Canada has fewer than 3% of their population vaccinated,
Actually it's over 45% that have been vaccinated with at least one shot. And over 54% of those over 16.
has their largest population centers locked down,
The USA may regret not doing the same. After all the US has failed to protect some 580,000 lives of its citizens, or about 550,000 more than Canada.
and Canada's current daily death rate is indistinguishable from America's.
With all the US vaccinations, shouldn't the US doing be better than Canada now? For the overall pandemic Canada's death rate is way better than in the USA.
In fact, Canada's daily COVID death rate is higher now than it was 2 months ago which is not true for America.
Irrelevant. The overall pandemic response re deaths is a disaster for the USA. The USA is the world's leader in deaths & one of the worst re death rate globally.
The Yankees will play in front of a full stadium in a city that was the worst in the world for COVID before 40% of Canada is vaccinated. That is how shitty Canada is.
LOL. So what? And Canada has - already - surpassed 40%. See above. Canada may also soon surpass the USA in vaccinations & reach herd immunity before the USA. Canada's rate of vaccinations is now passing the USA. The USA has more people percentage wise who are vaccine hesitant, so it may be a long time, if ever, for it to reach herd immunity. Thanks to covidiots.
Further, America has a higher population density and had tens of millions of people traveling into the country while COVID was spreading,
That simply highlights one aspect of the USA's failed response to covid19. In fact many countries failed in regard to border controls.
Population density is on America. Your choice, your fuckup. Quit making excuses for your failure to protect almost 600,000 American lives.
yet America invented the vaccine you are clamoring for.
Whoever was smart enough to invent it aside, since it's irrelevant, the fact remains the US wasn't smart enough to protect 600,000 of its own citizens, is the world's leader in covid19 deaths, & a failure relative to Canada. And with their huge covidiot vaccine hesitancy problem, their relative failure may soon get even worse.