Obumma lied through his teeth and put out a pile of crap. Let's rip the guy trying to fix it. Yep makes alot of sense
You understand......Trump never had a plan....he just said he had a plan. He used Ryan's plan. Trump reminds me of the the Wizzard in the Wizzard of OZ......Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!! The great...er OZ has spoken.
I truly believe Trump either lies ... or more likely he does not understand what he is talking about and is just talking.
So you run for president. Claim you have a great plan for healthcare. You never give any details of what your plan is. Run with a promise that it will be implemented day one. Then you come out and say....who knew healthcare was so complicated. Are you kidding me....what an idiot. Of course healthcare is complicated. Yet you were able to con people into voting for you.
I actually agree with some of his ideas. I guess if you say enough things...someone is bound to agree with some of them. Like I agree we cant afford to be the military force/protector of the world. I total agree with this. Then he goes and says he wants to do something totally stupid like increase military spending by $50 billion. Talk about a black hole that will accomplish nothing. Cut military spending and use the money to pay off the debt.
For the record I thought Donald Trump was a huge egomaniac 20 years ago, born rich, acting like he was a great businessman (which he wasn't then and still isn't) and he is not very smart. If he was not born into money you would never have heard of him. Now that he is president ....it has not changed my opinion at all. Still all of the above.
These Washington bureaucrats are unbelievable. Not only do they want to tax the good earners in the country for all their giveaways and free welfare and med programs but now these geniuses want to impose additional taxes so the can advertise, do outreach, go knocking on everyone's door to make sure everyone can take advantage of these massive tax ripoffs. Folks can google to find any item on earth for sale but apparently people are too retarded to press a few buttons or contact volunteer agencies to look up a free or subsidized government giveaway.
Completely wrong. Trump has cut taxes and eliminated welfare. If someone wants to steal my tax money, it's now going to be very hard for them to do it now and will take a lot more than a simple google search. You're just going to have to deal with it: the liberals lost and Trump won
Can you tell me the bill number that Trump got passed that either raised or lowered taxes? I missed it in the news.
Illegals crossing the border is down 60% since Trump took office..illegals don't want to pay the money anymore to cross over , only to get sent back where they came from...Thats the difference between a strong president and a weak one..btw , That's a big WIN Vit....
Took you a few days to find a win huh? Lots of factors for that....weather, Mexico and other countries economy and trump tough talk. But if tough talk turns out to be just talk....it won't do much over the long haul. So far this trump admin is a total disaster
But glad you found something
It took almost 2 years for Obamacare disaster to get on the books , and it's a piece of crap..but only 2 months in and a health care bill isn't signed yet , it's a failure...ok...how about getting it right this time ?
Love the new bit Tommy. Very effective.Only a brain dead liberal would think taxes are the same with Trump as president as they were with Obama. Obviously people like you haven't heard about it in the news, because you only read Fake News, instead of real news sources like this one proving Trump has lowered taxes: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/785298212513021953?lang=en