Health with Hamneggs


Would be very interested in the recipes, sure. If you can post them while retaining your masculinity, please do.

There is no fiber in the juice, and it is obviously important to get adequate fiber. I can't see myself eating two pounds of carrots, an apple, handful of spinach, etc.. every day. The juice gets you all of those nutrients and minerals that you would get from the veggies/fruit, minus the fiber of course.

Snake Picks
I like this thread alot!

Ham I looked at one at Target for my mother at Xmas , almost bought it...I have been pondering one of these for about 3 years...glad you shared this one!

LMAO at the moped !

Go on and enter 2308291205 in the search window. I HIGHLY recommend this.

I have to run out and restock my supply of veg and fruit right now!

Snake Picks
Ham , how much does this cost for these drinks?

How often do you drink them and how much per drink?

Beets carrots apples , i might have to start with the big 3, (baby formula) if you will!

Fair question, and I will go ahead and calculate it since I just came back from the grocery store and I have my receipt in my pocket.

10 LBS Carrots (2 five lb bags) $6
Collard Greens $1
Beets $2.50
6 Apples $3.75
Garlic $.50
Ginger $.85
Spinach $1.30
5 Tomatoes (Roma) $1.40
2 Lemons $.90
Celery $1.30

Figure that this will make you about six 24 oz. drinks. Total cost here is $19, so you are talking just under $3 per drink. This is a good price, about half of what you would pay if you went to a juice bar. Very few cities have juice bars that have all of this stuff in them. I know of a few in Los Angeles, but there is nowhere that I know of in Minneapolis where you could get this beverage. Also note that I make big juices..they are probably bigger than 20 oz.

Yes, I started with doing just carrot and a few other things, then I graduated to green stuff, then the roots (garlic and ginger).

I forgot to mention above that I have been getting collard greens lately (lotta bang for the buck and very healthy and green). When I make spuds in the AM, I always seem to have a little bit left over, so I add some potatoe to the juice.

You will add things that you never thought of adding.

Snake Picks

Welcome to the worlk of juicing. You have just taken a step that you will never regret.

I am going to make some comments on CLEANING THE JUICER very soon. For now, I insist that anyone who is new to juicing buy a JUICEMAN JR. juicer. These are by far the easiest to clean, and cleaning some of the other ones can be very tedious.

Snake Picks
Hammy , in all honesty..out of all those ingredients i only like about 3
apples, tomatoes(summer), and lemons

I don t even know what a collard green is?

I realize i need to work on this ...

Did you get this recipe from someone?

Can you describe the taste at all ham?

I know I can handle the carrots and beets, not sure about the collard and garlic...

Blood pressure 120/82 just checked! i`m more concerned with my cholesterol , i have even alot of ice cream and chips in my time?!

Never drugs or smoked ...i do need a boost , but I`m sure spring will do that! I will get the juicer this weekend hammy...u may have to modify some of the recipes

I will start very basic! Especially when I`m paying high dollar for these things! I better atleast be able to get it down.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Journey >>

Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you are not from the south!

Collard greens are a soul-food staple, perhaps similar to turnip greens (if you've had those). They're prepared by boiling with ham-hock for ohh, about 4 hours and are usually dowsed with pepper-infused vinegar before eating. Serve with Chicken-fried steak, zipper peas and a slice of cornbread and you've got some good eats. Of course, wash it all down with a quart-sized glass of Sweet Tea and if there's still room left over...a bowl of homemade peach cobbler for dessert.

Who needs all this juice'n stuff? And grits....dont get me started on those



Don't sweat the petty the sweaty stuff!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
it was sweeter than i expected,i thought itd be bitter but the carrot & apple covered it up,(i guess).rinsed juicer with hot water

Right, the carrots are sweet and so are the apples. I will say a bit about cleaning this Juiceman Jr.

3 of the 4 parts are easy to rinse. The green part with the strainer built in cleans up easily if you take a sponge to the side of it that you can't see while it is sitting in the juicer. Some hot water and the sponge on that side of it and it cleans right up.

elmer, I'm proud of you man. You feel the difference already, don't you? I am up late tonight because I juiced at 11 PM. This stuff gives you so much energy that it should be illegal.

Snake Picks

I think that your cholesterol will improve very soon. I am not sure which ingredients are specific to improving your chol count, but I will check my book "Juicing For Life".

I can't really describe the taste of it when you add everything that I mentioned. I can say that I have gotten used to it, and it tastes delicious to me.

J, I suggest that you start simple with carrots, apple, a touch of beet (maybe) and if you want to add a drop of orange juice, that is really good.

Just carrot-orange is delicious, so that is always an option. If you go pure carrot, you will see how sweet the carrot juice is--VERY.

One comment on the beets. You don't want to add too much beet. You definitely don't use a whole beet! The amount of beet that you would use for a 16 oz drink is about the size of a medium sized ice cube for starters. Don't forget that the tops of the beets can be juiced as well.

JMAN, are you going to get it on ebay or at the local store?

Snake Picks
hammy...Im going to try your receipe in your first post tommorrow...sounds very tasty
Dante LOL, I know that the "full monty juice" doesn't sound tasty, but it's very good for you and you will eventually get used to the taste of it.

On the other hand, any mixture of carrot, apples and OJ is very tasty.

Once you start adding celery and other greens, it doesn't taste quite as good. When you start adding ginger and garlic, then you will begin to make faces after taking a sip. I will say this again, when you DO get to the stage where you are adding ginger and garlic, ADD A BIT OF LEMON and it will curb the ginger very nicely.


You will thank me later...glad to hear that you are going to get on the program.

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New member
Jun 20, 2001
Hammy(My coach,just tell me where to send the check),

A couple of quick questions:

DO I drink this before or after my moped exercise?

What is your recommended liquor to add to thisl drink? I was thinking rum, maybe Vodka?

Is it OK to smoke while I am drinking this drink or should I wait until after I finish the drink?

Thanks for all the help and advice!

Marathon Runner-in-Training

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