the front runner falls less than 100 delegates short of the majority threshold, most GOP operatives predict the anti-Trump forces will admit defeat rather than risk a floor fight that would face dubious prospects and potentially create a permanent rift in the party.
Beyond the spectacle of a floor fight, there are organizational consequences to these internal divisions. The eventual nominee typically starts setting up political operations months in advance. Without assurances that any one of them will be the nominee — and have the funding to pick up the tabs for offices, staff and technology — the eventual standard-bearer will be at a disadvantage.
Hillary Clinton already has a cruise ship’s worth of staff at her Brooklyn headquarters, and her in-state operations began last year. Defeating Clinton requires a unified Republican front, starting now.
That, maybe, might overtake the millions of votes that have been cast for Trump. If there is anything that can bring together a fractured party, it is Republicans’ disdain for Clinton.

RIP contested convention, 2016-2016

This race seemed, for weeks, to be headed for a contested convention. Projection after projection showed Donald Trump falling short of 1,237 delegates.
After Mr Trump lost Wisconsin those opposed to him were gleeful: 'He can't win!' they gloated.
The scenarios were laid out over and over again- if X happens on the first ballot, Y will happen on the second ballot, and so on and so on.
Strategists and journalists went to bed each night with thoughts of floor fights and white knights dancing in their heads.

As it turns out, the speculation was all for nothing. Mr Trump is going to win the nomination, and he is going to do so in the traditional fashion.


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
His Dad Killed JFK - Ted Cruz Is The Zodiac Killer!


"I have watched the blood spill from their throats. I heard the cries for mercy, the pleas for pardon from his grisly and ruthless murder campaigns, but he remains resilient. Ted stays strong in his resolve to murder, and murder plentifully. If there was ever any doubt of his status as the Zodiac Killer, I am here to dispel that notion."

-Carly Fiorina, 2016

Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
38% of Florida Voters Think Ted Cruz Could be the Zodiac Killer


Let's go Brandon!
Nov 6, 2012
Time For the Donald to Act Presidential

Hopefully Trump won't be acting like such a whack job and asshole in the future or we are going to get this:


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