All good points. Let me add they don't learn how to problem solve, speak in public or conform to any sort of structure.
All good points. Let me add they don't learn how to problem solve, speak in public or conform to any sort of structure.
I use to 16 table and post at the same time.Got busted out I see. Well the next one will start in 3 min. GL!
Reno is a Libertarian! They no doubt believe in homeschooling, lol! Gotta prepare for the black helicopters!
And you still don't get it douche. No woman "deserves" to be hit by a man. For you to think so shows what kind of douche you are.
No, not at all. But people that are home schooled don't learn how to speak in public or problem solve.
I don't give a rats ass about you two bickering or taking sides. It's laughable this thread is 7 pages.
But for you to say this comment it's clear you have spent zero time with the African American community. AND I don't mean the black lawyer you know. I'm talking about inner city rough African American communities.
Come on I'm no conspiracy nut. Have no problem with home-schooling though. I think that they are usually more educated, and able to think more critically than public schooled kids. It really depends on how they are educated.